/* * Rebar control rev 4a * * Copyright 1998, 1999 Eric Kohl * * NOTES * An author is needed! Any volunteers? * I will only improve this control once in a while. * Eric * * TODO: * - vertical placement * - ComboBox and ComboBoxEx placement * - center image * - Layout code. * - Display code. * - Some messages. * - All notifications. * Changes Guy Albertelli * 1. Correct use of fStyle for fMask * 2. Rewrite to support putting bands in rows, also supports GETROWCOUNT * and GETROWHEIGHT. * 3. Make fMask in internal band info indicate what is valid rather than -1. * 4. Correct output of GETBANDINFO to match MS for iImage, lpText * 5. Handle RBN_CHILDSIZE notification (not really working) * 6. Draw separators between bands and fix size of grippers. * 7. Draw separators between rows. * 8. Support RBBS_BREAK if specified by user. * 9. Support background color for band and draw the background. * 10. Eliminated duplicate code in SetBandInfo[AW] and InsertBand[AW]. * 11. Support text color and propagate colors from Bar to Band * Still to do: * 1. default row height should be the max height of all visible bands * 2. Following still not handled: RBBS_FIXEDBMP, RBBS_CHILDEDGE, * RBBS_VARIABLEHEIGHT, RBBS_USECHEVRON * 3. GETBANDINFO seems to return correct colors in native but not here. */ #include #include "winbase.h" #include "wingdi.h" #include "wine/unicode.h" #include "wine/winestring.h" #include "commctrl.h" #include "debugtools.h" DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(rebar); typedef struct { UINT fStyle; UINT fMask; COLORREF clrFore; COLORREF clrBack; INT iImage; HWND hwndChild; UINT cxMinChild; UINT cyMinChild; UINT cx; HBITMAP hbmBack; UINT wID; UINT cyChild; UINT cyMaxChild; UINT cyIntegral; UINT cxIdeal; LPARAM lParam; UINT cxHeader; UINT lcx; /* minimum cx for band */ UINT hcx; /* maximum cx for band */ UINT lcy; /* minimum cy for band */ UINT hcy; /* maximum cy for band */ UINT uMinHeight; INT iRow; /* row this band assigned to */ UINT fDraw; /* drawing flags */ RECT rcBand; /* calculated band rectangle */ RECT rcGripper; /* calculated gripper rectangle */ RECT rcCapImage; /* calculated caption image rectangle */ RECT rcCapText; /* calculated caption text rectangle */ RECT rcChild; /* calculated child rectangle */ LPWSTR lpText; HWND hwndPrevParent; } REBAR_BAND; typedef struct { COLORREF clrBk; /* background color */ COLORREF clrText; /* text color */ HIMAGELIST himl; /* handle to imagelist */ UINT uNumBands; /* number of bands in the rebar */ UINT uNumRows; /* number of rows of bands */ HWND hwndToolTip; /* handle to the tool tip control */ HWND hwndNotify; /* notification window (parent) */ HFONT hFont; /* handle to the rebar's font */ SIZE imageSize; /* image size (image list) */ SIZE calcSize; /* calculated rebar size */ BOOL bAutoResize; /* auto resize deadlock flag */ BOOL bUnicode; /* Unicode flag */ HCURSOR hcurArrow; /* handle to the arrow cursor */ HCURSOR hcurHorz; /* handle to the EW cursor */ HCURSOR hcurVert; /* handle to the NS cursor */ HCURSOR hcurDrag; /* handle to the drag cursor */ INT iVersion; /* version number */ REBAR_BAND *bands; /* pointer to the array of rebar bands */ } REBAR_INFO; /* fDraw flags */ #define DRAW_GRIPPER 1 #define DRAW_IMAGE 2 #define DRAW_TEXT 4 #define DRAW_CHILD 8 #define DRAW_SEP 16 #define GRIPPER_WIDTH 8 #define GRIPPER_HEIGHT 16 #define SEP_WIDTH 3 #define REBAR_GetInfoPtr(wndPtr) ((REBAR_INFO *)GetWindowLongA (hwnd, 0)) static VOID REBAR_DumpBandInfo( LPREBARBANDINFOA pB) { TRACE("band info: ID=%u, size=%u, style=0x%08x, mask=0x%08x, child=%04x\n", pB->wID, pB->cbSize, pB->fStyle, pB->fMask, pB->hwndChild); TRACE("band info: cx=%u, xMin=%u, yMin=%u, yChild=%u, yMax=%u, yIntgl=%u\n", pB->cx, pB->cxMinChild, pB->cyMinChild, pB->cyChild, pB->cyMaxChild, pB->cyIntegral); TRACE("band info: xIdeal=%u, xHeader=%u, lParam=0x%08lx, clrF=0x%06lx, clrB=0x%06lx\n", pB->cxIdeal, pB->cxHeader, pB->lParam, pB->clrFore, pB->clrBack); } static VOID REBAR_DumpBand (HWND hwnd) { REBAR_INFO *iP = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); REBAR_BAND *pB; UINT i; if( TRACE_ON(rebar) ) { TRACE("hwnd=%04x: color=%08lx/%08lx, bands=%u, rows=%u, cSize=%ld,%ld\n", hwnd, iP->clrText, iP->clrBk, iP->uNumBands, iP->uNumRows, iP->calcSize.cx, iP->calcSize.cy); for (i = 0; i < iP->uNumBands; i++) { pB = &iP->bands[i]; TRACE("band # %u: ID=%u, mask=0x%08x, style=0x%08x, child=%04x, row=%u\n", i, pB->wID, pB->fMask, pB->fStyle, pB->hwndChild, pB->iRow); TRACE("band # %u: xMin=%u, yMin=%u, cx=%u, yChild=%u, yMax=%u, yIntgl=%u, uMinH=%u,\n", i, pB->cxMinChild, pB->cyMinChild, pB->cx, pB->cyChild, pB->cyMaxChild, pB->cyIntegral, pB->uMinHeight); TRACE("band # %u: header=%u, lcx=%u, hcx=%u, lcy=%u, hcy=%u\n", i, pB->cxHeader, pB->lcx, pB->hcx, pB->lcy, pB->hcy); TRACE("band # %u: fDraw=%08x, Band=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d), Grip=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", i, pB->fDraw, pB->rcBand.left, pB->rcBand.top, pB->rcBand.right, pB->rcBand.bottom, pB->rcGripper.left, pB->rcGripper.top, pB->rcGripper.right, pB->rcGripper.bottom); TRACE("band # %u: Img=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d), Txt=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d), Child=(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", i, pB->rcCapImage.left, pB->rcCapImage.top, pB->rcCapImage.right, pB->rcCapImage.bottom, pB->rcCapText.left, pB->rcCapText.top, pB->rcCapText.right, pB->rcCapText.bottom, pB->rcChild.left, pB->rcChild.top, pB->rcChild.right, pB->rcChild.bottom); } } } static VOID REBAR_DrawBand (HDC hdc, REBAR_INFO *infoPtr, REBAR_BAND *lpBand, DWORD dwStyle) { /* draw separator */ if (lpBand->fDraw & DRAW_SEP) { RECT rcSep; if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) SetRect (&rcSep, lpBand->rcBand.left-2, lpBand->rcBand.top-SEP_WIDTH, lpBand->rcBand.right+2, lpBand->rcBand.top-1); else SetRect (&rcSep, lpBand->rcBand.left-SEP_WIDTH, lpBand->rcBand.top-2, lpBand->rcBand.left-1, lpBand->rcBand.bottom+2); TRACE("drawing band separator (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", rcSep.left, rcSep.top, rcSep.right, rcSep.bottom); DrawEdge (hdc, &rcSep, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_LEFT | BF_TOP | BF_MIDDLE); } /* draw background */ if (lpBand->clrBack != CLR_NONE) { HBRUSH brh = CreateSolidBrush (lpBand->clrBack); TRACE("backround color=0x%06lx, rect (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpBand->clrBack, lpBand->rcBand.left,lpBand->rcBand.top, lpBand->rcBand.right,lpBand->rcBand.bottom); FillRect (hdc, &lpBand->rcBand, brh); DeleteObject (brh); } /* draw gripper */ if (lpBand->fDraw & DRAW_GRIPPER) DrawEdge (hdc, &lpBand->rcGripper, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT | BF_MIDDLE); /* draw caption image */ if (lpBand->fDraw & DRAW_IMAGE) { POINT pt; /* center image */ pt.y = (lpBand->rcCapImage.bottom + lpBand->rcCapImage.top - infoPtr->imageSize.cy)/2; pt.x = (lpBand->rcCapImage.right + lpBand->rcCapImage.left - infoPtr->imageSize.cx)/2; ImageList_Draw (infoPtr->himl, lpBand->iImage, hdc, pt.x, pt.y, ILD_TRANSPARENT); } /* draw caption text */ if (lpBand->fDraw & DRAW_TEXT) { HFONT hOldFont = SelectObject (hdc, infoPtr->hFont); INT oldBkMode = SetBkMode (hdc, TRANSPARENT); COLORREF oldcolor = CLR_NONE; if (lpBand->clrFore != CLR_NONE) oldcolor = SetTextColor (hdc, lpBand->clrFore); DrawTextW (hdc, lpBand->lpText, -1, &lpBand->rcCapText, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE); if (oldBkMode != TRANSPARENT) SetBkMode (hdc, oldBkMode); if (lpBand->clrFore != CLR_NONE) SetTextColor (hdc, oldcolor); SelectObject (hdc, hOldFont); } } static VOID REBAR_Refresh (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); REBAR_BAND *lpBand; UINT i, oldrow; RECT rcRowSep; DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE); oldrow = infoPtr->bands[0].iRow; for (i = 0; i < infoPtr->uNumBands; i++) { lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[i]; if ((lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_HIDDEN) || ((dwStyle & CCS_VERT) && (lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_NOVERT))) continue; /* if a new row then draw a separator */ if (oldrow != lpBand->iRow) { if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) { SetRect (&rcRowSep, lpBand->rcBand.left-2, 0, lpBand->rcBand.left-1, infoPtr->calcSize.cy); } else { SetRect (&rcRowSep, 0, lpBand->rcBand.top-2, infoPtr->calcSize.cx, lpBand->rcBand.top-1); } TRACE ("drawing row sep (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", rcRowSep.left, rcRowSep.top, rcRowSep.right, rcRowSep.bottom); DrawEdge (hdc, &rcRowSep, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_TOP|BF_LEFT); oldrow = lpBand->iRow; } /* now draw the band */ REBAR_DrawBand (hdc, infoPtr, lpBand, dwStyle); } } static void REBAR_AdjustBands (REBAR_INFO *infoPtr, UINT rowstart, UINT rowend, INT maxx, INT usedx, INT mcy, DWORD dwStyle) /* Function: This routine distributes the extra space in a row */ /* evenly over the adjustable bands in the row. It also makes */ /* sure that all bands in the row are the same height. */ { REBAR_BAND *lpBand; UINT i, j; INT incr, lastx=0; TRACE("start=%u, end=%u, max x=%d, used x=%d, max y=%d\n", rowstart, rowend, maxx, usedx, mcy); j = 0; for (i = rowstart; i<=rowend; i++) { lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[i]; if ((lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_CHILD) && lpBand->hwndChild && !(lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_FIXEDSIZE)) j++; } if (j) incr = (maxx-usedx) / j; else incr = 0; TRACE("adjusting %u of %u bands in row, incr=%d\n", j, rowend-rowstart+1, incr); for (i = rowstart; i<=rowend; i++) { lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[i]; if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) { lpBand->rcBand.bottom = lastx + lpBand->rcBand.bottom - lpBand->rcBand.top; if ((lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_CHILD) && lpBand->hwndChild && !(lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_FIXEDSIZE)) { /* if a child window exists and not fixed then widen it */ lpBand->rcBand.bottom += incr; } lpBand->rcBand.top = lastx; lastx = lpBand->rcBand.bottom + 1; lpBand->rcBand.right = lpBand->rcBand.left + mcy; } else { lpBand->rcBand.right = lastx + lpBand->rcBand.right - lpBand->rcBand.left; if ((lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_CHILD) && lpBand->hwndChild && !(lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_FIXEDSIZE)) { /* if a child window exists and not fixed then widen it */ lpBand->rcBand.right += incr; } lpBand->rcBand.left = lastx; lastx = lpBand->rcBand.right + 1; lpBand->rcBand.bottom = lpBand->rcBand.top + mcy; } } } static void REBAR_CalcHorzBand (HWND hwnd, REBAR_INFO *infoPtr, UINT rstart, UINT rend, BOOL notify, DWORD dwStyle) /* Function: this routine initializes all the rectangles in */ /* each band in a row to fit in the adjusted rcBand rect. */ /* *** Supports only Horizontal bars. *** */ { REBAR_BAND *lpBand; UINT i, xoff, yoff; NMREBARCHILDSIZE rbcz; HWND parenthwnd; RECT oldChild; rbcz.hdr.hwndFrom = hwnd; rbcz.hdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_ID); /* MS seems to use GetDlgCtrlID() for above GetWindowLong call */ parenthwnd = GetParent (hwnd); for(i=rstart; i<=rend; i++){ lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[i]; oldChild = lpBand->rcChild; /* set initial gripper rectangle */ SetRect (&lpBand->rcGripper, lpBand->rcBand.left, lpBand->rcBand.top, lpBand->rcBand.left, lpBand->rcBand.bottom); /* calculate gripper rectangle */ if ((!(lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_NOGRIPPER)) && (!(lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_FIXEDSIZE)) && ((lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_GRIPPERALWAYS) || (infoPtr->uNumBands > 1))) { lpBand->fDraw |= DRAW_GRIPPER; lpBand->rcGripper.left += 1; lpBand->rcGripper.right = lpBand->rcGripper.left + 3; lpBand->rcGripper.top += 3; lpBand->rcGripper.bottom -= 3; SetRect (&lpBand->rcCapImage, lpBand->rcGripper.left + GRIPPER_WIDTH, lpBand->rcBand.top, lpBand->rcGripper.left + GRIPPER_WIDTH, lpBand->rcBand.bottom); } else { SetRect (&lpBand->rcCapImage, lpBand->rcBand.left, lpBand->rcBand.top, lpBand->rcBand.left, lpBand->rcBand.bottom); } /* image is visible */ if ((lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_IMAGE) && (infoPtr->himl)) { lpBand->fDraw |= DRAW_IMAGE; lpBand->rcCapImage.right += infoPtr->imageSize.cx; lpBand->rcCapImage.bottom = lpBand->rcCapImage.top + infoPtr->imageSize.cy; /* update band height */ if (lpBand->uMinHeight < infoPtr->imageSize.cy + 2) { lpBand->uMinHeight = infoPtr->imageSize.cy + 2; lpBand->rcBand.bottom = lpBand->rcBand.top + lpBand->uMinHeight; } } /* set initial caption text rectangle */ SetRect (&lpBand->rcCapText, lpBand->rcCapImage.right, lpBand->rcBand.top+1, lpBand->rcCapImage.right, lpBand->rcBand.bottom-1); /* text is visible */ if ((lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_TEXT) && (lpBand->lpText)) { HDC hdc = GetDC (0); HFONT hOldFont = SelectObject (hdc, infoPtr->hFont); SIZE size; lpBand->fDraw |= DRAW_TEXT; GetTextExtentPoint32W (hdc, lpBand->lpText, lstrlenW (lpBand->lpText), &size); lpBand->rcCapText.right += (size.cx + 2); SelectObject (hdc, hOldFont); ReleaseDC (0, hdc); } /* set initial child window rectangle if there is a child */ if (lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_CHILD) { if (lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_FIXEDSIZE) { xoff = 0; yoff = 0; } else { xoff = 4; yoff = 2; } SetRect (&lpBand->rcChild, lpBand->rcBand.left+lpBand->cxHeader+xoff, lpBand->rcBand.top+yoff, lpBand->rcBand.right-xoff, lpBand->rcBand.bottom-yoff); } else { SetRect (&lpBand->rcChild, lpBand->rcBand.right, lpBand->rcBand.top, lpBand->rcBand.right, lpBand->rcBand.bottom); } #if 1 /* do notify is child rectangle changed */ if (notify && !EqualRect (&oldChild, &lpBand->rcChild)) { TRACE("Child rectangle changed for band %u\n", i); TRACE(" from (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) to (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", oldChild.left, oldChild.top, oldChild.right, oldChild.bottom, lpBand->rcChild.left, lpBand->rcChild.top, lpBand->rcChild.right, lpBand->rcChild.bottom); rbcz.hdr.code = RBN_CHILDSIZE; rbcz.uBand = i; rbcz.wID = lpBand->wID; rbcz.rcChild = lpBand->rcChild; rbcz.rcBand = lpBand->rcBand; SendMessageA (parenthwnd, WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM) rbcz.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&rbcz); if (!EqualRect (&lpBand->rcChild, &rbcz.rcChild)) { TRACE("Child rect changed by NOTIFY for band %u\n", i); TRACE(" from (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) to (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpBand->rcChild.left, lpBand->rcChild.top, lpBand->rcChild.right, lpBand->rcChild.bottom, rbcz.rcChild.left, rbcz.rcChild.top, rbcz.rcChild.right, rbcz.rcChild.bottom); } } #endif } } static VOID REBAR_CalcVertBand (HWND hwnd, REBAR_INFO *infoPtr, UINT rstart, UINT rend, BOOL notify, DWORD dwStyle) /* Function: this routine initializes all the rectangles in */ /* each band in a row to fit in the adjusted rcBand rect. */ /* *** Supports only Vertical bars. *** */ { REBAR_BAND *lpBand; UINT i, xoff, yoff; NMREBARCHILDSIZE rbcz; HWND parenthwnd; RECT oldChild; rbcz.hdr.hwndFrom = hwnd; rbcz.hdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_ID); /* MS seems to use GetDlgCtrlID() for above GetWindowLong call */ parenthwnd = GetParent (hwnd); for(i=rstart; i<=rend; i++){ lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[i]; oldChild = lpBand->rcChild; /* set initial gripper rectangle */ SetRect (&lpBand->rcGripper, lpBand->rcBand.left, lpBand->rcBand.top, lpBand->rcBand.right, lpBand->rcBand.top); /* calculate gripper rectangle */ if ((!(lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_NOGRIPPER)) && (!(lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_FIXEDSIZE)) && ((lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_GRIPPERALWAYS) || (infoPtr->uNumBands > 1))) { lpBand->fDraw |= DRAW_GRIPPER; if (dwStyle & RBS_VERTICALGRIPPER) { /* vertical gripper */ lpBand->rcGripper.left += 3; lpBand->rcGripper.right = lpBand->rcGripper.left + 3; lpBand->rcGripper.top += 3; lpBand->rcGripper.bottom = lpBand->rcGripper.top + GRIPPER_HEIGHT; /* initialize Caption image rectangle */ SetRect (&lpBand->rcCapImage, lpBand->rcBand.left, lpBand->rcGripper.top + GRIPPER_HEIGHT, lpBand->rcBand.right, lpBand->rcGripper.top + GRIPPER_HEIGHT); } else { /* horizontal gripper */ lpBand->rcGripper.left += 3; lpBand->rcGripper.right -= 3; lpBand->rcGripper.top += 3; lpBand->rcGripper.bottom = lpBand->rcGripper.top + 3; /* initialize Caption image rectangle */ SetRect (&lpBand->rcCapImage, lpBand->rcBand.left, lpBand->rcGripper.top + GRIPPER_WIDTH, lpBand->rcBand.right, lpBand->rcGripper.top + GRIPPER_WIDTH); } } else { /* initialize Caption image rectangle */ SetRect (&lpBand->rcCapImage, lpBand->rcBand.left, lpBand->rcBand.top, lpBand->rcBand.right, lpBand->rcBand.top); } /* image is visible */ if ((lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_IMAGE) && (infoPtr->himl)) { lpBand->fDraw |= DRAW_IMAGE; lpBand->rcCapImage.right += infoPtr->imageSize.cx; lpBand->rcCapImage.bottom += infoPtr->imageSize.cy; /* update band height */ if (lpBand->uMinHeight < infoPtr->imageSize.cx + 2) { lpBand->uMinHeight = infoPtr->imageSize.cx + 2; lpBand->rcBand.right = lpBand->rcBand.left + lpBand->uMinHeight; } } /* set initial caption text rectangle */ lpBand->rcCapText.left = lpBand->rcBand.left + 1; lpBand->rcCapText.top = lpBand->rcCapImage.bottom; lpBand->rcCapText.right = lpBand->rcBand.right - 1; lpBand->rcCapText.bottom = lpBand->rcCapText.top; /* text is visible */ if (lpBand->lpText) { HDC hdc = GetDC (0); HFONT hOldFont = SelectObject (hdc, infoPtr->hFont); SIZE size; lpBand->fDraw |= DRAW_TEXT; GetTextExtentPoint32W (hdc, lpBand->lpText, lstrlenW (lpBand->lpText), &size); lpBand->rcCapText.bottom += (size.cy + 2); SelectObject (hdc, hOldFont); ReleaseDC (0, hdc); } /* set initial child window rectangle if there is a child */ if (lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_CHILD) { if (lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_FIXEDSIZE) { xoff = 0; yoff = 0; } else { xoff = 2; yoff = 4; } SetRect (&lpBand->rcChild, lpBand->rcBand.left+xoff, lpBand->rcBand.top+lpBand->cxHeader+yoff, lpBand->rcBand.right-xoff, lpBand->rcBand.bottom-yoff); } else { SetRect (&lpBand->rcChild, lpBand->rcBand.right, lpBand->rcBand.top, lpBand->rcBand.right, lpBand->rcBand.top); } #if 1 /* do notify is child rectangle changed */ if (notify && !EqualRect (&oldChild, &lpBand->rcChild)) { TRACE("Child rectangle changed for band %u\n", i); TRACE(" from (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) to (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", oldChild.left, oldChild.top, oldChild.right, oldChild.bottom, lpBand->rcChild.left, lpBand->rcChild.top, lpBand->rcChild.right, lpBand->rcChild.bottom); rbcz.hdr.code = RBN_CHILDSIZE; rbcz.uBand = i; rbcz.wID = lpBand->wID; rbcz.rcChild = lpBand->rcChild; rbcz.rcBand = lpBand->rcBand; SendMessageA (parenthwnd, WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM) rbcz.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&rbcz); if (!EqualRect (&lpBand->rcChild, &rbcz.rcChild)) { TRACE("Child rect changed by NOTIFY for band %u\n", i); TRACE(" from (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) to (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpBand->rcChild.left, lpBand->rcChild.top, lpBand->rcChild.right, lpBand->rcChild.bottom, rbcz.rcChild.left, rbcz.rcChild.top, rbcz.rcChild.right, rbcz.rcChild.bottom); } } #endif } } static VOID REBAR_Layout (HWND hwnd, LPRECT lpRect, BOOL notify, BOOL resetclient) /* Function: This routine is resposible for laying out all */ /* the bands in a rebar. It assigns each band to a row and*/ /* determines when to start a new row. */ { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE); REBAR_BAND *lpBand; RECT rcClient, rcAdj; INT x, y, cx, cxsep, mcy, clientcx, clientcy, adjcx, adjcy, row, rightx, bottomy; UINT i, rowstartband; BOOL dobreak; GetClientRect (hwnd, &rcClient); TRACE("Client is (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", rcClient.left, rcClient.top, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom); if (lpRect) { rcAdj = *lpRect; TRACE("adjustment rect is (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", rcAdj.left, rcAdj.top, rcAdj.right, rcAdj.bottom); } else { CopyRect (&rcAdj, &rcClient); } clientcx = rcClient.right - rcClient.left; clientcy = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top; adjcx = rcAdj.right - rcAdj.left; adjcy = rcAdj.bottom - rcAdj.top; if (resetclient) { TRACE("window client rect will be set to adj rect\n"); clientcx = adjcx; clientcy = adjcy; } x = 0; y = 0; rowstartband = 0; row = 1; cx = 0; mcy = 0; for (i = 0; i < infoPtr->uNumBands; i++) { lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[i]; lpBand->fDraw = 0; lpBand->iRow = row; if ((lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_HIDDEN) || ((dwStyle & CCS_VERT) && (lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_NOVERT))) continue; cxsep = (x==0) ? 0 : SEP_WIDTH; /* separator from previous band */ cx = lpBand->cxHeader + /* Header: includes gripper, text, image */ lpBand->hcx; /* coumpted size of child */ if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) dobreak = (y + cx + cxsep > adjcy); else dobreak = (x + cx + cxsep > adjcx); /* This is the check for whether we need to start a new row */ if (((dwStyle & CCS_VERT) ? (y != 0) : (x != 0)) && ((lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_BREAK) || dobreak)) { TRACE("Spliting to new row %d on band %u\n", row+1, i); if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) { /* first adjust all bands in previous current row to */ /* redistribute extra x pixels */ REBAR_AdjustBands (infoPtr, rowstartband, i-1, clientcy, y, mcy, dwStyle); /* calculate band subrectangles and break to new row */ REBAR_CalcVertBand (hwnd, infoPtr, rowstartband, i-1, notify, dwStyle); y = 0; x += (mcy + 2); } else { /* first adjust all bands in previous current row to */ /* redistribute extra x pixels */ REBAR_AdjustBands (infoPtr, rowstartband, i-1, clientcx, x, mcy, dwStyle); /* calculate band subrectangles and break to new row */ REBAR_CalcHorzBand (hwnd, infoPtr, rowstartband, i-1, notify, dwStyle); x = 0; y += (mcy + 2); } /* FIXME: if not RBS_VARHEIGHT then find max */ mcy = 0; cxsep = 0; row++; rowstartband = i; lpBand->iRow = row; } if (mcy < lpBand->lcy) mcy = lpBand->lcy; /* if boundary rect specified then limit mcy */ if (lpRect) { if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) { if (x+mcy > adjcx) { mcy = adjcx - x; TRACE("row %u limiting mcy=%d, adjcx=%d, x=%d\n", i, mcy, adjcx, x); } } else { if (y+mcy > adjcy) { mcy = adjcy - y; TRACE("row %u limiting mcy=%d, adjcy=%d, y=%d\n", i, mcy, adjcy, y); } } } if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) { /* bound the bottom side if we have a bounding rectangle */ lpBand->fDraw |= (y==0) ? 0 : DRAW_SEP; rightx = clientcx; bottomy = (lpRect) ? min(clientcy, y+cxsep+cx) : y+cxsep+cx; lpBand->rcBand.left = x; lpBand->rcBand.right = y + min(mcy, lpBand->lcy); lpBand->rcBand.top = min(bottomy, y + cxsep); lpBand->rcBand.bottom = bottomy; lpBand->uMinHeight = lpBand->lcy; y = bottomy; } else { /* bound the right side if we have a bounding rectangle */ lpBand->fDraw |= (x==0) ? 0 : DRAW_SEP; rightx = (lpRect) ? min(clientcx, x+cxsep+cx) : x+cxsep+cx; bottomy = clientcy; lpBand->rcBand.left = min(rightx, x + cxsep); lpBand->rcBand.right = rightx; lpBand->rcBand.top = y; lpBand->rcBand.bottom = y + min(mcy, lpBand->lcy); lpBand->uMinHeight = lpBand->lcy; x = rightx; } TRACE("band %u, row %d, (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", i, row, lpBand->rcBand.left, lpBand->rcBand.top, lpBand->rcBand.right, lpBand->rcBand.bottom); } if (infoPtr->uNumBands) { infoPtr->uNumRows = row; if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) { REBAR_AdjustBands (infoPtr, rowstartband, infoPtr->uNumBands-1, clientcy, y, mcy, dwStyle); REBAR_CalcVertBand (hwnd, infoPtr, rowstartband, infoPtr->uNumBands-1, notify, dwStyle); x += mcy; } else { REBAR_AdjustBands (infoPtr, rowstartband, infoPtr->uNumBands-1, clientcx, x, mcy, dwStyle); REBAR_CalcHorzBand (hwnd, infoPtr, rowstartband, infoPtr->uNumBands-1, notify, dwStyle); y += mcy; } } /* FIXME: if not RBS_VARHEIGHT then find max mcy and adj rect*/ if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) { infoPtr->calcSize.cx = x; infoPtr->calcSize.cy = clientcy; } else { infoPtr->calcSize.cx = clientcx; infoPtr->calcSize.cy = y; } REBAR_DumpBand (hwnd); } static VOID REBAR_ForceResize (HWND hwnd) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); RECT rc; TRACE( " to [%ld x %ld]!\n", infoPtr->calcSize.cx, infoPtr->calcSize.cy); infoPtr->bAutoResize = TRUE; rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; rc.right = infoPtr->calcSize.cx; rc.bottom = infoPtr->calcSize.cy; if (GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_BORDER) { InflateRect (&rc, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE)); } SetWindowPos (hwnd, 0, 0, 0, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } static VOID REBAR_MoveChildWindows (HWND hwnd) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); REBAR_BAND *lpBand; CHAR szClassName[40]; UINT i; for (i = 0; i < infoPtr->uNumBands; i++) { lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[i]; if (lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_HIDDEN) continue; if (lpBand->hwndChild) { TRACE("hwndChild = %x\n", lpBand->hwndChild); GetClassNameA (lpBand->hwndChild, szClassName, 40); if (!lstrcmpA (szClassName, "ComboBox")) { INT nEditHeight, yPos; RECT rc; /* special placement code for combo box */ /* get size of edit line */ GetWindowRect (lpBand->hwndChild, &rc); nEditHeight = rc.bottom - rc.top; yPos = (lpBand->rcChild.bottom + lpBand->rcChild.top - nEditHeight)/2; /* center combo box inside child area */ TRACE("moving child %04x to (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpBand->hwndChild, lpBand->rcChild.left, yPos, lpBand->rcChild.right - lpBand->rcChild.left, nEditHeight); SetWindowPos (lpBand->hwndChild, HWND_TOP, lpBand->rcChild.left, /*lpBand->rcChild.top*/ yPos, lpBand->rcChild.right - lpBand->rcChild.left, nEditHeight, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } #if 0 else if (!lstrcmpA (szClassName, WC_COMBOBOXEXA)) { INT nEditHeight, yPos; RECT rc; HWND hwndEdit; /* special placement code for extended combo box */ /* get size of edit line */ hwndEdit = SendMessageA (lpBand->hwndChild, CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL, 0, 0); GetWindowRect (hwndEdit, &rc); nEditHeight = rc.bottom - rc.top; yPos = (lpBand->rcChild.bottom + lpBand->rcChild.top - nEditHeight)/2; /* center combo box inside child area */ TRACE("moving child %04x to (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpBand->hwndChild, lpBand->rcChild.left, yPos, lpBand->rcChild.right - lpBand->rcChild.left, nEditHeight); SetWindowPos (lpBand->hwndChild, HWND_TOP, lpBand->rcChild.left, /*lpBand->rcChild.top*/ yPos, lpBand->rcChild.right - lpBand->rcChild.left, nEditHeight, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } #endif else { TRACE("moving child %04x to (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", lpBand->hwndChild, lpBand->rcChild.left, lpBand->rcChild.top, lpBand->rcChild.right - lpBand->rcChild.left, lpBand->rcChild.bottom - lpBand->rcChild.top); SetWindowPos (lpBand->hwndChild, HWND_TOP, lpBand->rcChild.left, lpBand->rcChild.top, lpBand->rcChild.right - lpBand->rcChild.left, lpBand->rcChild.bottom - lpBand->rcChild.top, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } } } } static VOID REBAR_ValidateBand (HWND hwnd, REBAR_INFO *infoPtr, REBAR_BAND *lpBand) /* Function: This routine evaluates the band specs supplied */ /* by the user and updates the following 5 fields in */ /* the internal band structure: cxHeader, lcx, lcy, hcx, hcy*/ { UINT header=0; DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE); lpBand->lcx = 0; lpBand->lcy = 0; lpBand->hcx = 0; lpBand->hcy = 0; /* Header is where the image, text and gripper exist */ /* in the band and preceed the child window. */ /* calculate gripper rectangle */ if ((!(lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_NOGRIPPER)) && (!(lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_FIXEDSIZE)) && ((lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_GRIPPERALWAYS) || (infoPtr->uNumBands > 1))) { if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) if (dwStyle & RBS_VERTICALGRIPPER) header += (GRIPPER_HEIGHT + 3); else header += (GRIPPER_WIDTH + 3); else header += (GRIPPER_WIDTH + 1); } /* image is visible */ if ((lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_IMAGE) && (infoPtr->himl)) { if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) { header += infoPtr->imageSize.cy; lpBand->lcy = infoPtr->imageSize.cx + 2; } else { header += infoPtr->imageSize.cx; lpBand->lcy = infoPtr->imageSize.cy + 2; } } /* text is visible */ if ((lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_TEXT) && (lpBand->lpText)) { HDC hdc = GetDC (0); HFONT hOldFont = SelectObject (hdc, infoPtr->hFont); SIZE size; GetTextExtentPoint32W (hdc, lpBand->lpText, lstrlenW (lpBand->lpText), &size); header += ((dwStyle & CCS_VERT) ? (size.cy + 2) : (size.cx + 2)); SelectObject (hdc, hOldFont); ReleaseDC (0, hdc); } /* check if user overrode the header value */ if (!(lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_HEADERSIZE)) lpBand->cxHeader = header; /* Now compute minimum size of child window */ if (lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_CHILDSIZE) { lpBand->lcx = lpBand->cxMinChild; lpBand->lcy = lpBand->cyMinChild; lpBand->hcy = lpBand->lcy; if (lpBand->fStyle & RBBS_VARIABLEHEIGHT) { lpBand->lcy = max (lpBand->cyChild, lpBand->lcy); lpBand->hcy = lpBand->cyMaxChild; } TRACE("_CHILDSIZE\n"); } if (lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_SIZE) { lpBand->hcx = max (lpBand->cx, lpBand->lcx); TRACE("_SIZE\n"); } else lpBand->hcx = lpBand->lcx; } static void REBAR_CommonSetupBand (HWND hwnd, LPREBARBANDINFOA lprbbi, REBAR_BAND *lpBand) /* Function: This routine copies the supplied values from */ /* user input (lprbbi) to the internal band structure. */ { lpBand->fMask |= lprbbi->fMask; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_STYLE) lpBand->fStyle = lprbbi->fStyle; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_COLORS) { lpBand->clrFore = lprbbi->clrFore; lpBand->clrBack = lprbbi->clrBack; } if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_IMAGE) lpBand->iImage = lprbbi->iImage; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_CHILD) { if (lprbbi->hwndChild) { lpBand->hwndChild = lprbbi->hwndChild; lpBand->hwndPrevParent = SetParent (lpBand->hwndChild, hwnd); } else { TRACE("child: 0x%x prev parent: 0x%x\n", lpBand->hwndChild, lpBand->hwndPrevParent); lpBand->hwndChild = 0; lpBand->hwndPrevParent = 0; } } if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_CHILDSIZE) { lpBand->cxMinChild = lprbbi->cxMinChild; lpBand->cyMinChild = lprbbi->cyMinChild; lpBand->cyMaxChild = lprbbi->cyMaxChild; lpBand->cyChild = lprbbi->cyChild; lpBand->cyIntegral = lprbbi->cyIntegral; /* FUDGE FUDGE GetWindowRect wrong for comboboxex FUDGE */ /* fix for rebar.exe */ if (lpBand->cyMinChild == 150) lpBand->cyMinChild = 25; /* FUDGE FUDGE GetWindowRect wrong for comboboxex FUDGE */ /* fix for iexplore.exe */ if (lpBand->cyMinChild == 250) lpBand->cyMinChild = 25; } if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_SIZE) lpBand->cx = lprbbi->cx; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_BACKGROUND) lpBand->hbmBack = lprbbi->hbmBack; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_ID) lpBand->wID = lprbbi->wID; /* check for additional data */ if (lprbbi->cbSize >= sizeof (REBARBANDINFOA)) { if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_IDEALSIZE) lpBand->cxIdeal = lprbbi->cxIdeal; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_LPARAM) lpBand->lParam = lprbbi->lParam; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_HEADERSIZE) lpBand->cxHeader = lprbbi->cxHeader; } } static void REBAR_InternalHitTest (HWND hwnd, LPPOINT lpPt, UINT *pFlags, INT *pBand) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); REBAR_BAND *lpBand; RECT rect; INT iCount; GetClientRect (hwnd, &rect); *pFlags = RBHT_NOWHERE; if (PtInRect (&rect, *lpPt)) { if (infoPtr->uNumBands == 0) { *pFlags = RBHT_NOWHERE; if (pBand) *pBand = -1; TRACE("NOWHERE\n"); return; } else { /* somewhere inside */ for (iCount = 0; iCount < infoPtr->uNumBands; iCount++) { lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[iCount]; if (PtInRect (&lpBand->rcBand, *lpPt)) { if (pBand) *pBand = iCount; if (PtInRect (&lpBand->rcGripper, *lpPt)) { *pFlags = RBHT_GRABBER; TRACE("ON GRABBER %d\n", iCount); return; } else if (PtInRect (&lpBand->rcCapImage, *lpPt)) { *pFlags = RBHT_CAPTION; TRACE("ON CAPTION %d\n", iCount); return; } else if (PtInRect (&lpBand->rcCapText, *lpPt)) { *pFlags = RBHT_CAPTION; TRACE("ON CAPTION %d\n", iCount); return; } else if (PtInRect (&lpBand->rcChild, *lpPt)) { *pFlags = RBHT_CLIENT; TRACE("ON CLIENT %d\n", iCount); return; } else { *pFlags = RBHT_NOWHERE; TRACE("NOWHERE %d\n", iCount); return; } } } *pFlags = RBHT_NOWHERE; if (pBand) *pBand = -1; TRACE("NOWHERE\n"); return; } } else { *pFlags = RBHT_NOWHERE; if (pBand) *pBand = -1; TRACE("NOWHERE\n"); return; } TRACE("flags=0x%X\n", *pFlags); return; } /* << REBAR_BeginDrag >> */ static LRESULT REBAR_DeleteBand (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); UINT uBand = (UINT)wParam; if (uBand >= infoPtr->uNumBands) return FALSE; TRACE("deleting band %u!\n", uBand); if (infoPtr->uNumBands == 1) { TRACE(" simple delete!\n"); COMCTL32_Free (infoPtr->bands); infoPtr->bands = NULL; infoPtr->uNumBands = 0; } else { REBAR_BAND *oldBands = infoPtr->bands; TRACE("complex delete! [uBand=%u]\n", uBand); infoPtr->uNumBands--; infoPtr->bands = COMCTL32_Alloc (sizeof (REBAR_BAND) * infoPtr->uNumBands); if (uBand > 0) { memcpy (&infoPtr->bands[0], &oldBands[0], uBand * sizeof(REBAR_BAND)); } if (uBand < infoPtr->uNumBands) { memcpy (&infoPtr->bands[uBand], &oldBands[uBand+1], (infoPtr->uNumBands - uBand) * sizeof(REBAR_BAND)); } COMCTL32_Free (oldBands); } REBAR_Layout (hwnd, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); REBAR_ForceResize (hwnd); REBAR_MoveChildWindows (hwnd); return TRUE; } /* << REBAR_DragMove >> */ /* << REBAR_EndDrag >> */ static LRESULT REBAR_GetBandBorders (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); /* LPRECT32 lpRect = (LPRECT32)lParam; */ REBAR_BAND *lpBand; if (!lParam) return 0; if ((UINT)wParam >= infoPtr->uNumBands) return 0; lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[(UINT)wParam]; if (GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & RBS_BANDBORDERS) { /*lpRect.left = ??? */ /*lpRect.top = ??? */ /*lpRect.right = ??? */ /*lpRect.bottom = ??? */ } else { /*lpRect.left = ??? */ } FIXME("stub\n"); return 0; } inline static LRESULT REBAR_GetBandCount (HWND hwnd) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); TRACE("band count %u!\n", infoPtr->uNumBands); return infoPtr->uNumBands; } static LRESULT REBAR_GetBandInfoA (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); LPREBARBANDINFOA lprbbi = (LPREBARBANDINFOA)lParam; REBAR_BAND *lpBand; if (lprbbi == NULL) return FALSE; if (lprbbi->cbSize < REBARBANDINFO_V3_SIZEA) return FALSE; if ((UINT)wParam >= infoPtr->uNumBands) return FALSE; TRACE("index %u\n", (UINT)wParam); /* copy band information */ lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[(UINT)wParam]; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_STYLE) lprbbi->fStyle = lpBand->fStyle; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_COLORS) { lprbbi->clrFore = lpBand->clrFore; lprbbi->clrBack = lpBand->clrBack; if (lprbbi->clrBack == CLR_NONE) lprbbi->clrBack = GetSysColor (COLOR_BTNFACE); } if ((lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_TEXT) && (lprbbi->lpText)) { if (lpBand->lpText && (lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_TEXT)) lstrcpynWtoA (lprbbi->lpText, lpBand->lpText, lprbbi->cch); else *lprbbi->lpText = 0; } if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_IMAGE) { if (lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_IMAGE) lprbbi->iImage = lpBand->iImage; else lprbbi->iImage = -1; } if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_CHILD) lprbbi->hwndChild = lpBand->hwndChild; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_CHILDSIZE) { lprbbi->cxMinChild = lpBand->cxMinChild; lprbbi->cyMinChild = lpBand->cyMinChild; lprbbi->cyMaxChild = lpBand->cyMaxChild; lprbbi->cyChild = lpBand->cyChild; lprbbi->cyIntegral = lpBand->cyIntegral; } if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_SIZE) lprbbi->cx = lpBand->cx; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_BACKGROUND) lprbbi->hbmBack = lpBand->hbmBack; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_ID) lprbbi->wID = lpBand->wID; /* check for additional data */ if (lprbbi->cbSize >= sizeof (REBARBANDINFOA)) { if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_IDEALSIZE) lprbbi->cxIdeal = lpBand->cxIdeal; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_LPARAM) lprbbi->lParam = lpBand->lParam; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_HEADERSIZE) lprbbi->cxHeader = lpBand->cxHeader; } REBAR_DumpBandInfo (lprbbi); return TRUE; } static LRESULT REBAR_GetBandInfoW (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); LPREBARBANDINFOW lprbbi = (LPREBARBANDINFOW)lParam; REBAR_BAND *lpBand; if (lprbbi == NULL) return FALSE; if (lprbbi->cbSize < REBARBANDINFO_V3_SIZEW) return FALSE; if ((UINT)wParam >= infoPtr->uNumBands) return FALSE; TRACE("index %u\n", (UINT)wParam); /* copy band information */ lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[(UINT)wParam]; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_STYLE) lprbbi->fStyle = lpBand->fStyle; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_COLORS) { lprbbi->clrFore = lpBand->clrFore; lprbbi->clrBack = lpBand->clrBack; if (lprbbi->clrBack == CLR_NONE) lprbbi->clrBack = GetSysColor (COLOR_BTNFACE); } if ((lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_TEXT) && (lprbbi->lpText)) { if (lpBand->lpText && (lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_TEXT)) lstrcpynW (lprbbi->lpText, lpBand->lpText, lprbbi->cch); else *lprbbi->lpText = 0; } if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_IMAGE) { if (lpBand->fMask & RBBIM_IMAGE) lprbbi->iImage = lpBand->iImage; else lprbbi->iImage = -1; } if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_CHILD) lprbbi->hwndChild = lpBand->hwndChild; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_CHILDSIZE) { lprbbi->cxMinChild = lpBand->cxMinChild; lprbbi->cyMinChild = lpBand->cyMinChild; lprbbi->cyMaxChild = lpBand->cyMaxChild; lprbbi->cyChild = lpBand->cyChild; lprbbi->cyIntegral = lpBand->cyIntegral; } if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_SIZE) lprbbi->cx = lpBand->cx; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_BACKGROUND) lprbbi->hbmBack = lpBand->hbmBack; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_ID) lprbbi->wID = lpBand->wID; /* check for additional data */ if (lprbbi->cbSize >= sizeof (REBARBANDINFOA)) { if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_IDEALSIZE) lprbbi->cxIdeal = lpBand->cxIdeal; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_LPARAM) lprbbi->lParam = lpBand->lParam; if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_HEADERSIZE) lprbbi->cxHeader = lpBand->cxHeader; } REBAR_DumpBandInfo ((LPREBARBANDINFOA)lprbbi); return TRUE; } static LRESULT REBAR_GetBarHeight (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); INT nHeight; nHeight = infoPtr->calcSize.cy; TRACE("height = %d\n", nHeight); return nHeight; } static LRESULT REBAR_GetBarInfo (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); LPREBARINFO lpInfo = (LPREBARINFO)lParam; if (lpInfo == NULL) return FALSE; if (lpInfo->cbSize < sizeof (REBARINFO)) return FALSE; TRACE("getting bar info!\n"); if (infoPtr->himl) { lpInfo->himl = infoPtr->himl; lpInfo->fMask |= RBIM_IMAGELIST; } return TRUE; } inline static LRESULT REBAR_GetBkColor (HWND hwnd) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); COLORREF clr = infoPtr->clrBk; if (clr == CLR_NONE) clr = GetSysColor (COLOR_BTNFACE); TRACE("background color 0x%06lx!\n", clr); return clr; } /* << REBAR_GetColorScheme >> */ /* << REBAR_GetDropTarget >> */ static LRESULT REBAR_GetPalette (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { FIXME("empty stub!\n"); return 0; } static LRESULT REBAR_GetRect (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); INT iBand = (INT)wParam; LPRECT lprc = (LPRECT)lParam; REBAR_BAND *lpBand; if ((iBand < 0) && ((UINT)iBand >= infoPtr->uNumBands)) return FALSE; if (!lprc) return FALSE; lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[iBand]; CopyRect (lprc, &lpBand->rcBand); TRACE("band %d, (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", iBand, lprc->left, lprc->top, lprc->right, lprc->bottom); return TRUE; } inline static LRESULT REBAR_GetRowCount (HWND hwnd) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); TRACE("%u\n", infoPtr->uNumRows); return infoPtr->uNumRows; } static LRESULT REBAR_GetRowHeight (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); INT iRow = (INT)wParam; int ret = 0; int i, j = 0; REBAR_BAND *lpBand; DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE); for (i=0; iuNumBands; i++) { lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[i]; if (lpBand->iRow != iRow) continue; if (dwStyle & CCS_VERT) j = lpBand->rcBand.right - lpBand->rcBand.left; else j = lpBand->rcBand.bottom - lpBand->rcBand.top; if (j > ret) ret = j; } TRACE("row %d, height %d\n", iRow, ret); return ret; } inline static LRESULT REBAR_GetTextColor (HWND hwnd) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); TRACE("text color 0x%06lx!\n", infoPtr->clrText); return infoPtr->clrText; } inline static LRESULT REBAR_GetToolTips (HWND hwnd) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); return infoPtr->hwndToolTip; } inline static LRESULT REBAR_GetUnicodeFormat (HWND hwnd) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); return infoPtr->bUnicode; } inline static LRESULT REBAR_GetVersion (HWND hwnd) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); TRACE("version %d\n", infoPtr->iVersion); return infoPtr->iVersion; } static LRESULT REBAR_HitTest (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /* REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); */ LPRBHITTESTINFO lprbht = (LPRBHITTESTINFO)lParam; if (!lprbht) return -1; REBAR_InternalHitTest (hwnd, &lprbht->pt, &lprbht->flags, &lprbht->iBand); return lprbht->iBand; } static LRESULT REBAR_IdToIndex (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); UINT i; if (infoPtr == NULL) return -1; if (infoPtr->uNumBands < 1) return -1; for (i = 0; i < infoPtr->uNumBands; i++) { if (infoPtr->bands[i].wID == (UINT)wParam) { TRACE("id %u is band %u found!\n", (UINT)wParam, i); return i; } } TRACE("id %u is not found\n", (UINT)wParam); return -1; } static LRESULT REBAR_InsertBandA (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); LPREBARBANDINFOA lprbbi = (LPREBARBANDINFOA)lParam; UINT uIndex = (UINT)wParam; REBAR_BAND *lpBand; if (infoPtr == NULL) return FALSE; if (lprbbi == NULL) return FALSE; if (lprbbi->cbSize < REBARBANDINFO_V3_SIZEA) return FALSE; /* trace the index as signed to see the -1 */ TRACE("insert band at %d!\n", (INT)uIndex); REBAR_DumpBandInfo (lprbbi); if (infoPtr->uNumBands == 0) { infoPtr->bands = (REBAR_BAND *)COMCTL32_Alloc (sizeof (REBAR_BAND)); uIndex = 0; } else { REBAR_BAND *oldBands = infoPtr->bands; infoPtr->bands = (REBAR_BAND *)COMCTL32_Alloc ((infoPtr->uNumBands+1)*sizeof(REBAR_BAND)); if (((INT)uIndex == -1) || (uIndex > infoPtr->uNumBands)) uIndex = infoPtr->uNumBands; /* pre insert copy */ if (uIndex > 0) { memcpy (&infoPtr->bands[0], &oldBands[0], uIndex * sizeof(REBAR_BAND)); } /* post copy */ if (uIndex < infoPtr->uNumBands - 1) { memcpy (&infoPtr->bands[uIndex+1], &oldBands[uIndex], (infoPtr->uNumBands - uIndex - 1) * sizeof(REBAR_BAND)); } COMCTL32_Free (oldBands); } infoPtr->uNumBands++; TRACE("index %u!\n", uIndex); /* initialize band (infoPtr->bands[uIndex])*/ lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[uIndex]; lpBand->fMask = 0; lpBand->clrFore = infoPtr->clrText; lpBand->clrBack = infoPtr->clrBk; lpBand->hwndChild = 0; lpBand->hwndPrevParent = 0; REBAR_CommonSetupBand (hwnd, lprbbi, lpBand); lpBand->lpText = NULL; if ((lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_TEXT) && (lprbbi->lpText)) { INT len = lstrlenA (lprbbi->lpText); if (len > 0) { lpBand->lpText = (LPWSTR)COMCTL32_Alloc ((len + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); lstrcpyAtoW (lpBand->lpText, lprbbi->lpText); } } REBAR_ValidateBand (hwnd, infoPtr, lpBand); REBAR_DumpBand (hwnd); REBAR_Layout (hwnd, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); REBAR_ForceResize (hwnd); REBAR_MoveChildWindows (hwnd); return TRUE; } static LRESULT REBAR_InsertBandW (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); LPREBARBANDINFOW lprbbi = (LPREBARBANDINFOW)lParam; UINT uIndex = (UINT)wParam; REBAR_BAND *lpBand; if (infoPtr == NULL) return FALSE; if (lprbbi == NULL) return FALSE; if (lprbbi->cbSize < REBARBANDINFO_V3_SIZEW) return FALSE; /* trace the index as signed to see the -1 */ TRACE("insert band at %d!\n", (INT)uIndex); REBAR_DumpBandInfo ((LPREBARBANDINFOA)lprbbi); if (infoPtr->uNumBands == 0) { infoPtr->bands = (REBAR_BAND *)COMCTL32_Alloc (sizeof (REBAR_BAND)); uIndex = 0; } else { REBAR_BAND *oldBands = infoPtr->bands; infoPtr->bands = (REBAR_BAND *)COMCTL32_Alloc ((infoPtr->uNumBands+1)*sizeof(REBAR_BAND)); if (((INT)uIndex == -1) || (uIndex > infoPtr->uNumBands)) uIndex = infoPtr->uNumBands; /* pre insert copy */ if (uIndex > 0) { memcpy (&infoPtr->bands[0], &oldBands[0], uIndex * sizeof(REBAR_BAND)); } /* post copy */ if (uIndex < infoPtr->uNumBands - 1) { memcpy (&infoPtr->bands[uIndex+1], &oldBands[uIndex], (infoPtr->uNumBands - uIndex - 1) * sizeof(REBAR_BAND)); } COMCTL32_Free (oldBands); } infoPtr->uNumBands++; TRACE("index %u!\n", uIndex); /* initialize band (infoPtr->bands[uIndex])*/ lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[uIndex]; lpBand->fMask = 0; lpBand->clrFore = infoPtr->clrText; lpBand->clrBack = infoPtr->clrBk; lpBand->hwndChild = 0; lpBand->hwndPrevParent = 0; REBAR_CommonSetupBand (hwnd, (LPREBARBANDINFOA)lprbbi, lpBand); lpBand->lpText = NULL; if ((lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_TEXT) && (lprbbi->lpText)) { INT len = lstrlenW (lprbbi->lpText); if (len > 0) { lpBand->lpText = (LPWSTR)COMCTL32_Alloc ((len + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); strcpyW (lpBand->lpText, lprbbi->lpText); } } REBAR_ValidateBand (hwnd, infoPtr, lpBand); REBAR_DumpBand (hwnd); REBAR_Layout (hwnd, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); REBAR_ForceResize (hwnd); REBAR_MoveChildWindows (hwnd); return TRUE; } static LRESULT REBAR_MaximizeBand (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /* REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); */ FIXME("(uBand = %u fIdeal = %s)\n", (UINT)wParam, lParam ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); return 0; } static LRESULT REBAR_MinimizeBand (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /* REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); */ FIXME("(uBand = %u)\n", (UINT)wParam); return 0; } static LRESULT REBAR_MoveBand (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /* REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); */ FIXME("(iFrom = %u iTof = %u)\n", (UINT)wParam, (UINT)lParam); return FALSE; } static LRESULT REBAR_SetBandInfoA (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); LPREBARBANDINFOA lprbbi = (LPREBARBANDINFOA)lParam; REBAR_BAND *lpBand; if (lprbbi == NULL) return FALSE; if (lprbbi->cbSize < REBARBANDINFO_V3_SIZEA) return FALSE; if ((UINT)wParam >= infoPtr->uNumBands) return FALSE; TRACE("index %u\n", (UINT)wParam); REBAR_DumpBandInfo (lprbbi); /* set band information */ lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[(UINT)wParam]; REBAR_CommonSetupBand (hwnd, lprbbi, lpBand); if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_TEXT) { if (lpBand->lpText) { COMCTL32_Free (lpBand->lpText); lpBand->lpText = NULL; } if (lprbbi->lpText) { INT len = lstrlenA (lprbbi->lpText); lpBand->lpText = (LPWSTR)COMCTL32_Alloc ((len + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); lstrcpyAtoW (lpBand->lpText, lprbbi->lpText); } } REBAR_ValidateBand (hwnd, infoPtr, lpBand); REBAR_DumpBand (hwnd); if (lprbbi->fMask & (RBBIM_CHILDSIZE | RBBIM_SIZE)) { REBAR_Layout (hwnd, NULL, TRUE, FALSE); REBAR_ForceResize (hwnd); REBAR_MoveChildWindows (hwnd); } return TRUE; } static LRESULT REBAR_SetBandInfoW (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); LPREBARBANDINFOW lprbbi = (LPREBARBANDINFOW)lParam; REBAR_BAND *lpBand; if (lprbbi == NULL) return FALSE; if (lprbbi->cbSize < REBARBANDINFO_V3_SIZEW) return FALSE; if ((UINT)wParam >= infoPtr->uNumBands) return FALSE; TRACE("index %u\n", (UINT)wParam); REBAR_DumpBandInfo ((LPREBARBANDINFOA)lprbbi); /* set band information */ lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[(UINT)wParam]; REBAR_CommonSetupBand (hwnd, (LPREBARBANDINFOA)lprbbi, lpBand); if (lprbbi->fMask & RBBIM_TEXT) { if (lpBand->lpText) { COMCTL32_Free (lpBand->lpText); lpBand->lpText = NULL; } if (lprbbi->lpText) { INT len = lstrlenW (lprbbi->lpText); lpBand->lpText = (LPWSTR)COMCTL32_Alloc ((len + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); strcpyW (lpBand->lpText, lprbbi->lpText); } } REBAR_ValidateBand (hwnd, infoPtr, lpBand); REBAR_DumpBand (hwnd); if (lprbbi->fMask & (RBBIM_CHILDSIZE | RBBIM_SIZE)) { REBAR_Layout (hwnd, NULL, TRUE, FALSE); REBAR_ForceResize (hwnd); REBAR_MoveChildWindows (hwnd); } return TRUE; } static LRESULT REBAR_SetBarInfo (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); LPREBARINFO lpInfo = (LPREBARINFO)lParam; if (lpInfo == NULL) return FALSE; if (lpInfo->cbSize < sizeof (REBARINFO)) return FALSE; TRACE("setting bar info!\n"); if (lpInfo->fMask & RBIM_IMAGELIST) { infoPtr->himl = lpInfo->himl; if (infoPtr->himl) { INT cx, cy; ImageList_GetIconSize (infoPtr->himl, &cx, &cy); infoPtr->imageSize.cx = cx; infoPtr->imageSize.cy = cy; } else { infoPtr->imageSize.cx = 0; infoPtr->imageSize.cy = 0; } TRACE("new image cx=%ld, cy=%ld\n", infoPtr->imageSize.cx, infoPtr->imageSize.cy); } return TRUE; } static LRESULT REBAR_SetBkColor (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); COLORREF clrTemp; clrTemp = infoPtr->clrBk; infoPtr->clrBk = (COLORREF)lParam; TRACE("background color 0x%06lx!\n", infoPtr->clrBk); return clrTemp; } /* << REBAR_SetColorScheme >> */ /* << REBAR_SetPalette >> */ static LRESULT REBAR_SetParent (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); HWND hwndTemp = infoPtr->hwndNotify; infoPtr->hwndNotify = (HWND)wParam; return (LRESULT)hwndTemp; } static LRESULT REBAR_SetTextColor (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); COLORREF clrTemp; clrTemp = infoPtr->clrText; infoPtr->clrText = (COLORREF)lParam; TRACE("text color 0x%06lx!\n", infoPtr->clrText); return clrTemp; } /* << REBAR_SetTooltips >> */ inline static LRESULT REBAR_SetUnicodeFormat (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); BOOL bTemp = infoPtr->bUnicode; infoPtr->bUnicode = (BOOL)wParam; return bTemp; } static LRESULT REBAR_SetVersion (HWND hwnd, INT iVersion) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); INT iOldVersion = infoPtr->iVersion; if (iVersion > COMCTL32_VERSION) return -1; infoPtr->iVersion = iVersion; TRACE("new version %d\n", iVersion); return iOldVersion; } static LRESULT REBAR_ShowBand (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); REBAR_BAND *lpBand; if (((INT)wParam < 0) || ((INT)wParam > infoPtr->uNumBands)) return FALSE; lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[(INT)wParam]; if ((BOOL)lParam) { TRACE("show band %d\n", (INT)wParam); lpBand->fStyle = lpBand->fStyle & ~RBBS_HIDDEN; if (IsWindow (lpBand->hwndChild)) ShowWindow (lpBand->hwndChild, SW_SHOW); } else { TRACE("hide band %d\n", (INT)wParam); lpBand->fStyle = lpBand->fStyle | RBBS_HIDDEN; if (IsWindow (lpBand->hwndChild)) ShowWindow (lpBand->hwndChild, SW_SHOW); } REBAR_Layout (hwnd, NULL, TRUE, FALSE); REBAR_ForceResize (hwnd); REBAR_MoveChildWindows (hwnd); return TRUE; } static LRESULT REBAR_SizeToRect (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPRECT lpRect = (LPRECT)lParam; RECT t1; if (lpRect == NULL) return FALSE; TRACE("[%d %d %d %d]\n", lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom); /* what is going on???? */ GetWindowRect(hwnd, &t1); TRACE("window rect [%d %d %d %d]\n", t1.left, t1.top, t1.right, t1.bottom); GetClientRect(hwnd, &t1); TRACE("client rect [%d %d %d %d]\n", t1.left, t1.top, t1.right, t1.bottom); REBAR_Layout (hwnd, lpRect, TRUE, FALSE); REBAR_ForceResize (hwnd); REBAR_MoveChildWindows (hwnd); return TRUE; } static LRESULT REBAR_Create (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr; /* allocate memory for info structure */ infoPtr = (REBAR_INFO *)COMCTL32_Alloc (sizeof(REBAR_INFO)); SetWindowLongA (hwnd, 0, (DWORD)infoPtr); /* initialize info structure */ infoPtr->iVersion = 0; infoPtr->clrBk = CLR_NONE; infoPtr->clrText = GetSysColor (COLOR_BTNTEXT); infoPtr->bAutoResize = FALSE; infoPtr->hcurArrow = LoadCursorA (0, IDC_ARROWA); infoPtr->hcurHorz = LoadCursorA (0, IDC_SIZEWEA); infoPtr->hcurVert = LoadCursorA (0, IDC_SIZENSA); infoPtr->hcurDrag = LoadCursorA (0, IDC_SIZEA); infoPtr->bUnicode = IsWindowUnicode (hwnd); if (GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & RBS_AUTOSIZE) FIXME("style RBS_AUTOSIZE set!\n"); #if 0 SendMessageA (hwnd, WM_NOTIFYFORMAT, (WPARAM)hwnd, NF_QUERY); #endif TRACE("created!\n"); return 0; } static LRESULT REBAR_Destroy (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); REBAR_BAND *lpBand; INT i; /* free rebar bands */ if ((infoPtr->uNumBands > 0) && infoPtr->bands) { /* clean up each band */ for (i = 0; i < infoPtr->uNumBands; i++) { lpBand = &infoPtr->bands[i]; /* delete text strings */ if (lpBand->lpText) { COMCTL32_Free (lpBand->lpText); lpBand->lpText = NULL; } /* destroy child window */ DestroyWindow (lpBand->hwndChild); } /* free band array */ COMCTL32_Free (infoPtr->bands); infoPtr->bands = NULL; } DeleteObject (infoPtr->hcurArrow); DeleteObject (infoPtr->hcurHorz); DeleteObject (infoPtr->hcurVert); DeleteObject (infoPtr->hcurDrag); /* free rebar info data */ COMCTL32_Free (infoPtr); SetWindowLongA (hwnd, 0, 0); TRACE("destroyed!\n"); return 0; } static LRESULT REBAR_GetFont (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); return (LRESULT)infoPtr->hFont; } #if 0 static LRESULT REBAR_MouseMove (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); return 0; } #endif inline static LRESULT REBAR_NCCalcSize (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_BORDER) { ((LPRECT)lParam)->left += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); ((LPRECT)lParam)->top += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE); ((LPRECT)lParam)->right -= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); ((LPRECT)lParam)->bottom -= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE); } return 0; } static LRESULT REBAR_NCPaint (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE); RECT rcWindow; HDC hdc; if (dwStyle & WS_MINIMIZE) return 0; /* Nothing to do */ DefWindowProcA (hwnd, WM_NCPAINT, wParam, lParam); if (!(hdc = GetDCEx( hwnd, 0, DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_WINDOW ))) return 0; if (dwStyle & WS_BORDER) { GetWindowRect (hwnd, &rcWindow); OffsetRect (&rcWindow, -rcWindow.left, -rcWindow.top); DrawEdge (hdc, &rcWindow, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT); } ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc ); return 0; } static LRESULT REBAR_Paint (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam) { HDC hdc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; hdc = wParam==0 ? BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps) : (HDC)wParam; REBAR_Refresh (hwnd, hdc); if (!wParam) EndPaint (hwnd, &ps); return 0; } static LRESULT REBAR_SetCursor (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE); POINT pt; UINT flags; TRACE("code=0x%X id=0x%X\n", LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); GetCursorPos (&pt); ScreenToClient (hwnd, &pt); REBAR_InternalHitTest (hwnd, &pt, &flags, NULL); if (flags == RBHT_GRABBER) { if ((dwStyle & CCS_VERT) && !(dwStyle & RBS_VERTICALGRIPPER)) SetCursor (infoPtr->hcurVert); else SetCursor (infoPtr->hcurHorz); } else if (flags != RBHT_CLIENT) SetCursor (infoPtr->hcurArrow); return 0; } static LRESULT REBAR_SetFont (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); /* TEXTMETRIC32A tm; */ HFONT hFont /*, hOldFont */; /* HDC32 hdc; */ infoPtr->hFont = (HFONT)wParam; hFont = infoPtr->hFont ? infoPtr->hFont : GetStockObject (SYSTEM_FONT); /* hdc = GetDC32 (0); hOldFont = SelectObject32 (hdc, hFont); GetTextMetrics32A (hdc, &tm); infoPtr->nHeight = tm.tmHeight + VERT_BORDER; SelectObject32 (hdc, hOldFont); ReleaseDC32 (0, hdc); */ if (lParam) { /* REBAR_Layout (hwnd); hdc = GetDC32 (hwnd); REBAR_Refresh (hwnd, hdc); ReleaseDC32 (hwnd, hdc); */ } return 0; } static LRESULT REBAR_Size (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { REBAR_INFO *infoPtr = REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd); RECT rcClient; /* auto resize deadlock check */ if (infoPtr->bAutoResize) { infoPtr->bAutoResize = FALSE; return 0; } GetClientRect (hwnd, &rcClient); if ((lParam == 0) && (rcClient.right == 0) && (rcClient.bottom == 0)) { /* native control seems to do this */ GetClientRect (GetParent(hwnd), &rcClient); TRACE("sizing rebar, message and client zero, parent client (%d,%d)\n", rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom); } else { TRACE("sizing rebar to (%d,%d), client (%d,%d)\n", LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom); } REBAR_Layout (hwnd, &rcClient, FALSE, TRUE); REBAR_ForceResize (hwnd); REBAR_MoveChildWindows (hwnd); return 0; } static LRESULT WINAPI REBAR_WindowProc (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TRACE("hwnd=%x msg=%x wparam=%x lparam=%lx\n", hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); if (!REBAR_GetInfoPtr (hwnd) && (uMsg != WM_CREATE)) return DefWindowProcA (hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); switch (uMsg) { /* case RB_BEGINDRAG: */ case RB_DELETEBAND: return REBAR_DeleteBand (hwnd, wParam, lParam); /* case RB_DRAGMOVE: */ /* case RB_ENDDRAG: */ case RB_GETBANDBORDERS: return REBAR_GetBandBorders (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_GETBANDCOUNT: return REBAR_GetBandCount (hwnd); /* case RB_GETBANDINFO32: */ /* outdated, just for compatibility */ case RB_GETBANDINFOA: return REBAR_GetBandInfoA (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_GETBANDINFOW: return REBAR_GetBandInfoW (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_GETBARHEIGHT: return REBAR_GetBarHeight (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_GETBARINFO: return REBAR_GetBarInfo (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_GETBKCOLOR: return REBAR_GetBkColor (hwnd); /* case RB_GETCOLORSCHEME: */ /* case RB_GETDROPTARGET: */ case RB_GETPALETTE: return REBAR_GetPalette (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_GETRECT: return REBAR_GetRect (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_GETROWCOUNT: return REBAR_GetRowCount (hwnd); case RB_GETROWHEIGHT: return REBAR_GetRowHeight (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_GETTEXTCOLOR: return REBAR_GetTextColor (hwnd); case RB_GETTOOLTIPS: return REBAR_GetToolTips (hwnd); case RB_GETUNICODEFORMAT: return REBAR_GetUnicodeFormat (hwnd); case CCM_GETVERSION: return REBAR_GetVersion (hwnd); case RB_HITTEST: return REBAR_HitTest (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_IDTOINDEX: return REBAR_IdToIndex (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_INSERTBANDA: return REBAR_InsertBandA (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_INSERTBANDW: return REBAR_InsertBandW (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_MAXIMIZEBAND: return REBAR_MaximizeBand (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_MINIMIZEBAND: return REBAR_MinimizeBand (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_MOVEBAND: return REBAR_MoveBand (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_SETBANDINFOA: return REBAR_SetBandInfoA (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_SETBANDINFOW: return REBAR_SetBandInfoW (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_SETBARINFO: return REBAR_SetBarInfo (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_SETBKCOLOR: return REBAR_SetBkColor (hwnd, wParam, lParam); /* case RB_SETCOLORSCHEME: */ /* case RB_SETPALETTE: */ /* return REBAR_GetPalette (hwnd, wParam, lParam); */ case RB_SETPARENT: return REBAR_SetParent (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_SETTEXTCOLOR: return REBAR_SetTextColor (hwnd, wParam, lParam); /* case RB_SETTOOLTIPS: */ case RB_SETUNICODEFORMAT: return REBAR_SetUnicodeFormat (hwnd, wParam); case CCM_SETVERSION: return REBAR_SetVersion (hwnd, (INT)wParam); case RB_SHOWBAND: return REBAR_ShowBand (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case RB_SIZETORECT: return REBAR_SizeToRect (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case WM_COMMAND: return SendMessageA (GetParent (hwnd), uMsg, wParam, lParam); case WM_CREATE: return REBAR_Create (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case WM_DESTROY: return REBAR_Destroy (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case WM_GETFONT: return REBAR_GetFont (hwnd, wParam, lParam); /* case WM_MOUSEMOVE: */ /* return REBAR_MouseMove (hwnd, wParam, lParam); */ case WM_NCCALCSIZE: return REBAR_NCCalcSize (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case WM_NCPAINT: return REBAR_NCPaint (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case WM_NOTIFY: return SendMessageA (GetParent (hwnd), uMsg, wParam, lParam); case WM_PAINT: return REBAR_Paint (hwnd, wParam); case WM_SETCURSOR: return REBAR_SetCursor (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case WM_SETFONT: return REBAR_SetFont (hwnd, wParam, lParam); case WM_SIZE: return REBAR_Size (hwnd, wParam, lParam); /* case WM_TIMER: */ /* case WM_WININICHANGE: */ default: if (uMsg >= WM_USER) ERR("unknown msg %04x wp=%08x lp=%08lx\n", uMsg, wParam, lParam); return DefWindowProcA (hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } VOID REBAR_Register (void) { WNDCLASSA wndClass; ZeroMemory (&wndClass, sizeof(WNDCLASSA)); wndClass.style = CS_GLOBALCLASS | CS_DBLCLKS; wndClass.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)REBAR_WindowProc; wndClass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndClass.cbWndExtra = sizeof(REBAR_INFO *); wndClass.hCursor = 0; wndClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1); wndClass.lpszClassName = REBARCLASSNAMEA; RegisterClassA (&wndClass); } VOID REBAR_Unregister (void) { UnregisterClassA (REBARCLASSNAMEA, (HINSTANCE)NULL); }