/* * Copyright 2008 Juan Lang * Copyright 2010 Andrey Turkin * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #define NONAMELESSUNION #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wine/test.h" static char *load_resource(const char *name) { static char path[MAX_PATH]; DWORD written; HANDLE file; HRSRC res; void *ptr; GetTempPathA(ARRAY_SIZE(path), path); strcat(path, name); file = CreateFileA(path, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0); ok(file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Failed to create file %s, error %u.\n", debugstr_a(path), GetLastError()); res = FindResourceA(NULL, name, "TESTDLL"); ok(!!res, "Failed to load resource, error %u.\n", GetLastError()); ptr = LockResource(LoadResource(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), res)); WriteFile(file, ptr, SizeofResource( GetModuleHandleA(NULL), res), &written, NULL); ok(written == SizeofResource(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), res), "Failed to write resource.\n"); CloseHandle(file); return path; } /* minimal PE file image */ #define VA_START 0x400000 #define FILE_PE_START 0x50 #define NUM_SECTIONS 3 #define FILE_TEXT 0x200 #define RVA_TEXT 0x1000 #define RVA_BSS 0x2000 #define FILE_IDATA 0x400 #define RVA_IDATA 0x3000 #define FILE_TOTAL 0x600 #define RVA_TOTAL 0x4000 #include struct Imports { IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR descriptors[2]; IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 original_thunks[2]; IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 thunks[2]; struct __IMPORT_BY_NAME { WORD hint; char funcname[0x20]; } ibn; char dllname[0x10]; }; #define EXIT_PROCESS (VA_START+RVA_IDATA+FIELD_OFFSET(struct Imports, thunks)) static struct _PeImage { IMAGE_DOS_HEADER dos_header; char __alignment1[FILE_PE_START - sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER)]; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 nt_headers; IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sections[NUM_SECTIONS]; char __alignment2[FILE_TEXT - FILE_PE_START - sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32) - NUM_SECTIONS * sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)]; unsigned char text_section[FILE_IDATA-FILE_TEXT]; struct Imports idata_section; char __alignment3[FILE_TOTAL-FILE_IDATA-sizeof(struct Imports)]; } bin = { /* dos header */ {IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0}, 0, 0, {0}, FILE_PE_START}, /* alignment before PE header */ {0}, /* nt headers */ {IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE, /* basic headers - 3 sections, no symbols, EXE file */ {IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386, NUM_SECTIONS, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32), IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE | IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE}, /* optional header */ {IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC, 4, 0, FILE_IDATA-FILE_TEXT, FILE_TOTAL-FILE_IDATA + FILE_IDATA-FILE_TEXT, 0x400, RVA_TEXT, RVA_TEXT, RVA_BSS, VA_START, 0x1000, 0x200, 4, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, RVA_TOTAL, FILE_TEXT, 0, IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI, 0, 0x200000, 0x1000, 0x100000, 0x1000, 0, 0x10, {{0, 0}, {RVA_IDATA, sizeof(struct Imports)} } } }, /* sections */ { {".text", {0x100}, RVA_TEXT, FILE_IDATA-FILE_TEXT, FILE_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0, IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ}, {".bss", {0x400}, RVA_BSS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE}, {".idata", {sizeof(struct Imports)}, RVA_IDATA, FILE_TOTAL-FILE_IDATA, FILE_IDATA, 0, 0, 0, 0, IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE} }, /* alignment before first section */ {0}, /* .text section */ { 0x31, 0xC0, /* xor eax, eax */ 0xFF, 0x25, EXIT_PROCESS&0xFF, (EXIT_PROCESS>>8)&0xFF, (EXIT_PROCESS>>16)&0xFF, (EXIT_PROCESS>>24)&0xFF, /* jmp ExitProcess */ 0 }, /* .idata section */ { { {{RVA_IDATA + FIELD_OFFSET(struct Imports, original_thunks)}, 0, 0, RVA_IDATA + FIELD_OFFSET(struct Imports, dllname), RVA_IDATA + FIELD_OFFSET(struct Imports, thunks) }, {{0}, 0, 0, 0, 0} }, {{{RVA_IDATA+FIELD_OFFSET(struct Imports, ibn)}}, {{0}}}, {{{RVA_IDATA+FIELD_OFFSET(struct Imports, ibn)}}, {{0}}}, {0,"ExitProcess"}, "KERNEL32.DLL" }, /* final alignment */ {0} }; #include struct blob { DWORD cb; BYTE *pb; }; struct expected_blob { DWORD cb; const void *pb; }; struct update_accum { DWORD cUpdates; struct blob *updates; }; struct expected_update_accum { DWORD cUpdates; const struct expected_blob *updates; BOOL todo; }; static BOOL WINAPI accumulating_stream_output(DIGEST_HANDLE handle, BYTE *pb, DWORD cb) { struct update_accum *accum = (struct update_accum *)handle; BOOL ret = FALSE; if (accum->cUpdates) accum->updates = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, accum->updates, (accum->cUpdates + 1) * sizeof(struct blob)); else accum->updates = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(struct blob)); if (accum->updates) { struct blob *blob = &accum->updates[accum->cUpdates]; blob->pb = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cb); if (blob->pb) { memcpy(blob->pb, pb, cb); blob->cb = cb; ret = TRUE; } accum->cUpdates++; } return ret; } static void check_updates(LPCSTR header, const struct expected_update_accum *expected, const struct update_accum *got) { DWORD i; todo_wine_if (expected->todo) ok(expected->cUpdates == got->cUpdates, "%s: expected %d updates, got %d\n", header, expected->cUpdates, got->cUpdates); for (i = 0; i < min(expected->cUpdates, got->cUpdates); i++) { ok(expected->updates[i].cb == got->updates[i].cb, "%s, update %d: expected %d bytes, got %d\n", header, i, expected->updates[i].cb, got->updates[i].cb); if (expected->updates[i].cb && expected->updates[i].cb == got->updates[i].cb) ok(!memcmp(expected->updates[i].pb, got->updates[i].pb, got->updates[i].cb), "%s, update %d: unexpected value\n", header, i); } } /* Frees the updates stored in accum */ static void free_updates(struct update_accum *accum) { DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < accum->cUpdates; i++) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, accum->updates[i].pb); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, accum->updates); accum->updates = NULL; accum->cUpdates = 0; } static const struct expected_blob b1[] = { {FILE_PE_START, &bin}, /* with zeroed Checksum/SizeOfInitializedData/SizeOfImage fields */ {sizeof(bin.nt_headers), &bin.nt_headers}, {sizeof(bin.sections), &bin.sections}, {FILE_IDATA-FILE_TEXT, &bin.text_section}, {sizeof(bin.idata_section.descriptors[0].u.OriginalFirstThunk), &bin.idata_section.descriptors[0].u.OriginalFirstThunk}, {FIELD_OFFSET(struct Imports, thunks)- (FIELD_OFFSET(struct Imports, descriptors)+FIELD_OFFSET(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR, Name)), &bin.idata_section.descriptors[0].Name}, {FILE_TOTAL-FILE_IDATA-FIELD_OFFSET(struct Imports, ibn), &bin.idata_section.ibn} }; static const struct expected_update_accum a1 = { ARRAY_SIZE(b1), b1, TRUE }; static const struct expected_blob b2[] = { {FILE_PE_START, &bin}, /* with zeroed Checksum/SizeOfInitializedData/SizeOfImage fields */ {sizeof(bin.nt_headers), &bin.nt_headers}, {sizeof(bin.sections), &bin.sections}, {FILE_IDATA-FILE_TEXT, &bin.text_section}, {FILE_TOTAL-FILE_IDATA, &bin.idata_section} }; static const struct expected_update_accum a2 = { ARRAY_SIZE(b2), b2, FALSE }; /* Creates a test file and returns a handle to it. The file's path is returned * in temp_file, which must be at least MAX_PATH characters in length. */ static HANDLE create_temp_file(char *temp_file) { HANDLE file = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; char temp_path[MAX_PATH]; if (GetTempPathA(sizeof(temp_path), temp_path)) { if (GetTempFileNameA(temp_path, "img", 0, temp_file)) file = CreateFileA(temp_file, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } return file; } static void update_checksum(void) { WORD const * ptr; DWORD size; DWORD sum = 0; bin.nt_headers.OptionalHeader.CheckSum = 0; for(ptr = (WORD const *)&bin, size = (sizeof(bin)+1)/sizeof(WORD); size > 0; ptr++, size--) { sum += *ptr; if (HIWORD(sum) != 0) { sum = LOWORD(sum) + HIWORD(sum); } } sum = (WORD)(LOWORD(sum) + HIWORD(sum)); sum += sizeof(bin); bin.nt_headers.OptionalHeader.CheckSum = sum; } static void test_get_digest_stream(void) { BOOL ret; HANDLE file; char temp_file[MAX_PATH]; DWORD count; struct update_accum accum = { 0, NULL }; SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); ret = ImageGetDigestStream(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", GetLastError()); file = create_temp_file(temp_file); if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { skip("couldn't create temp file\n"); return; } SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); ret = ImageGetDigestStream(file, 0, NULL, NULL); ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", GetLastError()); SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); ret = ImageGetDigestStream(NULL, 0, accumulating_stream_output, &accum); ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", GetLastError()); /* Even with "valid" parameters, it fails with an empty file */ SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); ret = ImageGetDigestStream(file, 0, accumulating_stream_output, &accum); ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", GetLastError()); /* Finally, with a valid executable in the file, it succeeds. Note that * the file pointer need not be positioned at the beginning. */ update_checksum(); WriteFile(file, &bin, sizeof(bin), &count, NULL); FlushFileBuffers(file); /* zero out some fields ImageGetDigestStream would zero out */ bin.nt_headers.OptionalHeader.CheckSum = 0; bin.nt_headers.OptionalHeader.SizeOfInitializedData = 0; bin.nt_headers.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage = 0; ret = ImageGetDigestStream(file, 0, accumulating_stream_output, &accum); ok(ret, "ImageGetDigestStream failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); check_updates("flags = 0", &a1, &accum); free_updates(&accum); ret = ImageGetDigestStream(file, CERT_PE_IMAGE_DIGEST_ALL_IMPORT_INFO, accumulating_stream_output, &accum); ok(ret, "ImageGetDigestStream failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); check_updates("flags = CERT_PE_IMAGE_DIGEST_ALL_IMPORT_INFO", &a2, &accum); free_updates(&accum); CloseHandle(file); DeleteFileA(temp_file); } static unsigned int got_SysAllocString, got_GetOpenFileNameA, got_SHRegGetIntW; static BOOL WINAPI bind_image_cb(IMAGEHLP_STATUS_REASON reason, const char *file, const char *module, ULONG_PTR va, ULONG_PTR param) { static char last_module[MAX_PATH]; if (winetest_debug > 1) trace("reason %u, file %s, module %s, va %#Ix, param %#Ix\n", reason, debugstr_a(file), debugstr_a(module), va, param); if (reason == BindImportModule) { ok(!strchr(module, '\\'), "got module name %s\n", debugstr_a(module)); strcpy(last_module, module); ok(!va, "got VA %#Ix\n", va); ok(!param, "got param %#Ix\n", param); } else if (reason == BindImportProcedure) { char full_path[MAX_PATH]; BOOL ret; todo_wine ok(!!va, "expected nonzero VA\n"); ret = SearchPathA(NULL, last_module, ".dll", sizeof(full_path), full_path, NULL); ok(ret, "got error %u\n", GetLastError()); ok(!strcmp(module, full_path), "expected %s, got %s\n", debugstr_a(full_path), debugstr_a(module)); if (!strcmp((const char *)param, "SysAllocString")) { ok(!strcmp(last_module, "oleaut32.dll"), "got wrong module %s\n", debugstr_a(module)); ++got_SysAllocString; } else if (!strcmp((const char *)param, "GetOpenFileNameA")) { ok(!strcmp(last_module, "comdlg32.dll"), "got wrong module %s\n", debugstr_a(module)); ++got_GetOpenFileNameA; } else if (!strcmp((const char *)param, "Ordinal117")) { ok(!strcmp(last_module, "shlwapi.dll"), "got wrong module %s\n", debugstr_a(module)); ++got_SHRegGetIntW; } } else { ok(0, "got unexpected reason %#x\n", reason); } return TRUE; } static void test_bind_image_ex(void) { const char *filename = load_resource("testdll.dll"); BOOL ret; SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); ret = BindImageEx(BIND_ALL_IMAGES | BIND_NO_BOUND_IMPORTS | BIND_NO_UPDATE, "nonexistent.dll", 0, 0, bind_image_cb); ok(!ret, "expected failure\n"); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %u\n", GetLastError()); ret = BindImageEx(BIND_ALL_IMAGES | BIND_NO_BOUND_IMPORTS | BIND_NO_UPDATE, filename, NULL, NULL, bind_image_cb); ok(ret, "got error %u\n", GetLastError()); ok(got_SysAllocString == 1, "got %u imports of SysAllocString\n", got_SysAllocString); ok(got_GetOpenFileNameA == 1, "got %u imports of GetOpenFileNameA\n", got_GetOpenFileNameA); todo_wine ok(got_SHRegGetIntW == 1, "got %u imports of SHRegGetIntW\n", got_SHRegGetIntW); ret = DeleteFileA(filename); ok(ret, "got error %u\n", GetLastError()); } static void test_image_load(void) { char temp_file[MAX_PATH]; PLOADED_IMAGE img; DWORD ret, count; HANDLE file; file = create_temp_file(temp_file); if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { skip("couldn't create temp file\n"); return; } WriteFile(file, &bin, sizeof(bin), &count, NULL); CloseHandle(file); img = ImageLoad(temp_file, NULL); ok(img != NULL, "ImageLoad unexpectedly failed\n"); if (img) { ok(!strcmp(img->ModuleName, temp_file), "unexpected ModuleName, got %s instead of %s\n", img->ModuleName, temp_file); ok(img->MappedAddress != NULL, "MappedAddress != NULL\n"); if (img->MappedAddress) { ok(!memcmp(img->MappedAddress, &bin.dos_header, sizeof(bin.dos_header)), "MappedAddress doesn't point to IMAGE_DOS_HEADER\n"); } ok(img->FileHeader != NULL, "FileHeader != NULL\n"); if (img->FileHeader) { ok(!memcmp(img->FileHeader, &bin.nt_headers, sizeof(bin.nt_headers)), "FileHeader doesn't point to IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32\n"); } ok(img->NumberOfSections == 3, "unexpected NumberOfSections, got %d instead of 3\n", img->NumberOfSections); if (img->NumberOfSections >= 3) { ok(!strcmp((const char *)img->Sections[0].Name, ".text"), "unexpected name for section 0, expected .text, got %s\n", (const char *)img->Sections[0].Name); ok(!strcmp((const char *)img->Sections[1].Name, ".bss"), "unexpected name for section 1, expected .bss, got %s\n", (const char *)img->Sections[1].Name); ok(!strcmp((const char *)img->Sections[2].Name, ".idata"), "unexpected name for section 2, expected .idata, got %s\n", (const char *)img->Sections[2].Name); } ok(img->Characteristics == 0x102, "unexpected Characteristics, got 0x%x instead of 0x102\n", img->Characteristics); ok(img->fSystemImage == 0, "unexpected fSystemImage, got %d instead of 0\n", img->fSystemImage); ok(img->fDOSImage == 0, "unexpected fDOSImage, got %d instead of 0\n", img->fDOSImage); todo_wine ok(img->fReadOnly == 1 || broken(!img->fReadOnly) /* <= WinXP */, "unexpected fReadOnly, got %d instead of 1\n", img->fReadOnly); todo_wine ok(img->Version == 1 || broken(!img->Version) /* <= WinXP */, "unexpected Version, got %d instead of 1\n", img->Version); ok(img->SizeOfImage == 0x600, "unexpected SizeOfImage, got 0x%x instead of 0x600\n", img->SizeOfImage); count = 0xdeadbeef; ret = GetImageUnusedHeaderBytes(img, &count); todo_wine ok(ret == 448, "GetImageUnusedHeaderBytes returned %u instead of 448\n", ret); todo_wine ok(count == 64, "unexpected size for unused header bytes, got %u instead of 64\n", count); ImageUnload(img); } DeleteFileA(temp_file); } START_TEST(image) { test_get_digest_stream(); test_bind_image_ex(); test_image_load(); }