@ stub BMAPIAddress @ stub BMAPIDetails @ stub BMAPIFindNext @ stub BMAPIGetAddress @ stub BMAPIGetReadMail @ stub BMAPIReadMail @ stub BMAPIResolveName @ stub BMAPISaveMail @ stub BMAPISendMail @ stub BuildDisplayTable@40 @ stub CbOfEncoded@4 @ stub CchOfEncoding@4 @ stub ChangeIdleRoutine@28 @ stub CloseIMsgSession@4 @ stub CreateIProp@24 @ stub CreateTable@36 @ stdcall DeinitMapiUtil() @ stub DeregisterIdleRoutine@4 @ stub DllCanUnloadNow @ stub DllGetClassObject @ stub EnableIdleRoutine@8 @ stub EncodeID@12 @ stub FBadColumnSet@4 @ stub FBadEntryList@4 @ stub FBadProp@4 @ stub FBadPropTag@4 @ stub FBadRestriction@4 @ stub FBadRglpNameID@8 @ stub FBadRglpszA@8 @ stub FBadRglpszW@8 @ stub FBadRow@4 @ stub FBadRowSet@4 @ stub FBadSortOrderSet@4 @ stub FBinFromHex@8 @ stub FDecodeID@12 @ stub FEqualNames@8 # This entry point is sometimes used to detect if the mapi dll came from Outlook # @ stub FGetComponentPath @ stub FPropCompareProp@12 @ stub FPropContainsProp@12 @ stub FPropExists@8 @ stub FixMAPI # @ stub FixMAPI@0 @ stub FreePadrlist@4 @ stub FreeProws@4 @ stub FtAdcFt@20 @ stub FtAddFt@16 @ stub FtDivFtBogus@20 @ stub FtMulDw@12 @ stub FtMulDwDw@8 @ stub FtNegFt@8 @ stub FtSubFt@16 @ stub FtgRegisterIdleRoutine@20 @ stub GetAttribIMsgOnIStg@12 @ stub GetOutlookVersion # @ stub GetOutlookVersion@0 @ stub GetTnefStreamCodepage # @ stub GetTnefStreamCodepage@12 @ stub HexFromBin@12 @ stub HrAddColumns@16 @ stub HrAddColumnsEx@20 @ stub HrAllocAdviseSink@12 @ stub HrComposeEID@28 @ stub HrComposeMsgID@24 @ stub HrDecomposeEID@28 @ stub HrDecomposeMsgID@24 @ stub HrDispatchNotifications@4 @ stub HrEntryIDFromSz@12 @ stub HrGetOmiProvidersFlags # @ stub HrGetOmiProvidersFlags@8 @ stub HrGetOneProp@12 @ stub HrIStorageFromStream@16 @ stub HrQueryAllRows@24 @ stub HrSetOmiProvidersFlagsInvalid # @ stub HrSetOmiProvidersFlagsInvalid@4 @ stub HrSetOneProp@8 @ stub HrSzFromEntryID@12 @ stub HrThisThreadAdviseSink@8 @ stub HrValidateIPMSubtree@20 @ stub HrValidateParameters@8 @ stub InstallFilterHook@4 @ stub IsBadBoundedStringPtr@8 @ stub LAUNCHWIZARD @ stub LPropCompareProp@8 @ stub LaunchWizard@20 @ stub LpValFindProp@12 @ stub MAPIAddress @ stub MAPIAdminProfiles # @ stub MAPIAdminProfiles@8 @ stdcall MAPIAllocateBuffer(long ptr) # @ stub MAPIAllocateBuffer@8 @ stub MAPIAllocateMore # @ stub MAPIAllocateMore@12 @ stub MAPIDeinitIdle@0 @ stub MAPIDeleteMail @ stub MAPIDetails @ stub MAPIFindNext @ stub MAPIFreeBuffer # @ stub MAPIFreeBuffer@4 @ stub MAPIGetDefaultMalloc@0 @ stub MAPIInitIdle@4 @ stdcall MAPIInitialize(ptr) # @ stub MAPIInitialize@4 @ stub MAPILogoff @ stdcall MAPILogon(long ptr ptr long long ptr) @ stdcall MAPILogonEx(long ptr ptr long ptr) # @ stub MAPILogonEx@20 @ stub MAPIOpenFormMgr # @ stub MAPIOpenFormMgr@8 @ stub MAPIOpenLocalFormContainer # @ stub MAPIOpenLocalFormContainer@4 @ stub MAPIReadMail @ stub MAPIResolveName @ stub MAPISaveMail @ stub MAPISendDocuments @ stub MAPISendMail @ stdcall MAPIUninitialize() # @ stub MAPIUninitialize@0 @ stub MNLS_CompareStringW@24 @ stub MNLS_IsBadStringPtrW@8 @ stub MNLS_MultiByteToWideChar@24 @ stub MNLS_WideCharToMultiByte@32 @ stub MNLS_lstrcmpW@8 @ stub MNLS_lstrcpyW@8 @ stub MNLS_lstrlenW@4 @ stub MapStorageSCode@4 @ stub OpenIMsgOnIStg@44 @ stub OpenIMsgSession@12 @ stub OpenStreamOnFile # @ stub OpenStreamOnFile@24 @ stub OpenTnefStream # @ stub OpenTnefStream@28 @ stub OpenTnefStreamEx # @ stub OpenTnefStreamEx@32 @ stub PRProviderInit @ stub PpropFindProp@12 @ stub PropCopyMore@16 @ stub RTFSync # @ stub RTFSync@12 @ stub ScBinFromHexBounded@12 @ stub ScCopyNotifications@16 @ stub ScCopyProps@16 @ stub ScCountNotifications@12 @ stub ScCountProps@12 @ stub ScCreateConversationIndex@16 @ stub ScDupPropset@16 @ stub ScGenerateMuid@4 @ stub ScInitMapiUtil@4 @ stub ScLocalPathFromUNC@12 @ stub ScMAPIXFromCMC @ stub ScMAPIXFromSMAPI @ stub ScRelocNotifications@20 @ stub ScRelocProps@20 @ stub ScUNCFromLocalPath@12 @ stub SetAttribIMsgOnIStg@16 @ stub SwapPlong@8 @ stub SwapPword@8 @ stub SzFindCh@8 @ stub SzFindLastCh@8 @ stub SzFindSz@8 @ stub UFromSz@4 @ stub UNKOBJ_COFree@8 @ stub UNKOBJ_Free@8 @ stub UNKOBJ_FreeRows@8 @ stub UNKOBJ_ScAllocate@12 @ stub UNKOBJ_ScAllocateMore@16 @ stub UNKOBJ_ScCOAllocate@12 @ stub UNKOBJ_ScCOReallocate@12 @ stub UNKOBJ_ScSzFromIdsAlloc@20 @ stub UlAddRef@4 @ stub UlFromSzHex@4 @ stub UlPropSize@4 @ stub UlRelease@4 @ stub WrapCompressedRTFStream # @ stub WrapCompressedRTFStream@12 @ stub WrapProgress@20 @ stub WrapStoreEntryID@24 @ stub __CPPValidateParameters@8 @ stub __ValidateParameters@8 @ stub cmc_act_on @ stub cmc_free @ stub cmc_list @ stub cmc_logoff @ stub cmc_logon @ stub cmc_look_up @ stub cmc_query_configuration @ stub cmc_read @ stub cmc_send @ stub cmc_send_documents