Alphabetical List of Windows 95 Control Panels ---------------------------------------------- Filename Description APPWIZ.CPL Software Properties ,NewLinkHere %1 - Create new .lnk link "%1" DESK.CPL Desktop Properties ,,0 - Background Properties ,,1 - Screen Saver Properties ,,2 - Color Properties INETCPL.CPL Internet Properties ,SiteCERT_RunFromCmdLine %1 - View site certificate "%1" INTL.CPL Internation Country/Timezone Properties ,,0 - Country-specific settings ,,1 - Numbers ,,2 - Currency ,,3 - Clock ,,4 - Date JOY.CPL Joystick Properties MAIN.CPL @0 - Mouse Buttons Properties @1 - Keyboard Speed Properties @1,1 - Keyboard Language Properties @1,2 - Keyboard General Properties @2 - Printer @3 - Fonts @4 - Energy MMSYS.CPL Multimedia Properties ,,0 - Audio ,,1 - Video ,,2 - MIDI ,,3 - Audio CD ,,4 - Extended (Multimedia drivers) MODEM.CPL Modem Properties (does not take parameters) MSWEBCPL.CPL Personal WebServer Properties (comes with Win95 4.0B) (does not take parameters) NETCPL.CPL Network (does not take parameters) ODBCCP32.CPL 32bit-ODBC Properties PASSWORD.CPL Password Properties (does not take parameters) SYSDM.CPL System Properties ,,0 - Generic ,,1 - Device Manager ,,2 - Hardware Profiles ,,3 - Advanced Features TELEPHON.CPL Telephone Properties (renamed to TELEPHON.CP$ if not installed) (does not take parameters) TIMEDATE.CPL Time/Date Properties ,,0 - Date and Time ,,1 - Timezone ,,m - summer/wintertime notification (issued by kernel32.dll on windows startup) Alphabetical List of alien CPLs / rundll commands ------------------------------------------------- command: amovie.ocx,RunDll [/play] [/close] %1 description: open document %1 in ActiveMovie Viewer /play: auto-play document /close: close viewer after playing command: deskcp16.dll,QUICKRES_RUNDLLENTRY description: show SVGA display manager in task bar command: mailnews.dll,EMLFileHandler %1 description: ? command: mailnews.dll,Mail_RunDLL %1 description: ? command: mailnews.dll,News_RunDLL %1 description: ? command: rnaui.dll,RnaRunImport %1 description: ? command: shscrap.dll,OpenScrap_RunDLL /r /x %1 description: ? command: shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL %1,%* description: open control panel file "%1" with parameters "%*" (control.exe is a user front end for this call) command: shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL PrintersFolder description: show "Printers" Explorer Window command: url.dll,FileProtocolHandler %1 description: tell system to handle file protocol "%1" command: url.dll,OpenURL %1 description: launch default web browser, open "%1" site. (add your alien commands here)