/* * Copyright 2021 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "ntstatus.h" #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include "wine/test.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "ntuser.h" static void test_NtUserEnumDisplayDevices(void) { NTSTATUS ret; DISPLAY_DEVICEW info = { sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICEW) }; SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 0, &info, 0 ); ok( !ret && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() ); SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 12345, &info, 0 ); ok( ret == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() ); info.cb = 0; SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 0, &info, 0 ); ok( ret == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() ); SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 12345, &info, 0 ); ok( ret == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() ); SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 0, NULL, 0 ); ok( ret == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() ); SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 12345, NULL, 0 ); ok( ret == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() ); } static void test_NtUserCloseWindowStation(void) { BOOL ret; SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); ret = NtUserCloseWindowStation( 0 ); ok( !ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "NtUserCloseWindowStation returned %x %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() ); } static void test_window_props(void) { HANDLE prop; ATOM atom; HWND hwnd; BOOL ret; hwnd = CreateWindowExA( 0, "static", NULL, WS_POPUP, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, NULL ); atom = GlobalAddAtomW( L"test" ); ret = NtUserSetProp( hwnd, UlongToPtr(atom), UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef) ); ok( ret, "NtUserSetProp failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() ); prop = GetPropW( hwnd, L"test" ); ok( prop == UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef), "prop = %p\n", prop ); prop = NtUserGetProp( hwnd, UlongToPtr(atom) ); ok( prop == UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef), "prop = %p\n", prop ); prop = NtUserRemoveProp( hwnd, UlongToPtr(atom) ); ok( prop == UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef), "prop = %p\n", prop ); prop = GetPropW(hwnd, L"test"); ok(!prop, "prop = %p\n", prop); GlobalDeleteAtom( atom ); DestroyWindow( hwnd ); } static void test_class(void) { UNICODE_STRING name; WCHAR buf[64]; WNDCLASSW cls; ATOM class; HWND hwnd; ULONG ret; memset( &cls, 0, sizeof(cls) ); cls.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; cls.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProcW; cls.hInstance = GetModuleHandleW( NULL ); cls.hbrBackground = GetStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH ); cls.lpszMenuName = 0; cls.lpszClassName = L"test"; class = RegisterClassW( &cls ); ok( class, "RegisterClassW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() ); hwnd = CreateWindowW( L"test", L"test name", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0 ); memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) ); name.Buffer = buf; name.Length = 0xdead; name.MaximumLength = sizeof(buf); ret = NtUserGetAtomName( class, &name ); ok( ret == 4, "NtUserGetAtomName returned %lu\n", ret ); ok( name.Length == 0xdead, "Length = %u\n", name.Length ); ok( name.MaximumLength == sizeof(buf), "MaximumLength = %u\n", name.MaximumLength ); ok( !wcscmp( buf, L"test" ), "buf = %s\n", debugstr_w(buf) ); memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) ); name.Buffer = buf; name.Length = 0xdead; name.MaximumLength = 8; ret = NtUserGetAtomName( class, &name ); ok( ret == 3, "NtUserGetAtomName returned %lu\n", ret ); ok( name.Length == 0xdead, "Length = %u\n", name.Length ); ok( name.MaximumLength == 8, "MaximumLength = %u\n", name.MaximumLength ); ok( !wcscmp( buf, L"tes" ), "buf = %s\n", debugstr_w(buf) ); memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) ); name.Buffer = buf; name.MaximumLength = 1; SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); ret = NtUserGetAtomName( class, &name ); ok( !ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, "NtUserGetAtomName returned %lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() ); memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) ); name.Buffer = buf; name.Length = 0xdead; name.MaximumLength = sizeof(buf); ret = NtUserGetClassName( hwnd, FALSE, &name ); ok( ret == 4, "NtUserGetClassName returned %lu\n", ret ); ok( name.Length == 0xdead, "Length = %u\n", name.Length ); ok( name.MaximumLength == sizeof(buf), "MaximumLength = %u\n", name.MaximumLength ); ok( !wcscmp( buf, L"test" ), "buf = %s\n", debugstr_w(buf) ); memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) ); name.Buffer = buf; name.Length = 0xdead; name.MaximumLength = 8; ret = NtUserGetClassName( hwnd, FALSE, &name ); ok( ret == 3, "NtUserGetClassName returned %lu\n", ret ); ok( name.Length == 0xdead, "Length = %u\n", name.Length ); ok( name.MaximumLength == 8, "MaximumLength = %u\n", name.MaximumLength ); ok( !wcscmp( buf, L"tes" ), "buf = %s\n", debugstr_w(buf) ); memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) ); name.Buffer = buf; name.MaximumLength = 1; SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); ret = NtUserGetClassName( hwnd, FALSE, &name ); ok( !ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, "NtUserGetClassName returned %lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() ); DestroyWindow( hwnd ); ret = UnregisterClassW( L"test", GetModuleHandleW(NULL) ); ok( ret, "UnregisterClassW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() ); memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) ); name.Buffer = buf; name.MaximumLength = sizeof(buf); SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); ret = NtUserGetAtomName( class, &name ); ok( !ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "NtUserGetAtomName returned %lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() ); ok( buf[0] == 0xcccc, "buf = %s\n", debugstr_w(buf) ); } static BOOL WINAPI count_win( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam ) { ULONG *cnt = (ULONG *)lparam; (*cnt)++; return TRUE; } static void test_NtUserBuildHwndList(void) { ULONG size, desktop_windows_cnt; HWND buf[512], hwnd; NTSTATUS status; size = 0; status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 0, GetCurrentThreadId(), ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size ); ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status ); ok( size == 1, "size = %lu\n", size ); ok( buf[0] == HWND_BOTTOM, "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] ); hwnd = CreateWindowExA( 0, "static", NULL, WS_POPUP, 0,0,0,0,GetDesktopWindow(),0,0, NULL ); size = 0; status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 0, GetCurrentThreadId(), ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size ); ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status ); ok( size == 3, "size = %lu\n", size ); ok( buf[0] == hwnd, "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] ); ok( buf[2] == HWND_BOTTOM, "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[2] ); size = 0; status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 0, GetCurrentThreadId(), 3, buf, &size ); ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status ); ok( size == 3, "size = %lu\n", size ); size = 0; status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 0, GetCurrentThreadId(), 2, buf, &size ); ok( status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status ); ok( size == 3, "size = %lu\n", size ); size = 0; status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 0, GetCurrentThreadId(), 1, buf, &size ); ok( status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status ); ok( size == 3, "size = %lu\n", size ); desktop_windows_cnt = 0; EnumDesktopWindows( 0, count_win, (LPARAM)&desktop_windows_cnt ); size = 0; status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size ); ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status ); ok( size == desktop_windows_cnt + 1, "size = %lu, expected %lu\n", size, desktop_windows_cnt + 1 ); desktop_windows_cnt = 0; EnumDesktopWindows( GetThreadDesktop( GetCurrentThreadId() ), count_win, (LPARAM)&desktop_windows_cnt ); size = 0; status = NtUserBuildHwndList( GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()), 0, 0, 1, 0, ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size ); ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status ); ok( size == desktop_windows_cnt + 1, "size = %lu, expected %lu\n", size, desktop_windows_cnt + 1 ); size = 0; status = NtUserBuildHwndList( GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()), 0, 0, 0, 0, ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size ); ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status ); todo_wine ok( size > desktop_windows_cnt + 1, "size = %lu, expected %lu\n", size, desktop_windows_cnt + 1 ); size = 0xdeadbeef; status = NtUserBuildHwndList( UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef), 0, 0, 0, 0, ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size ); ok( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status ); ok( size == 0xdeadbeef, "size = %lu\n", size ); DestroyWindow( hwnd ); } static void test_cursoricon(void) { WCHAR module[MAX_PATH], res_buf[MAX_PATH]; UNICODE_STRING module_str, res_str; BYTE bmp_bits[1024]; LONG width, height; DWORD rate, steps; HCURSOR frame; HANDLE handle; ICONINFO info; unsigned int i; BOOL ret; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(bmp_bits); ++i) bmp_bits[i] = 111 * i; handle = CreateIcon( 0, 16, 16, 1, 1, bmp_bits, &bmp_bits[16 * 16 / 8] ); ok(handle != 0, "CreateIcon failed\n"); ret = NtUserGetIconSize( handle, 0, &width, &height ); ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconSize failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() ); ok( width == 16, "width = %ld\n", width ); ok( height == 32, "height = %ld\n", height ); ret = NtUserGetIconSize( handle, 6, &width, &height ); ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconSize failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() ); ok( width == 16, "width = %ld\n", width ); ok( height == 32, "height = %ld\n", height ); frame = NtUserGetCursorFrameInfo( handle, 0, &rate, &steps ); ok( frame != NULL, "NtUserGetCursorFrameInfo failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() ); ok( frame == handle, "frame != handle\n" ); ok( rate == 0, "rate = %lu\n", rate ); ok( steps == 1, "steps = %lu\n", steps ); ret = NtUserGetIconInfo( handle, &info, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ); ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconInfo failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() ); ok( info.fIcon == TRUE, "fIcon = %x\n", info.fIcon ); ok( info.xHotspot == 8, "xHotspot = %lx\n", info.xHotspot ); ok( info.yHotspot == 8, "yHotspot = %lx\n", info.yHotspot ); DeleteObject( info.hbmColor ); DeleteObject( info.hbmMask ); memset( module, 0xcc, sizeof(module) ); module_str.Buffer = module; module_str.Length = 0xdead; module_str.MaximumLength = sizeof(module); memset( res_buf, 0xcc, sizeof(res_buf) ); res_str.Buffer = res_buf; res_str.Length = 0xdead; res_str.MaximumLength = sizeof(res_buf); ret = NtUserGetIconInfo( handle, &info, &module_str, &res_str, NULL, 0 ); ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconInfo failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() ); ok( info.fIcon == TRUE, "fIcon = %x\n", info.fIcon ); ok( !module_str.Length, "module_str.Length = %u\n", module_str.Length ); ok( !res_str.Length, "res_str.Length = %u\n", res_str.Length ); ok( module_str.Buffer == module, "module_str.Buffer = %p\n", module_str.Buffer ); ok( !res_str.Buffer, "res_str.Buffer = %p\n", res_str.Buffer ); ok( module[0] == 0xcccc, "module[0] = %x\n", module[0] ); ok( res_buf[0] == 0xcccc, "res_buf[0] = %x\n", res_buf[0] ); DeleteObject( info.hbmColor ); DeleteObject( info.hbmMask ); ret = NtUserDestroyCursor( handle, 0 ); ok( ret, "NtUserDestroyIcon failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() ); SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); ret = NtUserGetIconSize( handle, 0, &width, &height ); ok( !ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_CURSOR_HANDLE, "NtUserGetIconSize returned %x %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() ); /* Test a system icon */ handle = LoadIconA( 0, (LPCSTR)IDI_HAND ); ok( handle != NULL, "LoadIcon icon failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() ); ret = NtUserGetIconSize( handle, 0, &width, &height ); ok( width == 32, "width = %ld\n", width ); ok( height == 64, "height = %ld\n", height ); ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconSize failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() ); memset( module, 0xcc, sizeof(module) ); module_str.Buffer = module; module_str.Length = 0xdead; module_str.MaximumLength = sizeof(module); memset( res_buf, 0xcc, sizeof(res_buf) ); res_str.Buffer = res_buf; res_str.Length = 0xdead; res_str.MaximumLength = sizeof(res_buf); ret = NtUserGetIconInfo( handle, &info, &module_str, &res_str, NULL, 0 ); ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconInfo failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() ); ok( info.fIcon == TRUE, "fIcon = %x\n", info.fIcon ); ok( module_str.Length, "module_str.Length = 0\n" ); ok( !res_str.Length, "res_str.Length = %u\n", res_str.Length ); ok( module_str.Buffer == module, "module_str.Buffer = %p\n", module_str.Buffer ); ok( res_str.Buffer == (WCHAR *)IDI_HAND, "res_str.Buffer = %p\n", res_str.Buffer ); DeleteObject( info.hbmColor ); DeleteObject( info.hbmMask ); module[module_str.Length] = 0; ok( GetModuleHandleW(module) == GetModuleHandleW(L"user32.dll"), "GetIconInfoEx wrong module %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(module) ); ret = DestroyIcon(handle); ok(ret, "Destroy icon failed, error %lu.\n", GetLastError()); } static LRESULT WINAPI test_message_call_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam ) { switch (msg) { case WM_SETTEXT: ok( !wcscmp( (const WCHAR *)lparam, L"test" ), "lparam = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w( (const WCHAR *)lparam )); return 6; case WM_USER: ok( wparam == 1, "wparam = %Iu\n", wparam ); ok( lparam == 2, "lparam = %Iu\n", lparam ); return 3; case WM_USER + 1: return lparam; } return DefWindowProcW( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ); } static void WINAPI test_message_callback( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, ULONG_PTR data, LRESULT result ) { ok( msg == WM_USER, "msg = %u\n", msg ); ok( data == 10, "data = %Iu\n", data ); ok( result == 3, "result = %Iu\n", result ); } static void test_message_call(void) { const LPARAM large_lparam = (LPARAM)(3 + ((ULONGLONG)1 << 60)); struct send_message_callback_params callback_params = { .callback = test_message_callback, .data = 10, }; struct send_message_timeout_params smp; WNDCLASSW cls = { 0 }; LRESULT res; HWND hwnd; cls.lpfnWndProc = test_message_call_proc; cls.lpszClassName = L"TestClass"; RegisterClassW( &cls ); hwnd = CreateWindowExW( 0, L"TestClass", NULL, WS_POPUP, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, NULL ); res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER, 1, 2, (void *)0xdeadbeef, NtUserSendMessage, FALSE ); ok( res == 3, "res = %Iu\n", res ); res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER, 1, 2, (void *)0xdeadbeef, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE ); ok( res == 3, "res = %Iu\n", res ); res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)L"test", NULL, NtUserSendMessage, FALSE ); ok( res == 6, "res = %Iu\n", res ); res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"test", NULL, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE ); ok( res == 6, "res = %Iu\n", res ); SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef ); res = NtUserMessageCall( UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef), WM_USER, 1, 2, 0, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE ); ok( !res, "res = %Iu\n", res ); ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE, "GetLastError() = %lu\n", GetLastError()); res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER + 1, 0, large_lparam, 0, NtUserSendMessage, FALSE ); ok( res == large_lparam, "res = %Iu\n", res ); smp.flags = 0; smp.timeout = 10; smp.result = 0xdeadbeef; res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER, 1, 2, &smp, NtUserSendMessageTimeout, FALSE ); ok( res == 3, "res = %Iu\n", res ); ok( smp.result == 1, "smp.result = %Iu\n", smp.result ); smp.flags = 0; smp.timeout = 10; smp.result = 0xdeadbeef; res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER + 1, 0, large_lparam, &smp, NtUserSendMessageTimeout, FALSE ); ok( res == large_lparam, "res = %Iu\n", res ); ok( smp.result == 1, "smp.result = %Iu\n", smp.result ); res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER, 1, 2, (void *)0xdeadbeef, NtUserSendNotifyMessage, FALSE ); ok( res == 1, "res = %Iu\n", res ); res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER, 1, 2, &callback_params, NtUserSendMessageCallback, FALSE ); ok( res == 1, "res = %Iu\n", res ); DestroyWindow( hwnd ); UnregisterClassW( L"TestClass", NULL ); } static void test_window_text(void) { WCHAR buf[512]; LRESULT res; int len; HWND hwnd; hwnd = CreateWindowExW( 0, L"static", NULL, WS_POPUP, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, NULL ); memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) ); len = NtUserInternalGetWindowText( hwnd, buf, ARRAYSIZE(buf) ); ok( len == 0, "len = %d\n", len ); ok( !buf[0], "buf = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(buf) ); res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)L"test", 0, NtUserDefWindowProc, FALSE ); ok( res == 1, "res = %Id\n", res ); memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) ); len = NtUserInternalGetWindowText( hwnd, buf, ARRAYSIZE(buf) ); ok( len == 4, "len = %d\n", len ); ok( !lstrcmpW( buf, L"test" ), "buf = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(buf) ); res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"TestA", 0, NtUserDefWindowProc, TRUE ); ok( res == 1, "res = %Id\n", res ); memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) ); len = NtUserInternalGetWindowText( hwnd, buf, ARRAYSIZE(buf) ); ok( len == 5, "len = %d\n", len ); ok( !lstrcmpW( buf, L"TestA" ), "buf = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(buf) ); DestroyWindow( hwnd ); } START_TEST(win32u) { /* native win32u.dll fails if user32 is not loaded, so make sure it's fully initialized */ GetDesktopWindow(); test_NtUserEnumDisplayDevices(); test_window_props(); test_class(); test_NtUserBuildHwndList(); test_cursoricon(); test_message_call(); test_window_text(); test_NtUserCloseWindowStation(); }