/* * Copyright 2001 Hidenori TAKESHIMA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * FIXME - implements color space(depth) converter. */ #include #include #include #include "winbase.h" #include "winnls.h" #include "mmsystem.h" #include "winerror.h" #include "vfw.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "avifile_private.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(avifile); static HRESULT WINAPI IGetFrame_fnQueryInterface(IGetFrame* iface,REFIID refiid,LPVOID *obj); static ULONG WINAPI IGetFrame_fnAddRef(IGetFrame* iface); static ULONG WINAPI IGetFrame_fnRelease(IGetFrame* iface); static LPVOID WINAPI IGetFrame_fnGetFrame(IGetFrame* iface,LONG lPos); static HRESULT WINAPI IGetFrame_fnBegin(IGetFrame* iface,LONG lStart,LONG lEnd,LONG lRate); static HRESULT WINAPI IGetFrame_fnEnd(IGetFrame* iface); static HRESULT WINAPI IGetFrame_fnSetFormat(IGetFrame* iface,LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi,LPVOID lpBits,INT x,INT y,INT dx,INT dy); struct ICOM_VTABLE(IGetFrame) igetfrm = { ICOM_MSVTABLE_COMPAT_DummyRTTIVALUE IGetFrame_fnQueryInterface, IGetFrame_fnAddRef, IGetFrame_fnRelease, IGetFrame_fnGetFrame, IGetFrame_fnBegin, IGetFrame_fnEnd, IGetFrame_fnSetFormat, }; typedef struct IGetFrameImpl { ICOM_VFIELD(IGetFrame); /* IUnknown stuff */ DWORD ref; /* IGetFrame stuff */ IAVIStream* pas; HIC hIC; LONG lCachedFrame; BITMAPINFO* pbiICIn; BITMAPINFO* pbiICOut; LPVOID pvICOutBits; LPVOID pvICInFmtBuf; DWORD dwICInDataBufSize; LPVOID pvICInDataBuf; LPVOID pvICOutBuf; } IGetFrameImpl; static HRESULT IGetFrame_Construct( IGetFrameImpl* This, IAVIStream* pstr, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi ); static void IGetFrame_Destruct( IGetFrameImpl* This ); static LPVOID AVIFILE_IGetFrame_DecodeFrame(IGetFrameImpl* This,LONG lPos) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwRes; LONG lFrameLength; LONG lSampleCount; ICDECOMPRESS icd; if ( This->hIC == (HIC)NULL ) return NULL; hr = IAVIStream_Read(This->pas,lPos,1,NULL,0, &lFrameLength,&lSampleCount); if ( hr != S_OK || lSampleCount <= 0 ) { FIXME( "IAVIStream_Read failed! res = %08lx\n", hr ); return NULL; } TRACE( "frame length = %ld\n", lFrameLength ); if ( This->dwICInDataBufSize < lFrameLength ) { LPVOID lpv; if ( This->pvICInDataBuf == NULL ) { lpv = HeapAlloc( AVIFILE_data.hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, lFrameLength ); } else { lpv = HeapReAlloc( AVIFILE_data.hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, This->pvICInDataBuf,lFrameLength ); } if ( lpv == NULL ) { ERR( "out of memory!\n" ); return NULL; } This->pvICInDataBuf = lpv; This->dwICInDataBufSize = lFrameLength; } hr = IAVIStream_Read(This->pas,lPos,1, This->pvICInDataBuf,This->dwICInDataBufSize, &lFrameLength,&lSampleCount); if ( hr != S_OK || lSampleCount <= 0 ) { FIXME( "IAVIStream_Read to buffer failed! res = %08lx\n", hr ); return NULL; } This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = lFrameLength; TRACE( "call ICM_DECOMPRESS\n" ); icd.dwFlags = 0; if ( IAVIStream_FindSample(This->pas,lPos,FIND_PREV|FIND_KEY) != lPos ) icd.dwFlags = ICDECOMPRESS_NOTKEYFRAME; icd.lpbiInput = &This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader; icd.lpInput = (BYTE*)This->pvICInDataBuf; icd.lpbiOutput = &This->pbiICOut->bmiHeader; icd.lpOutput = This->pvICOutBits; icd.ckid = *((DWORD*)This->pvICInDataBuf); dwRes = ICSendMessage(This->hIC,ICM_DECOMPRESS, (DWORD)(&icd),sizeof(ICDECOMPRESS) ); TRACE( "returned from ICM_DECOMPRESS\n" ); if ( dwRes != ICERR_OK ) { ERR( "ICDecompress failed!\n" ); return NULL; } This->lCachedFrame = lPos; return This->pvICOutBits; } /****************************************************************************/ HRESULT AVIFILE_CreateIGetFrame(void** ppobj, IAVIStream* pstr,LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi) { IGetFrameImpl *This; HRESULT hr; *ppobj = NULL; This = (IGetFrameImpl*)HeapAlloc(AVIFILE_data.hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(IGetFrameImpl)); This->ref = 1; ICOM_VTBL(This) = &igetfrm; hr = IGetFrame_Construct( This, pstr, lpbi ); if ( hr != S_OK ) { IGetFrame_Destruct( This ); return hr; } *ppobj = (LPVOID)This; return S_OK; } /**************************************************************************** * IUnknown interface */ static HRESULT WINAPI IGetFrame_fnQueryInterface(IGetFrame* iface,REFIID refiid,LPVOID *obj) { ICOM_THIS(IGetFrameImpl,iface); TRACE("(%p)->QueryInterface(%s,%p)\n",This,debugstr_guid(refiid),obj); if ( IsEqualGUID(&IID_IUnknown,refiid) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_IGetFrame,refiid) ) { IGetFrame_AddRef(iface); *obj = iface; return S_OK; } return OLE_E_ENUM_NOMORE; } static ULONG WINAPI IGetFrame_fnAddRef(IGetFrame* iface) { ICOM_THIS(IGetFrameImpl,iface); TRACE("(%p)->AddRef()\n",iface); return ++(This->ref); } static ULONG WINAPI IGetFrame_fnRelease(IGetFrame* iface) { ICOM_THIS(IGetFrameImpl,iface); TRACE("(%p)->Release()\n",iface); if ((--(This->ref)) > 0 ) return This->ref; IGetFrame_Destruct(This); if ( This->pas != NULL ) IAVIStream_Release( This->pas ); HeapFree(AVIFILE_data.hHeap,0,iface); return 0; } /**************************************************************************** * IGetFrrame interface */ static LPVOID WINAPI IGetFrame_fnGetFrame(IGetFrame* iface,LONG lPos) { ICOM_THIS(IGetFrameImpl,iface); LPVOID lpv; LONG lKeyFrame; TRACE( "(%p)->(%ld)\n", This, lPos ); if ( lPos < 0 ) return NULL; if ( This->lCachedFrame == lPos ) return This->pvICOutBits; if ( (This->lCachedFrame+1) != lPos ) { lKeyFrame = IAVIStream_FindSample( This->pas, lPos, FIND_KEY | FIND_PREV ); if ( lKeyFrame < 0 || lKeyFrame > lPos ) return NULL; while ( ++lKeyFrame < lPos ) { lpv = AVIFILE_IGetFrame_DecodeFrame(This, lKeyFrame); if ( lpv == NULL ) return NULL; } } lpv = AVIFILE_IGetFrame_DecodeFrame(This, lPos); TRACE( "lpv = %p\n",lpv ); if ( lpv == NULL ) return NULL; return lpv; } static HRESULT WINAPI IGetFrame_fnBegin(IGetFrame* iface,LONG lStart,LONG lEnd,LONG lRate) { ICOM_THIS(IGetFrameImpl,iface); TRACE( "(%p)->(%ld,%ld,%ld)\n", This, lStart, lEnd, lRate ); if ( This->hIC == (HIC)NULL ) return E_UNEXPECTED; if ( ICDecompressBegin( This->hIC, This->pbiICIn, This->pbiICOut ) != ICERR_OK ) return E_FAIL; return S_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI IGetFrame_fnEnd(IGetFrame* iface) { ICOM_THIS(IGetFrameImpl,iface); TRACE( "(%p)->()\n", This ); if ( This->hIC == (HIC)NULL ) return E_UNEXPECTED; if ( ICDecompressEnd( This->hIC ) != ICERR_OK ) return E_FAIL; return S_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI IGetFrame_fnSetFormat(IGetFrame* iface,LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi,LPVOID lpBits,INT x,INT y,INT dx,INT dy) { ICOM_THIS(IGetFrameImpl,iface); HRESULT hr; LONG fmtlen; BITMAPINFOHEADER biTemp; DWORD dwSizeImage; FIXME( "(%p)->(%p,%p,%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",This,lpbi,lpBits,x,y,dx,dy ); IGetFrame_Destruct(This); hr = IAVIStream_ReadFormat(This->pas,0,NULL,&fmtlen); if ( hr != S_OK ) return hr; This->pvICInFmtBuf = HeapAlloc( AVIFILE_data.hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,fmtlen); if ( This->pvICInFmtBuf == NULL ) return AVIERR_MEMORY; hr = IAVIStream_ReadFormat(This->pas,0,This->pvICInFmtBuf,&fmtlen); if ( hr != S_OK ) return hr; This->pbiICIn = (LPBITMAPINFO)This->pvICInFmtBuf; This->hIC = (HIC)ICOpen( ICTYPE_VIDEO, This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biCompression, ICMODE_DECOMPRESS ); if ( This->hIC == (HIC)NULL ) { ERR( "no AVI decompressor for %c%c%c%c.\n", (int)(This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biCompression>> 0)&0xff, (int)(This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biCompression>> 8)&0xff, (int)(This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biCompression>>16)&0xff, (int)(This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biCompression>>24)&0xff ); return E_FAIL; } if ( lpbi == NULL || lpbi == ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)1) ) { memset( &biTemp, 0, sizeof(biTemp) ); biTemp.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); biTemp.biWidth = This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biWidth; biTemp.biHeight = This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biHeight; biTemp.biPlanes = 1; biTemp.biBitCount = 24; biTemp.biCompression = 0; lpbi = &biTemp; } if ( lpbi->biPlanes != 1 || lpbi->biCompression != 0 ) return E_FAIL; dwSizeImage = ((This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biWidth*lpbi->biBitCount+7)/8)* This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biHeight; This->pvICOutBuf = HeapAlloc( AVIFILE_data.hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (sizeof(BITMAPINFO)+sizeof(RGBQUAD)*256)*2+ dwSizeImage ); if ( This->pvICOutBuf == NULL ) return AVIERR_MEMORY; This->pbiICOut = (BITMAPINFO*)This->pvICOutBuf; This->pvICOutBits = (LPVOID)( (BYTE*)This->pvICOutBuf + sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + sizeof(RGBQUAD)*256 ); This->pbiICOut->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); This->pbiICOut->bmiHeader.biWidth = This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biWidth; This->pbiICOut->bmiHeader.biHeight = This->pbiICIn->bmiHeader.biHeight; This->pbiICOut->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; This->pbiICOut->bmiHeader.biBitCount = lpbi->biBitCount; This->pbiICOut->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = dwSizeImage; memcpy( This->pvICOutBits, This->pbiICOut, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) ); return S_OK; } static HRESULT IGetFrame_Construct( IGetFrameImpl* This, IAVIStream* pstr, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi ) { HRESULT hr; TRACE( "(%p)->(%p,%p)\n",This,pstr,lpbi ); IAVIStream_AddRef( pstr ); This->pas = pstr; This->hIC = (HIC)NULL; This->lCachedFrame = -1L; This->pbiICIn = NULL; This->pbiICOut = NULL; This->pvICInFmtBuf = NULL; This->pvICInDataBuf = NULL; This->dwICInDataBufSize = 0; This->pvICOutBuf = NULL; hr = IGetFrame_SetFormat((IGetFrame*)This,lpbi,NULL,0,0,0,0); if ( hr != S_OK ) return hr; return S_OK; } static void IGetFrame_Destruct( IGetFrameImpl* This ) { if ( This->hIC != (HIC)NULL ) { ICClose( This->hIC ); This->hIC = (HIC)NULL; } if ( This->pvICInFmtBuf != NULL ) { HeapFree( AVIFILE_data.hHeap, 0, This->pvICInFmtBuf ); This->pvICInFmtBuf = NULL; } if ( This->pvICInDataBuf != NULL ) { HeapFree( AVIFILE_data.hHeap, 0, This->pvICInDataBuf ); This->pvICInDataBuf = NULL; } if ( This->pvICOutBuf != NULL ) { HeapFree( AVIFILE_data.hHeap, 0, This->pvICOutBuf ); This->pvICOutBuf = NULL; } This->lCachedFrame = -1L; This->pbiICIn = NULL; This->pbiICOut = NULL; This->dwICInDataBufSize = 0; }