/* * Copyright (C) the Wine project * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __WINE_SHELLAPI_H #define __WINE_SHELLAPI_H #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */ #include DECLARE_HANDLE(HDROP); /****************************************** * DragObject */ typedef struct _DRAGINFOA { UINT uSize; POINT pt; BOOL fNC; LPSTR lpFileList; DWORD grfKeyState; } DRAGINFOA, *LPDRAGINFOA; typedef struct _DRAGINFOW { UINT uSize; POINT pt; BOOL fNC; LPWSTR lpFileList; DWORD grfKeyState; } DRAGINFOW, *LPDRAGINFOW; DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(DRAGINFO) DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(LPDRAGINFO) void WINAPI DragAcceptFiles(HWND hWnd, BOOL b); UINT WINAPI DragQueryFileA(HDROP hDrop, UINT lFile, LPSTR lpszFile, UINT lLength); UINT WINAPI DragQueryFileW(HDROP hDrop, UINT lFile, LPWSTR lpszFile, UINT lLength); #define DragQueryFile WINELIB_NAME_AW(DragQueryFile) void WINAPI DragFinish(HDROP h); BOOL WINAPI DragQueryPoint(HDROP hDrop, POINT *p); #define NIF_MESSAGE 0x00000001 #define NIF_ICON 0x00000002 #define NIF_TIP 0x00000004 #define NIM_ADD 0x00000000 #define NIM_MODIFY 0x00000001 #define NIM_DELETE 0x00000002 /****************************************** * Application Bar */ #define ABM_NEW 0x00000000 #define ABM_REMOVE 0x00000001 #define ABM_QUERYPOS 0x00000002 #define ABM_SETPOS 0x00000003 #define ABM_GETSTATE 0x00000004 #define ABM_GETTASKBARPOS 0x00000005 #define ABM_ACTIVATE 0x00000006 #define ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR 0x00000007 #define ABM_SETAUTOHIDEBAR 0x00000008 #define ABM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED 0x00000009 #define ABN_STATECHANGE 0x00000000 #define ABN_POSCHANGED 0x00000001 #define ABN_FULLSCREENAPP 0x00000002 #define ABN_WINDOWARRANGE 0x00000003 #define ABS_AUTOHIDE 0x00000001 #define ABS_ALWAYSONTOP 0x00000002 #define ABE_LEFT 0 #define ABE_TOP 1 #define ABE_RIGHT 2 #define ABE_BOTTOM 3 typedef struct _AppBarData { DWORD cbSize; HWND hWnd; UINT uCallbackMessage; UINT uEdge; RECT rc; LPARAM lParam; } APPBARDATA, *PAPPBARDATA; UINT WINAPI SHAppBarMessage(DWORD,PAPPBARDATA); /****************************************** * SHGetFileInfo */ #define SHGFI_LARGEICON 0x000000000 /* get large icon */ #define SHGFI_SMALLICON 0x000000001 /* get small icon */ #define SHGFI_OPENICON 0x000000002 /* get open icon */ #define SHGFI_SHELLICONSIZE 0x000000004 /* get shell size icon */ #define SHGFI_PIDL 0x000000008 /* pszPath is a pidl */ #define SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES 0x000000010 /* use passed dwFileAttribute */ #define SHGFI_UNKNOWN1 0x000000020 #define SHGFI_UNKNOWN2 0x000000040 #define SHGFI_UNKNOWN3 0x000000080 #define SHGFI_ICON 0x000000100 /* get icon */ #define SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME 0x000000200 /* get display name */ #define SHGFI_TYPENAME 0x000000400 /* get type name */ #define SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES 0x000000800 /* get attributes */ #define SHGFI_ICONLOCATION 0x000001000 /* get icon location */ #define SHGFI_EXETYPE 0x000002000 /* return exe type */ #define SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX 0x000004000 /* get system icon index */ #define SHGFI_LINKOVERLAY 0x000008000 /* put a link overlay on icon */ #define SHGFI_SELECTED 0x000010000 /* show icon in selected state */ #define SHGFI_ATTR_SPECIFIED 0x000020000 /* get only specified attributes */ typedef struct tagSHFILEINFOA { HICON hIcon; /* icon */ int iIcon; /* icon index */ DWORD dwAttributes; /* SFGAO_ flags */ CHAR szDisplayName[MAX_PATH];/* display name (or path) */ CHAR szTypeName[80]; /* type name */ } SHFILEINFOA; typedef struct tagSHFILEINFOW { HICON hIcon; /* icon */ int iIcon; /* icon index */ DWORD dwAttributes; /* SFGAO_ flags */ WCHAR szDisplayName[MAX_PATH];/* display name (or path) */ WCHAR szTypeName[80]; /* type name */ } SHFILEINFOW; DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(SHFILEINFO) DWORD WINAPI SHGetFileInfoA(LPCSTR,DWORD,SHFILEINFOA*,UINT,UINT); DWORD WINAPI SHGetFileInfoW(LPCWSTR,DWORD,SHFILEINFOW*,UINT,UINT); #define SHGetFileInfo WINELIB_NAME_AW(SHGetFileInfo) /****************************************** * SHSetFileInfo */ /****************************************** * SHFileOperation */ #define FO_MOVE 0x0001 #define FO_COPY 0x0002 #define FO_DELETE 0x0003 #define FO_RENAME 0x0004 #define FOF_MULTIDESTFILES 0x0001 #define FOF_CONFIRMMOUSE 0x0002 #define FOF_SILENT 0x0004 #define FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION 0x0008 #define FOF_NOCONFIRMATION 0x0010 #define FOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE 0x0020 #define FOF_ALLOWUNDO 0x0040 #define FOF_FILESONLY 0x0080 #define FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS 0x0100 #define FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR 0x0200 #define FOF_NOERRORUI 0x0400 #define FOF_NOCOPYSECURITYATTRIBS 0x0800 typedef WORD FILEOP_FLAGS; #define PO_DELETE 0x0013 #define PO_RENAME 0x0014 #define PO_PORTCHANGE 0x0020 typedef WORD PRINTEROP_FLAGS; typedef struct _SHFILEOPSTRUCTA { HWND hwnd; UINT wFunc; LPCSTR pFrom; LPCSTR pTo; FILEOP_FLAGS fFlags; BOOL fAnyOperationsAborted; LPVOID hNameMappings; LPCSTR lpszProgressTitle; } SHFILEOPSTRUCTA, *LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTA; typedef struct _SHFILEOPSTRUCTW { HWND hwnd; UINT wFunc; LPCWSTR pFrom; LPCWSTR pTo; FILEOP_FLAGS fFlags; BOOL fAnyOperationsAborted; LPVOID hNameMappings; LPCWSTR lpszProgressTitle; } SHFILEOPSTRUCTW, *LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTW; #define SHFILEOPSTRUCT WINELIB_NAME_AW(SHFILEOPSTRUCT) #define LPSHFILEOPSTRUCT WINELIB_NAME_AW(LPSHFILEOPSTRUCT) DWORD WINAPI SHFileOperationA (LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTA lpFileOp); DWORD WINAPI SHFileOperationW (LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTW lpFileOp); #define SHFileOperation WINELIB_NAME_AW(SHFileOperation) /****************************************** * ShellExecute */ #define SE_ERR_SHARE 26 #define SE_ERR_ASSOCINCOMPLETE 27 #define SE_ERR_DDETIMEOUT 28 #define SE_ERR_DDEFAIL 29 #define SE_ERR_DDEBUSY 30 #define SE_ERR_NOASSOC 31 HINSTANCE WINAPI ShellExecuteA(HWND,LPCSTR,LPCSTR,LPCSTR,LPCSTR,INT); HINSTANCE WINAPI ShellExecuteW(HWND,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,INT); #define ShellExecute WINELIB_NAME_AW(ShellExecute) /****************************************** * Tray Notification */ typedef struct _NOTIFYICONDATAA { DWORD cbSize; HWND hWnd; UINT uID; UINT uFlags; UINT uCallbackMessage; HICON hIcon; CHAR szTip[64]; } NOTIFYICONDATAA, *PNOTIFYICONDATAA; typedef struct _NOTIFYICONDATAW { DWORD cbSize; HWND hWnd; UINT uID; UINT uFlags; UINT uCallbackMessage; HICON hIcon; WCHAR szTip[64]; } NOTIFYICONDATAW, *PNOTIFYICONDATAW; DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(NOTIFYICONDATA) DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(PNOTIFYICONDATA) BOOL WINAPI Shell_NotifyIconA(DWORD dwMessage, PNOTIFYICONDATAA lpData); BOOL WINAPI Shell_NotifyIconW(DWORD dwMessage, PNOTIFYICONDATAW lpData); #define Shell_NotifyIcon WINELIB_NAME_AW(Shell_NotifyIcon) /****************************************** * Misc */ LPWSTR* WINAPI CommandLineToArgvW(LPCWSTR,int*); HICON WINAPI ExtractIconA(HINSTANCE,LPCSTR,UINT); HICON WINAPI ExtractIconW(HINSTANCE,LPCWSTR,UINT); #define ExtractIcon WINELIB_NAME_AW(ExtractIcon) HICON WINAPI ExtractAssociatedIconA(HINSTANCE,LPSTR,LPWORD); HICON WINAPI ExtractAssociatedIconW(HINSTANCE,LPWSTR,LPWORD); #define ExtractAssociatedIcon WINELIB_NAME_AW(ExtractAssociatedIcon) HICON WINAPI ExtractAssociatedIconExA(HINSTANCE,LPSTR,LPWORD,LPWORD); HICON WINAPI ExtractAssociatedIconExW(HINSTANCE,LPWSTR,LPWORD,LPWORD); #define ExtractAssociatedIconEx WINELIB_NAME_AW(ExtractAssociatedIconEx) UINT WINAPI ExtractIconExA(LPCSTR,INT,HICON*,HICON*,UINT); UINT WINAPI ExtractIconExW(LPCWSTR,INT,HICON*,HICON*,UINT); #define ExtractIconEx WINELIB_NAME_AW(ExtractIconEx) UINT WINAPI ExtractIconExAW(LPCVOID,INT,HICON*,HICON*,UINT); HINSTANCE WINAPI FindExecutableA(LPCSTR,LPCSTR,LPSTR); HINSTANCE WINAPI FindExecutableW(LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,LPWSTR); #define FindExecutable WINELIB_NAME_AW(FindExecutable) BOOL WINAPI ShellAboutA(HWND,LPCSTR,LPCSTR,HICON); BOOL WINAPI ShellAboutW(HWND,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,HICON); #define ShellAbout WINELIB_NAME_AW(ShellAbout) #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */ #include #endif /* __WINE_SHELLAPI_H */