#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Update spec files across dlls that share an implementation
# Copyright 2011 Alexandre Julliard
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

use strict;

my %funcs;
my $group_head;

my @dll_groups =
#  "kernelbase",

my $update_flags = 0;
my $show_duplicates = 0;

foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
    if ($arg eq "-f") { $update_flags = 1; }
    elsif ($arg eq "-d") { $show_duplicates = 1; }

# update a file if changed
sub update_file($$)
    my $file = shift;
    my $new = shift;

    open FILE, ">$file.new" or die "cannot create $file.new";
    print FILE $new;
    close FILE;
    rename "$file.new", "$file";
    print "$file updated\n";

# parse a spec file line
sub parse_line($$$)
    my ($name, $line, $str) = @_;

    if ($str =~ /^\s*(\@|\d+)\s+(stdcall|cdecl|varargs|thiscall|stub|extern)\s+((?:-\S+\s+)*)([A-Za-z0-9_\@\$?]+)(?:\s*(\([^)]*\)))?(?:\s+([A-Za-z0-9_\@\$?.]+))?(\s*\#.*)?/)
        return ( "ordinal" => $1, "callconv" => $2, "flags" => $3, "name" => $4, "args" => $5 || "",
                 "target" => $6 || $4, "comment" => $7, "spec" => $name );
    return () if $str =~ /^\s*$/;
    return () if $str =~ /^\s*\#/;
    printf STDERR "$name.spec:$line: error: Unrecognized line $_\n";

sub read_spec_file($)
    my $name = shift;
    my $file = "dlls/$name/$name.spec";
    my %stubs;
    open SPEC, "<$file" or die "cannot open $file";
    while (<SPEC>)
        my %descr = parse_line( $name, $., $_ );
        next unless %descr;

        my $func = $descr{name};
        if (defined $funcs{$func})
            my %update = %{$funcs{$func}};
            next if $update{ordinal} ne $descr{ordinal} or $update{callconv} ne $descr{callconv} or $update{args} ne $descr{args};

            my $arch = $1 if $update{flags} =~ /-arch=(\S+)/;
            my $new_arch = $1 if $descr{flags} =~ /-arch=(\S+)/;
            next if !defined $arch or !defined $new_arch;

            if (($arch eq "win32" and $new_arch eq "win64") or ($arch eq "win64" and $new_arch eq "win32"))
                $funcs{$func}{flags} =~ s/-arch=\S+\s+//;

            $funcs{$func}{flags} =~ s/-arch=$arch/-arch=$arch,$new_arch/;
        next if $func eq "@";
        $funcs{$func} = \%descr;
    close SPEC;

sub update_spec_file($)
    my $name = shift;
    my $file = "dlls/$name/$name.spec";
    my %stubs;
    my ($old, $new);

    open SPEC, "<$file" or die "cannot open $file";
    while (<SPEC>)
        $old .= $_;

        my $commented_out = 0;
        my %descr = parse_line( $name, $., $_ );
        if (!%descr)
            # check for commented out exports
            if (/^\s*\#\s*((?:\@|\d+)\s+)?((?:extern|stub|stdcall|cdecl|varargs|thiscall)\s+.*)/)
                $commented_out = 1;
                %descr = parse_line( $name, $., ($1 || "\@ ") . $2 );
        goto done unless %descr;

        my $func = $descr{name};
        if (!defined $funcs{$func})
            $funcs{$func} = \%descr unless $commented_out || $name =~ /-/;
            goto done;

        my %parent = %{$funcs{$func}};
        goto done if $parent{spec} eq $descr{spec};  # the definition is in this spec file
        goto done if $descr{comment} && $descr{comment} =~ /don't forward/;
        if ($descr{callconv} ne "stub" && $descr{target} !~ /\./ && !$commented_out)
            printf "%s:%u: note: %s already defined in %s\n", $file, $., $func, $parent{spec} if $show_duplicates;
            goto done;

        my $flags = $descr{flags};
        if ($parent{callconv} ne "stub" || $update_flags)
            $flags = $parent{flags};
            $flags =~ s/-ordinal\s*// if $descr{ordinal} eq "@";
            $flags =~ s/-noname\s*// if $descr{ordinal} eq "@";
            $flags =~ s/-import\s*//;
            if ($descr{flags} =~ /-private/)  # preserve -private flag
                $flags = "-private " . $flags unless $flags =~ /-private/;

        if ($parent{callconv} ne "stub" || $parent{args})
            my $callconv = $parent{callconv} ne "stub" ? $parent{callconv} :
                           $parent{spec} =~ /(msvc|ucrtbase)/ ? "cdecl" : "stdcall";  # hack
            $_ = sprintf "$descr{ordinal} %s %s%s", $callconv, $flags, $func;

            if ($parent{target} =~ /$group_head\./)  # use the same forward as parent if possible
                $_ .= sprintf "%s %s", $parent{args}, $parent{target};
                $_ .= sprintf "%s %s.%s", $parent{args}, $parent{spec}, $func;
            $_ = sprintf "$descr{ordinal} stub %s%s", $flags, $func;
        $_ .= $descr{comment} || "";

        $new .= "$_\n";
    close SPEC;
    update_file( $file, $new ) if $old ne $new;

sub sync_spec_files(@)
    %funcs = ();
    $group_head = shift;
    read_spec_file( $group_head );
    foreach my $spec (@_) { update_spec_file($spec); }

foreach my $group (@dll_groups)
    sync_spec_files( @{$group} );