/* * Unit tests for DDE functions * * Copyright (c) 2004 Dmitry Timoshkov * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include "wine/test.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "dde.h" #include "ddeml.h" #include "winerror.h" static const WCHAR TEST_DDE_SERVICE[] = {'T','e','s','t','D','D','E','S','e','r','v','i','c','e',0}; static char exec_cmdA[] = "ANSI dde command"; static WCHAR exec_cmdW[] = {'u','n','i','c','o','d','e',' ','d','d','e',' ','c','o','m','m','a','n','d',0}; static WNDPROC old_dde_client_wndproc; static LRESULT WINAPI hook_dde_client_wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { UINT_PTR lo, hi; trace("hook_dde_client_wndproc: %p %04x %08lx %08lx\n", hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); switch (msg) { case WM_DDE_ACK: UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ACK, lparam, &lo, &hi); trace("WM_DDE_ACK: status %04lx hglobal %p\n", lo, (HGLOBAL)hi); break; default: break; } return CallWindowProcA(old_dde_client_wndproc, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); } static LRESULT WINAPI dde_server_wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { trace("dde_server_wndproc: %p %04x %08lx %08lx\n", hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); switch (msg) { case WM_DDE_INITIATE: { ATOM aService = GlobalAddAtomW(TEST_DDE_SERVICE); trace("server: got WM_DDE_INITIATE from %p with %08lx\n", (HWND)wparam, lparam); if (LOWORD(lparam) == aService) { ok(!IsWindowUnicode((HWND)wparam), "client should be an ANSI window\n"); old_dde_client_wndproc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtrA((HWND)wparam, GWLP_WNDPROC, (ULONG_PTR)hook_dde_client_wndproc); trace("server: sending WM_DDE_ACK to %p\n", (HWND)wparam); SendMessageW((HWND)wparam, WM_DDE_ACK, (WPARAM)hwnd, MAKELPARAM(aService, 0)); } else GlobalDeleteAtom(aService); return 0; } case WM_DDE_EXECUTE: { DDEACK ack; WORD status; LPCSTR cmd; UINT_PTR lo, hi; trace("server: got WM_DDE_EXECUTE from %p with %08lx\n", (HWND)wparam, lparam); UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_EXECUTE, lparam, &lo, &hi); trace("%08lx => lo %04lx hi %04lx\n", lparam, lo, hi); ack.bAppReturnCode = 0; ack.reserved = 0; ack.fBusy = 0; cmd = GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)hi); if (!cmd || (lstrcmpW((LPCWSTR)cmd, exec_cmdW) && lstrcmpA(cmd, exec_cmdA))) { trace("ignoring unknown WM_DDE_EXECUTE command\n"); /* We have to send a negative acknowledge even if we don't * accept the command, otherwise Windows goes mad and next time * we send an acknowledge DDEML drops the connection. * Not sure how to call it: a bug or a feature. */ ack.fAck = 0; } else ack.fAck = 1; GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL)hi); trace("server: posting %s WM_DDE_ACK to %p\n", ack.fAck ? "POSITIVE" : "NEGATIVE", (HWND)wparam); status = *((WORD *)&ack); lparam = ReuseDDElParam(lparam, WM_DDE_EXECUTE, WM_DDE_ACK, status, hi); PostMessageW((HWND)wparam, WM_DDE_ACK, (WPARAM)hwnd, lparam); return 0; } case WM_DDE_TERMINATE: { DDEACK ack; WORD status; trace("server: got WM_DDE_TERMINATE from %p with %08lx\n", (HWND)wparam, lparam); ack.bAppReturnCode = 0; ack.reserved = 0; ack.fBusy = 0; ack.fAck = 1; trace("server: posting %s WM_DDE_ACK to %p\n", ack.fAck ? "POSITIVE" : "NEGATIVE", (HWND)wparam); status = *((WORD *)&ack); lparam = PackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ACK, status, 0); PostMessageW((HWND)wparam, WM_DDE_ACK, (WPARAM)hwnd, lparam); return 0; } default: break; } return DefWindowProcW(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); } static LRESULT WINAPI dde_client_wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { return DefWindowProcA(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); } static BOOL create_dde_windows(HWND *hwnd_client, HWND *hwnd_server) { WNDCLASSA wcA; WNDCLASSW wcW; static const WCHAR server_class_name[] = {'d','d','e','_','s','e','r','v','e','r','_','w','i','n','d','o','w',0}; static const char client_class_name[] = "dde_client_window"; memset(&wcW, 0, sizeof(wcW)); wcW.lpfnWndProc = dde_server_wndproc; wcW.lpszClassName = server_class_name; wcW.hInstance = GetModuleHandleA(0); if (!RegisterClassW(&wcW)) return FALSE; memset(&wcA, 0, sizeof(wcA)); wcA.lpfnWndProc = dde_client_wndproc; wcA.lpszClassName = client_class_name; wcA.hInstance = GetModuleHandleA(0); assert(RegisterClassA(&wcA)); *hwnd_server = CreateWindowExW(0, server_class_name, NULL, WS_POPUP, 100, 100, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, GetDesktopWindow(), 0, GetModuleHandleA(0), NULL); assert(*hwnd_server); *hwnd_client = CreateWindowExA(0, client_class_name, NULL, WS_POPUP, 100, 100, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, GetDesktopWindow(), 0, GetModuleHandleA(0), NULL); assert(*hwnd_client); trace("server hwnd %p, client hwnd %p\n", *hwnd_server, *hwnd_client); ok(IsWindowUnicode(*hwnd_server), "server has to be a unicode window\n"); ok(!IsWindowUnicode(*hwnd_client), "client has to be an ANSI window\n"); return TRUE; } static HDDEDATA CALLBACK client_dde_callback(UINT uType, UINT uFmt, HCONV hconv, HSZ hsz1, HSZ hsz2, HDDEDATA hdata, ULONG_PTR dwData1, ULONG_PTR dwData2) { static const char * const cmd_type[15] = { "XTYP_ERROR", "XTYP_ADVDATA", "XTYP_ADVREQ", "XTYP_ADVSTART", "XTYP_ADVSTOP", "XTYP_EXECUTE", "XTYP_CONNECT", "XTYP_CONNECT_CONFIRM", "XTYP_XACT_COMPLETE", "XTYP_POKE", "XTYP_REGISTER", "XTYP_REQUEST", "XTYP_DISCONNECT", "XTYP_UNREGISTER", "XTYP_WILDCONNECT" }; UINT type; const char *cmd_name; type = (uType & XTYP_MASK) >> XTYP_SHIFT; cmd_name = (type >= 0 && type <= 14) ? cmd_type[type] : "unknown"; trace("client_dde_callback: %04x (%s) %d %p %p %p %p %08lx %08lx\n", uType, cmd_name, uFmt, hconv, hsz1, hsz2, hdata, dwData1, dwData2); return 0; } static void test_dde_transaction(void) { HSZ hsz_server; DWORD dde_inst, ret, err; HCONV hconv; HWND hwnd_client, hwnd_server; CONVINFO info; HDDEDATA hdata; static char test_cmd[] = "test dde command"; /* server: unicode, client: ansi */ if (!create_dde_windows(&hwnd_client, &hwnd_server)) return; dde_inst = 0; ret = DdeInitializeA(&dde_inst, client_dde_callback, APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0); ok(ret == DMLERR_NO_ERROR, "DdeInitializeW failed with error %04x (%x)\n", ret, DdeGetLastError(dde_inst)); hsz_server = DdeCreateStringHandleW(dde_inst, TEST_DDE_SERVICE, CP_WINUNICODE); hconv = DdeConnect(dde_inst, hsz_server, 0, NULL); ok(hconv != 0, "DdeConnect error %x\n", DdeGetLastError(dde_inst)); err = DdeGetLastError(dde_inst); ok(err == DMLERR_NO_ERROR, "wrong dde error %x\n", err); info.cb = sizeof(info); ret = DdeQueryConvInfo(hconv, QID_SYNC, &info); ok(ret, "wrong info size %d, DdeQueryConvInfo error %x\n", ret, DdeGetLastError(dde_inst)); /* should be CP_WINANSI since we used DdeInitializeA */ ok(info.ConvCtxt.iCodePage == CP_WINANSI, "wrong iCodePage %d\n", info.ConvCtxt.iCodePage); ok(!info.hConvPartner, "unexpected info.hConvPartner: %p\n", info.hConvPartner); todo_wine { ok((info.wStatus & DDE_FACK), "unexpected info.wStatus: %04x\n", info.wStatus); } ok((info.wStatus & (ST_CONNECTED | ST_CLIENT)) == (ST_CONNECTED | ST_CLIENT), "unexpected info.wStatus: %04x\n", info.wStatus); ok(info.wConvst == XST_CONNECTED, "unexpected info.wConvst: %04x\n", info.wConvst); ok(info.wType == 0, "unexpected info.wType: %04x\n", info.wType); trace("hwnd %p, hwndPartner %p\n", info.hwnd, info.hwndPartner); trace("sending test client transaction command\n"); ret = 0xdeadbeef; hdata = DdeClientTransaction((LPBYTE)test_cmd, strlen(test_cmd) + 1, hconv, (HSZ)0xdead, 0xbeef, XTYP_EXECUTE, 1000, &ret); ok(!hdata, "DdeClientTransaction succeeded\n"); ok(ret == DDE_FNOTPROCESSED, "wrong status code %04x\n", ret); err = DdeGetLastError(dde_inst); ok(err == DMLERR_NOTPROCESSED, "wrong dde error %x\n", err); trace("sending ANSI client transaction command\n"); ret = 0xdeadbeef; hdata = DdeClientTransaction((LPBYTE)exec_cmdA, lstrlenA(exec_cmdA) + 1, hconv, 0, 0, XTYP_EXECUTE, 1000, &ret); ok(hdata != 0, "DdeClientTransaction returned %p, error %x\n", hdata, DdeGetLastError(dde_inst)); ok(ret == DDE_FACK, "wrong status code %04x\n", ret); err = DdeGetLastError(dde_inst); ok(err == DMLERR_NO_ERROR, "wrong dde error %x\n", err); trace("sending unicode client transaction command\n"); ret = 0xdeadbeef; hdata = DdeClientTransaction((LPBYTE)exec_cmdW, (lstrlenW(exec_cmdW) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), hconv, 0, 0, XTYP_EXECUTE, 1000, &ret); ok(hdata != 0, "DdeClientTransaction returned %p, error %x\n", hdata, DdeGetLastError(dde_inst)); ok(ret == DDE_FACK, "wrong status code %04x\n", ret); err = DdeGetLastError(dde_inst); ok(err == DMLERR_NO_ERROR, "wrong dde error %x\n", err); ok(DdeDisconnect(hconv), "DdeDisconnect error %x\n", DdeGetLastError(dde_inst)); info.cb = sizeof(info); ret = DdeQueryConvInfo(hconv, QID_SYNC, &info); ok(!ret, "DdeQueryConvInfo should fail\n"); err = DdeGetLastError(dde_inst); todo_wine { ok(err == DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER, "wrong dde error %x\n", err); } ok(DdeFreeStringHandle(dde_inst, hsz_server), "DdeFreeStringHandle error %x\n", DdeGetLastError(dde_inst)); /* This call hangs on win2k SP4 and XP SP1. DdeUninitialize(dde_inst);*/ DestroyWindow(hwnd_client); DestroyWindow(hwnd_server); } static void test_DdeCreateStringHandleW(DWORD dde_inst, int codepage) { static const WCHAR dde_string[] = {'D','D','E',' ','S','t','r','i','n','g',0}; HSZ str_handle; WCHAR bufW[256]; char buf[256]; ATOM atom; int ret; str_handle = DdeCreateStringHandleW(dde_inst, dde_string, codepage); ok(str_handle != 0, "DdeCreateStringHandleW failed with error %08x\n", DdeGetLastError(dde_inst)); ret = DdeQueryStringW(dde_inst, str_handle, NULL, 0, codepage); if (codepage == CP_WINANSI) ok(ret == 1, "DdeQueryStringW returned wrong length %d\n", ret); else ok(ret == lstrlenW(dde_string), "DdeQueryStringW returned wrong length %d\n", ret); ret = DdeQueryStringW(dde_inst, str_handle, bufW, 256, codepage); if (codepage == CP_WINANSI) { ok(ret == 1, "DdeQueryStringW returned wrong length %d\n", ret); ok(!lstrcmpA("D", (LPCSTR)bufW), "DdeQueryStringW returned wrong string\n"); } else { ok(ret == lstrlenW(dde_string), "DdeQueryStringW returned wrong length %d\n", ret); ok(!lstrcmpW(dde_string, bufW), "DdeQueryStringW returned wrong string\n"); } ret = DdeQueryStringA(dde_inst, str_handle, buf, 256, CP_WINANSI); if (codepage == CP_WINANSI) { ok(ret == 1, "DdeQueryStringA returned wrong length %d\n", ret); ok(!lstrcmpA("D", buf), "DdeQueryStringW returned wrong string\n"); } else { ok(ret == lstrlenA("DDE String"), "DdeQueryStringA returned wrong length %d\n", ret); ok(!lstrcmpA("DDE String", buf), "DdeQueryStringA returned wrong string %s\n", buf); } ret = DdeQueryStringA(dde_inst, str_handle, buf, 256, CP_WINUNICODE); if (codepage == CP_WINANSI) { ok(ret == 1, "DdeQueryStringA returned wrong length %d\n", ret); ok(!lstrcmpA("D", buf), "DdeQueryStringA returned wrong string %s\n", buf); } else { ok(ret == lstrlenA("DDE String"), "DdeQueryStringA returned wrong length %d\n", ret); ok(!lstrcmpW(dde_string, (LPCWSTR)buf), "DdeQueryStringW returned wrong string\n"); } if (codepage == CP_WINANSI) { atom = FindAtomA((LPSTR)dde_string); ok(atom != 0, "Expected a valid atom\n"); SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); atom = GlobalFindAtomA((LPSTR)dde_string); ok(atom == 0, "Expected 0, got %d\n", atom); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Expected ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, got %d\n", GetLastError()); } else { atom = FindAtomW(dde_string); ok(atom != 0, "Expected a valid atom\n"); SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); atom = GlobalFindAtomW(dde_string); ok(atom == 0, "Expected 0, got %d\n", atom); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Expected ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, got %d\n", GetLastError()); } ok(DdeFreeStringHandle(dde_inst, str_handle), "DdeFreeStringHandle failed\n"); } static void test_DdeCreateStringHandle(void) { DWORD dde_inst, ret; dde_inst = 0xdeadbeef; SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); ret = DdeInitializeW(&dde_inst, client_dde_callback, APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0); if (GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { trace("Skipping the DDE test on a Win9x platform\n"); return; } ok(ret == DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER, "DdeInitializeW should fail, but got %04x instead\n", ret); ok(DdeGetLastError(dde_inst) == DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER, "expected DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER\n"); dde_inst = 0; ret = DdeInitializeW(&dde_inst, client_dde_callback, APPCMD_CLIENTONLY, 0); ok(ret == DMLERR_NO_ERROR, "DdeInitializeW failed with error %04x (%08x)\n", ret, DdeGetLastError(dde_inst)); test_DdeCreateStringHandleW(dde_inst, 0); test_DdeCreateStringHandleW(dde_inst, CP_WINUNICODE); test_DdeCreateStringHandleW(dde_inst, CP_WINANSI); ok(DdeUninitialize(dde_inst), "DdeUninitialize failed\n"); } static void test_FreeDDElParam(void) { HGLOBAL val, hglobal; BOOL ret; ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_INITIATE, (LPARAM)NULL); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, 100); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_INITIATE, (LPARAM)hglobal); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); val = GlobalFree(hglobal); ok(val == NULL, "Expected NULL, got %p\n", val); hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, 100); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_ADVISE, (LPARAM)hglobal); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); val = GlobalFree(hglobal); ok(val == hglobal, "Expected hglobal, got %p\n", val); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, 100); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_UNADVISE, (LPARAM)hglobal); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); val = GlobalFree(hglobal); ok(val == NULL, "Expected NULL, got %p\n", val); hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, 100); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_ACK, (LPARAM)hglobal); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); val = GlobalFree(hglobal); ok(val == hglobal, "Expected hglobal, got %p\n", val); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, 100); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_DATA, (LPARAM)hglobal); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); val = GlobalFree(hglobal); ok(val == hglobal, "Expected hglobal, got %p\n", val); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, 100); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_REQUEST, (LPARAM)hglobal); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); val = GlobalFree(hglobal); ok(val == NULL, "Expected NULL, got %p\n", val); hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, 100); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_POKE, (LPARAM)hglobal); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); val = GlobalFree(hglobal); ok(val == hglobal, "Expected hglobal, got %p\n", val); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, 100); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_EXECUTE, (LPARAM)hglobal); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); val = GlobalFree(hglobal); ok(val == NULL, "Expected NULL, got %p\n", val); } static void test_PackDDElParam(void) { UINT_PTR lo, hi, *ptr; HGLOBAL hglobal; LPARAM lparam; BOOL ret; lparam = PackDDElParam(WM_DDE_INITIATE, 0xcafe, 0xbeef); ok(lparam == 0xbeefcafe, "Expected 0xbeefcafe, got %08lx\n", lparam); ok(GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam) == NULL, "Expected NULL, got %p\n", GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam)); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); lo = hi = 0; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_INITIATE, lparam, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_INITIATE, lparam); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); lparam = PackDDElParam(WM_DDE_TERMINATE, 0xcafe, 0xbeef); ok(lparam == 0xbeefcafe, "Expected 0xbeefcafe, got %08lx\n", lparam); ok(GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam) == NULL, "Expected NULL, got %p\n", GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam)); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); lo = hi = 0; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_TERMINATE, lparam, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_TERMINATE, lparam); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); lparam = PackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ADVISE, 0xcafe, 0xbeef); ptr = GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(ptr != NULL, "Expected non-NULL ptr\n"); ok(ptr[0] == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", ptr[0]); ok(ptr[1] == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", ptr[1]); ret = GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(ret == 1, "Expected 1, got %d\n", ret); lo = hi = 0; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ADVISE, lparam, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_ADVISE, lparam); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); hglobal = GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(hglobal == (HGLOBAL)lparam, "Expected lparam, got %d\n", ret); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); lparam = PackDDElParam(WM_DDE_UNADVISE, 0xcafe, 0xbeef); ok(lparam == 0xbeefcafe, "Expected 0xbeefcafe, got %08lx\n", lparam); ok(GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam) == NULL, "Expected NULL, got %p\n", GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam)); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); lo = hi = 0; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_UNADVISE, lparam, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_UNADVISE, lparam); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); lparam = PackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ACK, 0xcafe, 0xbeef); ptr = GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(ptr != NULL, "Expected non-NULL ptr\n"); ok(ptr[0] == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", ptr[0]); ok(ptr[1] == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", ptr[1]); ret = GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(ret == 1, "Expected 1, got %d\n", ret); lo = hi = 0; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ACK, lparam, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_ACK, lparam); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); hglobal = GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(hglobal == (HGLOBAL)lparam, "Expected lparam, got %d\n", ret); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); lparam = PackDDElParam(WM_DDE_DATA, 0xcafe, 0xbeef); ptr = GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(ptr != NULL, "Expected non-NULL ptr\n"); ok(ptr[0] == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", ptr[0]); ok(ptr[1] == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", ptr[1]); ret = GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(ret == 1, "Expected 1, got %d\n", ret); lo = hi = 0; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_DATA, lparam, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_DATA, lparam); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); hglobal = GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(hglobal == (HGLOBAL)lparam, "Expected lparam, got %d\n", ret); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); lparam = PackDDElParam(WM_DDE_REQUEST, 0xcafe, 0xbeef); ok(lparam == 0xbeefcafe, "Expected 0xbeefcafe, got %08lx\n", lparam); ok(GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam) == NULL, "Expected NULL, got %p\n", GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam)); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); lo = hi = 0; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_REQUEST, lparam, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_REQUEST, lparam); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); lparam = PackDDElParam(WM_DDE_POKE, 0xcafe, 0xbeef); ptr = GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(ptr != NULL, "Expected non-NULL ptr\n"); ok(ptr[0] == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", ptr[0]); ok(ptr[1] == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", ptr[1]); ret = GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(ret == 1, "Expected 1, got %d\n", ret); lo = hi = 0; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_POKE, lparam, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_POKE, lparam); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); hglobal = GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)lparam); ok(hglobal == (HGLOBAL)lparam, "Expected lparam, got %d\n", ret); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); lparam = PackDDElParam(WM_DDE_EXECUTE, 0xcafe, 0xbeef); ok(lparam == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", lparam); ok(GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam) == NULL, "Expected NULL, got %p\n", GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam)); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, got %d\n", GetLastError()); lo = hi = 0; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_EXECUTE, lparam, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); ret = FreeDDElParam(WM_DDE_EXECUTE, lparam); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); } static void test_UnpackDDElParam(void) { UINT_PTR lo, hi, *ptr; HGLOBAL hglobal; BOOL ret; /* NULL lParam */ lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_INITIATE, (LPARAM)NULL, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", hi); /* NULL lo */ lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_INITIATE, 0xcafebabe, NULL, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xdead, "Expected 0xdead, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", hi); /* NULL hi */ lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_INITIATE, 0xcafebabe, &lo, NULL); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xbabe, "Expected 0xbabe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xbeef, "Expected 0xbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_INITIATE, 0xcafebabe, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xbabe, "Expected 0xbabe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_TERMINATE, 0xcafebabe, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xbabe, "Expected 0xbabe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ADVISE, (LPARAM)NULL, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == FALSE, "Expected FALSE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ADVISE, 0xcafebabe, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == FALSE, "Expected FALSE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", hi); hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, 2); ptr = GlobalLock(hglobal); ptr[0] = 0xcafebabe; ptr[1] = 0xdeadbeef; GlobalUnlock(hglobal); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ADVISE, (LPARAM)hglobal, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafebabe, "Expected 0xcafebabe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_UNADVISE, 0xcafebabe, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xbabe, "Expected 0xbabe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ACK, 0xcafebabe, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == FALSE, "Expected FALSE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_ACK, (LPARAM)hglobal, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafebabe, "Expected 0xcafebabe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_DATA, 0xcafebabe, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == FALSE, "Expected FALSE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_DATA, (LPARAM)hglobal, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafebabe, "Expected 0xcafebabe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_REQUEST, 0xcafebabe, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xbabe, "Expected 0xbabe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xcafe, "Expected 0xcafe, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_POKE, 0xcafebabe, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == FALSE, "Expected FALSE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_POKE, (LPARAM)hglobal, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0xcafebabe, "Expected 0xcafebabe, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %08lx\n", hi); lo = 0xdead; hi = 0xbeef; ret = UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_EXECUTE, 0xcafebabe, &lo, &hi); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got %d\n", ret); ok(lo == 0, "Expected 0, got %08lx\n", lo); ok(hi == 0xcafebabe, "Expected 0xcafebabe, got %08lx\n", hi); } START_TEST(dde) { test_dde_transaction(); test_DdeCreateStringHandle(); test_FreeDDElParam(); test_PackDDElParam(); test_UnpackDDElParam(); }