/* * Copyright 2018 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ var JS_E_PROP_DESC_MISMATCH = 0x800a01bd; var JS_E_NUMBER_EXPECTED = 0x800a1389; var JS_E_FUNCTION_EXPECTED = 0x800a138a; var JS_E_DATE_EXPECTED = 0x800a138e; var JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED = 0x800a138f; var JS_E_BOOLEAN_EXPECTED = 0x800a1392; var JS_E_VBARRAY_EXPECTED = 0x800a1395; var JS_E_ENUMERATOR_EXPECTED = 0x800a1397; var JS_E_REGEXP_EXPECTED = 0x800a1398; var JS_E_INVALID_WRITABLE_PROP_DESC = 0x800a13ac; var JS_E_NONCONFIGURABLE_REDEFINED = 0x800a13d6; var JS_E_NONWRITABLE_MODIFIED = 0x800a13d7; var JS_E_WRONG_THIS = 0x800a13fc; var tests = []; sync_test("date_now", function() { var now = Date.now(); var time = (new Date()).getTime(); ok(time >= now && time-now < 50, "unexpected Date.now() result " + now + " expected " + time); Date.now(1, 2, 3); }); sync_test("toISOString", function() { function expect(date, expected) { var s = date.toISOString(); ok(s === expected, "toISOString returned " + s + " expected " + expected); } function expect_exception(func) { try { func(); }catch(e) { return; } ok(false, "expected exception"); } expect(new Date(0), "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"); expect(new Date(0xdeadbeef), "1970-02-13T05:45:28.559Z"); expect(new Date(10928309128301), "2316-04-22T01:25:28.301Z"); expect(new Date(-1), "1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"); expect(new Date(-62167219200000), "0000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"); expect(new Date(-62167219200001), "-000001-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"); expect(new Date(-6216721920000100), "-195031-12-03T23:59:59.900Z"); expect(new Date(1092830912830100), "+036600-06-07T22:27:10.100Z"); expect_exception(function() { new Date(NaN).toISOString(); }); expect_exception(function() { new Date(31494784780800001).toISOString(); }); }); sync_test("Array toLocaleString", function() { var r = Array.prototype.toLocaleString.length, old = Number.prototype.toLocaleString; var s = external.listSeparator + ' '; ok(r === 0, "length = " + r); r = [5]; r.toLocaleString = function(a, b, c) { return a + " " + b + " " + c; }; Number.prototype.toLocaleString = function() { return "aBc"; }; r = [new Number(3), r, new Number(12)].toLocaleString("foo", "bar", "baz"); ok(r === "aBc"+s+"undefined undefined undefined"+s+"aBc", "toLocaleString returned " + r); r = [3].toLocaleString(); /* primitive number value not affected */ if(external.isEnglish) ok(r === "3.00", "[3].toLocaleString returned " + r); else ok(r !== "aBc", "[3].toLocaleString returned " + r); Number.prototype.toLocaleString = old; r = Object.create(null); r.toString = function() { return "foo"; } try { Array.prototype.toLocaleString.call([r]); ok(false, "expected exception calling it on array with object without toLocaleString"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_FUNCTION_EXPECTED, "called on array with object without toLocaleString threw " + n); } r = { length: 2 }; r[0] = { toLocaleString: function() { return "foo"; } } r[1] = { toLocaleString: function() { return "bar"; } } r = Array.prototype.toLocaleString.call(r); ok(r === "foo"+s+"bar", "toLocaleString on array-like object returned " + r); r = Array.prototype.toLocaleString.call({}); ok(r === "", "toLocaleString on {} returned " + r); r = Array.prototype.toLocaleString.call("ab"); ok(r === "a"+s+"b", "toLocaleString on 'ab' returned " + r); try { Array.prototype.toLocaleString.call(undefined); ok(false, "expected exception calling it on undefined"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "called on undefined threw " + n); } try { Array.prototype.toLocaleString.call(null); ok(false, "expected exception calling it on null"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "called on null threw " + n); } try { Array.prototype.toLocaleString.call(external.nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception calling it on nullDisp"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "called on nullDisp threw " + n); } }); sync_test("Number toLocaleString", function() { var r = Number.prototype.toLocaleString.length; ok(r === 0, "length = " + r); var tests = [ [ 0.0, "0" ], [ 1234.5, "1,234.5" ], [ -1337.7331, "-1,337.733" ], [ -0.0123, "-0.012" ], [-0.0198, "-0.02" ], [ 0.004, "0.004" ], [ 99.004, "99.004" ], [ 99.0004, "99" ], [ 65536.5, "65,536.5" ], [ NaN, "NaN" ] ]; if(external.isEnglish) { for(var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { r = Number.prototype.toLocaleString.call(tests[i][0]); ok(r === tests[i][1], "[" + i + "] got " + r); } } try { Number.prototype.toLocaleString.call("50"); ok(false, "expected exception calling it on string"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_WRONG_THIS, "called on string threw " + n); } try { Number.prototype.toLocaleString.call(undefined); ok(false, "expected exception calling it on undefined"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_WRONG_THIS, "called on undefined threw " + n); } try { Number.prototype.toLocaleString.call(external.nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception calling it on nullDisp"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_WRONG_THIS, "called on nullDisp threw " + n); } }); sync_test("indexOf", function() { function expect(array, args, exr) { var r = Array.prototype.indexOf.apply(array, args); ok(r == exr, "indexOf returned " + r + " expected " + exr); } ok(Array.prototype.indexOf.length == 1, "indexOf.length = " + Array.prototype.indexOf.length); expect([1,2,3], [2], 1); expect([1,undefined,3], [undefined], 1); expect([1,undefined,3], [], 1); expect([1,,3], [undefined], -1); expect([1,2,3,4,5,6], [2, 2], -1); expect([1,2,3,4,5,6], [5, -1], -1); expect([1,2,3,4,5,6], [5, -2], 4); expect([1,2,3,4,5,6], [5, -20], 4); expect([1,2,3,4,5,6], [5, 20], -1); expect("abc", ["b"], 1); expect(true, [true], -1); expect({"4": 4, length: 5}, [4], 4); expect({"4": 4, length: 5}, [undefined], -1); expect({"4": 4, length: 3}, [4], -1); expect({"test": true}, [true], -1); expect([1,2,3], [2, 1.9], 1); }); sync_test("lastIndexOf", function() { function expect(array, args, exr) { var r = Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.apply(array, args); ok(r == exr, "lastIndexOf returned " + r + " expected " + exr); } ok(Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.length == 1, "lastIndexOf.length = " + Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.length); expect([1,2,3], [2], 1); expect([1,undefined,3], [undefined], 1); expect([1,undefined,3], [], 1); expect([1,,3], [undefined], -1); expect([1,undefined,undefined], [undefined], 2); expect([1,2,3,2,5,6], [2, 2], 1); expect([1,2,3,2,5,6], [2], 3); expect([1,2,3,2,5,6], [2, -3], 3); expect([1,2,3,2,5,6], [2, -4], 1); expect([1,2,3,2,5,6], [1, -100], -1); expect([1,2,3,2,5,6], [2, 100], 3); expect("abcba", ["b"], 3); expect(true, [true], -1); expect({"4": 4, length: 5}, [4], 4); expect({"4": 4, length: 5}, [undefined], -1); expect({"4": 4, length: 3}, [4], -1); expect({"test": true}, [true], -1); expect([1,2,3], [2, 1.9], 1); expect([1,2,3], [2, 0.9], -1); }); sync_test("filter", function() { ok(Array.prototype.filter.length === 1, "filter.length = " + Array.prototype.filter.length); var arr = ["a","foobar",true,"b",42,0,Math,null,undefined,[1,2,3,"4"]]; delete arr[1]; function test(expect, fn, expect_this) { var mismatch = false, r = function(v, i, a) { ok(a === arr, "unexpected array " + arr); ok(v === arr[i], "value = " + v + ", expected " + arr[i]); ok(this === (expect_this ? expect_this : window), "this = " + this + ", expected " + expect_this); return fn(v); }; r = expect_this ? Array.prototype.filter.call(arr, r, expect_this) : Array.prototype.filter.call(arr, r); ok(r.length === expect.length, "filtered array length = " + r.length + ", expected " + expect.length); for(var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) if(r[i] !== expect[i]) mismatch = true; ok(!mismatch, "filtered array = " + r + ", expected " + expect); } test([], function(v) { return false; }); test(["a",true,"b",42,0,Math,null,undefined,arr[9]], function(v) { if(arr[1] === "foobar") delete arr[1]; return true; }); test(["a","b"], function(v) { if(v === "b") delete arr[0]; return typeof v === "string"; }); test(["b"], function(v) { if(arr[arr.length - 1] !== "c") arr.push("c"); return typeof v === "string"; }); test([true,"b",42,Math,arr[9],"c"], function(v) { return v; }, Object); }); sync_test("every & some", function() { ok(Array.prototype.every.length === 1, "every.length = " + Array.prototype.every.length); ok(Array.prototype.some.length === 1, "some.length = " + Array.prototype.some.length); var arr = ["foobar"]; function test(expect_every, expect_some, fn, expect_this) { var cb = function(v, i, a) { ok(a === arr, "unexpected array " + arr); ok(v === arr[i], "value = " + v + ", expected " + arr[i]); ok(this === (expect_this ? expect_this : window), "this = " + this + ", expected " + expect_this); return fn(v); }; r = expect_this ? Array.prototype.every.call(arr, cb, expect_this) : Array.prototype.every.call(arr, cb); ok(r === expect_every, "'every' = " + r); r = expect_this ? Array.prototype.some.call(arr, cb, expect_this) : Array.prototype.some.call(arr, cb); ok(r === expect_some, "'some' = " + r); } delete arr[0]; test(true, false, function(v) { return false; }); test(true, false, function(v) { return true; }); arr = [1,"2",3]; test(true, true, function(v) { return true; }); test(true, true, function(v) { if(arr[1] === "2") delete arr[1]; return typeof v === "number"; }); test(true, true, function(v) { if(arr[arr.length - 1] !== "a") arr.push("a"); return typeof v === "number"; }, Object); test(false, true, function(v) { return typeof v === "number"; }, Object); arr = [0,null,undefined,false]; test(false, false, function(v) { return v; }); arr.push(1); test(false, true, function(v) { return v; }); }); sync_test("forEach", function() { ok(Array.prototype.forEach.length === 1, "forEach.length = " + Array.prototype.forEach.length); function test(array, expect) { var r = Array.prototype.forEach.call(array, function(value, index, arr) { ok(arr === array, "unexpected array " + arr); ok(index === expect[0][0], "index = " + index + " expected " + expect[0][0]); ok(value === expect[0][1], "value = " + value + " expected " + expect[0][1]); expect.shift(); }); ok(r === undefined, "forEach returned " + r); ok(expect.length === 0, "too few forEach() calls, expected " + expect.length + " more"); } test(["a",2,"c"], [[0,"a"],[1,2],[2,"c"]]); test({length: 1000, 500: false, c: 30, 3: "x", 999: 1}, [[3,"x"],[500,false],[999,1]]); test(new String("abc"), [[0,"a"],[1,"b"],[2,"c"]]); test([], []); [1,2].forEach(function() { ok(this === window, "this != window"); }); [1,2].forEach(function() { ok(this === window, "this != window"); }, undefined); var o = new Object(), a = [1,2]; a.forEach(function(value, index, array) { ok(array === a, "array != a"); ok(this === o, "this != o"); }, o); }); sync_test("isArray", function() { function expect_array(a, exr) { var r = Array.isArray(a); ok(r === exr, "isArray returned " + r + " expected " + exr); } expect_array([1], true); expect_array(Array, false); expect_array(new Array(), true); expect_array({"1": 1, "2": 2, length: 2}, false); function C() {} C.prototype = Array.prototype; expect_array(new C(), false); }); sync_test("array_map", function() { var calls, m, arr, ctx; /* basic map call with context */ calls = ""; arr = [1,2,3]; ctx = {}; m = arr.map(function(x, i, a) { ok(this === ctx, "this != ctx"); ok(i === x - 1, "i = " + i); ok(a === arr, "a != arr"); calls += x + ","; return x * 2; }, ctx); ok(calls === "1,2,3,", "calls = " + calls); ok(m.join() === "2,4,6", "m = " + m); /* non-array object as this argument */ calls = ""; arr = { 1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three", length: 3 }; m = Array.prototype.map.call(arr, function(x, i) { calls += i + ":" + x + ","; return x + "!"; }); ok(calls === "1:one,2:two,", "calls = " + calls); ok(m.join() === ",one!,two!", "m = " + m); ok(!("0" in m), "0 is in m"); /* mutate array in callback */ calls = ""; arr = [1,2,3]; m = Array.prototype.map.call(arr, function(x, i) { calls += i + ":" + x + ","; for(var j = i; j < arr.length; j++) arr[j]++; arr.push(i * i); return x - 1; }); ok(calls === "0:1,1:3,2:5,", "calls = " + calls); ok(m.join() === "0,2,4", "m = " + m); [1,2].map(function() { ok(this === window, "this != window"); }); [1,2].map(function() { ok(this === window, "this != window"); }, undefined); }); sync_test("array_sort", function() { var r; r = [3,1,2].sort(function(x,y) { return y-x; }, 1, 2, 3, true, undefined ).join(); ok(r === "3,2,1", "reverse sorted [3,1,2] = " + r); r = [3,1,2].sort(undefined).join(); ok(r === "1,2,3", "null sorted [3,1,2] = " + r); try { r = [3,1,2].sort(null); ok(false, "expected sort(null) exception"); }catch(e) { ok(e.name === "TypeError", "got exception " + e.name); } }); sync_test("identifier_keywords", function() { var o = { if: 1, default: 2, function: 3, break: true, case: true, catch: true, continue: true, delete: true, do: true, else: true, finally: true, for: true, in: true, instanceof: true, new: true, return: true, switch: true, throw: true, try: true, typeof: true, var: true, void: true, while: true, with: true, true: true, false: true, null: true, this: true }; function ro() { return o; }; ok(o.if === 1, "o.if = " + o.if); ok(ro().default === 2, "ro().default = " + ro().default); ok(o.false === true, "o.false = " + o.false); }); function test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, prop, expected_writable, expected_enumerable, expected_configurable) { var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); ok("value" in desc, "value is not in desc"); ok(desc.value === obj[prop], "desc.value = " + desc.value + " expected " + obj[prop]); ok(desc.writable === expected_writable, "desc(" + prop + ").writable = " + desc.writable + " expected " + expected_writable); ok(desc.enumerable === expected_enumerable, "desc.enumerable = " + desc.enumerable + " expected " + expected_enumerable); ok(desc.configurable === expected_configurable, "desc.configurable = " + desc.configurable + " expected " + expected_configurable); } sync_test("getOwnPropertyDescriptor", function() { var obj; obj = { test: 1 }; test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "test", true, true, true); test_own_data_prop_desc(Object, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor", true, false, true); test_own_data_prop_desc(Math, "PI", false, false, false); var obj = new String(); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "length", false, false, false); ok(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "slice") === undefined, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor(slice) did not return undefined"); test_own_data_prop_desc(String.prototype, "slice", true, false, true); obj = new Array(); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "length", true, false, false); obj = new Function(); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "length", false, false, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "arguments", false, false, false); obj = /test/; test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "global", false, false, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "ignoreCase", false, false, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "lastIndex", true, false, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "multiline", false, false, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "source", false, false, false); (function() { test_own_data_prop_desc(arguments, "length", true, false, true); test_own_data_prop_desc(arguments, "callee", true, false, true); })(); test_own_data_prop_desc(String, "prototype", false, false, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(function(){}, "prototype", true, false, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(Function, "prototype", false, false, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(String.prototype, "constructor", true, false, true); try { Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(null, "prototype"); ok(false, "expected exception with null"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "with null context threw " + n); } try { Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(external.nullDisp, "prototype"); ok(false, "expected exception calling getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nullDisp)"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nullDisp) threw " + n); } }); sync_test("defineProperty", function() { var nullDisp = external.nullDisp; function test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, prop, orig_desc) { var expected_enumerable = "enumerable" in orig_desc && !!orig_desc.enumerable; var expected_configurable = "configurable" in orig_desc && !!orig_desc.configurable; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); ok(desc.enumerable === expected_enumerable, "desc.enumerable = " + desc.enumerable + " expected " + expected_enumerable); ok(desc.configurable === expected_configurable, "desc.configurable = " + desc.configurable + " expected " + expected_configurable); ok(desc.get === orig_desc.get, "desc.get = " + desc.get); ok(desc.set === orig_desc.set, "desc.set = " + desc.set); } function expect_exception(func, expected_number) { try { func(); }catch(e) { var n = e.number + 0x100000000; /* make it unsigned like HRESULT */ todo_wine_if(expected_number == JS_E_PROP_DESC_MISMATCH). ok(n === expected_number, "got exception " + n.toString(16) + " expected " + expected_number.toString(16)); ok(e.name === "TypeError", "e.name = " + e.name); return; } ok(false, "expected exception"); } var obj = new Object(), defined; defined = Object.defineProperty(obj, "test", {}); ok(defined === obj, "defined != obj"); ok("test" in obj, "test is not in obj"); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "test", false, false, false); ok(obj.test === undefined, "obj.test = " + obj.test); Object.defineProperty(obj, "all", {writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: 1}); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "all", true, true, true); ok(obj.all === 1, "obj.test = " + obj.test); Object.defineProperty(obj, "all", {writable: false}); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "all", false, true, true); ok(obj.all === 1, "obj.test = " + obj.test); var getsetprop_value = 1; var desc = { get: function() { return getsetprop_value; }, set: function(v) { getsetprop_value = v; }, configurable: true }; Object.defineProperty(obj, "getsetprop", desc); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "getsetprop", desc); ok(obj.getsetprop === 1, "getsetprop = " + obj.getsetprop); obj.getsetprop = 2; ok(getsetprop_value === 2, "getsetprop_value = " + getsetprop_value); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "getsetprop", desc); ok(obj.getsetprop === 2, "getsetprop = " + obj.getsetprop); ok((delete obj.getsetprop) === true, "delete getsetprop returned false"); ok(!("getsetprop" in obj), "getsetprop still in obj after delete"); Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf", {writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: false, value: 1}); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf", true, true, false); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf", {writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: 1}); }, JS_E_NONCONFIGURABLE_REDEFINED); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf", {writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: 1}); }, JS_E_NONCONFIGURABLE_REDEFINED); Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf", {writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: false, value: 2}); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf", true, true, false); Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf", {writable: true, value: 2}); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf", true, true, false); Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2", {writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: 1}); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf2", false, false, false); obj.notConf2 = 2; ok(obj.notConf2 === 1, "obj.notConf2 = " + obj.notConf2) expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2", {writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: 1}); }, JS_E_NONCONFIGURABLE_REDEFINED); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2", {writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: false, value: 1}); }, JS_E_NONCONFIGURABLE_REDEFINED); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2", {writable: true, value: 1}); }, JS_E_NONWRITABLE_MODIFIED); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2", {value: 2}); }, JS_E_NONWRITABLE_MODIFIED); Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2", {writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: 1}); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf2", false, false, false); Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2", {writable: false, value: 1}); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf2", false, false, false); desc = { get: function() { return getsetprop_value; }, set: function(v) { getsetprop_value = v; }, configurable: false }; Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConfAcc", desc); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "notConfAcc", desc); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConfAcc", {value: 1}); }, JS_E_NONCONFIGURABLE_REDEFINED); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConfAcc", {get: desc.get, set: function () {}}); }, JS_E_NONCONFIGURABLE_REDEFINED); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConfAcc", {get: undefined, set: desc.set}); }, JS_E_NONCONFIGURABLE_REDEFINED); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConfAcc", {writable: true}); }, JS_E_NONCONFIGURABLE_REDEFINED); Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConfAcc", {get: desc.get}); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "notConfAcc", desc); Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConfAcc", {set: desc.set}); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "notConfAcc", desc); Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConfAcc", {configurable: false}); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "notConfAcc", desc); desc = { get: function() { return getsetprop_value; }, set: function(v) { getsetprop_value = v; }, configurable: true }; Object.defineProperty(obj, "confAcc", desc); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "confAcc", desc); Object.defineProperty(obj, "confAcc", {writable: 1}); test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "confAcc", true, false, true); Object.defineProperty(obj, "confAcc", desc); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "confAcc", desc); desc.get = function() {}; desc.set = undefined; Object.defineProperty(obj, "confAcc", desc); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "confAcc", desc); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "invaliddesc", {get: undefined, value: 1}); }, JS_E_PROP_DESC_MISMATCH); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "invaliddesc", {set: undefined, writable: true}); }, JS_E_INVALID_WRITABLE_PROP_DESC); function child() {} desc = { get: function() { ok(this === obj, "this != obj"); return getsetprop_value; }, set: function(v) { ok(this === obj, "this != obj"); getsetprop_value = v; }, configurable: true }; Object.defineProperty(child.prototype, "parent_accessor", desc); obj = new child(); getsetprop_value = 6; ok(obj.parent_accessor === 6, "parent_accessor = " + obj.parent_accessor); obj.parent_accessor = 1; ok(getsetprop_value === 1, "getsetprop_value = " + getsetprop_value); ok(obj.parent_accessor === 1, "parent_accessor = " + obj.parent_accessor); ok(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "parent_accessor") === undefined, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor(parent_accessor) did not return undefined"); test_accessor_prop_desc(child.prototype, "parent_accessor", desc); desc.get = undefined; Object.defineProperty(child.prototype, "parent_accessor", desc); ok(obj.parent_accessor === undefined, "parent_accessor = " + obj.parent_accessor); /* no setter */ desc = { get: function() { ok(this === obj, "this != obj"); return true; }, configurable: true }; Object.defineProperty(obj, "no_setter", desc); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "no_setter", desc); obj.no_setter = false; ok(obj.no_setter === true, "no_setter = " + obj.no_setter); ok((delete obj.no_setter) === true, "delete no_setter returned false"); ok(!("no_setter" in obj), "no_setter still in obj after delete"); Object.defineProperty(child.prototype, "no_setter", desc); test_accessor_prop_desc(child.prototype, "no_setter", desc); ok(!obj.hasOwnProperty("no_setter"), "no_setter is a property of obj"); obj.no_setter = false; ok(obj.no_setter === true, "no_setter = " + obj.no_setter); ok(!obj.hasOwnProperty("no_setter"), "no_setter is a property of obj"); /* call prop with getter */ desc = { get: function() { return function(x) { ok(x === 100, "x = " + x); return 10; }; } }; Object.defineProperty(obj, "funcprop", desc); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "funcprop", desc); ok(obj.funcprop(100) === 10, "obj.funcprop() = " + obj.funcprop(100)); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(null, "funcprop", desc); }, JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(nullDisp, "funcprop", desc); }, JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED); expect_exception(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, "funcprop", nullDisp); }, JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED); }); sync_test("defineProperties", function() { var o, defined, descs; descs = { acc_prop: { get: function() { return 1; } }, prop: { value: 2 }, e: { enumerable: true } }; o = new Object(); defined = Object.defineProperties(o, descs); ok(defined === o, "defined != o"); ok(o.acc_prop === 1, "o.acc_prop = " + o.acc_prop); ok(o.prop === 2, "o.prop = " + o.prop); ok(o.e === undefined, "o.e = " + o.e); ok("e" in o, "e is not in o"); test_own_data_prop_desc(o, "prop", false, false, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(o, "e", false, true, false); for(var p in o) ok(p === "e", "p = " + p); o = new Object(); Object.defineProperties(o, 1); for(var p in o) ok(false, "o has property " + p); o = Object.create(null, descs); ok(o.acc_prop === 1, "o.acc_prop = " + o.acc_prop); ok(o.prop === 2, "o.prop = " + o.prop); ok(o.e === undefined, "o.e = " + o.e); ok("e" in o, "e is not in o"); test_own_data_prop_desc(o, "prop", false, false, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(o, "e", false, true, false); for(var p in o) ok(p === "e", "p = " + p); var desc_proto = new Object(); desc_proto.proto_prop = { value: true, enumerable: true }; descs = Object.create(desc_proto); o = Object.create(null, descs); ok(!("proto_prop" in o), "proto_prop is in o"); }); sync_test("property_definitions", function() { var obj, val, i, arr; function test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, prop, have_getter, have_setter) { var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); ok(desc.enumerable === true, "desc.enumerable = " + desc.enumerable); ok(desc.configurable === true, "desc.configurable = " + desc.configurable); if(have_getter) { ok(typeof(desc.get) === "function", "desc.get = " + desc.get); ok(typeof(desc.get.prototype) === "object", "desc.get.prototype = " + desc.get.prototype); }else { ok(!("get" in obj), "desc.get = " + desc.get); } if(have_setter) { ok(typeof(desc.set) === "function", "desc.set = " + desc.set); ok(typeof(desc.set.prototype) === "object", "desc.set.prototype = " + desc.set.prototype); }else { ok(!("set" in obj), "desc.get = " + desc.get); } } obj = { get prop() { return val + 1; }, set prop(v) { val = v; } }; test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "prop", true, true); val = 0; ok(obj.prop === 1, "obj.prop = " + obj.prop); obj.prop = 3; ok(val === 3, "val = " + val); ok(obj.prop === 4, "obj.prop = " + obj.prop); arr = []; for(i in obj) arr.push(i); ok(arr.join() === "prop", "prop of obj = " + arr.join()); obj = { set prop(v) { val = v; } }; test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "prop", false, true); val = 1; ok(obj.prop === undefined, "obj.prop = " + obj.prop); obj.prop = 2; ok(val === 2, "val = " + val); ok(obj.prop === undefined, "obj.prop = " + obj.prop); obj = { get prop() { return val + 1; }, get 0() { return val + 2; } }; test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "prop", true, false); val = 5; ok(obj.prop === 6, "obj.prop = " + obj.prop); obj.prop = 10; ok(val === 5, "val = " + val); ok(obj.prop === 6, "obj.prop = " + obj.prop); test_accessor_prop_desc(obj, "0", true, false); ok(obj[0] === 7, "obj.prop = " + obj[0]); }); sync_test("string_idx", function() { var i, s = "foobar"; ok(s[0] === "f", "s[0] = " + s[0]); ok(s[5] === "r", "s[5] = " + s[5]); ok(s[6] === undefined, "s[6] = " + s[6]); ok((delete s[0]) === false, "delete s[0] returned true"); ok((delete s[6]) === true, "delete s[6] returned false"); s[6] = "X"; ok(s[6] === undefined, "s[6] = " + s[6]); s = new String(s); test_own_data_prop_desc(s, "0", false, true, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(s, "1", false, true, false); ok(!s.hasOwnProperty("6"), "'6' is a property"); s[7] = "X"; ok(s[7] === "X", "s[7] = " + s[7]); // s.hasOwnProperty("7") returns false on Win8 likely due to a bug in its js engine Object.defineProperty(s, "8", {writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: "Y"}); ok(s[8] === "Y", "s[8] = " + s[8]); ok(s.hasOwnProperty("8"), "'8' not a property"); String.prototype[9] = "Z"; ok(s[9] === "Z", "s[9] = " + s[9]); delete String.prototype[9]; i = 0; for(var idx in s) { ok(s[idx] === "foobar XY"[idx], "enum s[" + idx + "] = " + s[idx]); i++; } ok(i === 8, "enum did " + i + " iterations"); }); sync_test("string_trim", function() { function test_trim(value, expected) { var r = String.prototype.trim.call(value); ok(r === expected, "trim(" + value + ") = " + r); } test_trim("test", "test"); test_trim(false, "false"); test_trim("\n \t\rte st\t\t\n", "te st"); test_trim({ toString: function() { return " test "; } }, "test"); test_trim("", ""); test_trim(" \t\n", ""); }); sync_test("global_properties", function() { var o; /* Make sure that global properties are not writable. */ o = NaN; NaN = 1; ok(isNaN(NaN), "NaN = " + NaN); o = undefined; undefined = 1; ok(undefined === o, "NaN = " + NaN); o = Infinity; Infinity = 1; ok(Infinity === o, "Infinity = " + NaN); }); sync_test("string_split", function() { var r; /* IE9 got this wrong*/ if("1undefined2".split(undefined).length != 1) { win_skip("detected broken String.prototype.split implementation"); return; } function test(string, separator, result) { var r = string.split(separator); ok(r == result, "\"" + string + "\".split(" + separator + ") returned " + r + " expected " + result); } test("test", /^|\s+/, "test"); test("test", /$|\s+/, "test"); test("test", /^|./, "t,,,"); test("test", /.*/, ","); test("test", /x*/, "t,e,s,t"); test("test", /$|x*/, "t,e,s,t"); test("test", /^|x*/, "t,e,s,t"); test("test", /t*/, ",e,s,"); test("xaabaax", /a*|b*/, "x,b,x"); test("xaabaax", /a+|b+/, "x,,,x"); test("xaabaax", /a+|b*/, "x,,,x"); test("xaaxbaax", /b+|a+/, "x,x,,x"); test("test", /^|t/, "tes,"); test("test", /^|t/, "tes,"); test("a,,b", /,/, "a,,b"); test("ab", /a*/, ",b"); test("aab", "a", ",,b"); test("a", "a", ","); function test_length(string, separator, len) { var r = string.split(separator); ok(r.length === len, "\"" + string + "\".split(" + separator + ").length = " + r.length + " expected " + len); } test_length("", /a*/, 0); test_length("", /a+/, 1); test_length("", "", 0); test_length("", "x", 1); r = "1,2,3".split(undefined); ok(typeof(r) === "object", "typeof(r) = " + typeof(r)); ok(r.length === 1, "r.length = " + r.length); ok(r[0] === "1,2,3", "r[0] = " + r[0]); r = "1,undefined2undefined,3".split(undefined); ok(typeof(r) === "object", "typeof(r) = " + typeof(r)); ok(r.length === 1, "r.length = " + r.length); ok(r[0] === "1,undefined2undefined,3", "r[0] = " + r[0]); r = "1,undefined2undefined,3".split(); ok(typeof(r) === "object", "typeof(r) = " + typeof(r)); ok(r.length === 1, "r.length = " + r.length); ok(r[0] === "1,undefined2undefined,3", "r[0] = " + r[0]); /* note: spec violation, limit is ignored */ r = "1,undefined2undefined,3".split(undefined, 0); ok(typeof(r) === "object", "typeof(r) = " + typeof(r)); ok(r.length === 1, "r.length = " + r.length); ok(r[0] === "1,undefined2undefined,3", "r[0] = " + r[0]); r = "1,undefined2null,3".split(null); ok(typeof(r) === "object", "typeof(r) = " + typeof(r)); ok(r.length === 2, "r.length = " + r.length); ok(r[0] === "1,undefined2", "r[0] = " + r[0]); ok(r[1] === ",3", "r[1] = " + r[1]); r = "".split(); ok(typeof(r) === "object", "typeof(r) = " + typeof(r)); ok(r.length === 1, "r.length = " + r.length); ok(r[0] === "", "r[0] = " + r[0]); }); sync_test("getPrototypeOf", function() { ok(Object.create.length === 2, "Object.create.length = " + Object.create.length); ok(Object.getPrototypeOf.length === 1, "Object.getPrototypeOf.length = " + Object.getPrototypeOf.length); ok(Object.getPrototypeOf(new Object()) === Object.prototype, "Object.getPrototypeOf(new Object()) !== Object.prototype"); function Constr() {} var obj = new Constr(); ok(Object.getPrototypeOf(Constr.prototype) === Object.prototype, "Object.getPrototypeOf(Constr.prototype) !== Object.prototype"); ok(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Constr.prototype, "Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) !== Constr.prototype"); var proto = new Object(); Constr.prototype = proto; ok(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) != proto, "Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) == proto"); obj = new Constr(); ok(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === proto, "Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) !== proto"); ok(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj, 2, 3, 4) === proto, "Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) !== proto"); ok(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.prototype) === null, "Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.prototype) !== null"); obj = Object.create(proto = { test: 1 }); ok(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === proto, "Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) !== proto"); ok(obj.test === 1, "obj.test = " + obj.test); obj = Object.create(null); ok(!("toString" in obj), "toString is in obj"); ok(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === null, "Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) = " + Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)); ok(Object.getPrototypeOf(external) === null, "Object.getPrototypeOf(non-JS obj) = " + Object.getPrototypeOf(external)); try { Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(external.nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception calling getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nullDisp)"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nullDisp) threw " + n); } }); sync_test("toString", function() { var tmp, obj; (function () { tmp = Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments); })(); todo_wine. ok(tmp === "[object Arguments]", "toString.call(arguments) = " + tmp); tmp = Object.prototype.toString.call(this); todo_wine. ok(tmp === "[object Window]", "toString.call(null) = " + tmp); tmp = Object.prototype.toString.call(null); ok(tmp === "[object Null]", "toString.call(null) = " + tmp); tmp = Object.prototype.toString.call(undefined); ok(tmp === "[object Undefined]", "toString.call(undefined) = " + tmp); tmp = Object.prototype.toString.call(); ok(tmp === "[object Undefined]", "toString.call() = " + tmp); obj = Object.create(null); tmp = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj); ok(tmp === "[object Object]", "toString.call(Object.create(null)) = " + tmp); obj = Object.create(Number.prototype); tmp = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj); ok(tmp === "[object Object]", "toString.call(Object.create(Number.prototype)) = " + tmp); }); sync_test("bind", function() { var f, r; var o = new Object(), o2 = new Object(); f = (function() { ok(this === o, "this != o"); ok(arguments.length === 0, "arguments.length = " + arguments.length); return 1; }).bind(o); ok(f.length === 0, "f.length = " + f.length); r = f.call(o2); ok(r === 1, "r = " + r); f = (function() { ok(this === o, "this != o"); ok(arguments.length === 1, "arguments.length = " + arguments.length); ok(arguments[0] === 1, "arguments[0] = " + arguments[0]); return 1; }).bind(o, 1); ok(f.length === 0, "f.length = " + f.length); r = f.call(o2); ok(r === 1, "r = " + r); f = (function() { ok(this === o, "this != o"); ok(arguments.length === 2, "arguments.length = " + arguments.length); ok(arguments[0] === 1, "arguments[0] = " + arguments[0]); ok(arguments[1] === 2, "arguments[1] = " + arguments[0]); return 1; }).bind(o, 1); r = f.call(o2, 2); ok(r === 1, "r = " + r); o2.f = f; r = o2.f(2); ok(r === 1, "r = " + r); f = (function test(x, y, z) { ok(this === o, "this != o"); ok(arguments.length === 2, "arguments.length = " + arguments.length); ok(x === 1, "x = " + x); ok(y === 2, "y = " + y); ok(z === undefined, "z = " + z); return 1; }).bind(o, 1); ok(f.length === 2, "f.length = " + f.length); r = f.call(o2, 2); ok(r === 1, "r = " + r); ok(f.toString() === "\nfunction() {\n [native code]\n}\n", "f.toString() = " + f.toString()); ok(!("prototype" in f), "bound function has prototype"); var a = []; f = Array.prototype.push.bind(a, 1); f(); ok(a.length === 1, "a.length = " + a.length); f(2); ok(a.length === 3, "a.length = " + a.length); ok(f.length === 0, "f.length = " + f.length); ok(f.toString() === "\nfunction() {\n [native code]\n}\n", "f.toString() = " + f.toString()); ok(a.toString() === "1,1,2", "a = " + a); f.call([], 3); ok(a.toString() === "1,1,2,1,3", "a = " + a); f = (function() { return this; }).bind(a); ok(f() === a, "f() != a"); f = (function() { return this; }).bind(null); ok(f() === window, "f() = " + f()); var t; f = (function() { return t = this; }).bind(a); ok(new f() === t, "new f() != a"); ok(typeof(t) === "object", "typeof(t) = " + typeof(t)); ok(t != a, "t == a"); ok(Function.prototype.bind.length === 1, "Function.prototype.bind.length = " + Function.prototype.bind.length); }); sync_test("keys", function() { var o = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }; var keys = Object.keys(o).sort().join(); ok(keys === "a,b,c", "keys = " + keys); o = Object.create(o); keys = Object.keys(o).sort().join(); ok(keys === "", "keys = " + keys); o.test = 1; keys = Object.keys(o).sort().join(); ok(keys === "test", "keys = " + keys); Object.defineProperty(o, "defined", { value: 3, enumerable: false }); keys = Object.keys(o).sort().join(); ok(keys === "test", "keys = " + keys); keys = Object.keys([]).sort().join(); ok(keys === "", "keys([]) = " + keys); ok(Object.keys.length === 1, "Object.keys.length = " + Object.keys.length); try { Object.keys(external.nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception calling keys(nullDisp)"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "keys(nullDisp) threw " + n); } }); sync_test("getOwnPropertyNames", function() { var o = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }; var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o).sort().join(); ok(names === "a,b,c", "names = " + names); o = Object.create(o); names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o).sort().join(); ok(names === "", "names = " + names); o.test = 1; names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o).sort().join(); ok(names === "test", "names = " + names); Object.defineProperty(o, "defined", { value: 3, enumerable: false }); names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o).sort().join(); ok(names === "defined,test", "names = " + names); names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames([]).sort().join(); todo_wine. ok(names === "length", "names = " + names); ok(Object.getOwnPropertyNames.length === 1, "Object.getOwnPropertyNames.length = " + Object.getOwnPropertyNames.length); try { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(external.nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception calling getOwnPropertyNames(nullDisp)"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "getOwnPropertyNames(nullDisp) threw " + n); } }); sync_test("reduce", function() { var r, array; r = [1,2,3].reduce(function(a, value) { return a + value + 10; }); ok(r === 26, "reduce() returned " + r); r = [1,2,3].reduce(function(a, value) { return a + value + 10; }, 1); ok(r === 37, "reduce() returned " + r); r = [1,2,3].reduce(function(a, value) { return a + value; }, "str"); ok(r === "str123", "reduce() returned " + r); array = [1,2,3]; r = array.reduce(function(a, value, index, src) { ok(src === array, "src != array"); return a + "(" + index + "," + value + ")"; }, "str"); ok(r === "str(0,1)(1,2)(2,3)", "reduce() returned " + r); r = [1,2,3].reduce(function(a, value, index, src) { src[0] = false; delete src[1]; src[2] = "test"; return a + value; }, ""); ok(r === "1test", "reduce() returned " + r); r = [1].reduce(function(a) { return 0; }); ok(r === 1, "[1].reduce() returned " + r); r = [1].reduce(function(a) { return 0; }, 2); ok(r === 0, "[1].reduce(2) returned " + r); r = [].reduce(function(a) { return 0; }, 2); ok(r === 2, "[].reduce(2) returned " + r); r = [].reduce(function(a) { return 0; }, undefined); ok(r === undefined, "[].reduce(undefined) returned " + r); try { [].reduce(function(a) { return 0; }); ok(false, "expected exception"); }catch(e) {} ok(Array.prototype.reduce.length === 1, "Array.prototype.reduce.length = " + Array.prototype.reduce.length); }); sync_test("preventExtensions", function() { var o = {}; var r = Object.preventExtensions(o); ok(r === o, "r != o"); o.x = 1; ok(!("x" in o), "x property added to o"); try { Object.defineProperty(o, "y", { value: true }); ok(false, "expected exception"); }catch(e) { ok(e.name === "TypeError", "got " + e.name + " exception"); } r = Object.preventExtensions(o); ok(r === o, "r != o"); r = Object.isExtensible(o); ok(r === false, "isExtensible(o) returned " + r); function Constr() {} o = Object.preventExtensions(new Constr()); Constr.prototype.prop = 1; ok(o.prop === 1, "o.prop = " + o.prop); o.prop = 2; ok(o.prop === 1, "o.prop = " + o.prop); r = Object.isExtensible(o); ok(r === false, "isExtensible(o) returned " + r); try { Object.defineProperty(o, "prop", { value: true }); ok(false, "expected exception"); }catch(e) { ok(e.name === "TypeError", "got " + e.name + " exception"); } r = Object.isExtensible({}); ok(r === true, "isExtensible(o) returned " + r); try { Object.isExtensible(1); ok(false, "exception expected"); }catch(e) { ok(e.name === "TypeError", "got " + e.name + " exception"); } o = []; Object.preventExtensions(o); try { o.push(1); ok(false, "exception expected on o.push"); }catch(e) { ok(e.name === "TypeError", "got " + e.name + " exception"); } ok(!("0" in o), "0 is in o"); ok(o.length === 0, "o.length = " + o.length); o = [1]; Object.preventExtensions(o); o.pop(); ok(!("0" in o), "0 is in o"); ok(o.length === 0, "o.length = " + o.length); ok(Object.preventExtensions.length === 1, "Object.preventExtensions.length = " + Object.preventExtensions.length); ok(Object.isExtensible.length === 1, "Object.isExtensible.length = " + Object.isExtensible.length); try { Object.preventExtensions(external.nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception calling preventExtensions(nullDisp)"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "preventExtensions(nullDisp) threw " + n); } }); sync_test("freeze", function() { ok(Object.freeze.length === 1, "Object.freeze.length = " + Object.freeze.length); try { Object.freeze(1); ok(false, "exception expected"); }catch(e) { ok(e.name === "TypeError", "got " + e.name + " exception"); } function f() {} var o = {}, r; o.prop = 1; o.func = f; Object.defineProperty(o, "accprop", { get: function() { return r; }, set: function(v) { r = v; } }); test_own_data_prop_desc(o, "prop", true, true, true); r = Object.freeze(o); ok(r === o, "r != o"); test_own_data_prop_desc(o, "prop", false, true, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(o, "func", false, true, false); ok(!Object.isExtensible(o), "o is still extensible"); o.prop = false; o.func = false; ok(o.prop === 1, "o.prop = " + o.prop); ok(o.func === f, "o.func = " + o.func); r = 1; o.accprop = 2; ok(r === 2, "r = " + r); r = 3; ok(o.accprop === 3, "o.accprop = " + o.accprop); o = [1]; Object.freeze(o); try { o.pop(); ok(false, "exception expected on o.pop"); }catch(e) { ok(e.name === "TypeError", "got " + e.name + " exception"); } ok(o[0] === 1, "o[0] = " + o[0]); ok(o.length === 1, "o.length = " + o.length); try { Object.freeze(external.nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception freeze(nullDisp)"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "freeze(nullDisp) threw " + n); } }); sync_test("seal", function() { ok(Object.seal.length === 1, "Object.seal.length = " + Object.seal.length); try { Object.seal(1); ok(false, "exception expected"); }catch(e) { ok(e.name === "TypeError", "got " + e.name + " exception"); } function f() {} var o = {}, r; o.prop = 1; o.func = f; Object.defineProperty(o, "accprop", { get: function() { return r; }, set: function(v) { r = v; } }); test_own_data_prop_desc(o, "prop", true, true, true); r = Object.seal(o); ok(r === o, "r != o"); test_own_data_prop_desc(o, "prop", true, true, false); test_own_data_prop_desc(o, "func", true, true, false); ok(!Object.isExtensible(o), "o is still extensible"); o.prop = false; o.func = false; ok(o.prop === false, "o.prop = " + o.prop); ok(o.func === false, "o.func = " + o.func); r = 1; o.accprop = 2; ok(r === 2, "r = " + r); r = 3; ok(o.accprop === 3, "o.accprop = " + o.accprop); o = [1]; Object.seal(o); try { o.pop(); ok(false, "exception expected on o.pop"); }catch(e) { ok(e.name === "TypeError", "got " + e.name + " exception"); } ok(o[0] === 1, "o[0] = " + o[0]); ok(o.length === 1, "o.length = " + o.length); try { Object.seal(external.nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception calling seal(nullDisp)"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "seal(nullDisp) threw " + n); } }); sync_test("isFrozen", function() { var nullDisp = external.nullDisp; ok(Object.isFrozen.length === 1, "Object.isFrozen.length = " + Object.isFrozen.length); ok(Object.isSealed.length === 1, "Object.isSealed.length = " + Object.isSealed.length); var o = Object.freeze({}); ok(Object.isFrozen(o) === true, "o is not frozen"); ok(Object.isSealed(o) === true, "o is not sealed"); ok(Object.isExtensible(o) === false, "o is extensible"); ok(Object.isFrozen({}) === false, "{} is frozen"); ok(Object.isSealed({}) === false, "{} is sealed"); o = Object.preventExtensions({}); ok(Object.isFrozen(o) === true, "o is not frozen"); ok(Object.isSealed(o) === true, "o is not sealed"); ok(Object.isExtensible(o) === false, "o is extensible"); o = Object.preventExtensions({ prop: 1 }); ok(Object.isFrozen(o) === false, "o is frozen"); ok(Object.isSealed(o) === false, "o is sealed"); ok(Object.isExtensible(o) === false, "o is extensible"); o = Object.freeze({ prop: 1 }); ok(Object.isFrozen(o) === true, "o is not frozen"); ok(Object.isSealed(o) === true, "o is not sealed"); ok(Object.isExtensible(o) === false, "o is extensible"); o = Object.seal({ prop: 1 }); ok(Object.isFrozen(o) === false, "o is frozen"); ok(Object.isSealed(o) === true, "o is not sealed"); ok(Object.isExtensible(o) === false, "o is extensible"); o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, "prop", { value: 1 }); Object.preventExtensions(o); ok(Object.isFrozen(o) === true, "o is not frozen"); ok(Object.isSealed(o) === true, "o is not sealed"); ok(Object.isExtensible(o) === false, "o is extensible"); o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, "prop", { value: 1, writable: true }); Object.preventExtensions(o); ok(Object.isFrozen(o) === false, "o is frozen"); ok(Object.isSealed(o) === true, "o is not sealed"); ok(Object.isExtensible(o) === false, "o is extensible"); o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, "prop", { value: 1, writable: true, configurable: true }); Object.preventExtensions(o); ok(Object.isFrozen(o) === false, "o is frozen"); ok(Object.isSealed(o) === false, "o is sealed"); ok(Object.isExtensible(o) === false, "o is extensible"); o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, "prop", { value: 1, configurable: true }); Object.preventExtensions(o); ok(Object.isFrozen(o) === false, "o is frozen"); ok(Object.isSealed(o) === false, "o is sealed"); ok(Object.isExtensible(o) === false, "o is extensible"); o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, "prop", { get: function() {}, set: function() {} }); Object.preventExtensions(o); ok(Object.isFrozen(o) === true, "o is not frozen"); ok(Object.isSealed(o) === true, "o is not sealed"); ok(Object.isExtensible(o) === false, "o is extensible"); try { Object.isFrozen(nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception calling isFrozen(nullDisp)"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "isFrozen(nullDisp) threw " + n); } try { Object.isSealed(nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception calling isSealed(nullDisp)"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "isSealed(nullDisp) threw " + n); } try { Object.isExtensible(nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception calling isExtensible(nullDisp)"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, "isExtensible(nullDisp) threw " + n); } }); sync_test("builtin_context", function() { var nullDisp = external.nullDisp; var tests = [ [ "Array.map", JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Array.prototype.map.call(ctx, function(a, b) {}); } ], [ "Array.sort", JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Array.prototype.sort.call(ctx); } ], [ "Boolean.toString", JS_E_BOOLEAN_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Boolean.prototype.toString.call(ctx); } ], [ "Date.getTime", JS_E_DATE_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Date.prototype.getTime.call(ctx); } ], [ "Date.toGMTString", JS_E_DATE_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Date.prototype.toGMTString.call(ctx); } ], [ "Enumerator.item", JS_E_ENUMERATOR_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Enumerator.prototype.item.call(ctx); } ], [ "Error.toString", JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Error.prototype.toString.call(ctx); } ], [ "Function.call", JS_E_FUNCTION_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Function.prototype.call.call(ctx, function() {}); } ], [ "Map.clear", JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Map.prototype.clear.call(ctx); } ], [ "Number.toFixed", JS_E_NUMBER_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Number.prototype.toFixed.call(ctx); } ], [ "Object.isPrototypeOf", JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf.call(ctx, Object); } ], [ "RegExp.exec", JS_E_REGEXP_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { RegExp.prototype.exec.call(ctx, "foobar"); } ], [ "Set.add", JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { Set.prototype.add.call(ctx, 5); } ], [ "String.search", JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { String.prototype.search.call(ctx, /foobar/g); } ], [ "String.trim", JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { String.prototype.trim.call(ctx); } ], [ "VBArray.dimensions", JS_E_VBARRAY_EXPECTED, function(ctx) { VBArray.prototype.dimensions.call(ctx); } ] ]; /* make global object suitable for some calls */ window[0] = "foo"; window[1] = "bar"; window.length = 2; for(var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { try { tests[i][2](null); ok(false, "expected exception calling " + tests[i][0] + " with null context"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; /* make it unsigned like HRESULT */ ok(n === tests[i][1], tests[i][0] + " with null context exception code = " + n); } try { tests[i][2](undefined); ok(false, "expected exception calling " + tests[i][0] + " with undefined context"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === tests[i][1], tests[i][0] + " with undefined context exception code = " + n); } try { tests[i][2](nullDisp); ok(false, "expected exception calling " + tests[i][0] + " with nullDisp context"); }catch(ex) { var n = ex.number >>> 0; ok(n === tests[i][1], tests[i][0] + " with nullDisp context exception code = " + n); } } var obj = (function() { return this; }).call(null); ok(obj === window, "obj = " + obj); var obj = (function() { return this; }).call(undefined); ok(obj === window, "obj = " + obj); obj = (function() { return this; }).call(42); ok(obj.valueOf() === 42, "obj = " + obj); }); sync_test("head_setter", function() { document.head = ""; ok(typeof(document.head) === "object", "typeof(document.head) = " + typeof(document.head)); }); sync_test("declaration_let", function() { ok(typeof(func) === "undefined", "typeof(func) = " + typeof(func)); with(new Object()) { var x = false && function func() {}; } ok(typeof(func) === "undefined", "typeof(func) = " + typeof(func)); function expect_exception(func, todo) { try { func(); }catch(e) { return; } if (typeof todo === 'undefined' || !todo) ok(false, "expected exception"); else todo_wine.ok(false, "expected exception"); } function call_func(f, expected_a) { f(2, expected_a); } ok(a === undefined, "a is not undefined"); var a = 3; { let a = 2; let b ok(typeof b === 'undefined', "b is defined"); ok(b === undefined, "b !== undefined"); ok(a == 2, "a != 2"); a = 4; ok(a == 4, "a != 4"); eval('ok(a == 4, "eval: a != 4"); b = a; a = 5;') ok(b == 4, "b != 4"); ok(a == 5, "a != 5"); function func1() { ok(typeof b === 'undefined', "func1: b is defined"); ok(b === undefined, "func1: should produce exception"); let b = 1; } expect_exception(func1, true); function func2() { let b = 1; ok(b == 1, "func2: b != 1"); } func2(); var w = 8; with({w: 9}) { { let c = 5 function func3(b, expected) { var b = 2 ok(typeof d === 'undefined', "d is defined"); ok(c == expected, "func3: c != expected"); ok(w == 9, "w != 9") ok(b == 2, "func3: b != 2"); b = 3; ok(b == 3, "func3: b != 3"); ok(a == expected, "func3: a != expected"); a = 6; c = 6; } let f3 = func3 let f4 = function() { ok(a == 6, "f4: a != 6"); } ok(a == 5, "tmp 2 a != 5"); ok(c == 5, "c != 5"); func3(1, 5) ok(c == 6, "c != 6"); call_func(func3, 6); f3(1, 6) ok(a == 6, "a != 6"); ok(b == 4, "b != 4"); ok(c == 6, "c != 6"); call_func(f4); f4(); } } { let c = 4; let d = 1; func3(1, 6); } } ok(a == 3, "a != 3"); var except = false try { eval('if (true) let a = 3'); } catch (e) { except = true; } ok(except, "with({w:9}) let a = 3: expected exception."); let for_count = 0; for (let for_i1 = 0, for_i2 = 1; for_i1 < 3; ++for_i1, ++for_i2, ++for_count) { let for_i2 = 10; ok(for_i2 == 10, "for_i2 != 10"); } ok(typeof for_i1 == 'undefined', "for_i1 is defined"); ok(typeof for_i2 == 'undefined', "for_i2 is defined"); ok(for_count == 3, "for_count != 3"); }); sync_test("let scope instances", function() { var a = [], i; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { a[i] = function() { return v; }; let v = i; } for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) ok(a[i]() == i, "a[" + i + "]() = " + a[i]()); ok(typeof f == 'undefined', "f is defined"); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { function f() { return v; } a[i] = f; let v = i; } for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) ok(a[i]() == i, "a[" + i + "]() = " + a[i]()); ok(f() == 2, "f() = " + f()); }); sync_test("functions scope", function() { function f(){ return 1; } function f(){ return 2; } var f0 = f, f1, f2, f3, i, o, a = []; ok(f0() === 2, "f0() = " + f0()); { f1 = f; function f() { return 3; } ok(f1 === f, "f1 != f"); ok(f0 != f1, "f0 == f1"); } ok(f === f1, "f != f1"); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { a[i] = f; function f() {} ok(f === a[i], "f != a[i]"); } ok(a[0] != a[1], "a[0] == a[1]"); ok(a[1] != a[2], "a[1] == a[2]"); ok(f === a[2], "f != a[2]"); { f2 = f; ok(f() === 4, "f() = " + f()); function f() { return 4; } { f3 = f; ok(f() === 5, "f() = " + f()); function f() { return 5;} } ok(f() === 4, "f() = " + f()); ok(f === f2, "f != f2"); } ok(f === f3, "f != f3"); with(o = {f: 1}) { ok(f === 1, "f != 1"); { ok(f() === 6, "f() = " + f()); function f() { return 6; } } ok(f === 1, "f != 1"); delete o.f; ok(f() === 6, "f() = " + f()); } if(false) { function f() { throw "unexpected call"; } } ok(f() === 6, "f() = " + f()); /* 'with' has no effect for function defined in a single statement context. */ let w = 8; with({w:10, value:11}) function with_function() { var except ok(w == 8, "w != 8"); except = false; try { ok(value === undefined, "value is defined"); } catch(e) { except = true; } ok(except, "with_function: expected exception"); let ret = w; w = 9; return ret; } val = with_function(); ok(val == 8, "val != 8"); ok(w == 9, "w != 9"); var func, func_outer, ret; var o = new Object(); func_outer = function e() { function func_inner() { ok(typeof e == "function", "typeof e == " + typeof e); ret = e } func = func_inner } func_outer(); func(); ok(ret === func_outer, "ret != func_outer"); func_outer = function f(f) { function func_inner() { ok(typeof f == "object", "typeof f == " + typeof f); ret = f } func = func_inner } func_outer(o); func(); ok(ret === o, "ret != o"); func_outer = function g() { var g2 = g; g = 10; ok(g !== 10, "g was redefined to 10"); g = function() {}; ok(g === g2, "g !== g2: " + g); } func_outer(); function h() { h = 1; ok(h === 1, "h was not redefined: " + h); } h(); ok(h === 1, "h = " + h); function h2() { return function() { h2 = 2; }; } h2()(); ok(h2 === 2, "h2 = " + h2); (function e() { var f = e; ok(typeof(f) === "function", "f = " + f); (function () { e = 1; })(); e = 2; ok(f === e, "f != e"); })(); }); sync_test("console", function() { var except window.console.log('1', '2'); console.info('1', '2', '3'); console.info(); console.log(); console.trace(); console.warn(); console.debug(); console.error(); console.assert(false, '1'); console.assert(true, '1'); console.assert('1'); console.clear(); console.count('1'); console.count(1); except = false; try { console.countReset('1'); } catch(e) { except = true; } ok(except, "console.countReset: expected exception"); console.dir(document); console.dir(); console.dirxml(document); console.group('1'); console.groupCollapsed('1'); console.groupEnd(); except = false; try { console.table(['1', '2']); } catch(e) { except = true; } ok(except, "console.table: expected exception"); console.time('1'); console.timeEnd('1'); except = false; try { console.timeLog('1'); } catch(e) { except = true; } ok(except, "console.timeLog: expected exception"); });