/* * DirectShow MCI Driver * * Copyright 2009 Christian Costa * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "mmddk.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "mciqtz_private.h" #include "digitalv.h" #include "wownt32.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(mciqtz); static DWORD MCIQTZ_mciClose(UINT, DWORD, LPMCI_GENERIC_PARMS); static DWORD MCIQTZ_mciStop(UINT, DWORD, LPMCI_GENERIC_PARMS); /*======================================================================* * MCI QTZ implementation * *======================================================================*/ HINSTANCE MCIQTZ_hInstance = 0; /*********************************************************************** * DllMain (MCIQTZ.0) */ BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID fImpLoad) { switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstDLL); MCIQTZ_hInstance = hInstDLL; break; } return TRUE; } /************************************************************************** * MCIQTZ_drvOpen [internal] */ static DWORD MCIQTZ_drvOpen(LPCWSTR str, LPMCI_OPEN_DRIVER_PARMSW modp) { WINE_MCIQTZ* wma; TRACE("%s, %p\n", debugstr_w(str), modp); /* session instance */ if (!modp) return 0xFFFFFFFF; wma = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(WINE_MCIQTZ)); if (!wma) return 0; wma->wDevID = modp->wDeviceID; mciSetDriverData(wma->wDevID, (DWORD_PTR)wma); return modp->wDeviceID; } /************************************************************************** * MCIQTZ_drvClose [internal] */ static DWORD MCIQTZ_drvClose(DWORD dwDevID) { WINE_MCIQTZ* wma; TRACE("%04x\n", dwDevID); /* finish all outstanding things */ MCIQTZ_mciClose(dwDevID, MCI_WAIT, NULL); wma = (WINE_MCIQTZ*)mciGetDriverData(dwDevID); if (wma) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wma); return 1; } return (dwDevID == 0xFFFFFFFF) ? 1 : 0; } /************************************************************************** * MCIQTZ_drvConfigure [internal] */ static DWORD MCIQTZ_drvConfigure(DWORD dwDevID) { WINE_MCIQTZ* wma; TRACE("%04x\n", dwDevID); MCIQTZ_mciStop(dwDevID, MCI_WAIT, NULL); wma = (WINE_MCIQTZ*)mciGetDriverData(dwDevID); if (wma) { MessageBoxA(0, "Sample QTZ Wine Driver !", "MM-Wine Driver", MB_OK); return 1; } return 0; } /************************************************************************** * MCIQTZ_mciGetOpenDev [internal] */ static WINE_MCIQTZ* MCIQTZ_mciGetOpenDev(UINT wDevID) { WINE_MCIQTZ* wma = (WINE_MCIQTZ*)mciGetDriverData(wDevID); if (!wma) { WARN("Invalid wDevID=%u\n", wDevID); return 0; } return wma; } /*************************************************************************** * MCIQTZ_mciOpen [internal] */ static DWORD MCIQTZ_mciOpen(UINT wDevID, DWORD dwFlags, LPMCI_DGV_OPEN_PARMSW lpOpenParms) { WINE_MCIQTZ* wma; HRESULT hr; TRACE("(%04x, %08X, %p)\n", wDevID, dwFlags, lpOpenParms); MCIQTZ_mciStop(wDevID, MCI_WAIT, NULL); if (!lpOpenParms) return MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK; wma = (WINE_MCIQTZ*)mciGetDriverData(wDevID); if (!wma) return MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID; CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IGraphBuilder, (LPVOID*)&wma->pgraph); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE("Cannot create filtergraph (hr = %x)\n", hr); goto err; } hr = IGraphBuilder_QueryInterface(wma->pgraph, &IID_IMediaControl, (LPVOID*)&wma->pmctrl); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE("Cannot get IMediaControl interface (hr = %x)\n", hr); goto err; } if (!((dwFlags & MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT) && (dwFlags & MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT))) { TRACE("Wrong dwFlags %x\n", dwFlags); goto err; } if (!lpOpenParms->lpstrElementName && !lstrlenW(lpOpenParms->lpstrElementName)) { TRACE("Invalid filename specified\n"); goto err; } TRACE("Open file %s\n", debugstr_w(lpOpenParms->lpstrElementName)); hr = IGraphBuilder_RenderFile(wma->pgraph, lpOpenParms->lpstrElementName, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE("Cannot render file (hr = %x)\n", hr); goto err; } return 0; err: if (wma->pgraph) IGraphBuilder_Release(wma->pgraph); wma->pgraph = NULL; if (wma->pmctrl) IMediaControl_Release(wma->pmctrl); wma->pmctrl = NULL; CoUninitialize(); return MCIERR_INTERNAL; } /*************************************************************************** * MCIQTZ_mciClose [internal] */ static DWORD MCIQTZ_mciClose(UINT wDevID, DWORD dwFlags, LPMCI_GENERIC_PARMS lpParms) { WINE_MCIQTZ* wma; TRACE("(%04x, %08X, %p)\n", wDevID, dwFlags, lpParms); MCIQTZ_mciStop(wDevID, MCI_WAIT, NULL); wma = MCIQTZ_mciGetOpenDev(wDevID); if (!wma) return MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID; if (wma->pgraph) IGraphBuilder_Release(wma->pgraph); wma->pgraph = NULL; if (wma->pmctrl) IMediaControl_Release(wma->pmctrl); wma->pmctrl = NULL; CoUninitialize(); return 0; } /*************************************************************************** * MCIQTZ_mciPlay [internal] */ static DWORD MCIQTZ_mciPlay(UINT wDevID, DWORD dwFlags, LPMCI_PLAY_PARMS lpParms) { WINE_MCIQTZ* wma; HRESULT hr; TRACE("(%04x, %08X, %p)\n", wDevID, dwFlags, lpParms); if (!lpParms) return MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK; wma = MCIQTZ_mciGetOpenDev(wDevID); hr = IMediaControl_Run(wma->pmctrl); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE("Cannot run filtergraph (hr = %x)\n", hr); return MCIERR_INTERNAL; } wma->started = TRUE; return 0; } /*************************************************************************** * MCIQTZ_mciSeek [internal] */ static DWORD MCIQTZ_mciSeek(UINT wDevID, DWORD dwFlags, LPMCI_SEEK_PARMS lpParms) { WINE_MCIQTZ* wma; HRESULT hr; IMediaPosition* pmpos; LONGLONG newpos; TRACE("(%04x, %08X, %p)\n", wDevID, dwFlags, lpParms); MCIQTZ_mciStop(wDevID, MCI_WAIT, NULL); if (!lpParms) return MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK; wma = MCIQTZ_mciGetOpenDev(wDevID); if (!wma) return MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID; if (dwFlags & MCI_SEEK_TO_START) { newpos = 0; } else if (dwFlags & MCI_SEEK_TO_END) { FIXME("MCI_SEEK_TO_END not implemented yet\n"); return MCIERR_INTERNAL; } else if (dwFlags & MCI_TO) { FIXME("MCI_TO not implemented yet\n"); return MCIERR_INTERNAL; } else { WARN("dwFlag doesn't tell where to seek to...\n"); return MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER; } hr = IGraphBuilder_QueryInterface(wma->pgraph, &IID_IMediaPosition, (LPVOID*)&pmpos); if (FAILED(hr)) { FIXME("Cannot get IMediaPostion interface (hr = %x)\n", hr); return MCIERR_INTERNAL; } hr = IMediaPosition_put_CurrentPosition(pmpos, newpos); if (FAILED(hr)) { FIXME("Cannot set position (hr = %x)\n", hr); IMediaPosition_Release(pmpos); return MCIERR_INTERNAL; } IMediaPosition_Release(pmpos); if (dwFlags & MCI_NOTIFY) mciDriverNotify(HWND_32(LOWORD(lpParms->dwCallback)), wDevID, MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL); return 0; } /*************************************************************************** * MCIQTZ_mciStop [internal] */ static DWORD MCIQTZ_mciStop(UINT wDevID, DWORD dwFlags, LPMCI_GENERIC_PARMS lpParms) { WINE_MCIQTZ* wma; HRESULT hr; TRACE("(%04x, %08X, %p)\n", wDevID, dwFlags, lpParms); wma = MCIQTZ_mciGetOpenDev(wDevID); if (!wma) return MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID; if (!wma->started) return 0; hr = IMediaControl_Stop(wma->pmctrl); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE("Cannot stop filtergraph (hr = %x)\n", hr); return MCIERR_INTERNAL; } wma->started = FALSE; return 0; } /*======================================================================* * MCI QTZ entry points * *======================================================================*/ /************************************************************************** * DriverProc (MCIQTZ.@) */ LRESULT CALLBACK MCIQTZ_DriverProc(DWORD_PTR dwDevID, HDRVR hDriv, UINT wMsg, LPARAM dwParam1, LPARAM dwParam2) { TRACE("(%08lX, %p, %08X, %08lX, %08lX)\n", dwDevID, hDriv, wMsg, dwParam1, dwParam2); switch (wMsg) { case DRV_LOAD: return 1; case DRV_FREE: return 1; case DRV_OPEN: return MCIQTZ_drvOpen((LPCWSTR)dwParam1, (LPMCI_OPEN_DRIVER_PARMSW)dwParam2); case DRV_CLOSE: return MCIQTZ_drvClose(dwDevID); case DRV_ENABLE: return 1; case DRV_DISABLE: return 1; case DRV_QUERYCONFIGURE: return 1; case DRV_CONFIGURE: return MCIQTZ_drvConfigure(dwDevID); case DRV_INSTALL: return DRVCNF_RESTART; case DRV_REMOVE: return DRVCNF_RESTART; } /* session instance */ if (dwDevID == 0xFFFFFFFF) return 1; switch (wMsg) { case MCI_OPEN_DRIVER: return MCIQTZ_mciOpen (dwDevID, dwParam1, (LPMCI_DGV_OPEN_PARMSW) dwParam2); case MCI_CLOSE_DRIVER: return MCIQTZ_mciClose (dwDevID, dwParam1, (LPMCI_GENERIC_PARMS) dwParam2); case MCI_PLAY: return MCIQTZ_mciPlay (dwDevID, dwParam1, (LPMCI_PLAY_PARMS) dwParam2); case MCI_SEEK: return MCIQTZ_mciSeek (dwDevID, dwParam1, (LPMCI_SEEK_PARMS) dwParam2); case MCI_RECORD: case MCI_STOP: case MCI_SET: case MCI_PAUSE: case MCI_RESUME: case MCI_STATUS: case MCI_GETDEVCAPS: case MCI_INFO: case MCI_PUT: case MCI_WINDOW: case MCI_LOAD: case MCI_SAVE: case MCI_FREEZE: case MCI_REALIZE: case MCI_UNFREEZE: case MCI_UPDATE: case MCI_WHERE: case MCI_STEP: case MCI_COPY: case MCI_CUT: case MCI_DELETE: case MCI_PASTE: case MCI_CUE: /* Digital Video specific */ case MCI_CAPTURE: case MCI_MONITOR: case MCI_RESERVE: case MCI_SETAUDIO: case MCI_SIGNAL: case MCI_SETVIDEO: case MCI_QUALITY: case MCI_LIST: case MCI_UNDO: case MCI_CONFIGURE: case MCI_RESTORE: FIXME("Unimplemented command [%u]\n", wMsg); break; case MCI_SPIN: case MCI_ESCAPE: WARN("Unsupported command [%u]\n", wMsg); break; case MCI_OPEN: case MCI_CLOSE: FIXME("Shouldn't receive a MCI_OPEN or CLOSE message\n"); break; default: TRACE("Sending msg [%u] to default driver proc\n", wMsg); return DefDriverProc(dwDevID, hDriv, wMsg, dwParam1, dwParam2); } return MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND; }