/* * Copyright (C) the Wine project * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef _MSWSOCK_ #define _MSWSOCK_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */ #ifdef USE_WS_PREFIX #define WS(x) WS_##x #else #define WS(x) x #endif #ifndef USE_WS_PREFIX #define SO_CONNDATA 0x7000 #define SO_CONNOPT 0x7001 #define SO_DISCDATA 0x7002 #define SO_DISCOPT 0x7003 #define SO_CONNDATALEN 0x7004 #define SO_CONNOPTLEN 0x7005 #define SO_DISCDATALEN 0x7006 #define SO_DISCOPTLEN 0x7007 #else #define WS_SO_CONNDATA 0x7000 #define WS_SO_CONNOPT 0x7001 #define WS_SO_DISCDATA 0x7002 #define WS_SO_DISCOPT 0x7003 #define WS_SO_CONNDATALEN 0x7004 #define WS_SO_CONNOPTLEN 0x7005 #define WS_SO_DISCDATALEN 0x7006 #define WS_SO_DISCOPTLEN 0x7007 #endif #ifndef USE_WS_PREFIX #define SO_OPENTYPE 0x7008 #else #define WS_SO_OPENTYPE 0x7008 #endif #ifndef USE_WS_PREFIX #define SO_SYNCHRONOUS_ALERT 0x10 #define SO_SYNCHRONOUS_NONALERT 0x20 #else #define WS_SO_SYNCHRONOUS_ALERT 0x10 #define WS_SO_SYNCHRONOUS_NONALERT 0x20 #endif #ifndef USE_WS_PREFIX #define SO_MAXDG 0x7009 #define SO_MAXPATHDG 0x700A #define SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT 0x700B #define SO_CONNECT_TIME 0x700C #define SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT 0x7010 #else #define WS_SO_MAXDG 0x7009 #define WS_SO_MAXPATHDG 0x700A #define WS_SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT 0x700B #define WS_SO_CONNECT_TIME 0x700C #define WS_SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT 0x7010 #endif #ifndef USE_WS_PREFIX #define TCP_BSDURGENT 0x7000 #else #define WS_TCP_BSDURGENT 0x7000 #endif #ifndef USE_WS_PREFIX #define SIO_UDP_CONNRESET _WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR, 12) #define SIO_SET_COMPATIBILITY_MODE _WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR, 300) #define SIO_BASE_HANDLE _WSAIOR(IOC_WS2, 34) #else #define WS_SIO_UDP_CONNRESET _WSAIOW(WS_IOC_VENDOR, 12) #define WS_SIO_SET_COMPATIBILITY_MODE _WSAIOW(WS_IOC_VENDOR, 300) #define WS_SIO_BASE_HANDLE _WSAIOR(WS_IOC_WS2, 34) #endif #define DE_REUSE_SOCKET TF_REUSE_SOCKET #ifndef USE_WS_PREFIX #define MSG_TRUNC 0x0100 #define MSG_CTRUNC 0x0200 #define MSG_BCAST 0x0400 #define MSG_MCAST 0x0800 #else #define WS_MSG_TRUNC 0x0100 #define WS_MSG_CTRUNC 0x0200 #define WS_MSG_BCAST 0x0400 #define WS_MSG_MCAST 0x0800 #endif #define TF_DISCONNECT 0x01 #define TF_REUSE_SOCKET 0x02 #define TF_WRITE_BEHIND 0x04 #define TF_USE_DEFAULT_WORKER 0x00 #define TF_USE_SYSTEM_THREAD 0x10 #define TF_USE_KERNEL_APC 0x20 #define TP_DISCONNECT TF_DISCONNECT #define TP_REUSE_SOCKET TF_REUSE_SOCKET #define TP_USE_DEFAULT_WORKER TF_USE_DEFAULT_WORKER #define TP_USE_SYSTEM_THREAD TF_USE_SYSTEM_THREAD #define TP_USE_KERNEL_APC TF_USE_KERNEL_APC #define TP_ELEMENT_MEMORY 1 #define TP_ELEMENT_FILE 2 #define TP_ELEMENT_EOP 4 #define WSAID_ACCEPTEX \ {0xb5367df1,0xcbac,0x11cf,{0x95,0xca,0x00,0x80,0x5f,0x48,0xa1,0x92}} #define WSAID_CONNECTEX \ {0x25a207b9,0xddf3,0x4660,{0x8e,0xe9,0x76,0xe5,0x8c,0x74,0x06,0x3e}} #define WSAID_DISCONNECTEX \ {0x7fda2e11,0x8630,0x436f,{0xa0,0x31,0xf5,0x36,0xa6,0xee,0xc1,0x57}} #define WSAID_GETACCEPTEXSOCKADDRS \ {0xb5367df2,0xcbac,0x11cf,{0x95,0xca,0x00,0x80,0x5f,0x48,0xa1,0x92}} #define WSAID_TRANSMITFILE \ {0xb5367df0,0xcbac,0x11cf,{0x95,0xca,0x00,0x80,0x5f,0x48,0xa1,0x92}} #define WSAID_TRANSMITPACKETS \ {0xd9689da0,0x1f90,0x11d3,{0x99,0x71,0x00,0xc0,0x4f,0x68,0xc8,0x76}} #define WSAID_WSARECVMSG \ {0xf689d7c8,0x6f1f,0x436b,{0x8a,0x53,0xe5,0x4f,0xe3,0x51,0xc3,0x22}} #define WSAID_WSASENDMSG \ {0xa441e712,0x754f,0x43ca,{0x84,0xa7,0x0d,0xee,0x44,0xcf,0x60,0x6d}} typedef struct _TRANSMIT_FILE_BUFFERS { LPVOID Head; DWORD HeadLength; LPVOID Tail; DWORD TailLength; } TRANSMIT_FILE_BUFFERS, *PTRANSMIT_FILE_BUFFERS, *LPTRANSMIT_FILE_BUFFERS; typedef struct _TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT { ULONG dwElFlags; ULONG cLength; union { struct { LARGE_INTEGER nFileOffset; HANDLE hFile; } DUMMYSTRUCTNAME; PVOID pBuffer; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; } TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT, *PTRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT, *LPTRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT; typedef struct _WSACMSGHDR { SIZE_T cmsg_len; INT cmsg_level; INT cmsg_type; /* followed by UCHAR cmsg_data[] */ } WSACMSGHDR, *PWSACMSGHDR, *LPWSACMSGHDR; typedef WSACMSGHDR CMSGHDR, *PCMSGHDR; typedef enum _NLA_BLOB_DATA_TYPE { NLA_RAW_DATA, NLA_INTERFACE, /* interface name, type and speed */ NLA_802_1X_LOCATION, /* wireless network info */ NLA_CONNECTIVITY, /* status on network connectivity */ NLA_ICS /* internet connection sharing */ } NLA_BLOB_DATA_TYPE; typedef enum _NLA_CONNECTIVITY_TYPE { NLA_NETWORK_AD_HOC, /* private network */ NLA_NETWORK_MANAGED, /* network managed by domain */ NLA_NETWORK_UNMANAGED, NLA_NETWORK_UNKNOWN } NLA_CONNECTIVITY_TYPE; typedef enum _NLA_INTERNET { NLA_INTERNET_UNKNOWN, /* can't determine if connected or not */ NLA_INTERNET_NO, /* not connected to internet */ NLA_INTERNET_YES /* connected to internet */ } NLA_INTERNET; /* this structure is returned in the lpBlob field during calls to WSALookupServiceNext */ typedef struct _NLA_BLOB { /* the header defines the size of the current record and if there is a next record */ struct { NLA_BLOB_DATA_TYPE type; DWORD dwSize; DWORD nextOffset; /* if it's zero there are no more blobs */ } header; /* the following union interpretation depends on the header.type value * from the struct above. * the header.dwSize will be the size of all data, specially useful when * the last struct field is size [1] */ union { /* NLA_RAW_DATA */ CHAR rawData[1]; /* NLA_INTERFACE */ struct { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSpeed; CHAR adapterName[1]; } interfaceData; /* NLA_802_1X_LOCATION */ struct { CHAR information[1]; } locationData; /* NLA_CONNECTIVITY */ struct { NLA_CONNECTIVITY_TYPE type; NLA_INTERNET internet; } connectivity; /* NLA_ICS */ struct { struct { DWORD speed; DWORD type; DWORD state; WCHAR machineName[256]; WCHAR sharedAdapterName[256]; } remote; } ICS; } data; } NLA_BLOB, *PNLA_BLOB; typedef BOOL (WINAPI * LPFN_ACCEPTEX)(SOCKET, SOCKET, PVOID, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, LPDWORD, LPOVERLAPPED); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * LPFN_CONNECTEX)(SOCKET, const struct WS(sockaddr) *, int, PVOID, DWORD, LPDWORD, LPOVERLAPPED); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * LPFN_DISCONNECTEX)(SOCKET, LPOVERLAPPED, DWORD, DWORD); typedef VOID (WINAPI * LPFN_GETACCEPTEXSOCKADDRS)(PVOID, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, struct WS(sockaddr) **, LPINT, struct WS(sockaddr) **, LPINT); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * LPFN_TRANSMITFILE)(SOCKET, HANDLE, DWORD, DWORD, LPOVERLAPPED, LPTRANSMIT_FILE_BUFFERS, DWORD); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * LPFN_TRANSMITPACKETS)(SOCKET, LPTRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT, DWORD, DWORD, LPOVERLAPPED, DWORD); typedef INT (WINAPI * LPFN_WSARECVMSG)(SOCKET, LPWSAMSG, LPDWORD, LPWSAOVERLAPPED, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE); typedef INT (WINAPI * LPFN_WSASENDMSG)(SOCKET, LPWSAMSG, DWORD, LPDWORD, LPWSAOVERLAPPED, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE); BOOL WINAPI AcceptEx(SOCKET, SOCKET, PVOID, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, LPDWORD, LPOVERLAPPED); VOID WINAPI GetAcceptExSockaddrs(PVOID, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, struct WS(sockaddr) **, LPINT, struct WS(sockaddr) **, LPINT); BOOL WINAPI TransmitFile(SOCKET, HANDLE, DWORD, DWORD, LPOVERLAPPED, LPTRANSMIT_FILE_BUFFERS, DWORD); INT WINAPI WSARecvEx(SOCKET, char *, INT, INT *); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #undef WS #endif /* _MSWSOCK_ */