/* * Copyright 2014 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ import "dxgi.idl"; const UINT DXGI_ENUM_MODES_STEREO = 0x4; const UINT DXGI_ENUM_MODES_DISABLED_STEREO = 0x8; const DWORD DXGI_SHARED_RESOURCE_READ = 0x80000000; const DWORD DXGI_SHARED_RESOURCE_WRITE = 0x00000001; typedef enum _DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY { DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY_LOW = 1, DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY_NORMAL, DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY_HIGH } DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY; typedef enum DXGI_ALPHA_MODE { DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0, DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED = 1, DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_STRAIGHT = 2, DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_IGNORE = 3, DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } DXGI_ALPHA_MODE; typedef struct DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT { POINT SourcePoint; RECT DestinationRect; } DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT; typedef struct DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC { DXGI_MODE_DESC ModeDesc; DXGI_MODE_ROTATION Rotation; BOOL DesktopImageInSystemMemory; } DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC; typedef struct DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_POSITION { POINT Position; BOOL Visible; } DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_POSITION; typedef enum DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE { DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_MONOCHROME = 0x00000001, DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_COLOR = 0x00000002, DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_MASKED_COLOR = 0x00000004 } DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE; typedef struct DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_INFO { UINT Type; UINT Width; UINT Height; UINT Pitch; POINT HotSpot; } DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_INFO; typedef struct DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO { LARGE_INTEGER LastPresentTime; LARGE_INTEGER LastMouseUpdateTime; UINT AccumulatedFrames; BOOL RectsCoalesced; BOOL ProtectedContentMaskedOut; DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_POSITION PointerPosition; UINT TotalMetadataBufferSize; UINT PointerShapeBufferSize; } DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO; typedef struct DXGI_MODE_DESC1 { UINT Width; UINT Height; DXGI_RATIONAL RefreshRate; DXGI_FORMAT Format; DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER ScanlineOrdering; DXGI_MODE_SCALING Scaling; BOOL Stereo; } DXGI_MODE_DESC1; [ object, uuid(191cfac3-a341-470d-b26e-a864f428319c), local, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDXGIOutputDuplication : IDXGIObject { void GetDesc( [out] DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC *desc ); HRESULT AcquireNextFrame( [in] UINT timeout_in_milliseconds, [out] DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFO *frame_info, [out] IDXGIResource **desktop_resource ); HRESULT GetFrameDirtyRects( [in] UINT dirty_rects_buffer_size, [out] RECT *dirty_rects_buffer, [out] UINT *dirty_rects_buffer_size_required ); HRESULT GetFrameMoveRects( [in] UINT move_rects_buffer_size, [out] DXGI_OUTDUPL_MOVE_RECT *move_rect_buffer, [out] UINT *move_rects_buffer_size_required ); HRESULT GetFramePointerShape( [in] UINT pointer_shape_buffer_size, [out] void *pointer_shape_buffer, [out] UINT *pointer_shape_buffer_size_required, [out] DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_INFO *pointer_shape_info ); HRESULT MapDesktopSurface( [out] DXGI_MAPPED_RECT *locked_rect ); HRESULT UnMapDesktopSurface(); HRESULT ReleaseFrame(); } [ object, uuid(aba496dd-b617-4cb8-a866-bc44d7eb1fa2), local, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDXGISurface2 : IDXGISurface1 { HRESULT GetResource( [in] REFIID iid, [out] void **parent_resource, [out] UINT *subresource_idx ); } [ object, uuid(30961379-4609-4a41-998e-54fe567ee0c1), local, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDXGIResource1 : IDXGIResource { HRESULT CreateSubresourceSurface( UINT index, [out] IDXGISurface2 **surface ); HRESULT CreateSharedHandle( [in] const SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *attributes, [in] DWORD access, [in] const WCHAR *name, [out] HANDLE *handle ); } [ object, uuid(ea9dbf1a-c88e-4486-854a-98aa0138f30c), local, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDXGIDisplayControl : IUnknown { BOOL IsStereoEnabled(); void SetStereoEnabled(BOOL enabled); } [ object, uuid(05008617-fbfd-4051-a790-144884b4f6a9), local, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDXGIDevice2 : IDXGIDevice1 { HRESULT OfferResources( [in] UINT NumResources, [in, size_is(NumResources)] IDXGIResource *const *ppResources, [in] DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY Priority); HRESULT ReclaimResources( [in] UINT NumResources, [in, size_is(NumResources)] IDXGIResource *const *ppResources, [out, size_is(NumResources)] BOOL *pDiscarded); HRESULT EnqueueSetEvent( [in] HANDLE hEvent); } typedef enum DXGI_SCALING { DXGI_SCALING_STRETCH = 0, DXGI_SCALING_NONE = 1, DXGI_SCALING_ASPECT_RATIO_STRETCH = 2, } DXGI_SCALING; typedef struct DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 { UINT Width; UINT Height; DXGI_FORMAT Format; BOOL Stereo; DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC SampleDesc; DXGI_USAGE BufferUsage; UINT BufferCount; DXGI_SCALING Scaling; DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT SwapEffect; DXGI_ALPHA_MODE AlphaMode; UINT Flags; } DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1; typedef struct DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FULLSCREEN_DESC { DXGI_RATIONAL RefreshRate; DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER ScanlineOrdering; DXGI_MODE_SCALING Scaling; BOOL Windowed; } DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FULLSCREEN_DESC; typedef struct DXGI_PRESENT_PARAMETERS { UINT DirtyRectsCount; RECT *pDirtyRects; RECT *pScrollRect; POINT *pScrollOffset; } DXGI_PRESENT_PARAMETERS; [ object, uuid(790a45f7-0d42-4876-983a-0a55cfe6f4aa), local, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDXGISwapChain1 : IDXGISwapChain { HRESULT GetDesc1( [out] DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 *pDesc); HRESULT GetFullscreenDesc( [out] DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FULLSCREEN_DESC *pDesc); HRESULT GetHwnd( [out] HWND *pHwnd); HRESULT GetCoreWindow( [in] REFIID refiid, [out] void **ppUnk); HRESULT Present1( [in] UINT SyncInterval, [in] UINT PresentFlags, [in] const DXGI_PRESENT_PARAMETERS *pPresentParameters); BOOL IsTemporaryMonoSupported(); HRESULT GetRestrictToOutput( [out] IDXGIOutput **ppRestrictToOutput); HRESULT SetBackgroundColor( [in] const DXGI_RGBA *pColor); HRESULT GetBackgroundColor( [out] DXGI_RGBA *pColor); HRESULT SetRotation( [in] DXGI_MODE_ROTATION Rotation); HRESULT GetRotation( [out] DXGI_MODE_ROTATION *pRotation); } [ object, uuid(50c83a1c-e072-4c48-87b0-3630fa36a6d0), local, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDXGIFactory2 : IDXGIFactory1 { BOOL IsWindowedStereoEnabled(); HRESULT CreateSwapChainForHwnd( [in] IUnknown *pDevice, [in] HWND hWnd, [in] const DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 *pDesc, [in] const DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FULLSCREEN_DESC *pFullscreenDesc, [in] IDXGIOutput *pRestrictToOutput, [out] IDXGISwapChain1 **ppSwapChain); HRESULT CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow( [in] IUnknown *pDevice, [in] IUnknown *pWindow, [in] const DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 *pDesc, [in] IDXGIOutput *pRestrictToOutput, [out] IDXGISwapChain1 **ppSwapChain); HRESULT GetSharedResourceAdapterLuid( [in] HANDLE hResource, [out] LUID *pLuid); HRESULT RegisterStereoStatusWindow( [in] HWND WindowHandle, [in] UINT wMsg, [out] DWORD *pdwCookie); HRESULT RegisterStereoStatusEvent( [in] HANDLE hEvent, [out] DWORD *pdwCookie); void UnregisterStereoStatus( [in] DWORD dwCookie); HRESULT RegisterOcclusionStatusWindow( [in] HWND WindowHandle, [in] UINT wMsg, [out] DWORD *pdwCookie); HRESULT RegisterOcclusionStatusEvent( [in] HANDLE hEvent, [out] DWORD *pdwCookie); void UnregisterOcclusionStatus( [in] DWORD dwCookie); HRESULT CreateSwapChainForComposition( [in] IUnknown *pDevice, [in] const DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 *pDesc, [in] IDXGIOutput *pRestrictToOutput, [out] IDXGISwapChain1 **ppSwapChain); } typedef enum DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_DMA_BUFFER_BOUNDARY, DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_PRIMITIVE_BOUNDARY, DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_TRIANGLE_BOUNDARY, DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_PIXEL_BOUNDARY, DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_INSTRUCTION_BOUNDARY } DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY; typedef enum DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_DMA_BUFFER_BOUNDARY, DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_DISPATCH_BOUNDARY, DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_THREAD_GROUP_BOUNDARY, DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_THREAD_BOUNDARY, DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_INSTRUCTION_BOUNDARY } DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY; typedef struct DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC2 { WCHAR Description[128]; UINT VendorId; UINT DeviceId; UINT SubSysId; UINT Revision; SIZE_T DedicatedVideoMemory; SIZE_T DedicatedSystemMemory; SIZE_T SharedSystemMemory; LUID AdapterLuid; UINT Flags; DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY GraphicsPreemptionGranularity; DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY ComputePreemptionGranularity; } DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC2; [ object, uuid(0aa1ae0a-fa0e-4b84-8644-e05ff8e5acb5), local, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDXGIAdapter2 : IDXGIAdapter1 { HRESULT GetDesc2([out] DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC2 *pDesc); } [ object, uuid(00cddea8-939b-4b83-a340-a685226666cc), local, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDXGIOutput1 : IDXGIOutput { HRESULT GetDisplayModeList1( [in] DXGI_FORMAT enum_format, [in] UINT flags, [in, out] UINT *num_modes, [out] DXGI_MODE_DESC1 *desc ); HRESULT FindClosestMatchingMode1( [in] const DXGI_MODE_DESC1 *mode_to_match, [out] DXGI_MODE_DESC1 *closest_match, [in] IUnknown *concerned_device ); HRESULT GetDisplaySurfaceData1( [in] IDXGIResource *destination ); HRESULT DuplicateOutput( [in] IUnknown *device, [out] IDXGIOutputDuplication **output_duplication ); }