package nativeapi; use strict; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; bless ($self, $class); my $output = \${$self->{OUTPUT}}; my $functions = \%{$self->{FUNCTIONS}}; my $conditionals = \%{$self->{CONDITIONALS}}; my $conditional_headers = \%{$self->{CONDITIONAL_HEADERS}}; my $conditional_functions = \%{$self->{CONDITIONAL_FUNCTIONS}}; $$output = shift; my $api_file = shift; my $configure_in_file = shift; my $config_h_in_file = shift; $api_file =~ s/^\.\///; $configure_in_file =~ s/^\.\///; $config_h_in_file =~ s/^\.\///; $$output->progress("$api_file"); open(IN, "< $api_file"); $/ = "\n"; while() { s/^\s*?(.*?)\s*$/$1/; # remove whitespace at begin and end of line s/^(.*?)\s*#.*$/$1/; # remove comments /^$/ && next; # skip empty lines $$functions{$_}++; } close(IN); $$output->progress("$configure_in_file"); my $again = 0; open(IN, "< $configure_in_file"); local $/ = "\n"; while($again || (defined($_ = ))) { $again = 0; chomp; if(/(.*)\\$/) { my $line = ; if(defined($line)) { $_ = $1 . " " . $line; $again = 1; next; } } # remove leading and trailing whitespace s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; if(/^AC_CHECK_HEADERS\(\s*(.*?)\)\s*$/) { my @arguments = split(/,/,$1); foreach my $name (split(/\s+/, $arguments[0])) { $$conditional_headers{$name}++; } } elsif(/^AC_CHECK_FUNCS\(\s*(.*?)\)\s*$/) { my @arguments = split(/,/,$1); foreach my $name (split(/\s+/, $arguments[0])) { $$conditional_functions{$name}++; } } elsif(/^AC_FUNC_ALLOCA/) { $$conditional_headers{"alloca.h"}++; } } close(IN); $$output->progress("$config_h_in_file"); open(IN, "< $config_h_in_file"); local $/ = "\n"; while() { if(/^\#undef\s+(\S+)$/) { $$conditionals{$1}++; } } close(IN); return $self; } sub is_function { my $self = shift; my $functions = \%{$self->{FUNCTIONS}}; my $name = shift; return $$functions{$name}; } sub is_conditional { my $self = shift; my $conditionals = \%{$self->{CONDITIONALS}}; my $name = shift; return $$conditionals{$name}; } sub is_conditional_header { my $self = shift; my $conditional_headers = \%{$self->{CONDITIONAL_HEADERS}}; my $name = shift; return $$conditional_headers{$name}; } sub is_conditional_function { my $self = shift; my $conditional_functions = \%{$self->{CONDITIONAL_FUNCTIONS}}; my $name = shift; return $$conditional_functions{$name}; } 1;