/* * Copyright 2011 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ typedef enum { EXPR_ADD, EXPR_AND, EXPR_BOOL, EXPR_BRACKETS, EXPR_CALL, EXPR_CONCAT, EXPR_DIV, EXPR_DOT, EXPR_DOUBLE, EXPR_EMPTY, EXPR_EQUAL, EXPR_EQV, EXPR_EXP, EXPR_GT, EXPR_GTEQ, EXPR_IDIV, EXPR_IMP, EXPR_INT, EXPR_IS, EXPR_LT, EXPR_LTEQ, EXPR_ME, EXPR_MEMBER, EXPR_MOD, EXPR_MUL, EXPR_NEG, EXPR_NEQUAL, EXPR_NEW, EXPR_NOARG, /* not a real expression */ EXPR_NOT, EXPR_NOTHING, EXPR_NULL, EXPR_OR, EXPR_STRING, EXPR_SUB, EXPR_XOR } expression_type_t; typedef struct _expression_t { expression_type_t type; struct _expression_t *next; } expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; VARIANT_BOOL value; } bool_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; LONG value; } int_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; double value; } double_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; const WCHAR *value; } string_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; expression_t *subexpr; } unary_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; expression_t *left; expression_t *right; } binary_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; expression_t *obj_expr; const WCHAR *identifier; } member_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; expression_t *call_expr; expression_t *args; } call_expression_t; typedef enum { STAT_ASSIGN, STAT_CALL, STAT_CONST, STAT_DIM, STAT_DOUNTIL, STAT_DOWHILE, STAT_EXITDO, STAT_EXITFOR, STAT_EXITFUNC, STAT_EXITPROP, STAT_EXITSUB, STAT_FOREACH, STAT_FORTO, STAT_FUNC, STAT_IF, STAT_ONERROR, STAT_REDIM, STAT_SELECT, STAT_SET, STAT_STOP, STAT_UNTIL, STAT_WHILE, STAT_WHILELOOP, STAT_WITH, STAT_RETVAL } statement_type_t; typedef struct _statement_t { statement_type_t type; unsigned loc; struct _statement_t *next; } statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; call_expression_t *expr; BOOL is_strict; } call_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; expression_t *left_expr; expression_t *value_expr; } assign_statement_t; typedef struct _dim_list_t { unsigned val; struct _dim_list_t *next; } dim_list_t; typedef struct _dim_decl_t { const WCHAR *name; BOOL is_array; BOOL is_public; /* Used only for class members. */ dim_list_t *dims; struct _dim_decl_t *next; } dim_decl_t; typedef struct _dim_statement_t { statement_t stat; dim_decl_t *dim_decls; } dim_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; const WCHAR *identifier; BOOL preserve; expression_t *dims; } redim_statement_t; typedef struct _arg_decl_t { const WCHAR *name; BOOL by_ref; struct _arg_decl_t *next; } arg_decl_t; typedef struct _function_decl_t { const WCHAR *name; function_type_t type; BOOL is_public; BOOL is_default; arg_decl_t *args; statement_t *body; struct _function_decl_t *next; struct _function_decl_t *next_prop_func; } function_decl_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; function_decl_t *func_decl; } function_statement_t; typedef struct _class_decl_t { const WCHAR *name; function_decl_t *funcs; dim_decl_t *props; struct _class_decl_t *next; } class_decl_t; typedef struct _elseif_decl_t { expression_t *expr; statement_t *stat; unsigned loc; struct _elseif_decl_t *next; } elseif_decl_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; expression_t *expr; statement_t *if_stat; elseif_decl_t *elseifs; statement_t *else_stat; } if_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; expression_t *expr; statement_t *body; } while_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; const WCHAR *identifier; expression_t *from_expr; expression_t *to_expr; expression_t *step_expr; statement_t *body; } forto_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; const WCHAR *identifier; expression_t *group_expr; statement_t *body; } foreach_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; BOOL resume_next; } onerror_statement_t; typedef struct _const_decl_t { const WCHAR *name; expression_t *value_expr; struct _const_decl_t *next; } const_decl_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; const_decl_t *decls; } const_statement_t; typedef struct _case_clausule_t { expression_t *expr; statement_t *stat; struct _case_clausule_t *next; } case_clausule_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; expression_t *expr; case_clausule_t *case_clausules; } select_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; expression_t *expr; statement_t *body; } with_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; expression_t *expr; } retval_statement_t; typedef struct { const WCHAR *code; const WCHAR *ptr; const WCHAR *end; BOOL option_explicit; BOOL is_html; HRESULT hres; int error_loc; int last_token; unsigned last_nl; statement_t *stats; statement_t *stats_tail; class_decl_t *class_decls; heap_pool_t heap; } parser_ctx_t; HRESULT parse_script(parser_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*,const WCHAR*,DWORD) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void parser_release(parser_ctx_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; int parser_lex(void*,unsigned*,parser_ctx_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void *parser_alloc(parser_ctx_t*,size_t) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;