/* * Copyright 2008 Maarten Lankhorst * Copyright 2020 Hans Leidekker for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include "ntstatus.h" #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "wincrypt.h" #include "winreg.h" #include "bcrypt.h" #include "objbase.h" #include "rpcproxy.h" #include "ntsecapi.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "wine/heap.h" static HINSTANCE instance; WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(dssenh); #define MAGIC_KEY (('K' << 24) | ('E' << 16) | ('Y' << 8) | '0') struct key { DWORD magic; DWORD algid; DWORD flags; BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE alg_handle; BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE handle; }; #define MAGIC_CONTAINER (('C' << 24) | ('O' << 16) | ('N' << 8) | 'T') struct container { DWORD magic; DWORD flags; struct key *exch_key; struct key *sign_key; char name[MAX_PATH]; }; #define MAGIC_HASH (('H' << 24) | ('A' << 16) | ('S' << 8) | 'H') struct hash { DWORD magic; BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE handle; DWORD len; UCHAR value[64]; BOOL finished; }; static const char dss_path_fmt[] = "Software\\Wine\\Crypto\\DSS\\%s"; static BOOL create_container_regkey( struct container *container, REGSAM sam, HKEY *hkey ) { char path[sizeof(dss_path_fmt) + MAX_PATH]; HKEY rootkey; sprintf( path, dss_path_fmt, container->name ); if (container->flags & CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET) rootkey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; else rootkey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; /* @@ Wine registry key: HKLM\Software\Wine\Crypto\DSS */ /* @@ Wine registry key: HKCU\Software\Wine\Crypto\DSS */ return !RegCreateKeyExA( rootkey, path, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, sam, NULL, hkey, NULL ); } static struct container *create_key_container( const char *name, DWORD flags ) { struct container *ret; if (!(ret = heap_alloc_zero( sizeof(*ret) ))) return NULL; ret->magic = MAGIC_CONTAINER; ret->flags = flags; if (name) strcpy( ret->name, name ); if (!(flags & CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { HKEY hkey; if (create_container_regkey( ret, KEY_WRITE, &hkey )) RegCloseKey( hkey ); } return ret; } static BOOL open_container_regkey( const char *name, DWORD flags, REGSAM access, HKEY *hkey ) { char path[sizeof(dss_path_fmt) + MAX_PATH]; HKEY rootkey; sprintf( path, dss_path_fmt, name ); if (flags & CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET) rootkey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; else rootkey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; /* @@ Wine registry key: HKLM\Software\Wine\Crypto\DSS */ /* @@ Wine registry key: HKCU\Software\Wine\Crypto\DSS */ return !RegOpenKeyExA( rootkey, path, 0, access, hkey ); } static const WCHAR *map_keyspec_to_keypair_name( DWORD keyspec ) { const WCHAR *name; switch (keyspec) { case AT_KEYEXCHANGE: name = L"KeyExchangeKeyPair"; break; case AT_SIGNATURE: name = L"SignatureKeyPair"; break; default: ERR( "invalid key spec %u\n", keyspec ); return NULL; } return name; } static struct key *create_key( ALG_ID algid, DWORD flags ) { struct key *ret; const WCHAR *alg; switch (algid) { case AT_SIGNATURE: case CALG_DSS_SIGN: alg = BCRYPT_DSA_ALGORITHM; break; default: FIXME( "unhandled algorithm %08x\n", algid ); return NULL; } if (!(ret = heap_alloc_zero( sizeof(*ret) ))) return NULL; ret->magic = MAGIC_KEY; ret->algid = algid; ret->flags = flags; if (BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider( &ret->alg_handle, alg, MS_PRIMITIVE_PROVIDER, 0 )) { heap_free( ret ); return NULL; } return ret; } static void destroy_key( struct key *key ) { if (!key) return; BCryptDestroyKey( key->handle ); BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider( key->alg_handle, 0 ); key->magic = 0; heap_free( key ); } static struct key *import_key( DWORD keyspec, BYTE *data, DWORD len ) { struct key *ret; if (!(ret = create_key( keyspec, 0 ))) return NULL; if (BCryptImportKeyPair( ret->alg_handle, NULL, LEGACY_DSA_V2_PRIVATE_BLOB, &ret->handle, data, len, 0 )) { WARN( "failed to import key\n" ); destroy_key( ret ); return NULL; } return ret; } static struct key *read_key( HKEY hkey, DWORD keyspec, DWORD flags ) { const WCHAR *value; DWORD type, len; BYTE *data; DATA_BLOB blob_in, blob_out; struct key *ret = NULL; if (!(value = map_keyspec_to_keypair_name( keyspec ))) return NULL; if (RegQueryValueExW( hkey, value, 0, &type, NULL, &len )) return NULL; if (!(data = heap_alloc( len ))) return NULL; if (!RegQueryValueExW( hkey, value, 0, &type, data, &len )) { blob_in.pbData = data; blob_in.cbData = len; if (CryptUnprotectData( &blob_in, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, flags, &blob_out )) { ret = import_key( keyspec, blob_out.pbData, blob_out.cbData ); LocalFree( blob_out.pbData ); } } heap_free( data ); return ret; } static void destroy_container( struct container *container ) { if (!container) return; destroy_key( container->exch_key ); destroy_key( container->sign_key ); container->magic = 0; heap_free( container ); } static struct container *read_key_container( const char *name, DWORD flags ) { DWORD protect_flags = (flags & CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET) ? CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE : 0; struct container *ret; HKEY hkey; if (!open_container_regkey( name, flags, KEY_READ, &hkey )) return NULL; if ((ret = create_key_container( name, flags ))) { ret->exch_key = read_key( hkey, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, protect_flags ); ret->sign_key = read_key( hkey, AT_SIGNATURE, protect_flags ); } RegCloseKey( hkey ); return ret; } BOOL WINAPI CPAcquireContext( HCRYPTPROV *ret_prov, LPSTR container, DWORD flags, PVTableProvStruc vtable ) { struct container *ret; char name[MAX_PATH]; TRACE( "%p, %s, %08x, %p\n", ret_prov, debugstr_a(container), flags, vtable ); if (container && *container) { if (lstrlenA( container ) >= sizeof(name)) return FALSE; lstrcpyA( name, container ); } else { DWORD len = sizeof(name); if (!GetUserNameA( name, &len )) return FALSE; } switch (flags) { case 0: ret = read_key_container( name, flags ); break; case CRYPT_NEWKEYSET: if ((ret = read_key_container( name, flags ))) { heap_free( ret ); SetLastError( NTE_EXISTS ); return FALSE; } ret = create_key_container( name, flags ); break; case CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT: ret = create_key_container( "", flags ); break; default: FIXME( "unsupported flags %08x\n", flags ); return FALSE; } if (!ret) return FALSE; *ret_prov = (HCRYPTPROV)ret; return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI CPReleaseContext( HCRYPTPROV hprov, DWORD flags ) { struct container *container = (struct container *)hprov; TRACE( "%p, %08x\n", (void *)hprov, flags ); if (container->magic != MAGIC_CONTAINER) return FALSE; destroy_container( container ); return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI CPGetProvParam( HCRYPTPROV hprov, DWORD param, BYTE *data, DWORD *len, DWORD flags ) { return FALSE; } static BOOL store_key_pair( struct key *key, HKEY hkey, DWORD keyspec, DWORD flags ) { const WCHAR *value; DATA_BLOB blob_in, blob_out; DWORD len; BYTE *data; BOOL ret = TRUE; if (!key) return TRUE; if (!(value = map_keyspec_to_keypair_name( keyspec ))) return FALSE; if (BCryptExportKey( key->handle, NULL, LEGACY_DSA_V2_PRIVATE_BLOB, NULL, 0, &len, 0 )) return FALSE; if (!(data = heap_alloc( len ))) return FALSE; if (!BCryptExportKey( key->handle, NULL, LEGACY_DSA_V2_PRIVATE_BLOB, data, len, &len, 0 )) { blob_in.pbData = data; blob_in.cbData = len; if ((ret = CryptProtectData( &blob_in, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, flags, &blob_out ))) { ret = !RegSetValueExW( hkey, value, 0, REG_BINARY, blob_out.pbData, blob_out.cbData ); LocalFree( blob_out.pbData ); } } heap_free( data ); return ret; } static BOOL store_key_container_keys( struct container *container ) { HKEY hkey; DWORD flags; BOOL ret; if (container->flags & CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET) flags = CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE; else flags = 0; if (!create_container_regkey( container, KEY_WRITE, &hkey )) return FALSE; ret = store_key_pair( container->exch_key, hkey, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, flags ); if (ret) store_key_pair( container->sign_key, hkey, AT_SIGNATURE, flags ); RegCloseKey( hkey ); return ret; } static struct key *duplicate_key( const struct key *key ) { struct key *ret; if (!(ret = create_key( key->algid, key->flags ))) return NULL; if (BCryptDuplicateKey( key->handle, &ret->handle, NULL, 0, 0 )) { heap_free( ret ); return NULL; } return ret; } static BOOL generate_key( struct container *container, ALG_ID algid, DWORD bitlen, DWORD flags, HCRYPTKEY *ret_key ) { struct key *key, *sign_key; NTSTATUS status; if (!(key = create_key( algid, flags ))) return FALSE; if ((status = BCryptGenerateKeyPair( key->alg_handle, &key->handle, bitlen, 0 ))) { ERR( "failed to generate key %08x\n", status ); destroy_key( key ); return FALSE; } if ((status = BCryptFinalizeKeyPair( key->handle, 0 ))) { ERR( "failed to finalize key %08x\n", status ); destroy_key( key ); return FALSE; } switch (algid) { case AT_SIGNATURE: case CALG_DSS_SIGN: if (!(sign_key = duplicate_key( key ))) { destroy_key( key ); return FALSE; } destroy_key( container->sign_key ); container->sign_key = sign_key; break; default: FIXME( "unhandled algorithm %08x\n", algid ); return FALSE; } if (!store_key_container_keys( container )) { destroy_key( key ); return FALSE; } *ret_key = (HCRYPTKEY)key; return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI CPGenKey( HCRYPTPROV hprov, ALG_ID algid, DWORD flags, HCRYPTKEY *ret_key ) { static const unsigned int supported_key_lengths[] = { 512, 768, 1024 }; struct container *container = (struct container *)hprov; ULONG i, bitlen = HIWORD(flags) ? HIWORD(flags) : 1024; TRACE( "%p, %08x, %08x, %p\n", (void *)hprov, algid, flags, ret_key ); if (container->magic != MAGIC_CONTAINER) return FALSE; if (bitlen % 2) { SetLastError( STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(supported_key_lengths); i++) { if (bitlen == supported_key_lengths[i]) break; } if (i >= ARRAY_SIZE(supported_key_lengths)) { SetLastError( NTE_BAD_FLAGS ); return FALSE; } return generate_key( container, algid, bitlen, LOWORD(flags), ret_key ); } BOOL WINAPI CPDestroyKey( HCRYPTPROV hprov, HCRYPTKEY hkey ) { struct key *key = (struct key *)hkey; TRACE( "%p, %p\n", (void *)hprov, (void *)hkey ); if (key->magic != MAGIC_KEY) { SetLastError( NTE_BAD_KEY ); return FALSE; } destroy_key( key ); return TRUE; } #define MAGIC_DSS1 ('D' | ('S' << 8) | ('S' << 16) | ('1' << 24)) #define MAGIC_DSS2 ('D' | ('S' << 8) | ('S' << 16) | ('2' << 24)) BOOL WINAPI CPImportKey( HCRYPTPROV hprov, const BYTE *data, DWORD len, HCRYPTKEY hpubkey, DWORD flags, HCRYPTKEY *ret_key ) { struct container *container = (struct container *)hprov; struct key *key; BLOBHEADER *hdr; DSSPUBKEY *pubkey; const WCHAR *type; NTSTATUS status; TRACE( "%p, %p, %u, %p, %08x, %p\n", (void *)hprov, data, len, (void *)hpubkey, flags, ret_key ); if (container->magic != MAGIC_CONTAINER) return FALSE; if (len < sizeof(*hdr)) return FALSE; hdr = (BLOBHEADER *)data; if ((hdr->bType != PRIVATEKEYBLOB && hdr->bType != PUBLICKEYBLOB) || hdr->bVersion != 2 || hdr->aiKeyAlg != CALG_DSS_SIGN) { FIXME( "bType %u\n", hdr->bType ); FIXME( "bVersion %u\n", hdr->bVersion ); FIXME( "reserved %u\n", hdr->reserved ); FIXME( "aiKeyAlg %08x\n", hdr->aiKeyAlg ); return FALSE; } if (len < sizeof(*hdr) + sizeof(*pubkey)) return FALSE; pubkey = (DSSPUBKEY *)(hdr + 1); switch (pubkey->magic) { case MAGIC_DSS1: type = LEGACY_DSA_V2_PUBLIC_BLOB; break; case MAGIC_DSS2: type = LEGACY_DSA_V2_PRIVATE_BLOB; break; default: FIXME( "unsupported key magic %08x\n", pubkey->magic ); return FALSE; } if (!(key = create_key( hdr->aiKeyAlg, flags ))) return FALSE; if ((status = BCryptImportKeyPair( key->alg_handle, NULL, type, &key->handle, (UCHAR *)data, len, 0 ))) { TRACE( "failed to import key %08x\n", status ); destroy_key( key ); return FALSE; } if (!wcscmp(type, LEGACY_DSA_V2_PRIVATE_BLOB)) { switch (hdr->aiKeyAlg) { case AT_KEYEXCHANGE: case CALG_DH_SF: container->exch_key = key; break; case AT_SIGNATURE: case CALG_DSS_SIGN: container->sign_key = key; break; default: FIXME( "unhandled key algorithm %u\n", hdr->aiKeyAlg ); destroy_key( key ); return FALSE; } if (!store_key_container_keys( container )) { destroy_key( key ); return FALSE; } } *ret_key = (HCRYPTKEY)key; return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI CPExportKey( HCRYPTPROV hprov, HCRYPTKEY hkey, HCRYPTKEY hexpkey, DWORD blobtype, DWORD flags, BYTE *data, DWORD *len ) { struct key *key = (struct key *)hkey; TRACE( "%p, %p, %p, %08x, %08x, %p, %p\n", (void *)hprov, (void *)hkey, (void *)hexpkey, blobtype, flags, data, len ); if (key->magic != MAGIC_KEY) return FALSE; if (hexpkey) { FIXME( "export key not supported\n" ); return FALSE; } if (blobtype != PUBLICKEYBLOB) { FIXME( "blob type %u not supported\n", blobtype ); return FALSE; } if (flags) { FIXME( "flags %08x not supported\n", flags ); return FALSE; } return !BCryptExportKey( key->handle, NULL, LEGACY_DSA_V2_PUBLIC_BLOB, data, *len, len, 0 ); } BOOL WINAPI CPDuplicateKey( HCRYPTPROV hprov, HCRYPTKEY hkey, DWORD *reserved, DWORD flags, HCRYPTKEY *ret_key ) { struct key *key = (struct key *)hkey, *ret; TRACE( "%p, %p, %p, %08x, %p\n", (void *)hprov, (void *)hkey, reserved, flags, ret_key ); if (key->magic != MAGIC_KEY) return FALSE; if (!(ret = duplicate_key( key ))) return FALSE; *ret_key = (HCRYPTKEY)ret; return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI CPGenRandom( HCRYPTPROV hprov, DWORD len, BYTE *buffer ) { struct container *container = (struct container *)hprov; TRACE( "%p, %u, %p\n", (void *)hprov, len, buffer ); if (container->magic != MAGIC_CONTAINER) return FALSE; return RtlGenRandom( buffer, len ); } static struct hash *create_hash( ALG_ID algid ) { struct hash *ret; BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE alg_handle; const WCHAR *alg; DWORD len; switch (algid) { case CALG_MD5: alg = BCRYPT_MD5_ALGORITHM; len = 16; break; case CALG_SHA1: alg = BCRYPT_SHA1_ALGORITHM; len = 20; break; default: FIXME( "unhandled algorithm %u\n", algid ); return NULL; } if (!(ret = heap_alloc_zero( sizeof(*ret) ))) return NULL; ret->magic = MAGIC_HASH; ret->len = len; if (BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider( &alg_handle, alg, MS_PRIMITIVE_PROVIDER, 0 )) { heap_free( ret ); return NULL; } if (BCryptCreateHash( alg_handle, &ret->handle, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0 )) { BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider( alg_handle, 0 ); heap_free( ret ); return NULL; } BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider( alg_handle, 0 ); return ret; } BOOL WINAPI CPCreateHash( HCRYPTPROV hprov, ALG_ID algid, HCRYPTKEY hkey, DWORD flags, HCRYPTHASH *ret_hash ) { struct hash *hash; TRACE( "%p, %08x, %p, %08x, %p\n", (void *)hprov, algid, (void *)hkey, flags, ret_hash ); switch (algid) { case CALG_MD5: case CALG_SHA1: break; default: FIXME( "algorithm %u not supported\n", algid ); SetLastError( NTE_BAD_ALGID ); return FALSE; } if (!(hash = create_hash( algid ))) return FALSE; *ret_hash = (HCRYPTHASH)hash; return TRUE; } static void destroy_hash( struct hash *hash ) { if (!hash) return; BCryptDestroyHash( hash->handle ); hash->magic = 0; heap_free( hash ); } BOOL WINAPI CPDestroyHash( HCRYPTPROV hprov, HCRYPTHASH hhash ) { struct hash *hash = (struct hash *)hhash; TRACE( "%p, %p\n", (void *)hprov, (void *)hhash); if (hash->magic != MAGIC_HASH) { SetLastError( NTE_BAD_HASH ); return FALSE; } destroy_hash( hash ); return TRUE; } static struct hash *duplicate_hash( const struct hash *hash ) { struct hash *ret; if (!(ret = heap_alloc( sizeof(*ret) ))) return NULL; ret->magic = hash->magic; ret->len = hash->len; if (BCryptDuplicateHash( hash->handle, &ret->handle, NULL, 0, 0 )) { heap_free( ret ); return NULL; } memcpy( ret->value, hash->value, sizeof(hash->value) ); ret->finished = hash->finished; return ret; } BOOL WINAPI CPDuplicateHash( HCRYPTPROV hprov, HCRYPTHASH hhash, DWORD *reserved, DWORD flags, HCRYPTHASH *ret_hash ) { struct hash *hash = (struct hash *)hhash, *ret; TRACE( "%p, %p, %p, %08x, %p\n", (void *)hprov, (void *)hhash, reserved, flags, ret_hash ); if (hash->magic != MAGIC_HASH) return FALSE; if (!(ret = duplicate_hash( hash ))) return FALSE; *ret_hash = (HCRYPTHASH)ret; return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI CPHashData( HCRYPTPROV hprov, HCRYPTHASH hhash, const BYTE *data, DWORD len, DWORD flags ) { struct hash *hash = (struct hash *)hhash; TRACE("%p, %p, %p, %u, %08x\n", (void *)hprov, (void *)hhash, data, len, flags ); if (hash->magic != MAGIC_HASH) return FALSE; if (hash->finished) { SetLastError( NTE_BAD_HASH_STATE ); return FALSE; } return !BCryptHashData( hash->handle, (UCHAR *)data, len, 0 ); } BOOL WINAPI CPGetHashParam( HCRYPTPROV hprov, HCRYPTHASH hhash, DWORD param, BYTE *data, DWORD *len, DWORD flags ) { struct hash *hash = (struct hash *)hhash; TRACE( "%p, %p, %08x, %p, %p, %08x\n", (void *)hprov, (void *)hhash, param, data, len, flags ); if (hash->magic != MAGIC_HASH) return FALSE; switch (param) { case HP_HASHSIZE: if (sizeof(hash->len) > *len) { *len = sizeof(hash->len); SetLastError( ERROR_MORE_DATA ); return FALSE; } *(DWORD *)data = hash->len; *len = sizeof(hash->len); return TRUE; case HP_HASHVAL: if (!hash->finished) { if (BCryptFinishHash( hash->handle, hash->value, hash->len, 0 )) return FALSE; hash->finished = TRUE; } if (hash->len > *len) { *len = hash->len; SetLastError( ERROR_MORE_DATA ); return FALSE; } memcpy( data, hash->value, hash->len ); *len = hash->len; return TRUE; default: SetLastError( NTE_BAD_TYPE ); return FALSE; } } BOOL WINAPI CPDeriveKey( HCRYPTPROV hprov, ALG_ID algid, HCRYPTHASH hhash, DWORD flags, HCRYPTKEY *ret_key ) { return FALSE; } static DWORD get_signature_length( DWORD algid ) { switch (algid) { case AT_SIGNATURE: case CALG_DSS_SIGN: return 40; default: FIXME( "unhandled algorithm %u\n", algid ); return 0; } } #define MAX_HASH_LEN 20 BOOL WINAPI CPSignHash( HCRYPTPROV hprov, HCRYPTHASH hhash, DWORD keyspec, const WCHAR *desc, DWORD flags, BYTE *sig, DWORD *siglen ) { struct container *container = (struct container *)hprov; struct hash *hash = (struct hash *)hhash; UCHAR hashval[MAX_HASH_LEN]; ULONG len, hashlen = sizeof(hashval); TRACE( "%p, %p, %u, %s, %08x, %p, %p\n", (void *)hprov, (void *)hhash, keyspec, debugstr_w(desc), flags, sig, siglen ); if (container->magic != MAGIC_CONTAINER || !container->sign_key) return FALSE; if (hash->magic != MAGIC_HASH) return FALSE; if (!(len = get_signature_length( container->sign_key->algid ))) return FALSE; if (!CPGetHashParam( hprov, hhash, HP_HASHVAL, hashval, &hashlen, 0 )) return FALSE; if (*siglen < len) { *siglen = len; return TRUE; } return !BCryptSignHash( container->sign_key->handle, NULL, hashval, hashlen, sig, *siglen, siglen, 0 ); } BOOL WINAPI CPVerifySignature( HCRYPTPROV hprov, HCRYPTHASH hhash, const BYTE *sig, DWORD siglen, HCRYPTKEY hpubkey, const WCHAR *desc, DWORD flags ) { struct hash *hash = (struct hash *)hhash; struct key *key = (struct key *)hpubkey; UCHAR hashval[MAX_HASH_LEN]; ULONG hashlen = sizeof(hashval); TRACE( "%p, %p, %p, %u %p, %s, %08x\n", (void *)hprov, (void *)hhash, sig, siglen, (void *)hpubkey, debugstr_w(desc), flags ); if (hash->magic != MAGIC_HASH || key->magic != MAGIC_KEY) return FALSE; if (flags) { FIXME( "flags %08x not supported\n", flags ); return FALSE; } if (!CPGetHashParam( hprov, hhash, HP_HASHVAL, hashval, &hashlen, 0 )) return FALSE; return !BCryptVerifySignature( key->handle, NULL, hashval, hashlen, (UCHAR *)sig, siglen, 0 ); } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { TRACE("(0x%p, %d, %p)\n", hinstDLL, fdwReason, lpvReserved); switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_WINE_PREATTACH: return FALSE; /* prefer native version */ case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: instance = hinstDLL; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hinstDLL); break; } return TRUE; } /***************************************************** * DllRegisterServer (DSSENH.@) */ HRESULT WINAPI DllRegisterServer(void) { return __wine_register_resources( instance ); } /***************************************************** * DllUnregisterServer (DSSENH.@) */ HRESULT WINAPI DllUnregisterServer(void) { return __wine_unregister_resources( instance ); }