/* * Unit test suite for timer functions * * Copyright 2004 Mike McCormack * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "wine/test.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winternl.h" #include "winuser.h" static void test_timer(void) { HANDLE handle; BOOL r; LARGE_INTEGER due; /* try once with a positive number */ handle = CreateWaitableTimerA( NULL, 0, NULL ); ok( handle != NULL, "failed to create waitable timer with no name\n" ); due.QuadPart = 10000; r = SetWaitableTimer( handle, &due, 0x1f4, NULL, NULL, FALSE ); ok( r, "failed to set timer\n"); CloseHandle( handle ); /* try once with a negative number */ handle = CreateWaitableTimerA( NULL, 0, NULL ); ok( handle != NULL, "failed to create waitable timer with no name\n" ); due.QuadPart = -10000; r = SetWaitableTimer( handle, &due, 0x1f4, NULL, NULL, FALSE ); ok( r, "failed to set timer\n"); CloseHandle( handle ); } #define TICKSPERSEC 10000000 static BOOL adjust_system_time(int sec) { ULARGE_INTEGER uli; SYSTEMTIME st; FILETIME ft; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); uli.u.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; uli.u.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; uli.QuadPart += (LONGLONG)sec * TICKSPERSEC; ft.dwLowDateTime = uli.u.LowPart; ft.dwHighDateTime = uli.u.HighPart; if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st)) return FALSE; return SetSystemTime(&st); } static DWORD WINAPI thread_WaitForSingleObject(void *arg) { HANDLE event; DWORD t, r; event = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); ok(event != NULL, "CreateEvent failed\n"); t = GetTickCount(); r = WaitForSingleObject(event, 3000); ok(r == WAIT_TIMEOUT, "WiatForSingleObject returned %lx\n", r); CloseHandle(event); t = GetTickCount() - t; ok(t > 2000, "t = %ld\n", t); return 0; } static DWORD WINAPI thread_Sleep(void *arg) { DWORD t = GetTickCount(); Sleep(3000); t = GetTickCount() - t; ok(t > 2000, "t = %ld\n", t); return 0; } static DWORD WINAPI thread_SleepEx(void *arg) { DWORD t = GetTickCount(); SleepEx(3000, TRUE); t = GetTickCount() - t; ok(t > 2000, "t = %ld\n", t); return 0; } static DWORD WINAPI thread_WaitableTimer_rel(void *arg) { LARGE_INTEGER li; HANDLE timer; DWORD t, r; li.QuadPart = -3 * TICKSPERSEC; timer = CreateWaitableTimerA(NULL, TRUE, NULL); ok(timer != NULL, "CreateWaitableTimer failed\n"); t = GetTickCount(); r = SetWaitableTimer(timer, &li, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE); ok(r, "SetWaitableTimer failed\n"); r = WaitForSingleObject(timer, INFINITE); ok(r == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObject returned %ld\n", r); CloseHandle(timer); t = GetTickCount() - t; ok(t > 2000, "t = %ld\n", t); return 0; } static DWORD WINAPI thread_WaitableTimer_abs(void *arg) { LARGE_INTEGER li; HANDLE timer; FILETIME ft; DWORD t, r; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); li.u.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; li.u.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; li.QuadPart += 3 * TICKSPERSEC; timer = CreateWaitableTimerA(NULL, TRUE, NULL); ok(timer != NULL, "CreateWaitableTimer failed\n"); t = GetTickCount(); r = SetWaitableTimer(timer, &li, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE); ok(r, "SetWaitableTimer failed\n"); r = WaitForSingleObject(timer, INFINITE); ok(r == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObject returned %ld\n", r); CloseHandle(timer); t = GetTickCount() - t; ok(t < 2000, "t = %ld\n", t); return 0; } static DWORD WINAPI thread_WaitableTimer_period(void *arg) { LARGE_INTEGER li; HANDLE timer; DWORD t, r; li.QuadPart = -1; timer = CreateWaitableTimerA(NULL, FALSE, NULL); ok(timer != NULL, "CreateWaitableTimer failed\n"); t = GetTickCount(); r = SetWaitableTimer(timer, &li, 3000, NULL, NULL, FALSE); ok(r, "SetWaitableTimer failed\n"); r = WaitForSingleObject(timer, INFINITE); ok(r == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObject returned %ld\n", r); r = WaitForSingleObject(timer, INFINITE); ok(r == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObject returned %ld\n", r); CloseHandle(timer); t = GetTickCount() - t; ok(t > 2000, "t = %ld\n", t); return 0; } static DWORD WINAPI thread_SetTimer(void *arg) { DWORD t = GetTickCount(); UINT_PTR timer; MSG msg; timer = SetTimer(NULL, 0, 3000, NULL); ok(timer, "SetTimer failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError()); while (GetMessageW(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { DispatchMessageW(&msg); if (msg.message == WM_TIMER) break; } t = GetTickCount() - t; ok(t > 2000, "t = %ld\n", t); KillTimer(NULL, timer); return 0; } static void test_timeouts(void) { HANDLE threads[7]; DWORD i; if (!adjust_system_time(1)) { skip("can't adjust system clock (%ld)\n", GetLastError()); return; } threads[0] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_WaitForSingleObject, NULL, 0, NULL); threads[1] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_Sleep, NULL, 0, NULL); threads[2] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_SleepEx, NULL, 0, NULL); threads[3] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_WaitableTimer_rel, NULL, 0, NULL); threads[4] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_WaitableTimer_abs, NULL, 0, NULL); threads[5] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_WaitableTimer_period, NULL, 0, NULL); threads[6] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_SetTimer, NULL, 0, NULL); for(i=0; i