/* * X11 display driver definitions */ #ifndef __WINE_X11DRV_H #define __WINE_X11DRV_H #include "ts_xlib.h" #include "ts_xutil.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "windows.h" #include "xmalloc.h" /* for XCREATEIMAGE macro */ /* X physical pen */ typedef struct { int style; int endcap; int linejoin; int pixel; int width; char * dashes; int dash_len; int type; /* GEOMETRIC || COSMETIC */ } X_PHYSPEN; /* X physical brush */ typedef struct { int style; int fillStyle; int pixel; Pixmap pixmap; } X_PHYSBRUSH; /* X physical font */ typedef UINT32 X_PHYSFONT; /* X physical device */ typedef struct { GC gc; /* X Window GC */ Drawable drawable; X_PHYSFONT font; X_PHYSPEN pen; X_PHYSBRUSH brush; int backgroundPixel; int textPixel; } X11DRV_PDEVICE; typedef struct { Pixmap pixmap; } X11DRV_PHYSBITMAP; /* GCs used for B&W and color bitmap operations */ extern GC BITMAP_monoGC, BITMAP_colorGC; #define BITMAP_GC(bmp) \ (((bmp)->bitmap.bmBitsPixel == 1) ? BITMAP_monoGC : BITMAP_colorGC) typedef INT32 (*DEVICEFONTENUMPROC)(LPENUMLOGFONT16,LPNEWTEXTMETRIC16,UINT16,LPARAM); /* Wine driver X11 functions */ struct tagDC; struct tagDeviceCaps; extern BOOL32 X11DRV_Init(void); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_BitBlt( struct tagDC *dcDst, INT32 xDst, INT32 yDst, INT32 width, INT32 height, struct tagDC *dcSrc, INT32 xSrc, INT32 ySrc, DWORD rop ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_EnumDeviceFonts( struct tagDC *dc, LPLOGFONT16 plf, DEVICEFONTENUMPROC dfeproc, LPARAM lp ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_GetCharWidth( struct tagDC *dc, UINT32 firstChar, UINT32 lastChar, LPINT32 buffer ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_GetTextExtentPoint( struct tagDC *dc, LPCSTR str, INT32 count, LPSIZE32 size ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_GetTextMetrics(struct tagDC *dc, TEXTMETRIC32A *metrics); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_PatBlt( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 width, INT32 height, DWORD rop ); extern VOID X11DRV_SetDeviceClipping(struct tagDC *dc); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_StretchBlt( struct tagDC *dcDst, INT32 xDst, INT32 yDst, INT32 widthDst, INT32 heightDst, struct tagDC *dcSrc, INT32 xSrc, INT32 ySrc, INT32 widthSrc, INT32 heightSrc, DWORD rop ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_MoveToEx( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y,LPPOINT32 pt); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_LineTo( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_Arc( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right, INT32 bottom, INT32 xstart, INT32 ystart, INT32 xend, INT32 yend ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_Pie( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right, INT32 bottom, INT32 xstart, INT32 ystart, INT32 xend, INT32 yend ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_Chord( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right, INT32 bottom, INT32 xstart, INT32 ystart, INT32 xend, INT32 yend ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_Ellipse( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right, INT32 bottom ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_Rectangle(struct tagDC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right, INT32 bottom); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_RoundRect( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 left, INT32 top, INT32 right, INT32 bottom, INT32 ell_width, INT32 ell_height ); extern COLORREF X11DRV_SetPixel( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y, COLORREF color ); extern COLORREF X11DRV_GetPixel( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_PaintRgn( struct tagDC *dc, HRGN32 hrgn ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_Polyline( struct tagDC *dc,const POINT32* pt,INT32 count); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_PolyBezier( struct tagDC *dc, const POINT32 start, const POINT32* lppt, DWORD cPoints); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_Polygon( struct tagDC *dc, const POINT32* pt, INT32 count ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_PolyPolygon( struct tagDC *dc, const POINT32* pt, const INT32* counts, UINT32 polygons); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_PolyPolyline( struct tagDC *dc, const POINT32* pt, const DWORD* counts, DWORD polylines); extern HGDIOBJ32 X11DRV_SelectObject( struct tagDC *dc, HGDIOBJ32 handle ); extern COLORREF X11DRV_SetBkColor( struct tagDC *dc, COLORREF color ); extern COLORREF X11DRV_SetTextColor( struct tagDC *dc, COLORREF color ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_ExtFloodFill( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y, COLORREF color, UINT32 fillType ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_ExtTextOut( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 x, INT32 y, UINT32 flags, const RECT32 *lprect, LPCSTR str, UINT32 count, const INT32 *lpDx ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_CreateBitmap( HBITMAP32 hbitmap ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_DeleteObject( HGDIOBJ32 handle ); extern LONG X11DRV_BitmapBits( HBITMAP32 hbitmap, void *bits, LONG count, WORD flags ); extern INT32 X11DRV_SetDIBitsToDevice( struct tagDC *dc, INT32 xDest, INT32 yDest, DWORD cx, DWORD cy, INT32 xSrc, INT32 ySrc, UINT32 startscan, UINT32 lines, LPCVOID bits, const BITMAPINFO *info, UINT32 coloruse ); extern INT32 X11DRV_DeviceBitmapBits( struct tagDC *dc, HBITMAP32 hbitmap, WORD fGet, UINT32 startscan, UINT32 lines, LPSTR bits, LPBITMAPINFO info, UINT32 coloruse ); /* X11 driver internal functions */ extern BOOL32 X11DRV_BITMAP_Init(void); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_BRUSH_Init(void); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_DIB_Init(void); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_FONT_Init( struct tagDeviceCaps* ); struct tagBITMAPOBJ; extern XImage *X11DRV_BITMAP_GetXImage( const struct tagBITMAPOBJ *bmp ); extern int X11DRV_DIB_GetXImageWidthBytes( int width, int depth ); extern BOOL32 X11DRV_DIB_Init(void); extern X11DRV_PHYSBITMAP *X11DRV_AllocBitmap( struct tagBITMAPOBJ *bmp ); /* Xlib critical section */ extern CRITICAL_SECTION X11DRV_CritSection; extern void _XInitImageFuncPtrs(XImage *); #define XCREATEIMAGE(image,width,height,bpp) \ { \ int width_bytes = X11DRV_DIB_GetXImageWidthBytes( (width), (bpp) ); \ (image) = TSXCreateImage(display, DefaultVisualOfScreen(screen), \ (bpp), ZPixmap, 0, xcalloc( (height)*width_bytes ),\ (width), (height), 32, width_bytes ); \ } /* exported dib functions for now */ /* This structure holds the arguments for DIB_SetImageBits() */ typedef struct { struct tagDC *dc; LPCVOID bits; XImage *image; int lines; DWORD infoWidth; WORD depth; WORD infoBpp; WORD compression; int *colorMap; int nColorMap; Drawable drawable; GC gc; int xSrc; int ySrc; int xDest; int yDest; int width; int height; } DIB_SETIMAGEBITS_DESCR; extern int X11DRV_DIB_GetImageBits( const DIB_SETIMAGEBITS_DESCR *descr ); extern int X11DRV_DIB_SetImageBits( const DIB_SETIMAGEBITS_DESCR *descr ); extern int *X11DRV_DIB_BuildColorMap( struct tagDC *dc, WORD coloruse, WORD depth, const BITMAPINFO *info, int *nColors ); #endif /* __WINE_X11DRV_H */