/* * Code generation functions * * Copyright 2000 Jon Griffiths */ #include "specmaker.h" /* Output files */ static FILE *specfile = NULL; static FILE *hfile = NULL; static FILE *cfile = NULL; static void output_spec_postamble (void); static void output_header_postamble (void); static void output_c_postamble (void); static void output_c_banner (const parsed_symbol *sym); static const char *get_format_str (int type); static const char *get_in_or_out (const parsed_symbol *sym, size_t arg); /******************************************************************* * output_spec_preamble * * Write the first part of the .spec file */ void output_spec_preamble (void) { specfile = open_file (OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, ".spec", "w"); atexit (output_spec_postamble); if (VERBOSE) puts ("Creating .spec preamble"); fprintf (specfile, "# Generated from %s.dll by specmaker\nname %s\n" "type win32\ninit %s_Init\n\nimport kernel32.dll\n" "import ntdll.dll\n", globals.input_name, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_UC_DLL_NAME); if (globals.forward_dll) fprintf (specfile,"#import %s.dll\n", globals.forward_dll); fprintf (specfile, "\n\ndebug_channels (%s)\n\n", OUTPUT_DLL_NAME); } /******************************************************************* * output_spec_symbol * * Write a symbol to the .spec file */ void output_spec_symbol (const parsed_symbol *sym) { assert (specfile); assert (sym && sym->symbol); if (!globals.do_code || !sym->function_name) { if (globals.forward_dll) fprintf (specfile, "@ forward %s %s.%s\n", sym->symbol, globals.forward_dll, sym->symbol); else { if (!symbol_is_valid_c (sym)) fputc ('#', specfile); fprintf (specfile, "@ stub %s\n", sym->symbol); } } else { unsigned int i; fprintf (specfile, "@ %s %s(", sym->varargs ? "varargs" : symbol_is_cdecl (sym) ? "cdecl" : "stdcall", sym->symbol); for (i = 0; i < sym->argc; i++) fprintf (specfile, " %s", symbol_get_spec_type(sym, i)); if (sym->argc) fputc (' ', specfile); fprintf (specfile, ") %s_%s\n", OUTPUT_UC_DLL_NAME, sym->function_name); } } /******************************************************************* * output_spec_postamble * * Write the last part of the .spec file */ static void output_spec_postamble (void) { if (specfile) fclose (specfile); specfile = NULL; } /******************************************************************* * output_header_preamble * * Write the first part of the .h file */ void output_header_preamble (void) { hfile = open_file (OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, "_dll.h", "w"); atexit (output_header_postamble); fprintf (hfile, "/*\n * %s.dll\n *\n * Generated from %s.dll by specmaker.\n *\n" " * DO NOT SEND GENERATED DLLS FOR INCLUSION INTO WINE !\n * \n */" "\n#ifndef __WINE_%s_DLL_H\n#define __WINE_%s_DLL_H\n\n#include " "\"config.h\"\n#include \"windef.h\"\n#include \"debugtools.h\"\n" "#include \"winbase.h\"\n#include \"winnt.h\"\n\n\n", OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_UC_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_UC_DLL_NAME); } /******************************************************************* * output_header_symbol * * Write a symbol to the .h file */ void output_header_symbol (const parsed_symbol *sym) { assert (hfile); assert (sym && sym->symbol); if (!globals.do_code) return; if (!sym->function_name) fprintf (hfile, "/* %s %s_%s(); */\n", CALLING_CONVENTION, OUTPUT_UC_DLL_NAME, sym->symbol); else { output_prototype (hfile, sym); fputs (";\n", hfile); } } /******************************************************************* * output_header_postamble * * Write the last part of the .h file */ static void output_header_postamble (void) { if (hfile) { fprintf (hfile, "\n\n\n#endif\t/* __WINE_%s_DLL_H */\n", OUTPUT_UC_DLL_NAME); fclose (hfile); hfile = NULL; } } /******************************************************************* * output_c_preamble * * Write the first part of the .c file */ void output_c_preamble (void) { cfile = open_file (OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, "_main.c", "w"); atexit (output_c_postamble); fprintf (cfile, "/*\n * %s.dll\n *\n * Generated from %s.dll by specmaker.\n *\n" " * DO NOT SUBMIT GENERATED DLLS FOR INCLUSION INTO WINE!\n * \n */" "\n\n#include \"%s_dll.h\"\n\nDEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(%s);\n\n", OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, globals.input_name, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME); if (globals.forward_dll) { if (VERBOSE) puts ("Creating a forwarding DLL"); fputs ("\nHMODULE hDLL=0;\t/* DLL to call */\n\n\n", cfile); } fprintf (cfile, "BOOL WINAPI %s_Init(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID " "lpvReserved)\n{\n\tTRACE(\"(0x%%08x, %%ld, %%p)\\n\",hinstDLL," "fdwReason,lpvReserved);\n\n\t" "if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)\n\t{\n\t\t", OUTPUT_UC_DLL_NAME); if (globals.forward_dll) { fprintf (cfile, "hDLL = LoadLibraryA( \"%s\" );\n\t\t" "TRACE(\":Forwarding DLL (%s) loaded (%%ld)\\n\",(LONG)hDLL);", globals.forward_dll, globals.forward_dll); } else fputs ("/* FIXME: Initialisation */", cfile); fputs ("\n\t}\n\telse if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)\n\t{\n\t\t", cfile); if (globals.forward_dll) { fprintf (cfile, "FreeLibrary( hDLL );\n\t\tTRACE(\":Forwarding DLL (%s)" " freed\\n\");", globals.forward_dll); } else fputs ("/* FIXME: Cleanup */", cfile); fputs ("\n\t}\n\n\treturn TRUE;\n}\n\n\n", cfile); } /******************************************************************* * output_c_symbol * * Write a symbol to the .c file */ void output_c_symbol (const parsed_symbol *sym) { unsigned int i; int is_void; assert (cfile); assert (sym && sym->symbol); if (!globals.do_code) return; output_c_banner(sym); if (!sym->function_name) { /* #ifdef'd dummy */ fprintf (cfile, "#if 0\n%s %s_%s()\n{\n\t/* %s in .spec */\n}\n#endif\n\n\n", CALLING_CONVENTION, OUTPUT_UC_DLL_NAME, sym->symbol, globals.forward_dll ? "@forward" : "@stub"); return; } is_void = !strcmp (sym->return_text, "void"); output_prototype (cfile, sym); fputs ("\n{\n", cfile); if (!globals.do_trace) { fputs ("\tFIXME(\":stub\\n\");\n", cfile); if (!is_void) fprintf (cfile, "\treturn (%s) 0;\n", sym->return_text); fputs ("}\n\n\n", cfile); return; } /* Tracing, maybe forwarding as well */ if (globals.forward_dll) { /* Write variables for calling */ fprintf (cfile, "\t%s (%s *pFunc)(", sym->return_text, sym->calling_convention); for (i = 0; i < sym->argc; i++) fprintf (cfile, "%s%s", i ? ", " : "", sym->arg_text [i]); fprintf (cfile, "%s)=(void*)GetProcAddress(hDLL,\"%s\");\n%s", sym->varargs ? ",..." : sym->argc ? "" : "void", sym->symbol, sym->varargs ? "\tva_list valist;\n" : ""); if (!is_void) fprintf (cfile, "\t%s retVal;\n", sym->return_text); } /* TRACE input arguments */ fprintf (cfile, "\tTRACE(\"(%s", !sym->argc ? "void" : ""); for (i = 0; i < sym->argc; i++) fprintf (cfile, "%s(%s)%s", i ? "," : "", sym->arg_text [i], get_format_str (sym->arg_type [i])); fprintf (cfile, "%s): %s\\n\"", sym->varargs ? ",..." : "", globals.forward_dll ? "forward" : "stub"); for (i = 0; i < sym->argc; i++) if (sym->arg_type[i] != ARG_STRUCT) fprintf(cfile, ",%s%s%s%s", sym->arg_type[i] == ARG_LONG ? "(LONG)" : "", sym->arg_type[i] == ARG_WIDE_STRING ? "debugstr_w(" : "", sym->arg_name[i], sym->arg_type[i] == ARG_WIDE_STRING ? ")" : ""); fputs (");\n", cfile); if (!globals.forward_dll) { if (!is_void) fprintf (cfile, "\treturn (%s) 0;\n", sym->return_text); fputs ("}\n\n\n", cfile); return; } /* Call the DLL */ if (sym->varargs) fprintf (cfile, "\tva_start(valist,%s);\n", sym->arg_name[sym->argc-1]); fprintf (cfile, "\t%spFunc(", !is_void ? "retVal = " : ""); for (i = 0; i < sym->argc; i++) fprintf (cfile, "%s%s", i ? "," : "", sym->arg_name [i]); fputs (sym->varargs ? ",valist);\n\tva_end(valist);" : ");", cfile); /* TRACE return value */ fprintf (cfile, "\n\tTRACE(\"Returned (%s)\\n\"", get_format_str (sym->return_type)); if (!is_void) { if (sym->return_type == ARG_WIDE_STRING) fputs (",debugstr_w(retVal)", cfile); else fprintf (cfile, ",%s%s", sym->return_type == ARG_LONG ? "(LONG)" : "", sym->return_type == ARG_STRUCT ? "" : "retVal"); fputs (");\n\treturn retVal;\n", cfile); } else fputs (");\n", cfile); fputs ("}\n\n\n", cfile); } /******************************************************************* * output_c_postamble * * Write the last part of the .c file */ static void output_c_postamble (void) { if (cfile) fclose (cfile); cfile = NULL; } /******************************************************************* * output_makefile * * Write a Wine compatible makefile.in */ void output_makefile (void) { FILE *makefile = open_file ("Makefile", ".in", "w"); if (VERBOSE) puts ("Creating makefile"); fprintf (makefile, "# Generated from %s.dll by specmaker.\nTOPSRCDIR = @top_srcdir@\n" "TOPOBJDIR = ../..\nSRCDIR = @srcdir@\nVPATH = @srcdir@\n" "MODULE = %s\nEXTRALIBS = $(LIBUNICODE)\n\n" "LDDLLFLAGS = @LDDLLFLAGS@\nSYMBOLFILE = $(MODULE).tmp.o\n\n" "C_SRCS = \\\n\t%s_main.c\n\n@MAKE_DLL_RULES@\n\n### Dependencies:", globals.input_name, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME); fclose (makefile); } /******************************************************************* * output_install_script * * Write a script to insert the DLL into Wine * * Rather than using diff/patch, several sed calls are generated * so the script can be re-run at any time without breaking. */ void output_install_script (void) { char cmd[128]; FILE *install_file = open_file (OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, "_install", "w"); if (VERBOSE) puts ("Creating install script"); fprintf (install_file, "#!/bin/bash\n# Generated from %s.dll by specmaker.\n\n" "if [ $# -ne 1 ] || [ ! -d $1 ] || [ ! -f" " $1/AUTHORS ]; then\n\t[ $# -eq 1 ] && echo \"Invalid path\"\n" "\techo \"Usage: $0 wine-base-dir\"\n\texit 1\nfi\n\n" "if [ -d $1/dlls/%s ]; then\n\techo \"DLL is already present\"\n" "\texit 1\nfi\n\necho Adding DLL %s to Wine build tree...\n" "echo\n\nmkdir $1/dlls/%s\ncp %s.spec $1/dlls/%s\n" "cp %s_main.c $1/dlls/%s\ncp %s_dll.h $1/dlls/%s\n" "cp Makefile.in $1/dlls/%s\necho Copied DLL files\n\n" "cd $1\n\nsed '/dlls\\/" "x11drv\\/Makefile/{G;s/$/dlls\\/%s\\/Makefile/;}' configure.in" " >t.tmp\nmv -f t.tmp configure.in\necho Patched configure.in\n\n" "sed '/ws2_32/{G;s/$/\\^%s \\\\/;}' Make.rules.in | tr ^ \\\\t" " >t.tmp\nmv -f t.tmp Make.rules.in\necho Patched Make.rules.in" "\n\nsed '/DLLFILES =/{G;s/$/\\^%s\\/lib%s.so \\\\/;}'" " dlls/Makefile.in| tr ^ \\\\t >t.tmp\n" "sed '/SUBDIRS =/{G;s/$/\\^%s \\\\/;}' t.tmp | tr ^ \\\\t >t.tmp2" "\nsed '/Map library name /{G;s/$/^\\$(RM) \\$\\@ \\&\\& \\$\\" "(LN_S\\) %s\\/lib%s.\\@LIBEXT\\@ \\$\\@/;}' t.tmp2 | tr ^ \\\\t" " > t.tmp\nsed '/Map library name /{G;s/$/lib%s.\\@LIBEXT\\@: " "%s\\/lib%s.\\@LIBEXT\\@/;}' t.tmp > t.tmp2\nsed '/dll " "dependencies /{G;s/$/%s\\/lib%s.\\@LIBEXT\\@\\: libkernel32." "\\@LIBEXT\\@ libntdll.\\@LIBEXT\\@/;}' t.tmp2 > t.tmp\n" "mv -f t.tmp dlls/Makefile.in\nrm -f t.tmp2\necho Patched dlls/" "Makefile.in\n\necho\necho ...done.\necho Run \\'autoconf\\', " "\\'./configure\\' then \\'make\\' to rebuild Wine\n\n", OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME, OUTPUT_DLL_NAME); fclose (install_file); snprintf (cmd, sizeof (cmd), "chmod a+x %s_install", OUTPUT_DLL_NAME); system (cmd); } /******************************************************************* * output_prototype * * Write a C prototype for a parsed symbol */ void output_prototype (FILE *file, const parsed_symbol *sym) { unsigned int i; fprintf (file, "%s %s %s_%s(", sym->return_text, sym->calling_convention, OUTPUT_UC_DLL_NAME, sym->function_name); if (!sym->argc) fputs ("void", file); else for (i = 0; i < sym->argc; i++) fprintf (file, "%s%s %s", i ? ", " : "", sym->arg_text [i], sym->arg_name [i]); if (sym->varargs) fputs (", ...", file); fputc (')', file); } /******************************************************************* * output_c_banner * * Write a function banner to the .c file */ void output_c_banner (const parsed_symbol *sym) { size_t i; fprintf (cfile, "/*********************************************************" "*********\n *\t\t%s (%s.@)\n *\n", sym->symbol, OUTPUT_UC_DLL_NAME); if (globals.do_documentation && sym->function_name) { fputs (" *\n * PARAMS\n *\n", cfile); if (!sym->argc) fputs (" * None.\n *\n", cfile); else { for (i = 0; i < sym->argc; i++) fprintf (cfile, " * %s [%s]%s\n", sym->arg_name [i], get_in_or_out(sym, i), strcmp (sym->arg_name [i], "_this") ? "" : " Pointer to the class object"); if (sym->varargs) fputs (" * ...[I]\n", cfile); fputs (" *\n", cfile); } fputs (" * RETURNS\n *\n", cfile); if (sym->return_text && !strcmp (sym->return_text, "void")) fputs (" * Nothing.\n", cfile); else fprintf (cfile, " * %s\n", sym->return_text); } fputs (" *\n */\n", cfile); } /******************************************************************* * get_format_str * * Get a string containing the correct format string for a type */ static const char *get_format_str (int type) { switch (type) { case ARG_VOID: return "void"; case ARG_FLOAT: return "%f"; case ARG_DOUBLE: return "%g"; case ARG_POINTER: return "%p"; case ARG_WIDE_STRING: case ARG_STRING: return "%s"; case ARG_LONG: return "%ld"; case ARG_STRUCT: return "struct"; } assert (0); return ""; } /******************************************************************* * get_in_or_out * * Determin if a parameter is In or In/Out */ static const char *get_in_or_out (const parsed_symbol *sym, size_t arg) { assert (sym && arg < sym->argc); assert (globals.do_documentation); if (sym->arg_flag [arg] & CT_CONST) return "In"; switch (sym->arg_type [arg]) { case ARG_FLOAT: case ARG_DOUBLE: case ARG_LONG: case ARG_STRUCT: return "In"; case ARG_POINTER: case ARG_WIDE_STRING: case ARG_STRING: return "In/Out"; } assert (0); return ""; }