/* * WineFile * Slovenian Language Support * * Copyright 2003 Rok Mandeljc * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ LANGUAGE LANG_SLOVENIAN, SUBLANG_DEFAULT /* Menu */ IDM_WINEFILE MENU FIXED IMPURE { POPUP "&File" { MENUITEM "&Open\tEnter" , ID_ACTIVATE MENUITEM "&Move...\tF7" , ID_FILE_MOVE MENUITEM "&Copy...\tF8" , ID_FILE_COPY MENUITEM "&In Clipboard...\tF9" , 118 MENUITEM "&Delete\tDel" , ID_FILE_DELETE MENUITEM "Re&name..." , 109 MENUITEM "Propert&ies...\tAlt+Enter" , ID_EDIT_PROPERTIES MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "C&ompress..." , 119 MENUITEM "Dec&ompress..." , 120 MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Run..." , ID_EXECUTE MENUITEM "&Print..." , 102 MENUITEM "Associate..." , 103 MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Cr&eate Directory..." , 111 MENUITEM "Searc&h..." , 104 MENUITEM "&Select Files..." , 116 MENUITEM SEPARATOR #ifndef _NO_EXTENSIONS MENUITEM "E&xit\tAlt+X" , ID_FILE_EXIT #else MENUITEM "E&xit", ID_FILE_EXIT #endif } POPUP "&Disk" { MENUITEM "&Copy Disk..." , 201 MENUITEM "&Label Disk..." , 202 MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Format Disk..." , ID_FORMAT_DISK #ifdef _WIN95 MENUITEM "&Make System Disk...", -1 /*@@ */ #endif MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Connect &Network Drive" , ID_CONNECT_NETWORK_DRIVE MENUITEM "&Disconnect Network Drive" , ID_DISCONNECT_NETWORK_DRIVE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Share as..." , 254 MENUITEM "&Remove Share..." , 255 MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Select Drive..." , 251 } POPUP "&Directories" { MENUITEM "&Next Level\t+" , 301 MENUITEM "Expand &Tree\t*" , 302 MENUITEM "Expand &all\tStrg+*" , 303 MENUITEM "Collapse &Tree\t-" , 304 MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Mark Childs" , 505 } POPUP "&View" { MENUITEM "T&ree and Directory" , 413 MENUITEM "Tr&ee Only" , 411 MENUITEM "Directory &Only" , 412 MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Sp&lit" , ID_VIEW_SPLIT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Name" , ID_VIEW_NAME MENUITEM "&All File Details" , ID_VIEW_ALL_ATTRIBUTES, CHECKED MENUITEM "&Partial Details..." , ID_VIEW_SELECTED_ATTRIBUTES MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Sort by Name" , ID_VIEW_SORT_NAME MENUITEM "Sort &by Type" , ID_VIEW_SORT_TYPE MENUITEM "Sort by Si&ze" , ID_VIEW_SORT_SIZE MENUITEM "Sort by &Date" , ID_VIEW_SORT_DATE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Filter by &..." , ID_VIEW_FILTER } POPUP "&Options" { MENUITEM "&Confirmation..." , 501 MENUITEM "&Font..." , ID_SELECT_FONT MENUITEM "Customize Tool&bar..." , 512 MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Toolbar" , ID_VIEW_TOOL_BAR, CHECKED MENUITEM "&Drivebar" , ID_VIEW_DRIVE_BAR, CHECKED MENUITEM "&Status Bar" , ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR, CHECKED #ifndef _NO_EXTENSIONS MENUITEM "F&ull Screen\tCtrl+Shift+S" , ID_VIEW_FULLSCREEN #endif MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Minize on run" , 504 MENUITEM "&Save settings on exit" , 511 } POPUP "&Security" { MENUITEM "&Access..." , 605 MENUITEM "&Logging..." , 606 MENUITEM "&Owner..." , 607 } POPUP "&Window" { MENUITEM "New &Window" , ID_WINDOW_NEW MENUITEM "Cascading\tCtrl+F5" , ID_WINDOW_CASCADE MENUITEM "Tile &Horizontally" , ID_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ MENUITEM "Tile &Vertically\tCtrl+F4" , ID_WINDOW_TILE_VERT #ifndef _NO_EXTENSIONS MENUITEM "Arrange Automatically" , ID_WINDOW_AUTOSORT #endif MENUITEM "Arrange &Symbols" , ID_WINDOW_ARRANGE MENUITEM "&Refresh\tF5" , ID_REFRESH } POPUP "&?" { MENUITEM "&Help Topics\tF1" , ID_HELP MENUITEM "Help &Search...\tF1" , ID_HELP MENUITEM "&Using Help\tF1" , ID_HELP_USING MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Info about Winefile..." , ID_ABOUT MENUITEM "Info about &Wine..." , ID_ABOUT_WINE } } IDD_EXECUTE DIALOG FIXED IMPURE 15, 13, 210, 63 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Execute" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" { CONTROL "", 101, "Static", SS_SIMPLE|SS_NOPREFIX, 3, 6, 162, 10 CONTROL "&Command:" , -1, "Static", SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP|WS_GROUP, 3, 18, 60, 10 EDITTEXT 201, 3, 29, 134, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL CONTROL "As &Symbol" , 214, "Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX|WS_TABSTOP,3, 45, 71, 12 DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK" , 1, 158, 6, 47, 14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel" , 2, 158, 23, 47, 14 PUSHBUTTON "&Help" , 254, 158, 43, 47, 14 }