Before a single length was used for the number of characters to retrieve
from the text, and to keep track of the size of the buffer. These are
not equivalent, since there is a possible end of line conversion.
Previously the only convenient way to get the start and end of the
selection was through offsets, which eventually need to get converted
back into items in the linked list storing the text. The new function
will help with eliminating these inefficiencies.
This function will make it easier to work with ME_Cursor objects, which
should be used in a lot of places instead of character offsets (which
often require seeking through the linked lists to perform operations
Style objects are referenced counted in richedit controls, so I tried to
make sure styles were released properly. This can be checked using with
the all_refs global reference count to see if everything is cleaned up.
The application AutoGK was getting the length of the text with
WM_GETTEXTLENGTH to allocate an appropriate buffer size, but then
claimed the buffer was twice the size when sending WM_GETTEXTEX. This
caused the memcpy call to overflow the actual buffer since the count
is based on the size of the buffer alone, regardless of the amount of
text retrieved.
ME_GetTextEx directly handles EM_GETTEXTEX, and previously a NULL buffer
would be dereferenced, and a 0 buffer length would cause nCount an
underflow in the nCount value which would allow a buffer overflow to
The application Blitzin2 was sending WM_VSCROLL messages to the
richedit control directly, when normally this message is supposed to
be a notification sent after the scrollinfo is set. Native richedit
controls always use the 16-bit value passed to this message to set the
scroll position for SB_THUMBPOSITION, rather than trying to find a
32-bit value through GetScrollInfo like I had previously done.
Rich text files have groupings of text, where styles are pushed onto
the stack when encountering a start of the group, then popped at the
end of the group. This was being handled improperly before, because a
single styleChanged flag was being stored to keep track of whether the
style needed to be restored at the end of a group. This fails to work
properly since the single flag isn't keeping track of all the levels
of the stack, so some styles are not restored properly.
When a colour table entry is empty, then the default colour is used.
For an incomplete colour table entry 0 is used for the missing colours.
Previously the -1 value used internally for missing colours was being
converted into white, where it should be using the default colour that
is normally black.
This bug could be seen by loading the following rich text into wordpad:
{\rtf{\colortbl;;}\cf1 text}
Previously after initial window creation of a richedit control with the
ES_DISABLENOSCROLL window style flag the scrollbar would be shown but
not disabled. This patch fixes this issue by explicitly disabling and
showing the scrollbar.
WM_SETTEXT seems to check for {\rtf or {\urtf to determine if it is an
ascii RTF string, even if it is a unicode message. So I removed the
check to see if it is a unicode message, and added a check for {\urtf.
Wine was not doing bounds checks for EM_GETTEXTRANGE, which was causing
a crash in Bug 17822. The added tests would cause a crash without the
added bounds checks in the richedit code.
The bounds checks I put in HandleMessage, since ME_GetTextRange is also
called for ME_GETSELTEXT which should not have bounds checks, since it
uses the selection range.
When the ME_GETTEXTRANGE message returns 0, no text is copied, not even
the NULL terminating charter. This differs from EM_GETSELTEXT which
will copy the NULL terminating character when no text is selected. This
behaviour is consistent with native richedit controls.
EM_SETCHARFORMAT can be used to make text links. Automatic URL
detection being enable would cause these links to be removed if the text
is not a URL, so this must be prevented.
Previously checks were made for AutoURLDetect_bEnable before calling
ME_UpdateSelectionLinkAttribute, or ME_UpdateLinkAttribute. This is
more error prone than checking for this within the function, so one call
was missing this check.
ME_SetCursor also didn't respect this behaviour, since it wouldn't set
the cursor to the hand when hovering over a link without automatic URL
detection disabled.
Before the code was modifying the format rect to compensate for space
being added or removed for the selection bar, but this should only
happen when the ECO_SELECTIONBAR setting bit changes.
When all the text fits on the screen, the scrollbars are not shown from
EM_SHOWSCROLLBAR. The message instead adds support for the specified
scrollbar when lParam is TRUE, so that the scrollbar will be shown when
sufficient text is in the document.
This prevents some needless searching for the start of the paragraph
from a run stored in a cursor. Usually a pointer to the paragraph is
already available when the cursor is set anyway.
These functions were probably previously needed because of some wierd
special handling of backspace characters, but currently there is no
reason why the nLen field can't be accessed directly.
Having to functions that just access the string length field just causes
slightly more effort for someone to look at the code, because they need
to enter the function to find out what it actually is doing.
Wrapping is needed to be done even when repainting isn't done since
later messages expect line breaks to reflect the current text. Some
message can specify not to paint the sceen, but this should prevent
wrapping from being done.
Rather than get the paragraph from the run, the function allows the
caller to provide the paragraph, since it is already available. This
reduces unnecessary traversals of lists that take longer as more runs
and rows are in the paragraph.
The ME_RunOfsFromCharOfs function finds the paragraph before finding the
run and offset within the run, so the function may as well be able to
return this paragraph to the caller. Many callers to the function
instead find the paragraph from the run, which ends up unnecessarily
traversing a linked list of runs within the paragraph.
There was a bug in ME_FindText which would cause the final caracter
offset to be incorrect when a paragraph was crossed while matching
characters. The problem was the character offset of the wrong
paragraph was used in the calculation of the start offset of the
The text mode is already stored, and EM_SETTEXTMODE already exists.
There was however a bug in EM_MakeEditor that could cause TM_PLAINTEXT
and TM_RICHEDIT to be set at the same time. This was corrected to ensure
EM_GETTEXTMODE returned the proper mode being used.
The width for EM_SETTARGETDEVICE is used by some applications to set the
wrapping width to a certain distance in twips. This can be used even
though the target device is ignored.
The internal style flags are used to determine whether to show or hide
the scrollbar when ME_UpdateScrollBar is called. EM_SHOWSCROLLBAR seems
to update this state in native richedit controls.
Previously a count of the carraige returns and line feeds were stored
for end of paragraph runs, and a paragraph sign was stored as the actual
string. This was causing many special cases where the length of the
run needed to be determined differently if the run was or wasn't an
end of paragraph run.
There wasn't any use for storing the paragraph sign unless some drawing
code gets commented out to allow the end paragraphs to be shown,
therefore I changed the code to store the actual string that gets
retrieved by WM_GETTEXT.
The two functions ME_FindItemAtOffset and ME_RunOfsFromCharOfs were almost
identically used, since ME_FindItemAtOffset was always used to find a run.
The only difference was how they returned the offset within the run for an
end of paragraph run.
For ME_FindItemAtOffset it would return the next run if it was in between \r
and \n. ME_RunOfsFromCharOfs would instead return an nOffset of 0 for end
paragraph runs. This subtle difference introduced bugs, so I decided to
avoid having special case in this function when creating this patch, and
instead let the caller handle this case.
EM_GETTEXTRANGE allows the start character offset and end characters
offset to be used to specify the range of text to retrieve. If the
start offset is in the middle of an end of paragraph run (i.e. \r\n),
then it should only retrieve the characters after the specified
character offset.
I found that ME_FindItemAtOffset and ME_CursorFromCharOfs are used
almost identically, except for how they handle a character offset that
is between a carriage return and line feed. In this case
ME_CursorFromCharOfs sets the cursor's run offset to 0, but
ME_FindItemAtOffset instead returns the next run which is what was
causing ME_LINELENGTH to incorrectly return the length of the next
I noticed a while ago that on Windows XP richedit controls ignored
characters typed while the mouse is captured (e.g. from holding the left
or middle button down). Arrow keys, delete, and backspace, copying,
cutting, pasting, and everything else handled on WM_CHAR and WM_KEYDOWN
messages are also ignored.
Certain operations will simply not be done for windowless richedit
controls, such as WM_PAINT which isn't done for windowless richedit
controls since ITextServices provides a TxDraw method.
The methods in ITextHost are mostly thin wrappers around functions that
take a handle to a window as their first parameter. This patch just
uses the wrapper functions provided by ITextHost instead of using the
functions that require a handle to a window that the editor might now
have (for windowless richedit controls).
Windowless richedit control will not be able to call GetCapture without
a handle to the host window (and there is no ITextHost_TxGetCapture
method), but there is a ITextHost_TxSetCapture method available for
setting and releasing the capture on the mouse. This means that the
richedit control will need to keep track of whether it has captured the
mouse or not to implement windowless richedit controls.
Previously the WM_NCCREATE was handled by the as if it was always for
later versions, then the window proc for version 1.0 would make
appropriate changes afterwards. Instead both versions should call the
same function (e.g. ME_MakeEditor) and provide the value for
bEmulateVersion10 to make the code clearer.
This fixes inconsistencies shown in the tests I added for the
WM_GETDLGCODE. The tests covered different cases handled by the
current implementation in order to show that the native implementation
is simpler for all these cases.
When the character or paragraph format is changed the paragraph that
is changed is already marked to be rewrapped, so ME_MarkAllForWrapping
shouldn't be called. Since ME_RewrapRepaint uses this function, it
shouldn't be called in these circumstances, since rewrapping all the
text can cause noticable delays when working with a lot of text.
On WM_DESTROY the editor was getting freed, then it was used to obtain
a handle to the editor. This patch moves it just before the editor is
freed within ME_DestroyEditor.
In order to make the message handling available to windowless richedit
controls, the message handling must be in a function that can be
called from the ITextServices_TxSendMessage method. This method will
never have a handle to a window to pass to RichEditWndProc_common in
order to get the editor with GetWindowLongPtrW, but passing the editor
will work (even if hWnd is NULL).
During wrapping there were three different heights that were being
stored, with only one of them being done correctly. The other ones
failed to incorporate the height of the paragraph or row, so ended up
being incorrect.
The formatting rectangle is set with EM_SETRECT, and retrieved with
EM_GETRECT, so it corresponds to rcFormat in the code. This defines the
area that the richedit control should draw the text so that it is
offset by the top-left corner of the formatting rectangle, and clipped
so that it doesn't draw past the bottom or right hand side. Thus this
is important for implementing windowless richedit controls to not
interfere with the rest of the window.
The RichEditWndProc_common function is big enough already by handling
all the window messages, so moving code to handle a message to its own
function makes the code more readable.
There is no reason for the rich text format parser to need a handle to
the window, and even if there were it has a handle to the editor which
contains a handle to the window. It is better to remove this
considering we need to cut down on the use of window handles to
implement windowless richedit controls.
The vertical scrollbar state is stored internally within the control,
so should be used when possible. This will become more necessary when
windowless richedit controls are implemented, and there will no hWnd
to pass to GetScrollInfo.
Comparing the editor as apposed to the handle to the window will work
just as well right now, but will also work when there is no window
handle to make a comparison with, which will be the case with
windowless richedit controls.
The code for the ME_EnsureVisible function does exactly what
EM_SCROLLCARET does, yet this code is duplicated in order to handle
this message. It is simpler to just use the existing function to
implement the message, and avoid internally sending the EM_SCROLLCARET
when this function is available.
For some reason EM_POSFROMCHAR was returning 0 when the position was
equal to the end of the text, or beyond the end of the text. Instead
it should use the position at the end of the text for both these
cases. The x value was also seen to be offset by 1 according to the
Previously the control words in skipped groups were being processed by
the read hook on the RTF parser. By moving this code into the class
callbacks for the parser, the skipped groups actually remain skipped.
For simple tables cells are represented with tabs, and a table row is
ended at the end of the paragraph, so native richedit controls
substitute spaces for \tab and \par rich text format control words.
The values returned by EM_SETPARAFORMAT and EM_GETPARAFORMAT previously
indicated an error, and the included tests shows that Windows behaves as