Properly support texture coordinate indexes.

This commit is contained in:
Jason Edmeades 2003-05-13 23:51:58 +00:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 3a812c6435
commit fe30ce3444
1 changed files with 211 additions and 179 deletions

View File

@ -145,8 +145,12 @@ void DrawPrimitiveI(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 iface,
const long *pIdxBufL = NULL;
const char *curPos;
BOOL isLightingOn = FALSE;
BOOL enableTexture = FALSE;
int vx_index;
int coordIdxInfo = 0x00; /* Information on number of coords supplied */
float s[8], t[8], r[8], q[8]; /* Holding place for tex coords */
const char *coordPtr[8]; /* Holding place for the ptr to tex coords */
int numCoords[8]; /* Holding place for D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMATx */
float x = 0.0f,
y = 0.0f,
@ -179,9 +183,10 @@ void DrawPrimitiveI(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 iface,
isDiffuse = fvf & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE;
isSpecular = fvf & D3DFVF_SPECULAR;
coordIdxInfo = (fvf & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; /* 16 is from definition of D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE1, and is 8 (0-7 stages) * 2bits long */
TRACE("Drawing with FVF = %x, (n?%d, rhw?%d, ptSize(%d), diffuse?%d, specular?%d, numTextures=%d, numBlends=%d)\n",
fvf, normal, isRHW, isPtSize, isDiffuse, isSpecular, numTextures, numBlends);
TRACE("Drawing with FVF = %x, (n?%d, rhw?%d, ptSize(%d), diffuse?%d, specular?%d, numTextures=%d, numBlends=%d, coordIdxInfo=%x)\n",
fvf, normal, isRHW, isPtSize, isDiffuse, isSpecular, numTextures, numBlends, coordIdxInfo);
/* If no normals, DISABLE lighting otherwise, dont touch lighing as it is
set by the appropriate render state */
@ -361,90 +366,112 @@ void DrawPrimitiveI(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 iface,
curPos = curPos + sizeof(DWORD);
/* ToDo: Texture coords */
/* Texture coords */
/* numTextures indicates the number of texture coordinates supplied */
/* However, the first set may not be for stage 0 texture - it all */
/* depends on D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX. */
/* The number of bytes for each coordinate set is based off */
/* D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZEn, which are the bottom 2 bits */
/* Initialize unused coords to unsupplied so we can check later */
for (textureNo = numTextures; textureNo < 7; textureNo++) numCoords[textureNo] = -1;
/* So, for each supplied texture extract the coords */
for (textureNo = 0; textureNo < numTextures; ++textureNo) {
float s, t, r, q;
numCoords[textureNo] = coordIdxInfo & 0x03;
/* Always one set */
s[textureNo] = *(float *)curPos;
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT1) {
t[textureNo] = *(float *)curPos;
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT2) {
r[textureNo] = *(float *)curPos;
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT3) {
q[textureNo] = *(float *)curPos;
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
coordIdxInfo = coordIdxInfo >> 2; /* Drop bottom two bits */
/* Now use the appropriate set of texture indexes */
for (textureNo = 0; textureNo < This->TextureUnits; ++textureNo) {
if (!(This->isMultiTexture) && textureNo > 0) {
FIXME("Program using multiple concurrent textures which this opengl implementation doesnt support\n");
continue ;
if (textureNo > This->TextureUnits) {
FIXME("Program using more concurrent textures than this opengl implementation support\n");
break ;
/* Query tex coords */
if (This->StateBlock->textures[textureNo] != NULL) {
switch (IDirect3DBaseTexture8Impl_GetType((LPDIRECT3DBASETEXTURE8) This->StateBlock->textures[textureNo])) {
s = *(float *)curPos;
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
t = *(float *)curPos;
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
VTRACE(("tex:%d, s,t=%f,%f\n", textureNo, s,t));
if ((This->StateBlock->textures[textureNo] != NULL) &&
(useVertexShaderFunction == FALSE)) {
if (TRUE == useVertexShaderFunction) {
/* Nothing to do */
} else {
if (This->UpdateStateBlock->texture_state[textureNo][D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX] > 7) {
VTRACE("Skip tex coords, as being system generated\n");
} else {
int coordIdx = This->UpdateStateBlock->texture_state[textureNo][D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX];
if (coordIdx > 7) {
VTRACE(("tex: %d - Skip tex coords, as being system generated\n", textureNo));
} else if (coordIdx >= numTextures) {
VTRACE(("tex: %d - Skip tex coords, as requested higher than supplied\n", textureNo));
} else {
switch (numCoords[coordIdx]) { /* Supply the provided texture coords */
VTRACE(("tex:%d, s=%f\n", textureNo, s[coordIdx]));
if (This->isMultiTexture) {
#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_3)
glMultiTexCoord2f(GL_TEXTURE0 + textureNo, s, t);
glMultiTexCoord1f(GL_TEXTURE0 + textureNo, s[coordIdx]);
glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + textureNo, s, t);
glMultiTexCoord1fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + textureNo, s[coordIdx]);
} else {
glTexCoord2f(s, t);
s = *(float *)curPos;
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
t = *(float *)curPos;
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
r = *(float *)curPos;
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
VTRACE(("tex:%d, s,t,r=%f,%f,%f\n", textureNo, s,t,r));
if (TRUE == useVertexShaderFunction) {
/* Nothing to do */
} else {
if (This->UpdateStateBlock->texture_state[textureNo][D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX] > 7) {
VTRACE("Skip tex coords, as being system generated\n");
} else {
VTRACE(("tex:%d, s=%f, t=%f\n", textureNo, s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx]));
if (This->isMultiTexture) {
#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_3)
glMultiTexCoord3f(GL_TEXTURE0 + textureNo, s, t, r);
glMultiTexCoord2f(GL_TEXTURE0 + textureNo, s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx]);
glMultiTexCoord3fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + textureNo, s, t, r);
glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + textureNo, s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx]);
} else {
glTexCoord3f(s, t, r);
glTexCoord2f(s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx]);
r = 0.0f; q = 0.0f; /* Avoid compiler warnings, need these vars later for other textures */
FIXME("Unhandled texture type: D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE\n");
VTRACE(("tex:%d, s=%f, t=%f, r=%f\n", textureNo, s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx], r[coordIdx]));
if (This->isMultiTexture) {
#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_3)
glMultiTexCoord3f(GL_TEXTURE0 + textureNo, s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx], r[coordIdx]);
glMultiTexCoord3fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + textureNo, s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx], r[coordIdx]);
} else {
glTexCoord3f(s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx], r[coordIdx]);
VTRACE(("tex:%d, s=%f, t=%f, r=%f, q=%f\n", textureNo, s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx], r[coordIdx], q[coordIdx]));
if (This->isMultiTexture) {
#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_3)
glMultiTexCoord4f(GL_TEXTURE0 + textureNo, s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx], r[coordIdx], q[coordIdx]);
glMultiTexCoord4fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + textureNo, s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx], r[coordIdx], q[coordIdx]);
} else {
glTexCoord4f(s[coordIdx], t[coordIdx], r[coordIdx], q[coordIdx]);
r = 0.0f; q = 0.0f; /* Avoid compiler warnings, need these vars later for other textures */
FIXME("Unhandled texture type: %u\n", IDirect3DBaseTexture8Impl_GetType((LPDIRECT3DBASETEXTURE8) This->StateBlock->textures[textureNo]));
FIXME("Should not get here as numCoords is two bits only (%x)!\n", numCoords[coordIdx]);
} else {
/* Note I have seen a program actually do this, so just hide it and continue */
VTRACE(("Very odd - texture requested in FVF but not bound!\n"));
@ -526,7 +553,7 @@ void DrawPrimitiveI(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 iface,
t = vertex_shader->output.oT[textureNo].y;
VTRACE(("tex:%d, s,t=%f,%f\n", textureNo, s, t));
if (This->UpdateStateBlock->texture_state[textureNo][D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX] > 7) {
VTRACE("Skip tex coords, as being system generated\n");
VTRACE(("Skip tex coords, as being system generated\n"));
} else {
if (This->isMultiTexture) {
#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_3)
@ -549,7 +576,7 @@ void DrawPrimitiveI(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 iface,
r = vertex_shader->output.oT[textureNo].z;
VTRACE(("tex:%d, s,t,r=%f,%f,%f\n", textureNo, s, t, r));
if (This->UpdateStateBlock->texture_state[textureNo][D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX] > 7) {
VTRACE("Skip tex coords, as being system generated\n");
VTRACE(("Skip tex coords, as being system generated\n"));
} else {
if (This->isMultiTexture) {
#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_3)
@ -743,66 +770,78 @@ void DrawPrimitiveI(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 iface,
/* Texture coords */
/* numTextures indicates the number of texture coordinates supplied */
/* However, the first set may not be for stage 0 texture - it all */
/* depends on D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX. */
/* The number of bytes for each coordinate set is based off */
/* D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZEn, which are the bottom 2 bits */
/* ToDo: Texture coords */
for (textureNo = 0;textureNo<numTextures; textureNo++) {
/* Initialize unused coords to unsupplied so we can check later */
for (textureNo = numTextures; textureNo < 7; textureNo++) coordPtr[textureNo] = NULL;
/* So, for each supplied texture extract the coords */
for (textureNo = 0; textureNo < numTextures; ++textureNo) {
numCoords[textureNo] = coordIdxInfo & 0x03;
coordPtr[textureNo] = curPos;
/* Always one set */
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT1) {
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT2) {
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT3) {
curPos = curPos + sizeof(float);
coordIdxInfo = coordIdxInfo >> 2; /* Drop bottom two bits */
/* Now use the appropriate set of texture indexes */
for (textureNo = 0; textureNo < This->TextureUnits; ++textureNo) {
if (!(This->isMultiTexture) && textureNo > 0) {
FIXME("Program using multiple concurrent textures which this opengl implementation doesnt support\n");
continue ;
/* Query tex coords */
if ((This->StateBlock->textures[textureNo] != NULL) && (useVertexShaderFunction == FALSE)) {
int coordIdx = This->UpdateStateBlock->texture_state[textureNo][D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX];
if (coordIdx > 7) {
VTRACE(("tex: %d - Skip tex coords, as being system generated\n", textureNo));
} else {
int numFloats = 0;
#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_3)
glClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + textureNo);
glClientActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + textureNo);
if (This->StateBlock->textures[textureNo] != NULL) {
enableTexture = TRUE;
switch (IDirect3DBaseTexture8Impl_GetType((LPDIRECT3DBASETEXTURE8) This->StateBlock->textures[textureNo])) {
if (This->UpdateStateBlock->texture_state[textureNo][D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX] > 7) {
VTRACE("Skip tex coords, as being system generated\n");
} else {
glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, skip, curPos);
checkGLcall("glTexCoordPointer(2, ...)");
switch (numCoords[coordIdx]) { /* Supply the provided texture coords */
case D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT1: numFloats = 1; break;
case D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT2: numFloats = 2; break;
case D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT3: numFloats = 3; break;
case D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT4: numFloats = 4; break;
default: numFloats = 0; break;
curPos += 2*sizeof(float);
if (numFloats == 0 || coordIdx >= numTextures) {
VTRACE(("Skipping as invalid request - numfloats=%d, coordIdx=%d, numTextures=%d\n", numFloats, coordIdx, numTextures));
} else {
VTRACE(("tex: %d, ptr=%p, numcoords=%d\n", textureNo, coordPtr[coordIdx], numFloats));
glTexCoordPointer(numFloats, GL_FLOAT, skip, coordPtr[coordIdx]);
checkGLcall("glTexCoordPointer(x, ...)");
if (This->UpdateStateBlock->texture_state[textureNo][D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX] > 7) {
VTRACE("Skip tex coords, as being system generated\n");
} else {
glTexCoordPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, skip, curPos);
checkGLcall("glTexCoordPointer(3, ...)");
curPos += 3*sizeof(float);
FIXME("Unhandled texture type\n");
} else {
/* Note I have seen a program actually do this, so just hide it and continue */
TRACE("Very odd - texture requested in FVF but not bound!\n");
#if defined(GL_VERSION_1_3)
glMultiTexCoord4f(GL_TEXTURE0 + textureNo, 0, 0, 0, 1);
checkGLcall("glMultiTexCoord4f(... , 0, 0, 0, 1)");
glMultiTexCoord4fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + textureNo, 0, 0, 0, 1);
checkGLcall("glMultiTexCoord4fARB(... , 0, 0, 0, 1)");
/* Finally do the drawing */
@ -3684,7 +3723,6 @@ HRESULT WINAPI IDirect3DDevice8Impl_SetTextureStageState(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 ifa
FIXME("see if D3DTOP_SELECTARG1 behavior is correct now!\n");
checkGLcall("glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, Parm, GL_REPLACE)");
#if 0 /* don't seem to do anything */
@ -3732,7 +3770,6 @@ HRESULT WINAPI IDirect3DDevice8Impl_SetTextureStageState(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 ifa
DWORD dwValue = 0;
GLenum source;
GLenum operand;
FIXME("see if D3DTOP_SELECTARG2 behavior is correct now!\n");
checkGLcall("glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, Parm, GL_REPLACE)");
/* GL_REPLACE, swap args 0 and 1? */
@ -3901,18 +3938,10 @@ HRESULT WINAPI IDirect3DDevice8Impl_SetTextureStageState(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 ifa
/* CameraSpacePosition means use the vertex position, transformed to camera space,
as the input texture coordinates for this stage's texture transformation. This
equates roughly to EYE_LINEAR */
/* Values 0-7 are indexes into the FVF tex coords - See comments in DrawPrimitive */
* To Jason: i don't understand what to do with the (Value & 0x00FF) index
* it seems a texture coordinate index (0 <= x <= 7) seeing msdn and logs
* have you any idea ?
* Be carefull the value of the mask 0xF0000 come from d3d8types.h infos
* Be careful the value of the mask 0xF0000 come from d3d8types.h infos
switch (Value & 0xFFFFFF00) {
@ -3920,6 +3949,9 @@ HRESULT WINAPI IDirect3DDevice8Impl_SetTextureStageState(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 ifa
/* CameraSpacePosition means use the vertex position, transformed to camera space,
as the input texture coordinates for this stage's texture transformation. This
equates roughly to EYE_LINEAR */
float s_plane[] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
float t_plane[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };