d3dcompiler/tests: Test d3d12 interface in test_reflection_constant_buffer().
Signed-off-by: Paul Gofman <pgofman@codeweavers.com> Signed-off-by: Matteo Bruni <mbruni@codeweavers.com> Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <julliard@winehq.org>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1486,26 +1486,38 @@ static const D3D11_SHADER_TYPE_DESC test_reflection_constant_buffer_type_result[
static void test_reflection_constant_buffer(void)
ULONG count;
ID3D11ShaderReflection *ref11;
ID3D12ShaderReflectionType *t12, *mt12, *mt12_2, *t12_dummy = NULL, *t12_valid = NULL;
ID3D12ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer *cb12, *cb12_dummy = NULL, *cb12_valid = NULL;
ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer *cb11, *cb11_dummy = NULL, *cb11_valid = NULL;
ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable *v11, *v11_dummy = NULL, *v11_valid = NULL;
ID3D11ShaderReflectionType *t11, *t, *t2, *t11_dummy = NULL, *t11_valid = NULL;
D3D11_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC cbdesc = {0};
D3D11_SHADER_TYPE_DESC tdesc = {0};
D3D11_SHADER_DESC sdesc = {0};
const D3D11_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC *pcbdesc;
ID3D12ShaderReflectionVariable *v12, *v12_dummy = NULL, *v12_valid = NULL;
ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable *v11, *v11_dummy = NULL, *v11_valid = NULL;
D3D12_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC vdesc12 = {0};
const D3D11_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC *pvdesc;
const D3D11_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC *pcbdesc;
D3D12_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC cbdesc12 = {0};
D3D11_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC cbdesc = {0};
ID3D12ShaderReflection *ref12 = NULL;
const D3D11_SHADER_TYPE_DESC *ptdesc;
D3D12_SHADER_TYPE_DESC tdesc12 = {0};
D3D11_SHADER_TYPE_DESC tdesc = {0};
ID3D11ShaderReflection *ref11;
D3D11_SHADER_DESC sdesc = {0};
unsigned int i, expected;
LPCSTR string;
ULONG count;
hr = call_reflect(test_reflection_constant_buffer_blob, test_reflection_constant_buffer_blob[6],
&IID_ID3D11ShaderReflection, (void **)&ref11);
ok(hr == S_OK, "D3DReflect failed %x\n", hr);
call_reflect(test_reflection_constant_buffer_blob, test_reflection_constant_buffer_blob[6],
&IID_ID3D12ShaderReflection, (void **)&ref12);
hr = ref11->lpVtbl->GetDesc(ref11, &sdesc);
ok(hr == S_OK, "GetDesc failed %x\n", hr);
@ -1556,20 +1568,44 @@ static void test_reflection_constant_buffer(void)
/* get the dummys for comparison */
cb11_dummy = ref11->lpVtbl->GetConstantBufferByIndex(ref11, 0xffffffff);
ok(cb11_dummy != NULL, "GetConstantBufferByIndex failed\n");
ok(!!cb11_dummy, "Got unexpected buffer %p.\n", cb11_dummy);
if (ref12)
cb12_dummy = ref12->lpVtbl->GetConstantBufferByIndex(ref12, 0xffffffff);
ok(!!cb12_dummy, "Got unexpected buffer %p.\n", cb12_dummy);
ok(cb12_dummy == (void *)cb11_dummy, "Got unexpected buffer %p.\n", cb12_dummy);
v12_dummy = cb12_dummy->lpVtbl->GetVariableByIndex(cb12_dummy, 0xffffffff);
ok(!!v12_dummy, "Got unexpected NULL variable.\n");
v11_dummy = cb11_dummy->lpVtbl->GetVariableByIndex(cb11_dummy, 0xffffffff);
ok(v11_dummy != NULL, "GetVariableByIndex failed\n");
ok(!!v11_dummy, "Got unexpected NULL variable.\n");
t11_dummy = v11_dummy->lpVtbl->GetType(v11_dummy);
ok(t11_dummy != NULL, "GetType failed\n");
ok(!!t11_dummy, "Got NULL type.\n");
/* get the valid variables */
cb11_valid = ref11->lpVtbl->GetConstantBufferByIndex(ref11, 1);
ok(cb11_valid != cb11_dummy && cb11_valid, "GetConstantBufferByIndex failed\n");
ok(cb11_valid != cb11_dummy && cb11_valid, "Got unexpected buffer %p.\n", cb11_valid);
if (ref12)
cb12_valid = ref12->lpVtbl->GetConstantBufferByIndex(ref12, 1);
ok(cb12_valid != cb12_dummy && cb12_valid, "Got unexpected buffer %p.\n", cb11_valid);
ok(cb12_valid != (void *)cb11_valid, "Got unexpected buffer %p.\n", cb12_valid);
v12_valid = cb12_valid->lpVtbl->GetVariableByIndex(cb12_valid, 0);
ok(v12_valid != v12_dummy && v12_valid, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v12_valid);
t12_dummy = v12_dummy->lpVtbl->GetType(v12_dummy);
ok(!!t12_dummy, "Got NULL type.\n");
t12_valid = v12_valid->lpVtbl->GetType(v12_valid);
ok(t12_valid != t12_dummy && t12_valid, "GetType failed\n");
v11_valid = cb11_valid->lpVtbl->GetVariableByIndex(cb11_valid, 0);
ok(v11_valid != v11_dummy && v11_valid, "GetVariableByIndex failed\n");
ok(v11_valid != v11_dummy && v11_valid, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v11_valid);
t11_valid = v11_valid->lpVtbl->GetType(v11_valid);
ok(t11_valid != t11_dummy && t11_valid, "GetType failed\n");
@ -1583,30 +1619,36 @@ static void test_reflection_constant_buffer(void)
v11 = ref11->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(ref11, NULL);
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "GetVariableByIndex failed, got %p, expected %p\n", v11, v11_dummy);
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v11);
v11 = ref11->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(ref11, "invalid");
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "GetVariableByName failed, got %p, expected %p\n", v11, v11_dummy);
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v11);
v11 = ref11->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(ref11, "a");
ok(v11_valid == v11, "GetVariableByName failed, got %p, expected %p\n", v11, v11_valid);
ok(v11_valid == v11, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v11);
/* constant buffer calls */
v11 = cb11_dummy->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(cb11_dummy, NULL);
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "GetVariableByName failed, got %p, expected %p\n", v11, v11_dummy);
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v11);
v11 = cb11_dummy->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(cb11_dummy, "invalid");
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "GetVariableByName failed, got %p, expected %p\n", v11, v11_dummy);
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v11);
v11 = cb11_valid->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(cb11_valid, NULL);
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "GetVariableByName failed, got %p, expected %p\n", v11, v11_dummy);
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v11);
v11 = cb11_valid->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(cb11_valid, "invalid");
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "GetVariableByName failed, got %p, expected %p\n", v11, v11_dummy);
ok(v11_dummy == v11, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v11);
v11 = cb11_valid->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(cb11_valid, "a");
ok(v11_valid == v11, "GetVariableByName failed, got %p, expected %p\n", v11, v11_valid);
ok(v11_valid == v11, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v11);
if (ref12)
v12 = cb12_valid->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(cb12_valid, "a");
ok(v12_valid == v12, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v12);
hr = cb11_dummy->lpVtbl->GetDesc(cb11_dummy, NULL);
ok(hr == E_FAIL, "GetDesc failed, got %x, expected %x\n", hr, E_FAIL);
@ -1681,21 +1723,30 @@ static void test_reflection_constant_buffer(void)
pcbdesc = &test_reflection_constant_buffer_cb_result[i];
cb11 = ref11->lpVtbl->GetConstantBufferByIndex(ref11, i);
ok(cb11_dummy != cb11, "GetConstantBufferByIndex(%u) failed\n", i);
ok(cb11_dummy != cb11, "Got dummy constant buffer, i %u.\n", i);
hr = cb11->lpVtbl->GetDesc(cb11, &cbdesc);
ok(hr == S_OK, "GetDesc(%u) failed, got %x, expected %x\n", i, hr, S_OK);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x, i %u.\n", hr, i);
ok(!strcmp(cbdesc.Name, pcbdesc->Name), "GetDesc(%u) Name failed, got \"%s\", expected \"%s\"\n",
i, cbdesc.Name, pcbdesc->Name);
ok(cbdesc.Type == pcbdesc->Type, "GetDesc(%u) Type failed, got %x, expected %x\n",
i, cbdesc.Type, pcbdesc->Type);
ok(cbdesc.Variables == pcbdesc->Variables, "GetDesc(%u) Variables failed, got %u, expected %u\n",
i, cbdesc.Variables, pcbdesc->Variables);
ok(cbdesc.Size == pcbdesc->Size, "GetDesc(%u) Size failed, got %u, expected %u\n",
i, cbdesc.Size, pcbdesc->Size);
ok(cbdesc.uFlags == pcbdesc->uFlags, "GetDesc(%u) uFlags failed, got %u, expected %u\n",
i, cbdesc.uFlags, pcbdesc->uFlags);
ok(!strcmp(cbdesc.Name, pcbdesc->Name), "Got unexpected name \"%s\", i %u.\n", cbdesc.Name, i);
ok(cbdesc.Type == pcbdesc->Type, "Got unexpected Type %#x, i %u.\n", cbdesc.Type, i);
ok(cbdesc.Variables == pcbdesc->Variables, "Got unexpected Variables %u, i %u.\n", cbdesc.Variables, i);
ok(cbdesc.Size == pcbdesc->Size, "Got unexpected Size %u, i %u.\n", cbdesc.Size, i);
ok(cbdesc.uFlags == pcbdesc->uFlags, "Got unexpected uFlags %#x, i %u.\n", cbdesc.uFlags, i);
if (ref12)
cb12 = ref12->lpVtbl->GetConstantBufferByIndex(ref12, i);
ok(cb12_dummy != cb12, "Got dummy constant buffer, i %u.\n", i);
hr = cb12->lpVtbl->GetDesc(cb12, &cbdesc12);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x, i %u.\n", hr, i);
ok(!strcmp(cbdesc12.Name, pcbdesc->Name), "Got unexpected name \"%s\", i %u.\n", cbdesc.Name, i);
ok(cbdesc.Type == pcbdesc->Type, "Got unexpected Type %#x, i %u.\n", cbdesc.Type, i);
ok(!memcmp(&cbdesc12.Type, &cbdesc.Type, sizeof(cbdesc) - offsetof(D3D11_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC, Type)),
"CB description does not match. i %u.\n", i);
/* variables */
@ -1707,45 +1758,85 @@ static void test_reflection_constant_buffer(void)
v11 = ref11->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(ref11, pvdesc->Name);
v11 = cb11_valid->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(cb11_valid, pvdesc->Name);
ok(v11_dummy != v11, "Test %u: got unexpected variable %p.\n", i, v11);
ok(v11_dummy != v11, "Test %u, got unexpected variable %p.\n", i, v11);
vdesc.StartTexture = 0xdeadbeef;
vdesc.TextureSize = 0xdeadbeef;
vdesc.StartSampler = 0xdeadbeef;
vdesc.SamplerSize = 0xdeadbeef;
vdesc.StartTexture = 0xffffffff;
vdesc.StartSampler = 0xffffffff;
hr = v11->lpVtbl->GetDesc(v11, &vdesc);
ok(hr == S_OK, "GetDesc(%u) failed, got %x, expected %x\n", i, hr, S_OK);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x, i %u.\n", hr, i);
ok(!strcmp(vdesc.Name, pvdesc->Name), "GetDesc(%u) Name failed, got \"%s\", expected \"%s\"\n",
i, vdesc.Name, pvdesc->Name);
ok(vdesc.StartOffset == pvdesc->StartOffset, "GetDesc(%u) StartOffset failed, got %u, expected %u\n",
i, vdesc.StartOffset, pvdesc->StartOffset);
ok(vdesc.Size == pvdesc->Size, "GetDesc(%u) Size failed, got %u, expected %u\n",
i, vdesc.Size, pvdesc->Size);
ok(vdesc.uFlags == pvdesc->uFlags, "GetDesc(%u) uFlags failed, got %u, expected %u\n",
i, vdesc.uFlags, pvdesc->uFlags);
ok(vdesc.DefaultValue == pvdesc->DefaultValue, "GetDesc(%u) DefaultValue failed\n", i);
ok(!strcmp(vdesc.Name, pvdesc->Name), "Got unexpected name \"%s\", i %u", vdesc.Name, i);
ok(vdesc.StartOffset == pvdesc->StartOffset, "Got unexpected StartOffset %u, i %u.\n",
vdesc.StartOffset, i);
ok(vdesc.Size == pvdesc->Size, "Got unexpected Size %u, i %u.\n", vdesc.Size, i);
ok(vdesc.uFlags == pvdesc->uFlags, "Got unexpected uFlags %#x, i %u.\n", vdesc.uFlags, i);
ok(vdesc.DefaultValue == pvdesc->DefaultValue, "Got unexpected DefaultValue %p, i %u.\n",
vdesc.DefaultValue, i);
ok(vdesc.StartTexture == 0xffffffff, "Got unexpected StartTexture %#x, i %u.\n", vdesc.StartTexture, i);
ok(!vdesc.TextureSize, "Got unexpected TextureSize %u, i %u.\n", vdesc.TextureSize, i);
ok(vdesc.StartSampler == 0xffffffff, "Got unexpected StartSampler %u, i %u.\n", vdesc.StartSampler, i);
ok(!vdesc.SamplerSize, "Got unexpected SamplerSize %u, i %u.\n", vdesc.SamplerSize, i);
if (ref12)
v12 = ref12->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(ref12, pvdesc->Name);
ok(v12_dummy != v12, "Test %u, got unexpected variable %p.\n", i, v12);
hr = v12->lpVtbl->GetDesc(v12, &vdesc12);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x, i %u.\n", hr, i);
ok(!strcmp(vdesc12.Name, pvdesc->Name), "Got unexpected name \"%s\", i %u", vdesc12.Name, i);
todo_wine ok(!memcmp(&vdesc12.StartOffset, &vdesc.StartOffset,
sizeof(vdesc) - offsetof(D3D11_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC, StartOffset)),
"D3D11 and D3D12 descs do not match.\n");
/* Silence compiler warning. */
v12 = NULL;
/* types */
ptdesc = &test_reflection_constant_buffer_type_result[test_reflection_constant_buffer_variable_result[i].type];
t11 = v11->lpVtbl->GetType(v11);
ok(t11_dummy != t11, "GetType(%u) failed\n", i);
ok(t11_dummy != t11, "Got unexpected type %p, i %u.\n", t11, i);
hr = t11->lpVtbl->GetDesc(t11, &tdesc);
ok(hr == S_OK, "GetDesc(%u) failed, got %x, expected %x\n", i, hr, S_OK);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x, i %u.\n", hr, i);
ok(tdesc.Class == ptdesc->Class, "GetDesc(%u) Class failed, got %x, expected %x\n",
i, tdesc.Class, ptdesc->Class);
ok(tdesc.Type == ptdesc->Type, "GetDesc(%u) Type failed, got %x, expected %x\n",
i, tdesc.Type, ptdesc->Type);
ok(tdesc.Rows == ptdesc->Rows, "GetDesc(%u) Rows failed, got %x, expected %x\n",
i, tdesc.Rows, ptdesc->Rows);
ok(tdesc.Columns == ptdesc->Columns, "GetDesc(%u) Columns failed, got %u, expected %u\n",
i, tdesc.Columns, ptdesc->Columns);
ok(tdesc.Elements == ptdesc->Elements, "GetDesc(%u) Elements failed, got %u, expected %u\n",
i, tdesc.Elements, ptdesc->Elements);
ok(tdesc.Offset == ptdesc->Offset, "GetDesc(%u) Offset failed, got %u, expected %u\n",
i, tdesc.Offset, ptdesc->Offset);
ok(tdesc.Class == ptdesc->Class, "Got unexpected Class %u, i %u.\n", tdesc.Class, i);
ok(tdesc.Type == ptdesc->Type, "Got unexpected Type %u, i %u.\n", tdesc.Type, i);
ok(tdesc.Rows == ptdesc->Rows, "Got unexpected Rows %u, i %u.\n", tdesc.Rows, i);
ok(tdesc.Columns == ptdesc->Columns, "Got unexpected Columns %u, i %u.\n", tdesc.Columns, i);
ok(tdesc.Elements == ptdesc->Elements, "Got unexpected Elements %u, i %u.\n", tdesc.Elements, i);
ok(tdesc.Offset == ptdesc->Offset, "Got unexpected Offset %u, i %u.\n", tdesc.Offset, i);
ok(!strcmp(tdesc.Name, ptdesc->Name), "Test %u: got unexpected Name %s.\n",
i, debugstr_a(tdesc.Name));
ok(!strcmp(tdesc.Name, ptdesc->Name), "Got unexpected Name %s, i %u.\n", debugstr_a(tdesc.Name), i);
if (ref12)
t12 = v12->lpVtbl->GetType(v12);
ok(t12_dummy != t12, "Got unexpected type %p, i %u.\n", t12, i);
hr = t12->lpVtbl->GetDesc(t12, &tdesc12);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x, i %u.\n", hr, i);
ok(!memcmp(&tdesc12, &tdesc, offsetof(D3D11_SHADER_TYPE_DESC, Name)),
"D3D11 and D3D12 descs do not match.\n");
ok(!strcmp(tdesc12.Name, ptdesc->Name), "Got unexpected Name %s, i %u.\n", debugstr_a(tdesc12.Name), i);
/* types */
@ -1756,47 +1847,91 @@ static void test_reflection_constant_buffer(void)
ok(v11_dummy != v11, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v11);
t11 = v11->lpVtbl->GetType(v11);
ok(t11 != t11_dummy, "GetType failed\n");
ok(t11 != t11_dummy, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", t11);
t = t11->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByIndex(t11, 0);
ok(t != t11_dummy, "GetMemberTypeByIndex failed\n");
ok(t != t11_dummy, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", t);
t2 = t11->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByName(t11, "a");
ok(t == t2, "GetMemberTypeByName failed, got %p, expected %p\n", t2, t);
ok(t == t2, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", t2);
string = t11->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeName(t11, 0);
ok(!strcmp(string, "a"), "GetMemberTypeName failed, got \"%s\", expected \"%s\"\n", string, "a");
ok(!strcmp(string, "a"), "Got unexpected string \"%s\".\n", string);
t = t11->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByIndex(t11, 1);
ok(t != t11_dummy, "GetMemberTypeByIndex failed\n");
ok(t != t11_dummy, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", t);
t2 = t11->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByName(t11, "b");
ok(t == t2, "GetMemberTypeByName failed, got %p, expected %p\n", t2, t);
ok(t == t2, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", t2);
string = t11->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeName(t11, 1);
ok(!strcmp(string, "b"), "GetMemberTypeName failed, got \"%s\", expected \"%s\"\n", string, "b");
ok(!strcmp(string, "b"), "Got unexpected string \"%s\".\n", string);
/* float vs float (in struct) */
hr = t11->lpVtbl->IsEqual(t11, t11_valid);
ok(hr == S_FALSE, "IsEqual failed, got %x, expected %x\n", hr, S_FALSE);
ok(hr == S_FALSE, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
hr = t11_valid->lpVtbl->IsEqual(t11_valid, t11);
ok(hr == S_FALSE, "IsEqual failed, got %x, expected %x\n", hr, S_FALSE);
ok(hr == S_FALSE, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
/* float vs float */
t = t11->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByIndex(t11, 0);
ok(t != t11_dummy, "GetMemberTypeByIndex failed\n");
ok(t != t11_dummy, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", t);
t2 = t11->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByIndex(t11, 1);
ok(t2 != t11_dummy, "GetMemberTypeByIndex failed\n");
ok(t2 != t11_dummy, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", t2);
hr = t->lpVtbl->IsEqual(t, t2);
ok(hr == S_OK, "IsEqual failed, got %x, expected %x\n", hr, S_OK);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
if (ref12)
v12 = ref12->lpVtbl->GetVariableByName(ref12, "t");
ok(v12_dummy != v12, "Got unexpected variable %p.\n", v12);
t12 = v12->lpVtbl->GetType(v12);
ok(t12 != t12_dummy, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", t12);
mt12 = t12->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByIndex(t12, 0);
ok(mt12 != t12_dummy, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", mt12);
mt12_2 = t12->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByName(t12, "a");
ok(mt12 == mt12_2, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", mt12_2);
string = t12->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeName(t12, 0);
ok(!strcmp(string, "a"), "Got unexpected string \"%s\".\n", string);
mt12 = t12->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByIndex(t12, 1);
ok(mt12 != t12_dummy, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", mt12);
mt12_2 = t12->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByName(t12, "b");
ok(mt12 == mt12_2, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", mt12_2);
string = t12->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeName(t12, 1);
ok(!strcmp(string, "b"), "Got unexpected string \"%s\".\n", string);
hr = t12->lpVtbl->IsEqual(t12, t12_valid);
ok(hr == S_FALSE, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
hr = t12_valid->lpVtbl->IsEqual(t12_valid, t12);
ok(hr == S_FALSE, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
mt12 = t12->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByIndex(t12, 0);
ok(mt12 != t12_dummy, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", mt12);
mt12_2 = t12->lpVtbl->GetMemberTypeByIndex(t12, 1);
ok(mt12_2 != t12_dummy, "Got unexpected type %p.\n", mt12_2);
hr = mt12->lpVtbl->IsEqual(mt12, mt12_2);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
count = ref12->lpVtbl->Release(ref12);
ok(!count, "Got unexpected ref count %u.\n", count);
count = ref11->lpVtbl->Release(ref11);
ok(count == 0, "Release failed %u\n", count);
ok(!count, "Got unexpected ref count %u.\n", count);
Reference in New Issue