user32: Define an explicit structure for storing the cursor data.

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Alexandre Julliard 2010-05-19 11:56:23 +02:00
parent a2a58a21d8
commit e58afcfb2d
1 changed files with 87 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ struct cursoricon_object
struct user_object obj; /* object header */
ULONG_PTR param; /* opaque param used by 16-bit code */
/* followed by cursor data in CURSORICONINFO format */
/* followed by cursor bits in CURSORICONINFO format */
static HICON alloc_icon_handle( unsigned int size )
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ static HICON alloc_icon_handle( unsigned int size )
return alloc_user_handle( &obj->obj, USER_ICON );
static struct tagCURSORICONINFO *get_icon_ptr( HICON handle )
static struct cursoricon_object *get_icon_ptr( HICON handle )
struct cursoricon_object *obj = get_user_handle_ptr( handle, USER_ICON );
@ -154,12 +155,12 @@ static struct tagCURSORICONINFO *get_icon_ptr( HICON handle )
WARN( "icon handle %p from other process\n", handle );
obj = NULL;
return obj ? (struct tagCURSORICONINFO *)(obj + 1) : NULL;
return obj;
static void release_icon_ptr( HICON handle, struct tagCURSORICONINFO *ptr )
static void release_icon_ptr( HICON handle, struct cursoricon_object *ptr )
release_user_handle_ptr( (struct cursoricon_object *)ptr - 1 );
release_user_handle_ptr( ptr );
static BOOL free_icon_handle( HICON handle )
@ -512,11 +513,11 @@ static INT CURSORICON_DelSharedIcon( HICON hIcon )
BOOL get_icon_size( HICON handle, SIZE *size )
struct cursoricon_object *info;
if (!(info = get_icon_ptr( handle ))) return FALSE;
size->cx = info->nWidth;
size->cy = info->nHeight;
size->cx = info->data.nWidth;
size->cy = info->data.nHeight;
release_icon_ptr( handle, info );
return TRUE;
@ -922,25 +923,25 @@ static HICON CURSORICON_CreateIconFromBMI( BITMAPINFO *bmi,
sizeXor = bmpXor.bmHeight * bmpXor.bmWidthBytes;
sizeAnd = bmpAnd.bmHeight * bmpAnd.bmWidthBytes;
hObj = alloc_icon_handle( sizeof(CURSORICONINFO) + sizeXor + sizeAnd );
hObj = alloc_icon_handle( sizeXor + sizeAnd );
if (hObj)
CURSORICONINFO *info = get_icon_ptr( hObj );
struct cursoricon_object *info = get_icon_ptr( hObj );
info->ptHotSpot.x = hotspot.x;
info->ptHotSpot.y = hotspot.y;
info->nWidth = bmpXor.bmWidth;
info->nHeight = bmpXor.bmHeight;
info->nWidthBytes = bmpXor.bmWidthBytes;
info->bPlanes = bmpXor.bmPlanes;
info->bBitsPerPixel = bmpXor.bmBitsPixel;
info->data.ptHotSpot.x = hotspot.x;
info->data.ptHotSpot.y = hotspot.y;
info->data.nWidth = bmpXor.bmWidth;
info->data.nHeight = bmpXor.bmHeight;
info->data.nWidthBytes = bmpXor.bmWidthBytes;
info->data.bPlanes = bmpXor.bmPlanes;
info->data.bBitsPerPixel = bmpXor.bmBitsPixel;
/* Transfer the bitmap bits to the CURSORICONINFO structure */
GetBitmapBits( hAndBits, sizeAnd, info + 1 );
GetBitmapBits( hXorBits, sizeXor, (char *)(info + 1) + sizeAnd );
release_icon_ptr( hObj, info );
USER_Driver->pCreateCursorIcon( hObj, info );
USER_Driver->pCreateCursorIcon( hObj, &info->data );
DeleteObject( hAndBits );
@ -1539,20 +1540,19 @@ HICON WINAPI CreateIcon(
CURSORICONINFO *ptrOld, *ptrNew;
struct cursoricon_object *ptrOld, *ptrNew;
int size;
if (!(ptrOld = get_icon_ptr( hIcon ))) return 0;
size = sizeof(CURSORICONINFO);
size += ptrOld->nHeight * get_bitmap_width_bytes( ptrOld->nWidth, 1 ); /* and bitmap */
size += ptrOld->nHeight * ptrOld->nWidthBytes; /* xor bitmap */
size = ptrOld->data.nHeight * get_bitmap_width_bytes( ptrOld->data.nWidth, 1 ); /* and bitmap */
size += ptrOld->data.nHeight * ptrOld->data.nWidthBytes; /* xor bitmap */
hNew = alloc_icon_handle( size );
ptrNew = get_icon_ptr( hNew );
memcpy( ptrNew, ptrOld, size );
memcpy( &ptrNew->data, &ptrOld->data, sizeof(ptrNew->data) + size );
release_icon_ptr( hIcon, ptrOld );
release_icon_ptr( hNew, ptrNew );
USER_Driver->pCreateCursorIcon( hNew, ptrNew );
USER_Driver->pCreateCursorIcon( hNew, &ptrNew->data );
return hNew;
@ -1893,37 +1893,37 @@ HICON WINAPI LoadIconA(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCSTR name)
BOOL WINAPI GetIconInfo(HICON hIcon, PICONINFO iconinfo)
struct cursoricon_object *ciconinfo;
INT height;
if (!(ciconinfo = get_icon_ptr( hIcon ))) return FALSE;
TRACE("%p => %dx%d, %d bpp\n", hIcon,
ciconinfo->nWidth, ciconinfo->nHeight, ciconinfo->bBitsPerPixel);
ciconinfo->data.nWidth, ciconinfo->data.nHeight, ciconinfo->data.bBitsPerPixel);
if ( (ciconinfo->ptHotSpot.x == ICON_HOTSPOT) &&
(ciconinfo->ptHotSpot.y == ICON_HOTSPOT) )
if ( (ciconinfo->data.ptHotSpot.x == ICON_HOTSPOT) &&
(ciconinfo->data.ptHotSpot.y == ICON_HOTSPOT) )
iconinfo->fIcon = TRUE;
iconinfo->xHotspot = ciconinfo->nWidth / 2;
iconinfo->yHotspot = ciconinfo->nHeight / 2;
iconinfo->xHotspot = ciconinfo->data.nWidth / 2;
iconinfo->yHotspot = ciconinfo->data.nHeight / 2;
iconinfo->fIcon = FALSE;
iconinfo->xHotspot = ciconinfo->ptHotSpot.x;
iconinfo->yHotspot = ciconinfo->ptHotSpot.y;
iconinfo->xHotspot = ciconinfo->data.ptHotSpot.x;
iconinfo->yHotspot = ciconinfo->data.ptHotSpot.y;
height = ciconinfo->nHeight;
height = ciconinfo->data.nHeight;
if (ciconinfo->bBitsPerPixel > 1)
if (ciconinfo->data.bBitsPerPixel > 1)
iconinfo->hbmColor = CreateBitmap( ciconinfo->nWidth, ciconinfo->nHeight,
ciconinfo->bPlanes, ciconinfo->bBitsPerPixel,
iconinfo->hbmColor = CreateBitmap( ciconinfo->data.nWidth, ciconinfo->data.nHeight,
ciconinfo->data.bPlanes, ciconinfo->data.bBitsPerPixel,
(char *)(ciconinfo + 1)
+ ciconinfo->nHeight *
get_bitmap_width_bytes (ciconinfo->nWidth,1) );
+ ciconinfo->data.nHeight *
get_bitmap_width_bytes (ciconinfo->data.nWidth,1) );
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI GetIconInfo(HICON hIcon, PICONINFO iconinfo)
height *= 2;
iconinfo->hbmMask = CreateBitmap ( ciconinfo->nWidth, height,
iconinfo->hbmMask = CreateBitmap ( ciconinfo->data.nWidth, height,
1, 1, ciconinfo + 1);
release_icon_ptr( hIcon, ciconinfo );
@ -1974,38 +1974,38 @@ HICON WINAPI CreateIconIndirect(PICONINFO iconinfo)
sizeAnd = bmpAnd.bmHeight * get_bitmap_width_bytes(bmpAnd.bmWidth, 1);
hObj = alloc_icon_handle( sizeof(CURSORICONINFO) + sizeXor + sizeAnd );
hObj = alloc_icon_handle( sizeXor + sizeAnd );
if (hObj)
CURSORICONINFO *info = get_icon_ptr( hObj );
struct cursoricon_object *info = get_icon_ptr( hObj );
/* If we are creating an icon, the hotspot is unused */
if (iconinfo->fIcon)
info->ptHotSpot.x = ICON_HOTSPOT;
info->ptHotSpot.y = ICON_HOTSPOT;
info->data.ptHotSpot.x = ICON_HOTSPOT;
info->data.ptHotSpot.y = ICON_HOTSPOT;
info->ptHotSpot.x = iconinfo->xHotspot;
info->ptHotSpot.y = iconinfo->yHotspot;
info->data.ptHotSpot.x = iconinfo->xHotspot;
info->data.ptHotSpot.y = iconinfo->yHotspot;
if (iconinfo->hbmColor)
info->nWidth = bmpXor.dsBm.bmWidth;
info->nHeight = bmpXor.dsBm.bmHeight;
info->nWidthBytes = bmpXor.dsBm.bmWidthBytes;
info->bPlanes = planes;
info->bBitsPerPixel = bpp;
info->data.nWidth = bmpXor.dsBm.bmWidth;
info->data.nHeight = bmpXor.dsBm.bmHeight;
info->data.nWidthBytes = bmpXor.dsBm.bmWidthBytes;
info->data.bPlanes = planes;
info->data.bBitsPerPixel = bpp;
info->nWidth = bmpAnd.bmWidth;
info->nHeight = bmpAnd.bmHeight / 2;
info->nWidthBytes = get_bitmap_width_bytes(bmpAnd.bmWidth, 1);
info->bPlanes = 1;
info->bBitsPerPixel = 1;
info->data.nWidth = bmpAnd.bmWidth;
info->data.nHeight = bmpAnd.bmHeight / 2;
info->data.nWidthBytes = get_bitmap_width_bytes(bmpAnd.bmWidth, 1);
info->data.bPlanes = 1;
info->data.bBitsPerPixel = 1;
/* Transfer the bitmap bits to the CURSORICONINFO structure */
@ -2049,16 +2049,16 @@ HICON WINAPI CreateIconIndirect(PICONINFO iconinfo)
int dib_width = get_dib_width_bytes( info->nWidth, info->bBitsPerPixel );
int bitmap_width = get_bitmap_width_bytes( info->nWidth, info->bBitsPerPixel );
int dib_width = get_dib_width_bytes( info->data.nWidth, info->data.bBitsPerPixel );
int bitmap_width = get_bitmap_width_bytes( info->data.nWidth, info->data.bBitsPerPixel );
bminfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bminfo);
bminfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = info->nWidth;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = info->nHeight;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = info->bPlanes;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = info->bBitsPerPixel;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = info->data.nWidth;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = info->data.nHeight;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = info->data.bPlanes;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = info->data.bBitsPerPixel;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = info->nHeight * dib_width;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = info->data.nHeight * dib_width;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
@ -2072,22 +2072,22 @@ HICON WINAPI CreateIconIndirect(PICONINFO iconinfo)
char *src_bits = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, bminfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage );
if (src_bits && GetDIBits( screen_dc, iconinfo->hbmColor, 0, info->nHeight,
if (src_bits && GetDIBits( screen_dc, iconinfo->hbmColor, 0, info->data.nHeight,
src_bits, &bminfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS ))
int y;
for (y = 0; y < info->nHeight; y++)
for (y = 0; y < info->data.nHeight; y++)
memcpy( dst_bits + y * bitmap_width, src_bits + y * dib_width, bitmap_width );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_bits );
GetDIBits( screen_dc, iconinfo->hbmColor, 0, info->nHeight,
GetDIBits( screen_dc, iconinfo->hbmColor, 0, info->data.nHeight,
dst_bits, &bminfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
release_icon_ptr( hObj, info );
USER_Driver->pCreateCursorIcon( hObj, info );
USER_Driver->pCreateCursorIcon( hObj, &info->data );
return hObj;
@ -2117,7 +2117,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI DrawIconEx( HDC hdc, INT x0, INT y0, HICON hIcon,
INT cxWidth, INT cyWidth, UINT istep,
HBRUSH hbr, UINT flags )
struct cursoricon_object *ptr;
HDC hDC_off = 0, hMemDC;
BOOL result = FALSE, DoOffscreen;
HBITMAP hB_off = 0, hOld = 0;
@ -2140,14 +2140,14 @@ BOOL WINAPI DrawIconEx( HDC hdc, INT x0, INT y0, HICON hIcon,
if (flags & DI_NOMIRROR)
FIXME_(icon)("Ignoring flag DI_NOMIRROR\n");
xorLength = ptr->nHeight * get_bitmap_width_bytes(
ptr->nWidth, ptr->bBitsPerPixel);
xorBitmapBits = (unsigned char *)(ptr + 1) + ptr->nHeight *
get_bitmap_width_bytes(ptr->nWidth, 1);
xorLength = ptr->data.nHeight * get_bitmap_width_bytes(
ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.bBitsPerPixel);
xorBitmapBits = (unsigned char *)(ptr + 1) + ptr->data.nHeight *
get_bitmap_width_bytes(ptr->data.nWidth, 1);
if (flags & DI_IMAGE)
has_alpha = bitmap_has_alpha_channel(
ptr->bBitsPerPixel, xorBitmapBits, xorLength);
ptr->data.bBitsPerPixel, xorBitmapBits, xorLength);
/* Calculate the size of the destination image. */
if (cxWidth == 0)
@ -2155,14 +2155,14 @@ BOOL WINAPI DrawIconEx( HDC hdc, INT x0, INT y0, HICON hIcon,
if (flags & DI_DEFAULTSIZE)
cxWidth = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXICON);
cxWidth = ptr->nWidth;
cxWidth = ptr->data.nWidth;
if (cyWidth == 0)
if (flags & DI_DEFAULTSIZE)
cyWidth = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYICON);
cyWidth = ptr->nHeight;
cyWidth = ptr->data.nHeight;
DoOffscreen = (GetObjectType( hbr ) == OBJ_BRUSH);
@ -2197,25 +2197,25 @@ BOOL WINAPI DrawIconEx( HDC hdc, INT x0, INT y0, HICON hIcon,
if ((flags & DI_MASK) && !has_alpha)
hAndBits = CreateBitmap ( ptr->nWidth, ptr->nHeight, 1, 1, ptr + 1 );
hAndBits = CreateBitmap ( ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, 1, 1, ptr + 1 );
if (hAndBits)
hBitTemp = SelectObject( hMemDC, hAndBits );
if (DoOffscreen)
StretchBlt (hDC_off, 0, 0, cxWidth, cyWidth,
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->nWidth, ptr->nHeight, SRCAND);
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, SRCAND);
StretchBlt (hdc, x0, y0, cxWidth, cyWidth,
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->nWidth, ptr->nHeight, SRCAND);
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, SRCAND);
SelectObject( hMemDC, hBitTemp );
if (flags & DI_IMAGE)
if (ptr->bPlanes * ptr->bBitsPerPixel == 1)
if (ptr->data.bPlanes * ptr->data.bBitsPerPixel == 1)
hXorBits = CreateBitmap( ptr->nWidth, ptr->nHeight, 1, 1, xorBitmapBits );
hXorBits = CreateBitmap( ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, 1, 1, xorBitmapBits );
@ -2223,10 +2223,10 @@ BOOL WINAPI DrawIconEx( HDC hdc, INT x0, INT y0, HICON hIcon,
BITMAPINFO *bmi = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,
FIELD_OFFSET( BITMAPINFO, bmiColors[256] ));
bmi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bmi->bmiHeader.biWidth = ptr->nWidth;
bmi->bmiHeader.biHeight = -ptr->nHeight;
bmi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = ptr->bPlanes;
bmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = ptr->bBitsPerPixel;
bmi->bmiHeader.biWidth = ptr->data.nWidth;
bmi->bmiHeader.biHeight = -ptr->data.nHeight;
bmi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = ptr->data.bPlanes;
bmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = ptr->data.bBitsPerPixel;
bmi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
/* FIXME: color table */
@ -2251,10 +2251,10 @@ BOOL WINAPI DrawIconEx( HDC hdc, INT x0, INT y0, HICON hIcon,
if (DoOffscreen)
GdiAlphaBlend(hDC_off, 0, 0, cxWidth, cyWidth, hMemDC,
0, 0, ptr->nWidth, ptr->nHeight, pixelblend);
0, 0, ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, pixelblend);
GdiAlphaBlend(hdc, x0, y0, cxWidth, cyWidth, hMemDC,
0, 0, ptr->nWidth, ptr->nHeight, pixelblend);
0, 0, ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, pixelblend);
SelectObject( hMemDC, hBitTemp );
@ -2264,10 +2264,10 @@ BOOL WINAPI DrawIconEx( HDC hdc, INT x0, INT y0, HICON hIcon,
hBitTemp = SelectObject( hMemDC, hXorBits );
if (DoOffscreen)
StretchBlt (hDC_off, 0, 0, cxWidth, cyWidth,
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->nWidth, ptr->nHeight, rop);
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, rop);
StretchBlt (hdc, x0, y0, cxWidth, cyWidth,
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->nWidth, ptr->nHeight, rop);
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, rop);
SelectObject( hMemDC, hBitTemp );