Converted x11drv to -DSTRICT.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
EXTRADEFS = -DBINDIR="\"$(bindir)\""
TOPSRCDIR = @top_srcdir@
SRCDIR = @srcdir@
@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_GetClipboardData(UINT wFormat)
Window w = X11DRV_get_whole_window( GetAncestor( hWnd, GA_ROOT ));
FIXME("No parent win found %x %x\n", hWnd, hWndClipWindow);
FIXME("No parent win found %p %p\n", hWnd, hWndClipWindow);
return FALSE;
@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@ void X11DRV_ResetSelectionOwner(HWND hwnd, BOOL bFooBar)
hWndClipOwner = GetClipboardOwner();
xaClipboard = TSXInternAtom(display, _CLIPBOARD, False);
TRACE("clipboard owner = %04x, selection window = %08x\n",
TRACE("clipboard owner = %p, selection window = %08x\n",
hWndClipOwner, (unsigned)selectionWindow);
/* now try to salvage current selection from being destroyed by X */
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ static void EVENT_ProcessEvent( XEvent *event )
WARN( "Got event %s for unknown Window %08lx\n",
event_names[event->type], event->xany.window );
TRACE("Got event %s for hwnd %04x\n",
TRACE("Got event %s for hwnd %p\n",
event_names[event->type], hWnd );
@ -356,8 +356,7 @@ static void EVENT_ProcessEvent( XEvent *event )
WARN("Unprocessed event %s for hwnd %04x\n",
event_names[event->type], hWnd );
WARN("Unprocessed event %s for hwnd %p\n", event_names[event->type], hWnd );
TRACE( "returns.\n" );
@ -397,7 +396,7 @@ static void set_focus( HWND hwnd, Time time )
HWND focus;
Window win;
TRACE( "setting foreground window to %x\n", hwnd );
TRACE( "setting foreground window to %p\n", hwnd );
SetForegroundWindow( hwnd );
focus = GetFocus();
@ -406,7 +405,7 @@ static void set_focus( HWND hwnd, Time time )
if (win)
Display *display = thread_display();
TRACE( "setting focus to %x (%lx) time=%ld\n", focus, win, time );
TRACE( "setting focus to %p (%lx) time=%ld\n", focus, win, time );
X11DRV_expect_error( display, set_focus_error_handler, NULL );
XSetInputFocus( display, win, RevertToParent, time );
if (X11DRV_check_error()) TRACE("got BadMatch, ignoring\n" );
@ -436,7 +435,7 @@ static void handle_wm_protocols_message( HWND hwnd, XClientMessageEvent *event )
Time event_time = (Time)event->data.l[1];
HWND last_focus = x11drv_thread_data()->last_focus;
TRACE( "got take focus msg for %x, enabled=%d, focus=%x, active=%x, fg=%x, last=%x\n",
TRACE( "got take focus msg for %p, enabled=%d, focus=%p, active=%p, fg=%p, last=%p\n",
hwnd, IsWindowEnabled(hwnd), GetFocus(), GetActiveWindow(),
GetForegroundWindow(), last_focus );
@ -445,10 +444,10 @@ static void handle_wm_protocols_message( HWND hwnd, XClientMessageEvent *event )
/* simulate a mouse click on the caption to find out
* whether the window wants to be activated */
LRESULT ma = SendMessageW( hwnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE,
GetAncestor( hwnd, GA_ROOT ),
(WPARAM)GetAncestor( hwnd, GA_ROOT ),
if (ma != MA_NOACTIVATEANDEAT && ma != MA_NOACTIVATE) set_focus( hwnd, event_time );
else TRACE( "not setting focus to %x (%lx), ma=%ld\n", hwnd, event->window, ma );
else TRACE( "not setting focus to %p (%lx), ma=%ld\n", hwnd, event->window, ma );
@ -480,7 +479,7 @@ static void EVENT_FocusIn( HWND hwnd, XFocusChangeEvent *event )
if (!hwnd) return;
TRACE( "win %x xwin %lx detail=%s\n", hwnd, event->window, focus_details[event->detail] );
TRACE( "win %p xwin %lx detail=%s\n", hwnd, event->window, focus_details[event->detail] );
if (wmTakeFocus) return; /* ignore FocusIn if we are using take focus */
if (event->detail == NotifyPointer) return;
@ -507,7 +506,7 @@ static void EVENT_FocusOut( HWND hwnd, XFocusChangeEvent *event )
Window focus_win;
int revert;
TRACE( "win %x xwin %lx detail=%s\n", hwnd, event->window, focus_details[event->detail] );
TRACE( "win %p xwin %lx detail=%s\n", hwnd, event->window, focus_details[event->detail] );
if (event->detail == NotifyPointer) return;
x11drv_thread_data()->last_focus = hwnd;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_ScrollDC( HDC hdc, INT dx, INT dy, const RECT *rc,
RECT rect, rClip, rDst;
TRACE( "%04x %d,%d hrgnUpdate=%04x rcUpdate = %p\n", hdc, dx, dy, hrgnUpdate, rcUpdate );
TRACE( "%p %d,%d hrgnUpdate=%p rcUpdate = %p\n", hdc, dx, dy, hrgnUpdate, rcUpdate );
if (clipRect) TRACE( "cliprc = (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",
clipRect->left, clipRect->top, clipRect->right, clipRect->bottom );
if (rc) TRACE( "rc = (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", rc->left, rc->top, rc->right, rc->bottom );
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ INT X11DRV_ScrollWindowEx( HWND hwnd, INT dx, INT dy,
HRGN hrgnTemp;
TRACE( "%04x, %d,%d hrgnUpdate=%04x rcUpdate = %p rect=(%d,%d-%d,%d) %04x\n",
TRACE( "%p, %d,%d hrgnUpdate=%p rcUpdate = %p rect=(%d,%d-%d,%d) %04x\n",
hwnd, dx, dy, hrgnUpdate, rcUpdate,
rect->left, rect->top, rect->right, rect->bottom, flags );
TRACE( "clipRect = (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_DestroyWindow( HWND hwnd )
if (data->whole_window)
TRACE( "win %x xwin %lx/%lx\n", hwnd, data->whole_window, data->client_window );
TRACE( "win %p xwin %lx/%lx\n", hwnd, data->whole_window, data->client_window );
if (thread_data->cursor_window == data->whole_window) thread_data->cursor_window = None;
if (thread_data->last_focus == hwnd) thread_data->last_focus = 0;
@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_CreateWindow( HWND hwnd, CREATESTRUCTA *cs, BOOL unicode )
WIN_ReleasePtr( wndPtr );
/* send WM_NCCREATE */
TRACE( "hwnd %x cs %d,%d %dx%d\n", hwnd, cs->x, cs->y, cs->cx, cs->cy );
TRACE( "hwnd %p cs %d,%d %dx%d\n", hwnd, cs->x, cs->y, cs->cx, cs->cy );
if (unicode)
ret = SendMessageW( hwnd, WM_NCCREATE, 0, (LPARAM)cs );
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_CreateWindow( HWND hwnd, CREATESTRUCTA *cs, BOOL unicode )
X11DRV_sync_client_window_position( display, wndPtr );
X11DRV_register_window( display, hwnd, data );
TRACE( "win %x window %d,%d,%d,%d client %d,%d,%d,%d whole %d,%d,%d,%d X client %d,%d,%d,%d xwin %x/%x\n",
TRACE( "win %p window %d,%d,%d,%d client %d,%d,%d,%d whole %d,%d,%d,%d X client %d,%d,%d,%d xwin %x/%x\n",
hwnd, wndPtr->rectWindow.left, wndPtr->,
wndPtr->rectWindow.right, wndPtr->rectWindow.bottom,
wndPtr->rectClient.left, wndPtr->,
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ void X11DRV_Expose( HWND hwnd, XExposeEvent *event )
WND *win;
TRACE( "win %x (%lx) %d,%d %dx%d\n",
TRACE( "win %p (%lx) %d,%d %dx%d\n",
hwnd, event->window, event->x, event->y, event->width, event->height );
rect.left = event->x;
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ static HWND SWP_DoOwnedPopups(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndInsertAfter)
HWND owner = GetWindow( hwnd, GW_OWNER );
LONG style = GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE );
WARN("(%04x) hInsertAfter = %04x\n", hwnd, hwndInsertAfter );
WARN("(%p) hInsertAfter = %p\n", hwnd, hwndInsertAfter );
if ((style & WS_POPUP) && owner)
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ static void set_visible_style( HWND hwnd, BOOL set )
if (!(win = WIN_GetPtr( hwnd ))) return;
if (win == WND_OTHER_PROCESS) return;
TRACE( "hwnd %x (%lx) set %d visible %d empty %d\n",
TRACE( "hwnd %p (%lx) set %d visible %d empty %d\n",
hwnd, get_whole_window(win),
set, (win->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE) != 0, IsRectEmpty(&win->rectWindow) );
@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ static void set_visible_style( HWND hwnd, BOOL set )
Display *display = thread_display();
X11DRV_sync_window_style( display, win );
X11DRV_set_wm_hints( display, win );
TRACE( "mapping win %x\n", hwnd );
TRACE( "mapping win %p\n", hwnd );
TSXMapWindow( display, get_whole_window(win) );
@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ static void set_visible_style( HWND hwnd, BOOL set )
WIN_SetStyle( hwnd, win->dwStyle & ~WS_VISIBLE );
if (!IsRectEmpty( &win->rectWindow ) && get_whole_window(win) && is_window_top_level(win))
TRACE( "unmapping win %x\n", hwnd );
TRACE( "unmapping win %p\n", hwnd );
TSXUnmapWindow( thread_display(), get_whole_window(win) );
@ -834,12 +834,12 @@ void X11DRV_SetWindowStyle( HWND hwnd, LONG oldStyle )
if (wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE)
TRACE( "mapping win %x\n", hwnd );
TRACE( "mapping win %p\n", hwnd );
TSXMapWindow( display, get_whole_window(wndPtr) );
TRACE( "unmapping win %x\n", hwnd );
TRACE( "unmapping win %p\n", hwnd );
TSXUnmapWindow( display, get_whole_window(wndPtr) );
@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_SetWindowPos( WINDOWPOS *winpos )
UINT wvrFlags = 0;
BOOL bChangePos;
TRACE( "hwnd %04x, swp (%i,%i)-(%i,%i) flags %08x\n",
TRACE( "hwnd %p, swp (%i,%i)-(%i,%i) flags %08x\n",
winpos->hwnd, winpos->x, winpos->y,
winpos->x + winpos->cx, winpos->y + winpos->cy, winpos->flags);
@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_SetWindowPos( WINDOWPOS *winpos )
!IsRectEmpty( &oldWindowRect ) && IsRectEmpty( &newWindowRect ))
/* resizing to zero size -> unmap */
TRACE( "unmapping zero size win %x\n", winpos->hwnd );
TRACE( "unmapping zero size win %p\n", winpos->hwnd );
TSXUnmapWindow( display, get_whole_window(wndPtr) );
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_SetWindowPos( WINDOWPOS *winpos )
IsRectEmpty( &oldWindowRect ) && !IsRectEmpty( &newWindowRect ))
/* resizing from zero size to non-zero -> map */
TRACE( "mapping non zero size win %x\n", winpos->hwnd );
TRACE( "mapping non zero size win %p\n", winpos->hwnd );
XMapWindow( display, get_whole_window(wndPtr) );
XFlush( display ); /* FIXME: should not be necessary */
@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ UINT WINPOS_MinMaximize( HWND hwnd, UINT cmd, LPRECT rect )
LONG old_style;
TRACE("0x%04x %u\n", hwnd, cmd );
TRACE("%p %u\n", hwnd, cmd );
wpl.length = sizeof(wpl);
GetWindowPlacement( hwnd, &wpl );
@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_ShowWindow( HWND hwnd, INT cmd )
if (!wndPtr) return FALSE;
hwnd = wndPtr->hwndSelf; /* make it a full handle */
TRACE("hwnd=%04x, cmd=%d\n", hwnd, cmd);
TRACE("hwnd=%p, cmd=%d\n", hwnd, cmd);
wasVisible = (wndPtr->dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE) != 0;
@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ void X11DRV_ConfigureNotify( HWND hwnd, XConfigureEvent *event )
||| = y;
rect.right = x + event->width;
rect.bottom = y + event->height;
TRACE( "win %x new X rect %d,%d,%dx%d (event %d,%d,%dx%d)\n",
TRACE( "win %p new X rect %d,%d,%dx%d (event %d,%d,%dx%d)\n",
hwnd, rect.left,, rect.right-rect.left,,
event->x, event->y, event->width, event->height );
X11DRV_X_to_window_rect( win, &rect );
@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ void X11DRV_ConfigureNotify( HWND hwnd, XConfigureEvent *event )
GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rect );
if (rect.left == winpos.x && == winpos.y) winpos.flags |= SWP_NOMOVE;
TRACE( "%04x moving from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)\n",
TRACE( "%p moving from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)\n",
hwnd, rect.left,, winpos.x, winpos.y );
if ((rect.right - rect.left == && rect.bottom - == ||
@ -1588,13 +1588,13 @@ void X11DRV_ConfigureNotify( HWND hwnd, XConfigureEvent *event )
(IsRectEmpty( &rect ) && == 1 && == 1))
winpos.flags |= SWP_NOSIZE;
TRACE( "%04x resizing from (%dx%d) to (%dx%d)\n",
TRACE( "%p resizing from (%dx%d) to (%dx%d)\n",
hwnd, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom -,
||||, );
if (winpos.hwndInsertAfter == oldInsertAfter) winpos.flags |= SWP_NOZORDER;
TRACE( "%04x restacking from after %04x to after %04x\n",
TRACE( "%p restacking from after %p to after %p\n",
hwnd, oldInsertAfter, winpos.hwndInsertAfter );
/* if nothing changed, don't do anything */
@ -1617,7 +1617,7 @@ int X11DRV_SetWindowRgn( HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn, BOOL redraw )
if ((wndPtr = WIN_GetPtr( hwnd )) == WND_OTHER_PROCESS)
if (IsWindow( hwnd ))
FIXME( "not supported on other process window %x\n", hwnd );
FIXME( "not supported on other process window %p\n", hwnd );
wndPtr = NULL;
if (!wndPtr)
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI GrabWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
if(message != X11DRV_DD_GrabMessage)
return CallWindowProcA(X11DRV_DD_GrabOldProcedure, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
TRACE("hwnd=%d, grab=%d\n", hWnd, wParam);
TRACE("hwnd=%p, grab=%d\n", hWnd, wParam);
if (wParam)
@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_XRender_ExtTextOut( X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev, INT x, INT y, UINT flag
HDC hdc = physDev->hdc;
DC *dc = physDev->dc;
TRACE("%04x, %d, %d, %08x, %p, %s, %d, %p)\n", hdc, x, y, flags,
TRACE("%p, %d, %d, %08x, %p, %s, %d, %p)\n", hdc, x, y, flags,
lprect, debugstr_wn(wstr, count), count, lpDx);
if(flags & ETO_GLYPH_INDEX)
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_CreateBitmap( X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev, HBITMAP hbitmap )
BITMAPOBJ *bmp = (BITMAPOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hbitmap, BITMAP_MAGIC );
if(!bmp) {
WARN("Bad bitmap handle %08x\n", hbitmap);
WARN("Bad bitmap handle %p\n", hbitmap);
return FALSE;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ BOOL X11DRV_CreateBitmap( X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev, HBITMAP hbitmap )
return FALSE;
TRACE("(%08x) %dx%d %d bpp\n", hbitmap, bmp->bitmap.bmWidth,
TRACE("(%p) %dx%d %d bpp\n", hbitmap, bmp->bitmap.bmWidth,
bmp->bitmap.bmHeight, bmp->bitmap.bmBitsPixel);
/* Create the pixmap */
@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ HBITMAP X11DRV_BITMAP_CreateBitmapHeaderFromPixmap(Pixmap pixmap)
GDI_ReleaseObj( hBmp );
TRACE("\tReturning HBITMAP %x\n", hBmp);
TRACE("\tReturning HBITMAP %p\n", hBmp);
return hBmp;
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ HBITMAP X11DRV_BITMAP_CreateBitmapFromPixmap(Pixmap pixmap, BOOL bDeletePixmap)
TRACE("\tReturning HBITMAP %x\n", hBmpCopy);
TRACE("\tReturning HBITMAP %p\n", hBmpCopy);
return hBmpCopy;
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ Pixmap X11DRV_BITMAP_Pixmap(HBITMAP hbitmap)
GDI_ReleaseObj( hbitmap );
else {
ERR("handle %08x returned no obj\n", hbitmap);
ERR("handle %p returned no obj\n", hbitmap);
pixmap = 0;
return pixmap;
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ HBRUSH X11DRV_SelectBrush( X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev, HBRUSH hbrush )
if (!GetObjectA( hbrush, sizeof(logbrush), &logbrush )) return 0;
TRACE("hdc=%04x hbrush=%04x\n", physDev->hdc,hbrush);
TRACE("hdc=%p hbrush=%p\n", physDev->hdc,hbrush);
if (physDev->brush.pixmap)
@ -5828,7 +5828,7 @@ HBITMAP X11DRV_DIB_CreateDIBSection(
/* Clean up in case of errors */
if (!res || !bmp || !dib || !bm.bmBits || (bm.bmBitsPixel <= 8 && !colorMap))
TRACE("got an error res=%08x, bmp=%p, dib=%p, bm.bmBits=%p\n",
TRACE("got an error res=%p, bmp=%p, dib=%p, bm.bmBits=%p\n",
res, bmp, dib, bm.bmBits);
if (bm.bmBits)
@ -5994,7 +5994,7 @@ HGLOBAL X11DRV_DIB_CreateDIBFromPixmap(Pixmap pixmap, HDC hdc, BOOL bDeletePixma
TRACE("\tReturning packed DIB %x\n", hPackedDIB);
TRACE("\tReturning packed DIB %p\n", hPackedDIB);
return hPackedDIB;
@ -6032,7 +6032,7 @@ Pixmap X11DRV_DIB_CreatePixmapFromDIB( HGLOBAL hPackedDIB, HDC hdc )
TRACE("CreateDIBitmap returned %x\n", hBmp);
TRACE("CreateDIBitmap returned %p\n", hBmp);
/* Retrieve the internal Pixmap from the DDB */
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ INT X11DRV_GetDeviceCaps( X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev, INT cap )
return log_pixels_y;
case CAPS1:
FIXME("(%04x): CAPS1 is unimplemented, will return 0\n", physDev->hdc );
FIXME("(%p): CAPS1 is unimplemented, will return 0\n", physDev->hdc );
/* please see wingdi.h for the possible bit-flag values that need
to be returned. also, see
|||| */
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ INT X11DRV_GetDeviceCaps( X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev, INT cap )
return 0;
FIXME("(%04x): unsupported capability %d, will return 0\n", physDev->hdc, cap );
FIXME("(%p): unsupported capability %d, will return 0\n", physDev->hdc, cap );
return 0;
@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ int X11DRV_PALETTE_ToPhysical( X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev, COLORREF color )
if( !palPtr->mapping )
WARN("Palette %04x is not realized\n", dc->hPalette);
WARN("Palette %p is not realized\n", dc->hPalette);
switch(spec_type) /* we have to peruse DC and system palette */
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ X11DRV_ExtTextOut( X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev, INT x, INT y, UINT flags,
lfUnderline = (pfo->fo_flags & FO_SYNTH_UNDERLINE) ? 1 : 0;
lfStrikeOut = (pfo->fo_flags & FO_SYNTH_STRIKEOUT) ? 1 : 0;
TRACE("hdc=%04x df=%04x %d,%d %s, %d flags=%d lpDx=%p\n",
TRACE("hdc=%p df=%04x %d,%d %s, %d flags=%d lpDx=%p\n",
dc->hSelf, (UINT16)(physDev->font), x, y,
debugstr_wn (wstr, count), count, flags, lpDx);
@ -3257,7 +3257,7 @@ HFONT X11DRV_SelectFont( X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev, HFONT hfont )
DC *dc = physDev->dc;
TRACE("dc=%p, hfont=%04x\n", dc, hfont);
TRACE("dc=%p, hfont=%p\n", dc, hfont);
if (!GetObjectW( hfont, sizeof(logfont), &logfont )) return HGDI_ERROR;
@ -3307,7 +3307,7 @@ HFONT X11DRV_SelectFont( X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev, HFONT hfont )
LPCSTR faceMatched;
WORD charsetMatched;
TRACE("hfont=%04x\n", hfont); /* to connect with the trace from RealizeFont */
TRACE("hfont=%p\n", hfont); /* to connect with the trace from RealizeFont */
physDev->font = XFONT_RealizeFont( &lf, &faceMatched,
FALSE, lf.lfCharSet,
&charsetMatched );
Reference in New Issue