ntdll: Convert the XML parser to Unicode to support UCS-16 manifests.
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(actctx);
typedef struct
const char* ptr;
const WCHAR *ptr;
unsigned int len;
} xmlstr_t;
typedef struct
const char* ptr;
const char* end;
const WCHAR *ptr;
const WCHAR *end;
} xmlbuf_t;
struct file_info
@ -179,46 +179,45 @@ struct actctx_loader
unsigned int allocated_dependencies;
#define ASSEMBLY_ELEM "assembly"
#define ASSEMBLYIDENTITY_ELEM "assemblyIdentity"
#define BINDINGREDIRECT_ELEM "bindingRedirect"
#define CLRCLASS_ELEM "clrClass"
#define CLRSURROGATE_ELEM "clrSurrogate"
#define COMCLASS_ELEM "comClass"
#define COMINTERFACEEXTERNALPROXYSTUB_ELEM "comInterfaceExternalProxyStub"
#define COMINTERFACEPROXYSTUB_ELEM "comInterfaceProxyStub"
#define DEPENDENCY_ELEM "dependency"
#define DEPENDENTASSEMBLY_ELEM "dependentAssembly"
#define DESCRIPTION_ELEM "description"
#define FILE_ELEM "file"
#define HASH_ELEM "asmv2:hash"
#define NOINHERIT_ELEM "noInherit"
#define NOINHERITABLE_ELEM "noInheritable"
#define TYPELIB_ELEM "typelib"
#define WINDOWCLASS_ELEM "windowClass"
static const WCHAR assemblyW[] = {'a','s','s','e','m','b','l','y',0};
static const WCHAR assemblyIdentityW[] = {'a','s','s','e','m','b','l','y','I','d','e','n','t','i','t','y',0};
static const WCHAR bindingRedirectW[] = {'b','i','n','d','i','n','g','R','e','d','i','r','e','c','t',0};
static const WCHAR clrClassW[] = {'c','l','r','C','l','a','s','s',0};
static const WCHAR clrSurrogateW[] = {'c','l','r','S','u','r','r','o','g','a','t','e',0};
static const WCHAR comClassW[] = {'c','o','m','C','l','a','s','s',0};
static const WCHAR comInterfaceExternalProxyStubW[] = {'c','o','m','I','n','t','e','r','f','a','c','e','E','x','t','e','r','n','a','l','P','r','o','x','y','S','t','u','b',0};
static const WCHAR comInterfaceProxyStubW[] = {'c','o','m','I','n','t','e','r','f','a','c','e','P','r','o','x','y','S','t','u','b',0};
static const WCHAR dependencyW[] = {'d','e','p','e','n','d','e','n','c','y',0};
static const WCHAR dependentAssemblyW[] = {'d','e','p','e','n','d','e','n','t','A','s','s','e','m','b','l','y',0};
static const WCHAR descriptionW[] = {'d','e','s','c','r','i','p','t','i','o','n',0};
static const WCHAR fileW[] = {'f','i','l','e',0};
static const WCHAR asmv2hashW[] = {'a','s','m','v','2',':','h','a','s','h',0};
static const WCHAR noInheritW[] = {'n','o','I','n','h','e','r','i','t',0};
static const WCHAR noInheritableW[] = {'n','o','I','n','h','e','r','i','t','a','b','l','e',0};
static const WCHAR typelibW[] = {'t','y','p','e','l','i','b',0};
static const WCHAR windowClassW[] = {'w','i','n','d','o','w','C','l','a','s','s',0};
#define ELEM_END(elem) "/" elem
static const WCHAR clsidW[] = {'c','l','s','i','d',0};
static const WCHAR hashW[] = {'h','a','s','h',0};
static const WCHAR hashalgW[] = {'h','a','s','h','a','l','g',0};
static const WCHAR helpdirW[] = {'h','e','l','p','d','i','r',0};
static const WCHAR iidW[] = {'i','i','d',0};
static const WCHAR languageW[] = {'l','a','n','g','u','a','g','e',0};
static const WCHAR manifestVersionW[] = {'m','a','n','i','f','e','s','t','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0};
static const WCHAR nameW[] = {'n','a','m','e',0};
static const WCHAR newVersionW[] = {'n','e','w','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0};
static const WCHAR oldVersionW[] = {'o','l','d','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0};
static const WCHAR optionalW[] = {'o','p','t','i','o','n','a','l',0};
static const WCHAR processorArchitectureW[] = {'p','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r','A','r','c','h','i','t','e','c','t','u','r','e',0};
static const WCHAR publicKeyTokenW[] = {'p','u','b','l','i','c','K','e','y','T','o','k','e','n',0};
static const WCHAR tlbidW[] = {'t','l','b','i','d',0};
static const WCHAR typeW[] = {'t','y','p','e',0};
static const WCHAR versionW[] = {'v','e','r','s','i','o','n',0};
static const WCHAR xmlnsW[] = {'x','m','l','n','s',0};
#define CLSID_ATTR "clsid"
#define HASH_ATTR "hash"
#define HASHALG_ATTR "hashalg"
#define HELPDIR_ATTR "helpdir"
#define IID_ATTR "iid"
#define LANGUAGE_ATTR "language"
#define MANIFESTVERSION_ATTR "manifestVersion"
#define NAME_ATTR "name"
#define NEWVERSION_ATTR "newVersion"
#define OLDVERSION_ATTR "oldVersion"
#define OPTIONAL_ATTR "optional"
#define PROCESSORARCHITECTURE_ATTR "processorArchitecture"
#define PUBLICKEYTOKEN_ATTR "publicKeyToken"
#define TLBID_ATTR "tlbid"
#define TYPE_ATTR "type"
#define VERSION_ATTR "version"
#define XMLNS_ATTR "xmlns"
#define MANIFESTV1_NAMESPACE "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
#define MANIFESTV3_NAMESPACE "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"
static const WCHAR xmlW[] = {'?','x','m','l',0};
static const WCHAR manifestv1W[] = {'u','r','n',':','s','c','h','e','m','a','s','-','m','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','-','c','o','m',':','a','s','m','.','v','1',0};
static const WCHAR manifestv3W[] = {'u','r','n',':','s','c','h','e','m','a','s','-','m','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','-','c','o','m',':','a','s','m','.','v','3',0};
static const WCHAR dotManifestW[] = {'.','m','a','n','i','f','e','s','t',0};
static const WCHAR version_formatW[] = {'%','u','.','%','u','.','%','u','.','%','u',0};
@ -238,30 +237,39 @@ static WCHAR *strdupW(const WCHAR* str)
static WCHAR *xmlstrdupW(const xmlstr_t* str)
WCHAR *strW;
int len = wine_utf8_mbstowcs( 0, str->ptr, str->len, NULL, 0 );
if (len == -1) return NULL;
if ((strW = RtlAllocateHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))))
if ((strW = RtlAllocateHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (str->len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))))
wine_utf8_mbstowcs( 0, str->ptr, str->len, strW, len );
strW[len] = 0;
memcpy( strW, str->ptr, str->len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
strW[str->len] = 0;
return strW;
static inline BOOL xmlstr_cmp(const xmlstr_t* xmlstr, const char* str)
static inline BOOL xmlstr_cmp(const xmlstr_t* xmlstr, const WCHAR *str)
return !strncmp(xmlstr->ptr, str, xmlstr->len) && !str[xmlstr->len];
return !strncmpW(xmlstr->ptr, str, xmlstr->len) && !str[xmlstr->len];
static inline BOOL isxmlspace( char ch )
static inline BOOL xmlstr_cmpi(const xmlstr_t* xmlstr, const WCHAR *str)
return !strncmpiW(xmlstr->ptr, str, xmlstr->len) && !str[xmlstr->len];
static inline BOOL xmlstr_cmp_end(const xmlstr_t* xmlstr, const WCHAR *str)
return (xmlstr->len && xmlstr->ptr[0] == '/' &&
!strncmpW(xmlstr->ptr + 1, str, xmlstr->len - 1) && !str[xmlstr->len - 1]);
static inline BOOL isxmlspace( WCHAR ch )
return (ch == ' ' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\t');
static inline const char* debugstr_xmlstr(const xmlstr_t* str)
return debugstr_an(str->ptr, str->len);
return debugstr_wn(str->ptr, str->len);
static inline const char* debugstr_version(const struct version *ver)
@ -609,7 +617,7 @@ static void actctx_release( ACTIVATION_CONTEXT *actctx )
static BOOL next_xml_attr(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, xmlstr_t* name, xmlstr_t* value,
BOOL* error, BOOL* end)
const char* ptr;
const WCHAR* ptr;
*error = TRUE;
@ -652,7 +660,7 @@ static BOOL next_xml_attr(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, xmlstr_t* name, xmlstr_t* value,
value->ptr = ++ptr;
if (ptr == xmlbuf->end) return FALSE;
ptr = memchr(ptr, ptr[-1], xmlbuf->end - ptr);
ptr = memchrW(ptr, ptr[-1], xmlbuf->end - ptr);
if (!ptr)
xmlbuf->ptr = xmlbuf->end;
@ -670,18 +678,18 @@ static BOOL next_xml_attr(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, xmlstr_t* name, xmlstr_t* value,
static BOOL next_xml_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, xmlstr_t* elem)
const char* ptr;
const WCHAR* ptr;
for (;;)
ptr = memchr(xmlbuf->ptr, '<', xmlbuf->end - xmlbuf->ptr);
ptr = memchrW(xmlbuf->ptr, '<', xmlbuf->end - xmlbuf->ptr);
if (!ptr)
xmlbuf->ptr = xmlbuf->end;
return FALSE;
if (ptr + 3 < xmlbuf->end && !strncmp( ptr, "!--", 3 )) /* skip comment */
if (ptr + 3 < xmlbuf->end && ptr[0] == '!' && ptr[1] == '-' && ptr[2] == '-') /* skip comment */
for (ptr += 3; ptr + 3 <= xmlbuf->end; ptr++)
if (ptr[0] == '-' && ptr[1] == '-' && ptr[2] == '>') break;
@ -709,7 +717,7 @@ static BOOL next_xml_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, xmlstr_t* elem)
static BOOL parse_xml_header(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf)
/* FIXME: parse attributes */
const char *ptr;
const WCHAR *ptr;
for (ptr = xmlbuf->ptr; ptr < xmlbuf->end - 1; ptr++)
@ -724,7 +732,7 @@ static BOOL parse_xml_header(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf)
static BOOL parse_text_content(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, xmlstr_t* content)
const char *ptr = memchr(xmlbuf->ptr, '<', xmlbuf->end - xmlbuf->ptr);
const WCHAR *ptr = memchrW(xmlbuf->ptr, '<', xmlbuf->end - xmlbuf->ptr);
if (!ptr) return FALSE;
@ -739,7 +747,7 @@ static BOOL parse_version(const xmlstr_t *str, struct version *version)
unsigned int ver[4];
unsigned int pos;
const char *curr;
const WCHAR *curr;
/* major.minor.build.revision */
ver[0] = ver[1] = ver[2] = ver[3] = pos = 0;
@ -767,7 +775,7 @@ error:
return FALSE;
static BOOL parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, const char* name)
static BOOL parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, const WCHAR* name)
xmlstr_t elem;
if (!next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)) return FALSE;
@ -795,6 +803,18 @@ static BOOL parse_end_element(xmlbuf_t *xmlbuf)
return parse_expect_no_attr(xmlbuf, &end) && !end;
static BOOL parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf_t *xmlbuf, const WCHAR *name)
xmlstr_t elem;
if (!next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)) return FALSE;
if (!xmlstr_cmp_end(&elem, name))
FIXME( "unexpected element %s\n", debugstr_xmlstr(&elem) );
return FALSE;
return parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
static BOOL parse_unknown_elem(xmlbuf_t *xmlbuf, const xmlstr_t *unknown_elem)
xmlstr_t attr_name, attr_value, elem;
@ -806,7 +826,7 @@ static BOOL parse_unknown_elem(xmlbuf_t *xmlbuf, const xmlstr_t *unknown_elem)
while(ret && (ret = next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)))
if(*elem.ptr == '/' && elem.len - 1 == unknown_elem->len &&
!strncmp(elem.ptr+1, unknown_elem->ptr, unknown_elem->len))
!strncmpW(elem.ptr+1, unknown_elem->ptr, unknown_elem->len))
ret = parse_unknown_elem(xmlbuf, &elem);
@ -823,27 +843,27 @@ static BOOL parse_assembly_identity_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, ACTIVATION_CONTEXT* a
while (next_xml_attr(xmlbuf, &attr_name, &attr_value, &error, &end))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, NAME_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, nameW))
if (!(ai->name = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, TYPE_ATTR))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, typeW))
if (!(ai->type = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, VERSION_ATTR))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, versionW))
if (!parse_version(&attr_value, &ai->version)) return FALSE;
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, PROCESSORARCHITECTURE_ATTR))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, processorArchitectureW))
if (!(ai->arch = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, PUBLICKEYTOKEN_ATTR))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, publicKeyTokenW))
if (!(ai->public_key = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, LANGUAGE_ATTR))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, languageW))
WARN("Unsupported yet language attribute (%s)\n",
@ -860,7 +880,7 @@ static BOOL parse_assembly_identity_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, ACTIVATION_CONTEXT* a
debugstr_w(ai->name), debugstr_version(&ai->version), debugstr_w(ai->arch) );
if (error || end) return end;
return parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, ELEM_END(ASSEMBLYIDENTITY_ELEM)) && parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
return parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf, assemblyIdentityW);
static BOOL parse_com_class_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct dll_redirect* dll)
@ -874,7 +894,7 @@ static BOOL parse_com_class_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct dll_redirect* dll)
while (next_xml_attr(xmlbuf, &attr_name, &attr_value, &error, &end))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, CLSID_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, clsidW))
if (!(entity->u.comclass.clsid = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
@ -885,7 +905,7 @@ static BOOL parse_com_class_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct dll_redirect* dll)
if (error || end) return end;
return parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, ELEM_END(COMCLASS_ELEM)) && parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
return parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf, comClassW);
static BOOL parse_cominterface_proxy_stub_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct dll_redirect* dll)
@ -899,11 +919,11 @@ static BOOL parse_cominterface_proxy_stub_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct dll_redi
while (next_xml_attr(xmlbuf, &attr_name, &attr_value, &error, &end))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, IID_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, iidW))
if (!(entity->u.proxy.iid = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, NAME_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, nameW))
if (!(entity->u.proxy.name = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
@ -914,7 +934,7 @@ static BOOL parse_cominterface_proxy_stub_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct dll_redi
if (error || end) return end;
return parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, ELEM_END(COMINTERFACEPROXYSTUB_ELEM)) && parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
return parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf, comInterfaceProxyStubW);
static BOOL parse_typelib_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct dll_redirect* dll)
@ -928,15 +948,15 @@ static BOOL parse_typelib_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct dll_redirect* dll)
while (next_xml_attr(xmlbuf, &attr_name, &attr_value, &error, &end))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, TLBID_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, tlbidW))
if (!(entity->u.typelib.tlbid = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, VERSION_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, versionW))
if (!(entity->u.typelib.version = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, HELPDIR_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, helpdirW))
if (!(entity->u.typelib.helpdir = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
@ -947,7 +967,7 @@ static BOOL parse_typelib_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct dll_redirect* dll)
if (error || end) return end;
return parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, ELEM_END(TYPELIB_ELEM)) && parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
return parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf, typelibW);
static BOOL parse_window_class_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct dll_redirect* dll)
@ -968,7 +988,7 @@ static BOOL parse_window_class_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct dll_redirect* dll)
while (ret && (ret = next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, ELEM_END(WINDOWCLASS_ELEM)))
if (xmlstr_cmp_end(&elem, windowClassW))
ret = parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
@ -990,11 +1010,11 @@ static BOOL parse_binding_redirect_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf)
while (next_xml_attr(xmlbuf, &attr_name, &attr_value, &error, &end))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, OLDVERSION_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, oldVersionW))
FIXME("Not stored yet oldVersion=%s\n", debugstr_xmlstr(&attr_value));
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, NEWVERSION_ATTR))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, newVersionW))
FIXME("Not stored yet newVersion=%s\n", debugstr_xmlstr(&attr_value));
@ -1005,7 +1025,7 @@ static BOOL parse_binding_redirect_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf)
if (error || end) return end;
return parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, ELEM_END(BINDINGREDIRECT_ELEM)) && parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
return parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf, bindingRedirectW);
static BOOL parse_description_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf)
@ -1021,7 +1041,7 @@ static BOOL parse_description_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf)
while (ret && (ret = next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, ELEM_END(DESCRIPTION_ELEM)))
if (xmlstr_cmp_end(&elem, descriptionW))
ret = parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
@ -1048,11 +1068,11 @@ static BOOL parse_com_interface_external_proxy_stub_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf,
while (next_xml_attr(xmlbuf, &attr_name, &attr_value, &error, &end))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, IID_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, iidW))
if (!(entity->u.proxy.iid = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, NAME_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, nameW))
if (!(entity->u.proxy.name = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
@ -1063,8 +1083,7 @@ static BOOL parse_com_interface_external_proxy_stub_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf,
if (error || end) return end;
return parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, ELEM_END(COMINTERFACEEXTERNALPROXYSTUB_ELEM)) &&
return parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf, comInterfaceExternalProxyStubW);
static BOOL parse_clr_class_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly)
@ -1078,11 +1097,11 @@ static BOOL parse_clr_class_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly)
while (next_xml_attr(xmlbuf, &attr_name, &attr_value, &error, &end))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, NAME_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, nameW))
if (!(entity->u.clrclass.name = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, CLSID_ATTR))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, clsidW))
if (!(entity->u.clrclass.clsid = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
@ -1093,7 +1112,7 @@ static BOOL parse_clr_class_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly)
if (error || end) return end;
return parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, ELEM_END(CLRCLASS_ELEM)) && parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
return parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf, clrClassW);
static BOOL parse_clr_surrogate_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly)
@ -1107,11 +1126,11 @@ static BOOL parse_clr_surrogate_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly
while (next_xml_attr(xmlbuf, &attr_name, &attr_value, &error, &end))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, NAME_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, nameW))
if (!(entity->u.clrsurrogate.name = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, CLSID_ATTR))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, clsidW))
if (!(entity->u.clrsurrogate.clsid = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
@ -1122,7 +1141,7 @@ static BOOL parse_clr_surrogate_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly
if (error || end) return end;
return parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, ELEM_END(CLRSURROGATE_ELEM)) && parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
return parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf, clrSurrogateW);
static BOOL parse_dependent_assembly_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct actctx_loader* acl, BOOL optional)
@ -1136,7 +1155,7 @@ static BOOL parse_dependent_assembly_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct actctx_loader
memset(&ai, 0, sizeof(ai));
ai.optional = optional;
if (!parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, ASSEMBLYIDENTITY_ELEM) ||
if (!parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, assemblyIdentityW) ||
!parse_assembly_identity_elem(xmlbuf, acl->actctx, &ai))
return FALSE;
@ -1148,12 +1167,12 @@ static BOOL parse_dependent_assembly_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct actctx_loader
while (ret && (ret = next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, ELEM_END(DEPENDENTASSEMBLY_ELEM)))
if (xmlstr_cmp_end(&elem, dependentAssemblyW))
ret = parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, BINDINGREDIRECT_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, bindingRedirectW))
ret = parse_binding_redirect_elem(xmlbuf);
@ -1174,9 +1193,10 @@ static BOOL parse_dependency_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct actctx_loader* acl)
while (next_xml_attr(xmlbuf, &attr_name, &attr_value, &error, &end))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, OPTIONAL_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, optionalW))
optional = xmlstr_cmp( &attr_value, "yes" );
static const WCHAR yesW[] = {'y','e','s',0};
optional = xmlstr_cmpi( &attr_value, yesW );
TRACE("optional=%s\n", debugstr_xmlstr(&attr_value));
@ -1187,12 +1207,12 @@ static BOOL parse_dependency_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct actctx_loader* acl)
while (ret && (ret = next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, ELEM_END(DEPENDENCY_ELEM)))
if (xmlstr_cmp_end(&elem, dependencyW))
ret = parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, DEPENDENTASSEMBLY_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, dependentAssemblyW))
ret = parse_dependent_assembly_elem(xmlbuf, acl, optional);
@ -1211,8 +1231,7 @@ static BOOL parse_noinherit_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf)
if (!parse_expect_no_attr(xmlbuf, &end)) return FALSE;
return end ||
(parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, ELEM_END(NOINHERIT_ELEM)) && parse_end_element(xmlbuf));
return end || parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf, noInheritW);
static BOOL parse_noinheritable_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf)
@ -1220,8 +1239,7 @@ static BOOL parse_noinheritable_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf)
if (!parse_expect_no_attr(xmlbuf, &end)) return FALSE;
return end ||
(parse_expect_elem(xmlbuf, ELEM_END(NOINHERITABLE_ELEM)) && parse_end_element(xmlbuf));
return end || parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf, noInheritableW);
static BOOL parse_file_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly)
@ -1234,18 +1252,19 @@ static BOOL parse_file_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly)
while (next_xml_attr(xmlbuf, &attr_name, &attr_value, &error, &end))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, NAME_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, nameW))
if (!(dll->name = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
TRACE("name=%s\n", debugstr_xmlstr(&attr_value));
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, HASH_ATTR))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, hashW))
if (!(dll->hash = xmlstrdupW(&attr_value))) return FALSE;
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, HASHALG_ATTR))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, hashalgW))
if (!xmlstr_cmp(&attr_value, "SHA1"))
static const WCHAR sha1W[] = {'S','H','A','1',0};
if (!xmlstr_cmpi(&attr_value, sha1W))
FIXME("hashalg should be SHA1, got %s\n", debugstr_xmlstr(&attr_value));
@ -1259,29 +1278,29 @@ static BOOL parse_file_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly)
while (ret && (ret = next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, ELEM_END(FILE_ELEM)))
if (xmlstr_cmp_end(&elem, fileW))
ret = parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, COMCLASS_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, comClassW))
ret = parse_com_class_elem(xmlbuf, dll);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, COMINTERFACEPROXYSTUB_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, comInterfaceProxyStubW))
ret = parse_cominterface_proxy_stub_elem(xmlbuf, dll);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, HASH_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, asmv2hashW))
WARN(HASH_ELEM " (undocumented) not supported\n");
WARN("asmv2hash (undocumented) not supported\n");
ret = parse_unknown_elem(xmlbuf, &elem);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, TYPELIB_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, typelibW))
ret = parse_typelib_elem(xmlbuf, dll);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, WINDOWCLASS_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, windowClassW))
ret = parse_window_class_elem(xmlbuf, dll);
@ -1306,19 +1325,19 @@ static BOOL parse_assembly_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct actctx_loader* acl,
while (next_xml_attr(xmlbuf, &attr_name, &attr_value, &error, &end))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, MANIFESTVERSION_ATTR))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, manifestVersionW))
if (!xmlstr_cmp(&attr_value, "1.0"))
static const WCHAR v10W[] = {'1','.','0',0};
if (!xmlstr_cmp(&attr_value, v10W))
FIXME("wrong version %s\n", debugstr_xmlstr(&attr_value));
return FALSE;
version = TRUE;
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, XMLNS_ATTR))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&attr_name, xmlnsW))
if (!xmlstr_cmp(&attr_value, MANIFESTV1_NAMESPACE) &&
!xmlstr_cmp(&attr_value, MANIFESTV3_NAMESPACE))
if (!xmlstr_cmp(&attr_value, manifestv1W) && !xmlstr_cmp(&attr_value, manifestv3W))
FIXME("wrong namespace %s\n", debugstr_xmlstr(&attr_value));
return FALSE;
@ -1334,14 +1353,14 @@ static BOOL parse_assembly_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct actctx_loader* acl,
if (error || end || !xmlns || !version) return FALSE;
if (!next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)) return FALSE;
if (assembly->type == APPLICATION_MANIFEST && xmlstr_cmp(&elem, NOINHERIT_ELEM))
if (assembly->type == APPLICATION_MANIFEST && xmlstr_cmp(&elem, noInheritW))
if (!parse_noinherit_elem(xmlbuf) || !next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem))
return FALSE;
assembly->no_inherit = TRUE;
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, NOINHERITABLE_ELEM))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, noInheritableW))
if (!parse_noinheritable_elem(xmlbuf) || !next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem))
return FALSE;
@ -1349,7 +1368,7 @@ static BOOL parse_assembly_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct actctx_loader* acl,
else if (assembly->type == ASSEMBLY_MANIFEST && assembly->no_inherit)
return FALSE;
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, ASSEMBLYIDENTITY_ELEM))
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, assemblyIdentityW))
if (!parse_assembly_identity_elem(xmlbuf, acl->actctx, &assembly->id)) return FALSE;
ret = next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem);
@ -1368,32 +1387,32 @@ static BOOL parse_assembly_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct actctx_loader* acl,
while (ret)
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, ELEM_END(ASSEMBLY_ELEM)))
if (xmlstr_cmp_end(&elem, assemblyW))
ret = parse_end_element(xmlbuf);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, DESCRIPTION_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, descriptionW))
ret = parse_description_elem(xmlbuf);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, comInterfaceExternalProxyStubW))
ret = parse_com_interface_external_proxy_stub_elem(xmlbuf, assembly);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, DEPENDENCY_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, dependencyW))
ret = parse_dependency_elem(xmlbuf, acl);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, FILE_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, fileW))
ret = parse_file_elem(xmlbuf, assembly);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, CLRCLASS_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, clrClassW))
ret = parse_clr_class_elem(xmlbuf, assembly);
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, CLRSURROGATE_ELEM))
else if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, clrSurrogateW))
ret = parse_clr_surrogate_elem(xmlbuf, assembly);
@ -1408,31 +1427,18 @@ static BOOL parse_assembly_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct actctx_loader* acl,
return ret;
static NTSTATUS parse_manifest( struct actctx_loader* acl, struct assembly_identity* ai,
LPCWSTR filename, LPCWSTR directory, xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf )
static NTSTATUS parse_manifest_buffer( struct actctx_loader* acl, struct assembly *assembly,
struct assembly_identity* ai, xmlbuf_t *xmlbuf )
xmlstr_t elem;
struct assembly* assembly;
TRACE( "parsing manifest loaded from %s base dir %s\n", debugstr_w(filename), debugstr_w(directory) );
if (!(assembly = add_assembly(acl->actctx, ASSEMBLY_MANIFEST)))
if (directory && !(assembly->directory = strdupW(directory)))
if (filename) assembly->manifest.info = strdupW( filename + 4 /* skip \??\ prefix */ );
assembly->manifest.type = assembly->manifest.info ? ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_PATH_TYPE_WIN32_FILE
xmlstr_t elem;
if (!next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)) return STATUS_SXS_CANT_GEN_ACTCTX;
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, "?xml") &&
if (xmlstr_cmp(&elem, xmlW) &&
(!parse_xml_header(xmlbuf) || !next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)))
if (!xmlstr_cmp(&elem, ASSEMBLY_ELEM))
if (!xmlstr_cmp(&elem, assemblyW))
FIXME("root element is %s, not <assembly>\n", debugstr_xmlstr(&elem));
@ -1440,7 +1446,7 @@ static NTSTATUS parse_manifest( struct actctx_loader* acl, struct assembly_ident
if (!parse_assembly_elem(xmlbuf, acl, assembly, ai))
FIXME("failed to parse manifest %s\n", debugstr_w(filename) );
FIXME("failed to parse manifest %s\n", debugstr_w(assembly->manifest.info) );
@ -1458,6 +1464,53 @@ static NTSTATUS parse_manifest( struct actctx_loader* acl, struct assembly_ident
static NTSTATUS parse_manifest( struct actctx_loader* acl, struct assembly_identity* ai,
LPCWSTR filename, LPCWSTR directory, const void *buffer, SIZE_T size )
xmlbuf_t xmlbuf;
NTSTATUS status;
struct assembly *assembly;
TRACE( "parsing manifest loaded from %s base dir %s\n", debugstr_w(filename), debugstr_w(directory) );
if (!(assembly = add_assembly(acl->actctx, ASSEMBLY_MANIFEST)))
if (directory && !(assembly->directory = strdupW(directory)))
if (filename) assembly->manifest.info = strdupW( filename + 4 /* skip \??\ prefix */ );
assembly->manifest.type = assembly->manifest.info ? ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_PATH_TYPE_WIN32_FILE
if (!RtlIsTextUnicode( buffer, size, NULL ))
/* let's assume utf-8 for now */
int len = wine_utf8_mbstowcs( 0, buffer, size, NULL, 0 );
WCHAR *new_buff;
if (len == -1)
FIXME( "utf-8 conversion failed\n" );
if (!(new_buff = RtlAllocateHeap( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR) )))
wine_utf8_mbstowcs( 0, buffer, size, new_buff, len );
xmlbuf.ptr = new_buff;
xmlbuf.end = xmlbuf.ptr + len;
status = parse_manifest_buffer( acl, assembly, ai, &xmlbuf );
RtlFreeHeap( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_buff );
xmlbuf.ptr = buffer;
xmlbuf.end = xmlbuf.ptr + size / sizeof(WCHAR);
status = parse_manifest_buffer( acl, assembly, ai, &xmlbuf );
return status;
static NTSTATUS open_nt_file( HANDLE handle, UNICODE_STRING *name )
@ -1546,12 +1599,8 @@ static NTSTATUS get_manifest_in_module( struct actctx_loader* acl, struct assemb
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) status = LdrAccessResource(hModule, entry, &ptr, NULL);
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS)
xmlbuf_t buf;
buf.ptr = ptr;
buf.end = buf.ptr + entry->Size;
status = parse_manifest(acl, ai, filename, directory, &buf);
status = parse_manifest(acl, ai, filename, directory, ptr, entry->Size);
return status;
@ -1610,7 +1659,6 @@ static NTSTATUS get_manifest_in_manifest_file( struct actctx_loader* acl, struct
NTSTATUS status;
SIZE_T count;
void *base;
xmlbuf_t buf;
TRACE( "loading manifest file %s\n", debugstr_w(filename) );
@ -1634,9 +1682,7 @@ static NTSTATUS get_manifest_in_manifest_file( struct actctx_loader* acl, struct
NtClose( mapping );
if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) return status;
buf.ptr = base;
buf.end = buf.ptr + count;
status = parse_manifest(acl, ai, filename, directory, &buf);
status = parse_manifest(acl, ai, filename, directory, base, count);
NtUnmapViewOfSection( GetCurrentProcess(), base );
return status;
@ -2217,8 +2263,6 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlActivateActivationContext( ULONG unknown, HANDLE handle, ULON
TRACE( "%p %p\n", handle, cookie );
if (!(frame = RtlAllocateHeap( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*frame) )))
@ -2229,6 +2273,7 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlActivateActivationContext( ULONG unknown, HANDLE handle, ULON
RtlAddRefActivationContext( handle );
*cookie = (ULONG_PTR)frame;
TRACE( "%p cookie=%lx\n", handle, *cookie );
@ -2240,7 +2285,7 @@ void WINAPI RtlDeactivateActivationContext( ULONG flags, ULONG_PTR cookie )
TRACE( "%x %lx\n", flags, cookie );
TRACE( "%x cookie=%lx\n", flags, cookie );
/* find the right frame */
top = NtCurrentTeb()->ActivationContextStack.ActiveFrame;
Reference in New Issue