Implement initial version of SHAddToRecentDocs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "winnls.h"
#include "heap.h"
#include "shlwapi.h"
#include "shellapi.h"
#include "shlguid.h"
#include "shlobj.h"
@ -433,6 +434,115 @@ SignalFileOpen (DWORD dwParam1)
return 0;
* SHADD_get_policy - helper function for SHAddToRecentDocs
* policy [IN] policy name (null termed string) to find
* type [OUT] ptr to DWORD to receive type
* buffer [OUT] ptr to area to hold data retrieved
* len [IN/OUT] ptr to DWORD holding size of buffer and getting
* length filled
* result of the SHQueryValueEx call
static INT SHADD_get_policy(LPSTR policy, LPDWORD type, LPVOID buffer, LPDWORD len)
HKEY Policy_basekey;
INT ret;
/* Get the key for the policies location in the registry
0, KEY_READ, &Policy_basekey)) {
0, KEY_READ, &Policy_basekey)) {
ERR("No Explorer Policies location\n");
*len = 0;
/* Retrieve the data if it exists
ret = SHQueryValueExA(Policy_basekey, policy, 0, type, buffer, len);
return ret;
* SHADD_compare_mru - helper function for SHAddToRecentDocs
* data1 [IN] data being looked for
* data2 [IN] data in MRU
* cbdata [IN] length from FindMRUData call (not used)
* position within MRU list that data was added.
static INT CALLBACK SHADD_compare_mru(LPCVOID data1, LPCVOID data2, DWORD cbData)
return lstrcmpiA(data1, data2);
* SHADD_create_add_mru_data - helper function for SHAddToRecentDocs
* mruhandle [IN] handle for created MRU list
* doc_name [IN] null termed pure doc name
* new_lnk_name [IN] null termed path and file name for .lnk file
* buffer [IN/OUT] 2048 byte area to consturct MRU data
* len [OUT] ptr to int to receive space used in buffer
* position within MRU list that data was added.
static INT SHADD_create_add_mru_data(HANDLE mruhandle, LPSTR doc_name, LPSTR new_lnk_name,
LPSTR buffer, INT *len)
LPSTR ptr;
INT wlen;
/*FIXME: Document:
* RecentDocs MRU data structure seems to be:
* +0h document file name w/ terminating 0h
* +nh short int w/ size of remaining
* +n+2h 02h 30h, or 01h 30h, or 00h 30h - unknown
* +n+4h 10 bytes zeros - unknown
* +n+eh shortcut file name w/ terminating 0h
* +n+e+nh 3 zero bytes - unknown
/* Create the MRU data structure for "RecentDocs"
ptr = buffer;
lstrcpyA(ptr, doc_name);
ptr += (lstrlenA(buffer) + 1);
wlen= lstrlenA(new_lnk_name) + 1 + 12;
*((short int*)ptr) = wlen;
ptr += 2; /* step past the length */
*(ptr++) = 0x30; /* unknown reason */
*(ptr++) = 0; /* unknown, but can be 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 */
memset(ptr, 0, 10);
ptr += 10;
lstrcpyA(ptr, new_lnk_name);
ptr += (lstrlenA(new_lnk_name) + 1);
memset(ptr, 0, 3);
ptr += 3;
*len = ptr - buffer;
/* Add the new entry into the MRU list
return pAddMRUData(mruhandle, (LPCVOID)buffer, *len);
* SHAddToRecentDocs [SHELL32.@]
@ -442,16 +552,344 @@ SignalFileOpen (DWORD dwParam1)
* exported by name
* FIXME: ?? MSDN shows this as a VOID
{ if (SHARD_PIDL==uFlags)
{ FIXME("(0x%08x,pidl=%p):stub.\n", uFlags,pv);
/* FIXME: !!! move CREATEMRULIST and flags to header file !!! */
/* !!! it is in both here and comctl32undoc.c !!! */
typedef struct tagCREATEMRULIST
DWORD cbSize; /* size of struct */
DWORD nMaxItems; /* max no. of items in list */
DWORD dwFlags; /* see below */
HKEY hKey; /* root reg. key under which list is saved */
LPCSTR lpszSubKey; /* reg. subkey */
PROC lpfnCompare; /* item compare proc */
/* dwFlags */
#define MRUF_STRING_LIST 0 /* list will contain strings */
#define MRUF_BINARY_LIST 1 /* list will contain binary data */
#define MRUF_DELAYED_SAVE 2 /* only save list order to reg. is FreeMRUList */
/* If list is a string list lpfnCompare has the following prototype
* int CALLBACK MRUCompareString(LPCSTR s1, LPCSTR s2)
* for binary lists the prototype is
* int CALLBACK MRUCompareBinary(LPCVOID data1, LPCVOID data2, DWORD cbData)
* where cbData is the no. of bytes to compare.
* Need to check what return value means identical - 0?
UINT olderrormode;
HKEY HCUbasekey;
CHAR doc_name[MAX_PATH];
CHAR link_dir[MAX_PATH];
CHAR new_lnk_filepath[MAX_PATH];
CHAR new_lnk_name[MAX_PATH];
IMalloc *ppM;
HWND hwnd = 0; /* FIXME: get real window handle */
INT ret;
DWORD data[64], datalen, type;
/*FIXME: Document:
* RecentDocs MRU data structure seems to be:
* +0h document file name w/ terminating 0h
* +nh short int w/ size of remaining
* +n+2h 02h 30h, or 01h 30h, or 00h 30h - unknown
* +n+4h 10 bytes zeros - unknown
* +n+eh shortcut file name w/ terminating 0h
* +n+e+nh 3 zero bytes - unknown
/* See if we need to do anything.
datalen = 64;
ret=SHADD_get_policy( "NoRecentDocsHistory", &type, &data, &datalen);
if ((ret > 0) && (ret != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) {
ERR("Error %d getting policy \"NoRecentDocsHistory\"\n", ret);
return 0;
{ FIXME("(0x%08x,%s):stub.\n", uFlags,(char*)pv);
if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (!( (type == REG_DWORD) ||
((type == REG_BINARY) && (datalen == 4)) )) {
ERR("Error policy data for \"NoRecentDocsHistory\" not formated correctly, type=%ld, len=%ld\n",
type, datalen);
return 0;
TRACE("policy value for NoRecentDocsHistory = %08lx\n", data[0]);
/* now test the actual policy value */
if ( data[0] != 0)
return 0;
/* Open key to where the necessary info is
/* FIXME: This should be done during DLL PROCESS_ATTACH (or THREAD_ATTACH)
* and the close should be done during the _DETACH. The resulting
* key is stored in the DLL global data.
/* Get path to user's "Recent" directory
if(SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&ppM))) {
if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(hwnd, CSIDL_RECENT,
&pidl))) {
SHGetPathFromIDListA(pidl, link_dir);
IMalloc_Free(ppM, pidl);
else {
/* serious issues */
link_dir[0] = 0;
ERR("serious issues\n");
TRACE("Users Recent dir %s\n", link_dir);
/* If no input, then go clear the lists */
if (!pv) {
/* clear user's Recent dir
/* FIXME: delete all files in "link_dir"
* while( more files ) {
* lstrcpyA(old_lnk_name, link_dir);
* PathAppendA(old_lnk_name, filenam);
* DeleteFileA(old_lnk_name);
* }
FIXME("should delete all files in %s\\ \n", link_dir);
/* clear MRU list
/* MS Bug ?? v4.72.3612.1700 of shell32 does the delete against
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE version of ...CurrentVersion\Explorer
* and naturally it fails w/ rc=2. It should do it against
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER which is where it is stored, and where
* the MRU routines expect it!!!!
RegDeleteKeyA(HCUbasekey, "RecentDocs");
return 0;
/* Have data to add, the jobs to be done:
* 1. Add document to MRU list in registry "HKCU\Software\
* Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RecentDocs".
* 2. Add shortcut to document in the user's Recent directory
* 3. Add shortcut to Start menu's Documents submenu.
/* Get the pure document name from the input
if (uFlags & SHARD_PIDL) {
SHGetPathFromIDListA((LPCITEMIDLIST) pv, doc_name);
else {
lstrcpyA(doc_name, (LPSTR) pv);
TRACE("full document name %s\n", doc_name);
TRACE("stripped document name %s\n", doc_name);
/* *** JOB 1: Update registry for ...\Explorer\RecentDocs list *** */
{ /* on input needs:
* doc_name - pure file-spec, no path
* link_dir - path to the user's Recent directory
* HCUbasekey - key of ...Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" node
* creates:
* new_lnk_name- pure file-spec, no path for new .lnk file
* new_lnk_filepath
* - path and file name of new .lnk file
HANDLE mruhandle;
INT len, pos, bufused, err;
INT i;
DWORD attr;
CHAR buffer[2048];
CHAR *ptr;
CHAR old_lnk_name[MAX_PATH];
short int slen;
mymru.cbSize = sizeof(CREATEMRULIST);
mymru.nMaxItems = 15;
mymru.hKey = HCUbasekey;
mymru.lpszSubKey = "RecentDocs";
mymru.lpfnCompare = &SHADD_compare_mru;
mruhandle = pCreateMRUListA(&mymru);
if (!mruhandle) {
/* MRU failed */
ERR("MRU processing failed, handle zero\n");
return 0;
len = lstrlenA(doc_name);
pos = pFindMRUData(mruhandle, doc_name, len, 0);
/* Now get the MRU entry that will be replaced
* and delete the .lnk file for it
if ((bufused = pEnumMRUListA(mruhandle, (pos == -1) ? 14 : pos,
buffer, 2048)) != -1) {
ptr = buffer;
ptr += (lstrlenA(buffer) + 1);
slen = *((short int*)ptr);
ptr += 2; /* skip the length area */
if (bufused >= slen + (ptr-buffer)) {
/* buffer size looks good */
ptr += 12; /* get to string */
len = bufused - (ptr-buffer); /* get length of buf remaining */
if ((lstrlenA(ptr) > 0) && (lstrlenA(ptr) <= len-1)) {
/* appears to be good string */
lstrcpyA(old_lnk_name, link_dir);
PathAppendA(old_lnk_name, ptr);
if (!DeleteFileA(old_lnk_name)) {
if ((attr = GetFileAttributesA(old_lnk_name)) == -1) {
if ((err = GetLastError()) != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
ERR("Delete for %s failed, err=%d, attr=%08lx\n",
old_lnk_name, err, attr);
else {
TRACE("old .lnk file %s did not exist\n",
else {
ERR("Delete for %s failed, attr=%08lx\n",
old_lnk_name, attr);
else {
TRACE("deleted old .lnk file %s\n", old_lnk_name);
/* Create usable .lnk file name for the "Recent" directory
wsprintfA(new_lnk_name, "%s.lnk", doc_name);
lstrcpyA(new_lnk_filepath, link_dir);
PathAppendA(new_lnk_filepath, new_lnk_name);
i = 1;
olderrormode = SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS);
while (GetFileAttributesA(new_lnk_filepath) != -1) {
wsprintfA(new_lnk_name, "%s (%u).lnk", doc_name, i);
lstrcpyA(new_lnk_filepath, link_dir);
PathAppendA(new_lnk_filepath, new_lnk_name);
TRACE("new shortcut will be %s\n", new_lnk_filepath);
/* Now add the new MRU entry and data
pos = SHADD_create_add_mru_data(mruhandle, doc_name, new_lnk_name,
buffer, &len);
TRACE("Updated MRU list, new doc is position %d\n", pos);
/* *** JOB 2: Create shortcut in user's "Recent" directory *** */
{ /* on input needs:
* doc_name - pure file-spec, no path
* new_lnk_filepath
* - path and file name of new .lnk file
* uFlags[in] - flags on call to SHAddToRecentDocs
* pv[in] - document path/pidl on call to SHAddToRecentDocs
IShellLinkA *psl = NULL;
IPersistFile *pPf = NULL;
WCHAR widelink[MAX_PATH];
hres = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_ShellLink,
(LPVOID )&psl);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
hres = IShellLinkA_QueryInterface(psl, &IID_IPersistFile,
(LPVOID *)&pPf);
if(FAILED(hres)) {
/* bombed */
ERR("failed QueryInterface for IPersistFile %08lx\n", hres);
goto fail;
/* Set the document path or pidl */
if (uFlags & SHARD_PIDL) {
hres = IShellLinkA_SetIDList(psl, (LPCITEMIDLIST) pv);
} else {
hres = IShellLinkA_SetPath(psl, (LPCSTR) pv);
if(FAILED(hres)) {
/* bombed */
ERR("failed Set{IDList|Path} %08lx\n", hres);
goto fail;
lstrcpyA(desc, "Shortcut to ");
lstrcatA(desc, doc_name);
hres = IShellLinkA_SetDescription(psl, desc);
if(FAILED(hres)) {
/* bombed */
ERR("failed SetDescription %08lx\n", hres);
goto fail;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, new_lnk_filepath, -1,
widelink, MAX_PATH);
/* create the short cut */
hres = IPersistFile_Save(pPf, widelink, TRUE);
if(FAILED(hres)) {
/* bombed */
ERR("failed IPersistFile::Save %08lx\n", hres);
goto fail;
hres = IPersistFile_SaveCompleted(pPf, widelink);
TRACE("shortcut %s has been created, result=%08lx\n",
new_lnk_filepath, hres);
else {
ERR("CoCreateInstance failed, hres=%08lx\n", hres);
/* all done */
return 0;
* SHCreateShellFolderViewEx [SHELL32.174]
Reference in New Issue