From c1b6d91c5bc42b60f8be582977c34b4c1ec485df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jay Yang Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2011 21:36:05 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] explorer: Add dropdown entries to explorer's combobox. --- programs/explorer/explorer.c | 185 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 182 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/programs/explorer/explorer.c b/programs/explorer/explorer.c index 0cb00a481a9..e42065f67fb 100644 --- a/programs/explorer/explorer.c +++ b/programs/explorer/explorer.c @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ typedef struct HWND main_window,path_box; INT rebar_height; LPCITEMIDLIST pidl; + IImageList *icon_list; } explorer_info; enum @@ -101,11 +102,153 @@ static ULONG WINAPI IExplorerBrowserEventsImpl_fnRelease(IExplorerBrowserEvents return ref; } +static BOOL create_combobox_item(IShellFolder *folder, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, IImageList *icon_list, COMBOBOXEXITEMW *item) +{ + STRRET strret; + HRESULT hres; + IExtractIconW *extract_icon; + UINT reserved; + WCHAR icon_file[MAX_PATH]; + INT icon_index; + UINT icon_flags; + HICON icon; + strret.uType=STRRET_WSTR; + hres = IShellFolder_GetDisplayNameOf(folder,pidl,SHGDN_FORADDRESSBAR,&strret); + if(FAILED(hres)) + { + WINE_WARN("Could not get name for pidl\n"); + return FALSE; + } + switch(strret.uType) + { + case STRRET_WSTR: + item->pszText = strret.pOleStr; + break; + default: + WINE_FIXME("Unimplemented STRRET type:%u\n",strret.uType); + break; + } + hres = IShellFolder_GetUIObjectOf(folder,NULL,1,&pidl,&IID_IExtractIconW, + &reserved,(void**)&extract_icon); + if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) + { + item->mask |= CBEIF_IMAGE; + IExtractIconW_GetIconLocation(extract_icon,GIL_FORSHELL,icon_file, + sizeof(icon_file)/sizeof(WCHAR), + &icon_index,&icon_flags); + IExtractIconW_Extract(extract_icon,icon_file,icon_index,NULL,&icon,20); + item->iImage = ImageList_AddIcon((HIMAGELIST)icon_list,icon); + } + else + { + item->mask &= ~CBEIF_IMAGE; + WINE_WARN("Could not get an icon for %s\n",wine_dbgstr_w(item->pszText)); + } + return TRUE; +} + static void update_path_box(explorer_info *info) { - WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; - SHGetPathFromIDListW(info->pidl,path); - SetWindowTextW(info->path_box,path); + COMBOBOXEXITEMW item; + COMBOBOXEXITEMW main_item; + IShellFolder *desktop; + IPersistFolder2 *persist; + LPITEMIDLIST desktop_pidl; + IEnumIDList *ids; + + ImageList_Remove((HIMAGELIST)info->icon_list,-1); + SendMessageW(info->path_box,CB_RESETCONTENT,0,0); + SHGetDesktopFolder(&desktop); + IShellFolder_QueryInterface(desktop,&IID_IPersistFolder2,(void**)&persist); + IPersistFolder2_GetCurFolder(persist,&desktop_pidl); + IPersistFolder2_Release(persist); + persist = NULL; + /*Add Desktop*/ + item.iItem = -1; + item.mask = CBEIF_TEXT | CBEIF_INDENT | CBEIF_LPARAM; + item.iIndent = 0; + create_combobox_item(desktop,desktop_pidl,info->icon_list,&item); + item.lParam = (LPARAM)desktop_pidl; + SendMessageW(info->path_box,CBEM_INSERTITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&item); + if(ILIsEqual(info->pidl,desktop_pidl)) + main_item = item; + else + CoTaskMemFree(item.pszText); + /*Add all direct subfolders of Desktop*/ + if(SUCCEEDED(IShellFolder_EnumObjects(desktop,NULL,SHCONTF_FOLDERS,&ids)) + && ids!=NULL) + { + LPITEMIDLIST curr_pidl; + HRESULT hres; + + item.iIndent = 1; + while(1) + { + hres = IEnumIDList_Next(ids,1,&curr_pidl,NULL); + if(FAILED(hres) || hres == S_FALSE) + break; + if(!create_combobox_item(desktop,curr_pidl,info->icon_list,&item)) + WINE_WARN("Could not create a combobox item\n"); + else + { + LPITEMIDLIST full_pidl = ILCombine(desktop_pidl,curr_pidl); + item.lParam = (LPARAM)full_pidl; + SendMessageW(info->path_box,CBEM_INSERTITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&item); + if(ILIsEqual(full_pidl,info->pidl)) + main_item = item; + else if(ILIsParent(full_pidl,info->pidl,FALSE)) + { + /*add all parents of the pidl passed in*/ + LPITEMIDLIST next_pidl = ILFindChild(full_pidl,info->pidl); + IShellFolder *curr_folder = NULL, *temp; + hres = IShellFolder_BindToObject(desktop,curr_pidl,NULL, + &IID_IShellFolder, + (void**)&curr_folder); + if(FAILED(hres)) + WINE_WARN("Could not get an IShellFolder\n"); + while(!ILIsEmpty(next_pidl)) + { + LPITEMIDLIST first = ILCloneFirst(next_pidl); + CoTaskMemFree(item.pszText); + if(!create_combobox_item(curr_folder,first, + info->icon_list,&item)) + { + WINE_WARN("Could not create a combobox item\n"); + break; + } + ++item.iIndent; + full_pidl = ILCombine(full_pidl,first); + item.lParam = (LPARAM)full_pidl; + SendMessageW(info->path_box,CBEM_INSERTITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&item); + temp=NULL; + hres = IShellFolder_BindToObject(curr_folder,first,NULL, + &IID_IShellFolder, + (void**)&temp); + if(FAILED(hres)) + { + WINE_WARN("Could not get an IShellFolder\n"); + break; + } + IShellFolder_Release(curr_folder); + curr_folder = temp; + + ILFree(first); + next_pidl = ILGetNext(next_pidl); + } + memcpy(&main_item,&item,sizeof(item)); + if(curr_folder) + IShellFolder_Release(curr_folder); + item.iIndent = 1; + } + else + CoTaskMemFree(item.pszText); + } + } + } + else + WINE_WARN("Could not enumerate the desktop\n"); + SendMessageW(info->path_box,CBEM_SETITEMW,0,(LPARAM)&main_item); + CoTaskMemFree(main_item.pszText); } static HRESULT WINAPI IExplorerBrowserEventsImpl_fnOnNavigationComplete(IExplorerBrowserEvents *iface, PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl) @@ -148,6 +291,8 @@ static IExplorerBrowserEvents *make_explorer_events(explorer_info *info) = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(IExplorerBrowserEventsImpl)); ret->IExplorerBrowserEvents_iface.lpVtbl = &vt_IExplorerBrowserEvents; ret->info = info; + SHGetImageList(SHIL_SMALL,&IID_IImageList,(void**)&(ret->info->icon_list)); + SendMessageW(info->path_box,CBEM_SETIMAGELIST,0,(LPARAM)ret->info->icon_list); IExplorerBrowserEvents_AddRef(&ret->IExplorerBrowserEvents_iface); return &ret->IExplorerBrowserEvents_iface; } @@ -287,6 +432,12 @@ static LRESULT explorer_on_end_edit(explorer_info *info,NMCBEENDEDITW *edit_info WINE_TRACE("iWhy=%x\n",edit_info->iWhy); switch(edit_info->iWhy) { + case CBENF_DROPDOWN: + if(edit_info->iNewSelection!=CB_ERR) + pidl = (LPITEMIDLIST)SendMessageW(edit_info->hdr.hwndFrom, + CB_GETITEMDATA, + edit_info->iNewSelection,0); + break; case CBENF_RETURN: { WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; @@ -330,8 +481,36 @@ static LRESULT explorer_on_notify(explorer_info* info,NMHDR* notification) WINE_TRACE("code=%i\n",notification->code); switch(notification->code) { + case CBEN_BEGINEDIT: + { + WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; + HWND edit_ctrl = (HWND)SendMessageW(notification->hwndFrom, + CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL,0,0); + SHGetPathFromIDListW(info->pidl,path); + SetWindowTextW(edit_ctrl,path); + break; + } + case CBEN_ENDEDITA: + { + NMCBEENDEDITA *edit_info_a = (NMCBEENDEDITA*)notification; + NMCBEENDEDITW edit_info_w; + edit_info_w.hdr = edit_info_a->hdr; + edit_info_w.fChanged = edit_info_a->fChanged; + edit_info_w.iNewSelection = edit_info_a->iNewSelection; + MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,edit_info_a->szText,-1, + edit_info_w.szText,CBEMAXSTRLEN); + edit_info_w.iWhy = edit_info_a->iWhy; + return explorer_on_end_edit(info,&edit_info_w); + } case CBEN_ENDEDITW: return explorer_on_end_edit(info,(NMCBEENDEDITW*)notification); + case CBEN_DELETEITEM: + { + NMCOMBOBOXEXW *entry = (NMCOMBOBOXEXW*)notification; + if(entry->ceItem.lParam) + ILFree((LPITEMIDLIST)entry->ceItem.lParam); + break; + } case RBN_AUTOSIZE: return update_rebar_size(info,(NMRBAUTOSIZE*)notification); default: