shlwapi: Format the kilobyte file size number using locale settings.

The code is quite complex but I haven't found any easier way to do it 
(passing NULL as NUMBERFMT results in two decimal places being appended).
This commit is contained in:
Mikołaj Zalewski 2006-08-21 23:40:36 +02:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 6cc378cc67
commit c18b0b7bd3
1 changed files with 72 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -65,6 +65,63 @@ static fnpConvertINetUnicodeToMultiByte pConvertINetUnicodeToMultiByte;
* FormatInt [internal]
* Format an integer according to the current locale
* The number of bytes written on success or 0 on failure
static int FormatInt(LONGLONG qdwValue, LPWSTR pszBuf, int cchBuf)
WCHAR decimal[8], thousand[8];
WCHAR grouping[64];
WCHAR buf[24];
BOOL neg = (qdwValue < 0);
GetLocaleInfoW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ILZERO|LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, (LPWSTR)&fmt.LeadingZero, sizeof(fmt.LeadingZero)/sizeof(WCHAR));
GetLocaleInfoW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_INEGNUMBER|LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, (LPWSTR)&fmt.LeadingZero, sizeof(fmt.NegativeOrder)/sizeof(WCHAR));
fmt.NumDigits = 0;
GetLocaleInfoW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, decimal, sizeof(decimal)/sizeof(WCHAR));
GetLocaleInfoW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, thousand, sizeof(thousand)/sizeof(WCHAR));
fmt.lpThousandSep = thousand;
fmt.lpDecimalSep = decimal;
* Converting grouping string to number as described on
fmt.Grouping = 0;
GetLocaleInfoW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SGROUPING, grouping, sizeof(grouping)/sizeof(WCHAR));
for (c = grouping; *c; c++)
if (*c >= '0' && *c < '9')
fmt.Grouping *= 10;
fmt.Grouping += *c - '0';
if (fmt.Grouping % 10 == 0)
fmt.Grouping /= 10;
fmt.Grouping *= 10;
c = &buf[24];
*(--c) = 0;
*(--c) = '0' + (qdwValue%10);
qdwValue /= 10;
} while (qdwValue > 0);
if (neg)
*(--c) = '-';
return GetNumberFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, c, &fmt, pszBuf, cchBuf);
* SHLWAPI_ChrCmpHelperA
@ -1563,24 +1620,12 @@ HRESULT WINAPI StrRetToBSTR(STRRET *lpStrRet, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, BSTR* pBstrOut
LPSTR WINAPI StrFormatKBSizeA(LONGLONG llBytes, LPSTR lpszDest, UINT cchMax)
char szBuff[256], *szOut = szBuff + sizeof(szBuff) - 1;
LONGLONG ulKB = (llBytes + 1023) >> 10;
TRACE("(0x%s,%p,%d)\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(llBytes), lpszDest, cchMax);
*szOut-- = '\0';
*szOut-- = 'B';
*szOut-- = 'K';
*szOut-- = ' ';
LONGLONG ulNextDigit = ulKB % 10;
*szOut-- = '0' + ulNextDigit;
ulKB = (ulKB - ulNextDigit) / 10;
} while (ulKB > 0);
lstrcpynA(lpszDest, szOut + 1, cchMax);
WCHAR wszBuf[256];
if (!StrFormatKBSizeW(llBytes, wszBuf, 256))
return NULL;
if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszBuf, -1, lpszDest, cchMax, NULL, NULL))
return NULL;
return lpszDest;
@ -1591,24 +1636,19 @@ LPSTR WINAPI StrFormatKBSizeA(LONGLONG llBytes, LPSTR lpszDest, UINT cchMax)
LPWSTR WINAPI StrFormatKBSizeW(LONGLONG llBytes, LPWSTR lpszDest, UINT cchMax)
WCHAR szBuff[256], *szOut = szBuff + sizeof(szBuff)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1;
LONGLONG ulKB = (llBytes + 1023) >> 10;
static const WCHAR kb[] = {' ','K','B',0};
LONGLONG llKB = (llBytes + 1023) >> 10;
int len;
TRACE("(0x%s,%p,%d)\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(llBytes), lpszDest, cchMax);
*szOut-- = '\0';
*szOut-- = 'B';
*szOut-- = 'K';
*szOut-- = ' ';
if (!FormatInt(llKB, lpszDest, cchMax))
return NULL;
LONGLONG ulNextDigit = ulKB % 10;
*szOut-- = '0' + ulNextDigit;
ulKB = (ulKB - ulNextDigit) / 10;
} while (ulKB > 0);
lstrcpynW(lpszDest, szOut + 1, cchMax);
len = lstrlenW(lpszDest);
if (cchMax - len < 4)
return NULL;
lstrcatW(lpszDest, kb);
return lpszDest;