ntdll: Added compatible sections for clrClass data.

This commit is contained in:
Nikolay Sivov 2013-09-09 10:01:28 +04:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 88d5cab5e9
commit bcbd13b70c
2 changed files with 266 additions and 129 deletions

View File

@ -1226,12 +1226,14 @@ static void test_find_com_redirection(HANDLE handle, const GUID *clsid, const GU
ok_(__FILE__, line)(IsEqualGUID(&comclass->clsid2, clsid), "got wrong clsid2 %s\n", debugstr_guid(&comclass->clsid2));
ok_(__FILE__, line)(IsEqualGUID(&comclass->tlid, tlid), "got wrong tlid %s\n", debugstr_guid(&comclass->tlid));
ok_(__FILE__, line)(comclass->name_len > 0, "got modulename len %d\n", comclass->name_len);
ok_(__FILE__, line)(comclass->progid_offset == comclass->size + comclass->clrdata_len, "got progid offset %d\n", comclass->progid_offset);
len = comclass->size + comclass->clrdata_len;
ok_(__FILE__, line)(comclass->progid_offset == len, "got progid offset %d, expected %d\n", comclass->progid_offset, len);
ptr = (WCHAR*)((BYTE*)comclass + comclass->progid_offset);
ok_(__FILE__, line)(!lstrcmpW(ptr, progid), "got wrong progid %s, expected %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(ptr), wine_dbgstr_w(progid));
ok_(__FILE__, line)(lstrlenW(ptr)*sizeof(WCHAR) == comclass->progid_len,
"got progid name length %d, expected %d\n", comclass->progid_len, lstrlenW(ptr));
ok_(__FILE__, line)(lstrlenW(progid)*sizeof(WCHAR) == comclass->progid_len,
"got progid name length %d\n", comclass->progid_len);
/* data length is simply header length + string data length including nulls */
len = comclass->size + comclass->progid_len + sizeof(WCHAR) + comclass->clrdata_len;

View File

@ -273,6 +273,19 @@ struct clrsurrogate_data
ULONG name_len;
struct clrclass_data
ULONG size;
DWORD res[2];
ULONG module_len;
ULONG module_offset;
ULONG name_len;
ULONG name_offset;
ULONG version_len;
ULONG version_offset;
DWORD res2[2];
Sections structure.
@ -332,13 +345,19 @@ struct clrsurrogate_data
<section header>
<module names[]>
<data[]> --- <data>
<data[]> --- <data> --- <data>
<progid> <clrdata>
This section uses two index records per comclass, one entry contains original guid
as specified by context, another one has a generated guid. Index and strings handling
is similar to typelib sections.
For CLR classes additional data is stored after main COM class data, it contains
class name and runtime version string, see 'struct clrclass_data'.
Module name offsets are relative to section, progid offset is relative to data
structure itself.
@ -394,8 +413,8 @@ struct entity
WCHAR *clsid;
WCHAR *tlbid;
WCHAR *progid;
WCHAR *name; /* not NULL for clrClass */
WCHAR *version;
WCHAR *name; /* clrClass: class name */
WCHAR *version; /* clrClass: CLR runtime version */
DWORD model;
DWORD miscstatus;
DWORD miscstatuscontent;
@ -554,6 +573,8 @@ static const WCHAR baseInterfaceW[] = {'b','a','s','e','I','n','t','e','r','f','
static const WCHAR nummethodsW[] = {'n','u','m','M','e','t','h','o','d','s',0};
static const WCHAR proxyStubClsid32W[] = {'p','r','o','x','y','S','t','u','b','C','l','s','i','d','3','2',0};
static const WCHAR runtimeVersionW[] = {'r','u','n','t','i','m','e','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0};
static const WCHAR mscoreeW[] = {'M','S','C','O','R','E','E','.','D','L','L',0};
static const WCHAR mscoree2W[] = {'m','s','c','o','r','e','e','.','d','l','l',0};
static const WCHAR activatewhenvisibleW[] = {'a','c','t','i','v','a','t','e','w','h','e','n','v','i','s','i','b','l','e',0};
static const WCHAR actslikebuttonW[] = {'a','c','t','s','l','i','k','e','b','u','t','t','o','n',0};
@ -1845,7 +1866,7 @@ static BOOL parse_com_interface_external_proxy_stub_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf,
return parse_expect_end_elem(xmlbuf, comInterfaceExternalProxyStubW, asmv1W);
static BOOL parse_clr_class_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly)
static BOOL parse_clr_class_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly, struct actctx_loader *acl)
xmlstr_t attr_name, attr_value, elem;
BOOL end = FALSE, error, ret = TRUE;
@ -1886,7 +1907,9 @@ static BOOL parse_clr_class_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct assembly* assembly)
if (error || end) return end;
if (error) return FALSE;
acl->actctx->sections |= SERVERREDIRECT_SECTION;
if (end) return TRUE;
while (ret && (ret = next_xml_elem(xmlbuf, &elem)))
@ -2196,7 +2219,7 @@ static BOOL parse_assembly_elem(xmlbuf_t* xmlbuf, struct actctx_loader* acl,
else if (xml_elem_cmp(&elem, clrClassW, asmv1W))
ret = parse_clr_class_elem(xmlbuf, assembly);
ret = parse_clr_class_elem(xmlbuf, assembly, acl);
else if (xml_elem_cmp(&elem, clrSurrogateW, asmv1W))
@ -3436,42 +3459,247 @@ static void generate_uuid(ULONG *seed, GUID *guid)
guid->Data4[0] |= 0x80;
static void get_comserver_datalen(const struct entity_array *entities, const struct dll_redirect *dll,
unsigned int *count, unsigned int *len, unsigned int *module_len)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < entities->num; i++)
struct entity *entity = &entities->base[i];
/* each entry needs two index entries, extra one goes for alias GUID */
*len += 2*sizeof(struct guid_index);
/* To save some memory we don't allocated two data structures,
instead alias index and normal index point to the same data structure. */
*len += sizeof(struct comclassredirect_data);
/* for clrClass store some more */
if (entity->u.comclass.name)
unsigned int str_len;
/* all string data is stored together in aligned block */
str_len = strlenW(entity->u.comclass.name)+1;
if (*entity->u.comclass.progid)
str_len += strlenW(entity->u.comclass.progid)+1;
if (entity->u.comclass.version)
str_len += strlenW(entity->u.comclass.version)+1;
*len += sizeof(struct clrclass_data);
*len += aligned_string_len(str_len*sizeof(WCHAR));
/* module name is forced to mscoree.dll, and stored two times with different case */
*module_len += sizeof(mscoreeW) + sizeof(mscoree2W);
/* progid string is stored separately */
if (*entity->u.comclass.progid)
*len += aligned_string_len((strlenW(entity->u.comclass.progid)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
*module_len += (strlenW(dll->name)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
*count += 1;
static void add_comserver_record(const struct guidsection_header *section, const struct entity_array *entities,
const struct dll_redirect *dll, struct guid_index **index, ULONG *data_offset, ULONG *module_offset,
ULONG *seed, ULONG rosterindex)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < entities->num; i++)
struct entity *entity = &entities->base[i];
ULONG module_len, progid_len, str_len = 0;
struct comclassredirect_data *data;
struct guid_index *alias_index;
struct clrclass_data *clrdata;
WCHAR *ptrW;
if (*entity->u.comclass.progid)
progid_len = strlenW(entity->u.comclass.progid)*sizeof(WCHAR);
progid_len = 0;
module_len = dll ? strlenW(dll->name)*sizeof(WCHAR) : strlenW(mscoreeW)*sizeof(WCHAR);
/* setup new index entry */
RtlInitUnicodeString(&str, entity->u.comclass.clsid);
RtlGUIDFromString(&str, &(*index)->guid);
(*index)->data_offset = *data_offset;
(*index)->data_len = sizeof(*data); /* additional length added later */
(*index)->rosterindex = rosterindex;
/* Setup new index entry for alias guid. Alias index records are placed after
normal records, so normal guids are hit first on search. Note that class count
is doubled. */
alias_index = (*index) + section->count/2;
generate_uuid(seed, &alias_index->guid);
alias_index->data_offset = (*index)->data_offset;
alias_index->data_len = 0;
alias_index->rosterindex = (*index)->rosterindex;
/* setup data */
data = (struct comclassredirect_data*)((BYTE*)section + (*index)->data_offset);
data->size = sizeof(*data);
data->res = 0;
data->res1[0] = 0;
data->res1[1] = 0;
data->model = entity->u.comclass.model;
data->clsid = (*index)->guid;
data->alias = alias_index->guid;
data->clsid2 = data->clsid;
if (entity->u.comclass.tlbid)
RtlInitUnicodeString(&str, entity->u.comclass.tlbid);
RtlGUIDFromString(&str, &data->tlbid);
memset(&data->tlbid, 0, sizeof(data->tlbid));
data->name_len = module_len;
data->name_offset = *module_offset;
data->progid_len = progid_len;
data->progid_offset = data->progid_len ? data->size : 0; /* in case of clrClass additional offset is added later */
data->clrdata_len = 0; /* will be set later */
data->clrdata_offset = entity->u.comclass.name ? sizeof(*data) : 0;
data->miscstatus = entity->u.comclass.miscstatus;
data->miscstatuscontent = entity->u.comclass.miscstatuscontent;
data->miscstatusthumbnail = entity->u.comclass.miscstatusthumbnail;
data->miscstatusicon = entity->u.comclass.miscstatusicon;
data->miscstatusdocprint = entity->u.comclass.miscstatusdocprint;
/* mask describes which misc* data is available */
data->miscmask = 0;
if (data->miscstatus)
data->miscmask |= MiscStatus;
if (data->miscstatuscontent)
data->miscmask |= MiscStatusContent;
if (data->miscstatusthumbnail)
data->miscmask |= MiscStatusThumbnail;
if (data->miscstatusicon)
data->miscmask |= MiscStatusIcon;
if (data->miscstatusdocprint)
data->miscmask |= MiscStatusDocPrint;
if (data->clrdata_offset)
clrdata = (struct clrclass_data*)((BYTE*)data + data->clrdata_offset);
clrdata->size = sizeof(*clrdata);
clrdata->res[0] = 0;
clrdata->res[1] = 2; /* FIXME: unknown field */
clrdata->module_len = strlenW(mscoreeW)*sizeof(WCHAR);
clrdata->module_offset = *module_offset + data->name_len + sizeof(WCHAR);
clrdata->name_len = strlenW(entity->u.comclass.name)*sizeof(WCHAR);
clrdata->name_offset = clrdata->size;
clrdata->version_len = entity->u.comclass.version ? strlenW(entity->u.comclass.version)*sizeof(WCHAR) : 0;
clrdata->version_offset = clrdata->version_len ? clrdata->name_offset + clrdata->name_len + sizeof(WCHAR) : 0;
clrdata->res2[0] = 0;
clrdata->res2[1] = 0;
data->clrdata_len = clrdata->size + clrdata->name_len + sizeof(WCHAR);
/* module name */
ptrW = (WCHAR*)((BYTE*)section + clrdata->module_offset);
memcpy(ptrW, mscoree2W, clrdata->module_len);
ptrW[clrdata->module_len/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
ptrW = (WCHAR*)((BYTE*)section + data->name_offset);
memcpy(ptrW, mscoreeW, data->name_len);
ptrW[data->name_len/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
/* class name */
ptrW = (WCHAR*)((BYTE*)clrdata + clrdata->name_offset);
memcpy(ptrW, entity->u.comclass.name, clrdata->name_len);
ptrW[clrdata->name_len/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
/* runtime version, optional */
if (clrdata->version_len)
data->clrdata_len += clrdata->version_len + sizeof(WCHAR);
ptrW = (WCHAR*)((BYTE*)clrdata + clrdata->version_offset);
memcpy(ptrW, entity->u.comclass.version, clrdata->version_len);
ptrW[clrdata->version_len/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
if (data->progid_len)
data->progid_offset += data->clrdata_len;
(*index)->data_len += sizeof(*clrdata);
clrdata = NULL;
/* module name */
ptrW = (WCHAR*)((BYTE*)section + data->name_offset);
memcpy(ptrW, dll->name, data->name_len);
ptrW[data->name_len/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
/* progid string */
if (data->progid_len)
ptrW = (WCHAR*)((BYTE*)data + data->progid_offset);
memcpy(ptrW, entity->u.comclass.progid, data->progid_len);
ptrW[data->progid_len/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
/* string block length */
str_len = 0;
if (clrdata)
str_len += clrdata->name_len + sizeof(WCHAR);
if (clrdata->version_len)
str_len += clrdata->version_len + sizeof(WCHAR);
if (progid_len)
str_len += progid_len + sizeof(WCHAR);
(*index)->data_len += aligned_string_len(str_len);
alias_index->data_len = (*index)->data_len;
/* move to next data record */
(*data_offset) += sizeof(*data) + aligned_string_len(str_len);
(*module_offset) += module_len + sizeof(WCHAR);
if (clrdata)
(*data_offset) += sizeof(*clrdata);
(*module_offset) += clrdata->module_len + sizeof(WCHAR);
(*index) += 1;
static NTSTATUS build_comserver_section(ACTIVATION_CONTEXT* actctx, struct guidsection_header **section)
unsigned int i, j, k, total_len = 0, class_count = 0, names_len = 0;
struct guid_index *index, *alias_index;
struct comclassredirect_data *data;
unsigned int i, j, total_len = 0, class_count = 0, names_len = 0;
struct guidsection_header *header;
ULONG module_offset, data_offset;
struct guid_index *index;
ULONG seed;
/* compute section length */
for (i = 0; i < actctx->num_assemblies; i++)
struct assembly *assembly = &actctx->assemblies[i];
get_comserver_datalen(&assembly->entities, NULL, &class_count, &total_len, &names_len);
for (j = 0; j < assembly->num_dlls; j++)
struct dll_redirect *dll = &assembly->dlls[j];
for (k = 0; k < dll->entities.num; k++)
struct entity *entity = &dll->entities.base[k];
/* each entry needs two index entries, extra one goes for alias GUID */
total_len += 2*sizeof(*index);
/* to save some memory we don't allocated two data structures,
instead alias index and normal index point to the same data structure */
total_len += sizeof(*data);
/* help string is stored separately */
if (*entity->u.comclass.progid)
total_len += aligned_string_len((strlenW(entity->u.comclass.progid)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
/* module names are packed one after another */
names_len += (strlenW(dll->name)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
get_comserver_datalen(&dll->entities, dll, &class_count, &total_len, &names_len);
@ -3494,104 +3722,11 @@ static NTSTATUS build_comserver_section(ACTIVATION_CONTEXT* actctx, struct guids
for (i = 0; i < actctx->num_assemblies; i++)
struct assembly *assembly = &actctx->assemblies[i];
add_comserver_record(header, &assembly->entities, NULL, &index, &data_offset, &module_offset, &seed, i+1);
for (j = 0; j < assembly->num_dlls; j++)
struct dll_redirect *dll = &assembly->dlls[j];
for (k = 0; k < dll->entities.num; k++)
struct entity *entity = &dll->entities.base[k];
ULONG module_len, progid_len;
WCHAR *ptrW;
if (*entity->u.comclass.progid)
progid_len = strlenW(entity->u.comclass.progid)*sizeof(WCHAR);
progid_len = 0;
module_len = strlenW(dll->name)*sizeof(WCHAR);
/* setup new index entry */
RtlInitUnicodeString(&str, entity->u.comclass.clsid);
RtlGUIDFromString(&str, &index->guid);
index->data_offset = data_offset;
index->data_len = sizeof(*data) + aligned_string_len(progid_len);
index->rosterindex = i + 1;
/* Setup new index entry for alias guid. Alias index records are placed after
normal records, so normal guids are hit first on search */
alias_index = index + class_count;
generate_uuid(&seed, &alias_index->guid);
alias_index->data_offset = index->data_offset;
alias_index->data_len = index->data_len;
alias_index->rosterindex = index->rosterindex;
/* setup data */
data = (struct comclassredirect_data*)((BYTE*)header + index->data_offset);
data->size = sizeof(*data);
data->res = 0;
data->res1[0] = 0;
data->res1[1] = 0;
data->model = entity->u.comclass.model;
data->clsid = index->guid;
data->alias = alias_index->guid;
data->clsid2 = data->clsid;
if (entity->u.comclass.tlbid)
RtlInitUnicodeString(&str, entity->u.comclass.tlbid);
RtlGUIDFromString(&str, &data->tlbid);
memset(&data->tlbid, 0, sizeof(data->tlbid));
data->name_len = module_len;
data->name_offset = module_offset;
data->progid_len = progid_len;
data->progid_offset = sizeof(*data);
data->clrdata_len = 0;
data->clrdata_offset = 0;
data->miscstatus = entity->u.comclass.miscstatus;
data->miscstatuscontent = entity->u.comclass.miscstatuscontent;
data->miscstatusthumbnail = entity->u.comclass.miscstatusthumbnail;
data->miscstatusicon = entity->u.comclass.miscstatusicon;
data->miscstatusdocprint = entity->u.comclass.miscstatusdocprint;
/* mask describes which misc* data is available */
data->miscmask = 0;
if (data->miscstatus)
data->miscmask |= MiscStatus;
if (data->miscstatuscontent)
data->miscmask |= MiscStatusContent;
if (data->miscstatusthumbnail)
data->miscmask |= MiscStatusThumbnail;
if (data->miscstatusicon)
data->miscmask |= MiscStatusIcon;
if (data->miscstatusdocprint)
data->miscmask |= MiscStatusDocPrint;
/* module name */
ptrW = (WCHAR*)((BYTE*)header + data->name_offset);
memcpy(ptrW, dll->name, data->name_len);
ptrW[data->name_len/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
/* progid string */
if (data->progid_len)
ptrW = (WCHAR*)((BYTE*)data + data->progid_offset);
memcpy(ptrW, entity->u.comclass.progid, data->progid_len);
ptrW[data->progid_len/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
data_offset += sizeof(*data);
if (progid_len)
data_offset += aligned_string_len(progid_len + sizeof(WCHAR));
module_offset += module_len + sizeof(WCHAR);
add_comserver_record(header, &dll->entities, dll, &index, &data_offset, &module_offset, &seed, i+1);
@ -3631,7 +3766,7 @@ static NTSTATUS find_comserver_redirection(ACTIVATION_CONTEXT* actctx, const GUI
data->ulDataFormatVersion = 1;
data->lpData = comclass;
/* full length includes string length with nulls */
data->ulLength = comclass->size + comclass->progid_len + sizeof(WCHAR);
data->ulLength = comclass->size + comclass->progid_len + sizeof(WCHAR) + comclass->clrdata_len;
data->lpSectionGlobalData = (BYTE*)actctx->comserver_section + actctx->comserver_section->names_offset;
data->ulSectionGlobalDataLength = actctx->comserver_section->names_len;
data->lpSectionBase = actctx->comserver_section;