diff --git a/programs/regedit/framewnd.c b/programs/regedit/framewnd.c index a04b0c04bf9..f4b3c39fed5 100644 --- a/programs/regedit/framewnd.c +++ b/programs/regedit/framewnd.c @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ static BOOL CheckCommDlgError(HWND hWnd) return TRUE; } -static UINT_PTR CALLBACK ImportRegistryFile_OFNHookProc(HWND hdlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) +static UINT_PTR CALLBACK ExportRegistryFile_OFNHookProc(HWND hdlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { OPENFILENAME* pOpenFileName; OFNOTIFY* pOfNotify; @@ -277,18 +277,8 @@ static BOOL InitOpenFileName(HWND hWnd, OPENFILENAME *pofn) pofn->nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH; pofn->lpstrFileTitle = FileTitleBuffer; pofn->nMaxFileTitle = _MAX_PATH; - /* pofn->lpstrInitialDir = _T("");*/ - /* pofn->lpstrTitle = _T("Import Registry File");*/ - /* pofn->Flags = OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE + OFN_EXPLORER + OFN_ENABLESIZING;*/ pofn->Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY; - /* pofn->nFileOffset = ;*/ - /* pofn->nFileExtension = ;*/ - /* pofn->lpstrDefExt = _T("");*/ - /* pofn->lCustData = ;*/ - /* pofn->lpfnHook = ImportRegistryFile_OFNHookProc;*/ - /* pofn->lpTemplateName = _T("ID_DLG_IMPORT_REGFILE");*/ - /* pofn->lpTemplateName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1);*/ - /* pofn->FlagsEx = ;*/ + /* some other fields may be set by the caller */ return TRUE; } @@ -300,30 +290,11 @@ static BOOL ImportRegistryFile(HWND hWnd) InitOpenFileName(hWnd, &ofn); LoadString(hInst, IDS_FILEDIALOG_IMPORT_TITLE, title, COUNT_OF(title)); ofn.lpstrTitle = title; - /* ofn.lCustData = ;*/ if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { if (!import_registry_file(ofn.lpstrFile)) { /*printf("Can't open file \"%s\"\n", ofn.lpstrFile);*/ return FALSE; } -#if 0 - get_file_name(&s, filename, MAX_PATH); - if (!filename[0]) { - printf("No file name is specified\n%s", usage); - return FALSE; - /*exit(1);*/ - } - while (filename[0]) { - if (!import_registry_file(filename)) { - perror(""); - printf("Can't open file \"%s\"\n", filename); - return FALSE; - /*exit(1);*/ - } - get_file_name(&s, filename, MAX_PATH); - } -#endif - } else { CheckCommDlgError(hWnd); } @@ -342,36 +313,16 @@ static BOOL ExportRegistryFile(HWND hWnd) LoadString(hInst, IDS_FILEDIALOG_EXPORT_TITLE, title, COUNT_OF(title)); ofn.lpstrTitle = title; /* ofn.lCustData = ;*/ - ofn.Flags = OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE + OFN_EXPLORER; - ofn.lpfnHook = ImportRegistryFile_OFNHookProc; + ofn.Flags = OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; + ofn.lpfnHook = ExportRegistryFile_OFNHookProc; ofn.lpTemplateName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1); if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) { BOOL result; result = export_registry_key(ofn.lpstrFile, ExportKeyPath); - /*result = export_registry_key(ofn.lpstrFile, NULL);*/ - /*if (!export_registry_key(ofn.lpstrFile, NULL)) {*/ if (!result) { /*printf("Can't open file \"%s\"\n", ofn.lpstrFile);*/ return FALSE; } -#if 0 - TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]; - filename[0] = '\0'; - get_file_name(&s, filename, MAX_PATH); - if (!filename[0]) { - printf("No file name is specified\n%s", usage); - return FALSE; - /*exit(1);*/ - } - if (s[0]) { - TCHAR reg_key_name[KEY_MAX_LEN]; - get_file_name(&s, reg_key_name, KEY_MAX_LEN); - export_registry_key(filename, reg_key_name); - } else { - export_registry_key(filename, NULL); - } -#endif - } else { CheckCommDlgError(hWnd); }