user32: Added more tests of handling parent/owner by dialog.

Signed-off-by: Jacek Caban <>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <>
This commit is contained in:
Jacek Caban 2016-04-06 14:41:34 +02:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 36b64321b2
commit ae39337e77
1 changed files with 228 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -4420,6 +4420,233 @@ static void test_dialog_styles(void)
struct dlg_parent_param
HWND ga_parent;
HWND gwl_parent;
HWND get_parent;
HWND owner;
HWND root;
HWND ga_root_owner;
static INT_PTR WINAPI parent_dlg_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
if (msg == WM_INITDIALOG) {
struct dlg_parent_param *param = (void*)lparam;
check_parents(hwnd, param->ga_parent, param->gwl_parent, param->get_parent, param->owner,
param->root ? param->root : hwnd, param->ga_root_owner ? param->ga_root_owner : hwnd);
ok(!IsWindowEnabled(param->gwl_parent), "parent is not disabled\n");
EndDialog(hwnd, 2);
ok(IsWindowEnabled(param->gwl_parent), "parent is not enabled\n");
return 0;
static INT_PTR WINAPI reparent_dlg_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
if (msg == WM_INITDIALOG) {
ok(!IsWindowEnabled(GetParent(hwnd)), "parent is not disabled\n");
SetParent(hwnd, (HWND)lparam);
return 0;
static INT_PTR WINAPI reparent_owned_dlg_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
if (msg == WM_INITDIALOG) {
HWND new_parent = (HWND)lparam;
HWND owner = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_OWNER);
ok(!IsWindowEnabled(owner), "owner is not disabled\n");
SetWindowLongA(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLongA(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) | WS_CHILD);
SetParent(hwnd, new_parent);
ok(GetParent(hwnd) == new_parent, "GetParent(hwnd) = %p, expected %p\n", GetParent(hwnd), new_parent);
PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
return 0;
static LRESULT WINAPI reparent_dialog_owner_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
if (msg == WM_ENTERIDLE) {
HWND dialog = (HWND)lparam;
HWND owner = GetParent(dialog);
/* EndDialog will enable owner */
EnableWindow(owner, FALSE);
EndDialog(dialog, 2);
ok(IsWindowEnabled(owner), "owner is not enabled\n");
/* ...but it won't be enabled on dialog exit */
EnableWindow(owner, FALSE);
return DefWindowProcA( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
static LRESULT WINAPI post_quit_dialog_owner_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
if (msg == WM_ENTERIDLE) {
HWND dialog = (HWND)lparam;
PostMessageA(dialog, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
return DefWindowProcA( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
static LRESULT WINAPI destroy_dialog_owner_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
if (msg == WM_ENTERIDLE) {
HWND dialog = (HWND)lparam;
return DefWindowProcA( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
static void test_dialog_parent(void)
HWND dialog, parent, child, child2, other, desktop = GetDesktopWindow();
struct dlg_parent_param param;
INT_PTR ret;
WORD menu_name;
WORD class_id;
WORD class_atom;
WCHAR caption[1];
} dlg_data;
dlg_data.dt.dwExtendedStyle = 0;
dlg_data.dt.cdit = 0;
dlg_data.dt.x = 0;
dlg_data.dt.y = 0; = 100; = 100;
dlg_data.menu_name = 0;
dlg_data.class_id = 0;
dlg_data.class_atom = 0;
dlg_data.caption[0] = 0;
parent = CreateWindowExA(0, "static", NULL, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* Create a child without WS_CHILD flag. It's a valid owner window. */
child = CreateWindowExA(0, "static", NULL, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SetParent(child, parent);
/* Regular child. If passed as an owner, its parent will be true owner window. */
child2 = CreateWindowExA(0, "static", NULL, WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, 0, child, NULL, NULL, NULL);
trace("parent %p child %p child2 %p desktop %p\n", parent, child, child2, desktop);
/* When dialog is created with WS_CHILD style, its parent depends on function used to create it. */ = WS_CHILD;
/* CreateDialogIndirectParam uses passed parent as dialog parent. */
dialog = CreateDialogIndirectParamA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), &dlg_data.dt, child2, empty_dlg_proc, 0);
ok(dialog != 0, "dialog creation failed\n");
check_parents(dialog, child2, child2, child2, NULL, parent, child);
ok(IsWindowEnabled(child2), "child2 is disabled\n");
EnableWindow(child2, FALSE);
EndDialog(dialog, 0);
ok(IsWindowEnabled(child2), "child2 is not enabled\n");
/* DialogBoxIndirectParam uses the first parent of passed owner that's not a child window as dialog
* parent (like in case of dialog with owner). */
param.ga_parent = param.gwl_parent = param.get_parent = child;
param.owner = NULL;
param.root = parent;
param.ga_root_owner = child;
ret = DialogBoxIndirectParamA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), &dlg_data.dt, child2, parent_dlg_proc, (LPARAM)&param);
ok(ret == 2, "DialogBoxIndirectParam returned %ld\n", ret);
/* Dialogs without WS_CHILD behave as expected, they use passed owner just like CreateWindow does. */ = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW;
dialog = CreateDialogIndirectParamA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), &dlg_data.dt, child2, empty_dlg_proc, 0);
ok(dialog != 0, "dialog creation failed\n");
check_parents(dialog, desktop, child, NULL, child, dialog, dialog);
ok(IsWindowEnabled(child), "child is disabled\n");
EnableWindow(child, FALSE);
EndDialog(dialog, 0);
ok(IsWindowEnabled(child), "child is not enabled\n");
param.ga_parent = desktop;
param.gwl_parent = child;
param.get_parent = NULL;
param.owner = child;
param.root = param.ga_root_owner = NULL;
ret = DialogBoxIndirectParamA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), &dlg_data.dt, child2, parent_dlg_proc, (LPARAM)&param);
ok(ret == 2, "DialogBoxIndirectParam returned %ld\n", ret);
other = CreateWindowExA(0, "static", NULL, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SetWindowLongPtrA(child, GWLP_WNDPROC, (ULONG_PTR)reparent_dialog_owner_proc);
/* When dialog is created with WS_CHILD|WS_POPUP style, we have an owner. */ = WS_CHILD|WS_POPUP;
dialog = CreateDialogIndirectParamA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), &dlg_data.dt, child2, empty_dlg_proc, 0);
ok(dialog != 0, "dialog creation failed\n");
check_parents(dialog, desktop, child, child, child, dialog, child);
ok(IsWindowEnabled(child), "child is disabled\n");
EnableWindow(child, FALSE);
EndDialog(dialog, 0);
ok(IsWindowEnabled(child), "child is not enabled\n");
param.ga_parent = desktop;
param.gwl_parent = param.get_parent = child;
param.owner = child;
param.root = NULL;
param.ga_root_owner = child;
ret = DialogBoxIndirectParamA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), &dlg_data.dt, child2, parent_dlg_proc, (LPARAM)&param);
ok(ret == 2, "DialogBoxIndirectParam returned %ld\n", ret);
/* If we change parent in WM_INITDIALOG for WS_CHILD dialog WM_ENTERIDLE is still sent to the original
* parent. EndDialog will enable the new parent. */
EnableWindow(child, TRUE);
EnableWindow(other, FALSE); = WS_CHILD;
ret = DialogBoxIndirectParamA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), &dlg_data.dt, child2, reparent_dlg_proc, (LPARAM)other);
ok(ret == 2, "DialogBoxIndirectParam returned %ld\n", ret);
ok(!IsWindowEnabled(other), "other is not disabled\n");
ok(!IsWindowEnabled(child), "child is not disabled\n");
ok(IsWindowEnabled(child2), "child2 is not enabled\n");
EnableWindow(child, TRUE);
/* If we change parent and style in WM_INITDIALOG for dialog with an owner to make it true child
* (thus GetParent() will return the new parent instead of an owner), WM_ENTERIDLE is still sent
* to the original parent. EndDialog will enable the new parent. */
EnableWindow(other, FALSE); = WS_OVERLAPPED;
ret = DialogBoxIndirectParamA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), &dlg_data.dt, child2, reparent_owned_dlg_proc, (LPARAM)other);
ok(ret == 1, "DialogBoxIndirectParam returned %ld\n", ret);
ok(!IsWindowEnabled(other), "other is not disabled\n");
ok(!IsWindowEnabled(child), "child is not disabled\n");
ok(IsWindowEnabled(child2), "child2 is not enabled\n");
EnableWindow(child, TRUE);
EnableWindow(other, TRUE);
/* Quit dialog message loop by sending WM_QUIT message. Dialog owner is not enabled. */
SetWindowLongPtrA(child, GWLP_WNDPROC, (ULONG_PTR)post_quit_dialog_owner_proc);
ret = DialogBoxIndirectParamA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), &dlg_data.dt, other, empty_dlg_proc, 0);
ok(ret == 1, "DialogBoxIndirectParam returned %ld\n", ret);
ok(!IsWindowEnabled(other), "other is enabled\n");
EnableWindow(other, TRUE);
/* Quit dialog message loop by destroying the window. Dialog owner is not enabled. */
SetWindowLongPtrA(child, GWLP_WNDPROC, (ULONG_PTR)destroy_dialog_owner_proc);
ret = DialogBoxIndirectParamA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), &dlg_data.dt, other, empty_dlg_proc, 0);
ok(ret == 1, "DialogBoxIndirectParam returned %ld\n", ret);
ok(!IsWindowEnabled(other), "other is enabled\n");
EnableWindow(other, TRUE);
static void test_scrollwindow( HWND hwnd)
HDC hdc;
@ -8977,6 +9204,7 @@ START_TEST(win)