diff --git a/dlls/dinput/config.c b/dlls/dinput/config.c index b002f4c2dee..086ee14c0fc 100644 --- a/dlls/dinput/config.c +++ b/dlls/dinput/config.c @@ -46,6 +46,16 @@ typedef struct { /* * Enumeration callback functions */ +static BOOL CALLBACK collect_objects(LPCDIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEW lpddo, LPVOID pvRef) +{ + DeviceData *data = (DeviceData*) pvRef; + + data->ddo[data->nobjects] = *lpddo; + + data->nobjects++; + return DIENUM_CONTINUE; +} + static BOOL CALLBACK count_devices(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCEW lpddi, IDirectInputDevice8W *lpdid, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwRemaining, LPVOID pvRef) { DIDevicesData *data = (DIDevicesData*) pvRef; @@ -63,13 +73,89 @@ static BOOL CALLBACK collect_devices(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCEW lpddi, IDirectInputDev IDirectInputDevice_AddRef(lpdid); + device->nobjects = 0; + IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects(lpdid, collect_objects, (LPVOID) device, DIDFT_ALL); + data->ndevices++; return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } +/* + * Listview utility functions + */ +static void init_listview_columns(HWND dialog) +{ + HINSTANCE hinstance = (HINSTANCE) GetWindowLongPtrW(dialog, GWLP_HINSTANCE); + LVCOLUMNW listColumn; + RECT viewRect; + int width; + WCHAR column[MAX_PATH]; + + GetClientRect(GetDlgItem(dialog, IDC_DEVICEOBJECTSLIST), &viewRect); + width = (viewRect.right - viewRect.left)/2; + + LoadStringW(hinstance, IDS_OBJECTCOLUMN, column, sizeof(column)/sizeof(column[0])); + listColumn.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_SUBITEM; + listColumn.pszText = column; + listColumn.cchTextMax = lstrlenW(listColumn.pszText); + listColumn.cx = width; + + SendDlgItemMessageW (dialog, IDC_DEVICEOBJECTSLIST, LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW, 0, (LPARAM) &listColumn); + + LoadStringW(hinstance, IDS_ACTIONCOLUMN, column, sizeof(column)/sizeof(column[0])); + listColumn.cx = width; + listColumn.pszText = column; + listColumn.cchTextMax = lstrlenW(listColumn.pszText); + + SendDlgItemMessageW(dialog, IDC_DEVICEOBJECTSLIST, LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW, 1, (LPARAM) &listColumn); +} + +static void lv_set_action(HWND dialog, int item, int action, LPDIACTIONFORMATW lpdiaf) +{ + static const WCHAR no_action[] = {'-','\0'}; + const WCHAR *action_text = no_action; + LVITEMW lvItem; + + if (item < 0) return; + + if (action != -1) + action_text = lpdiaf->rgoAction[action].lptszActionName; + + /* Keep the action and text in the listview item */ + lvItem.iItem = item; + + lvItem.mask = LVIF_PARAM; + lvItem.iSubItem = 0; + lvItem.lParam = (LPARAM) action; + + /* Action index */ + SendDlgItemMessageW(dialog, IDC_DEVICEOBJECTSLIST, LVM_SETITEMW, 0, (LPARAM) &lvItem); + + lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT; + lvItem.iSubItem = 1; + lvItem.pszText = (WCHAR *)action_text; + lvItem.cchTextMax = lstrlenW(lvItem.pszText); + + /* Text */ + SendDlgItemMessageW(dialog, IDC_DEVICEOBJECTSLIST, LVM_SETITEMW, 0, (LPARAM) &lvItem); +} + /* * Utility functions */ +static DeviceData* get_cur_device(HWND dialog) +{ + ConfigureDevicesData *data = (ConfigureDevicesData*) GetWindowLongPtrW(dialog, DWLP_USER); + int sel = SendDlgItemMessageW(dialog, IDC_CONTROLLERCOMBO, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); + return &data->devices_data.devices[sel]; +} + +static LPDIACTIONFORMATW get_cur_lpdiaf(HWND dialog) +{ + ConfigureDevicesData *data = (ConfigureDevicesData*) GetWindowLongPtrW(dialog, DWLP_USER); + return data->lpdiaf; +} + static void init_devices(HWND dialog, IDirectInput8W *lpDI, DIDevicesData *data, LPDIACTIONFORMATW lpdiaf) { int i; @@ -100,6 +186,45 @@ static void destroy_devices(HWND dialog) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, devices_data->devices); } +static void fill_device_object_list(HWND dialog) +{ + DeviceData *device = get_cur_device(dialog); + LPDIACTIONFORMATW lpdiaf = get_cur_lpdiaf(dialog); + LVITEMW item; + int i, j; + + /* Clean the listview */ + SendDlgItemMessageW(dialog, IDC_DEVICEOBJECTSLIST, LVM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0); + + /* Add each object */ + for (i=0; i < device->nobjects; i++) + { + int action = -1; + + item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; + item.iItem = i; + item.iSubItem = 0; + item.pszText = device->ddo[i].tszName; + item.cchTextMax = lstrlenW(item.pszText); + + /* Add the item */ + SendDlgItemMessageW(dialog, IDC_DEVICEOBJECTSLIST, LVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM) &item); + + /* Search for an assigned action for this device */ + for (j=0; j < lpdiaf->dwNumActions; j++) + { + if (IsEqualGUID(&lpdiaf->rgoAction[j].guidInstance, &device->ddi.guidInstance) && + lpdiaf->rgoAction[j].dwObjID == device->ddo[i].dwType) + { + action = j; + break; + } + } + + lv_set_action(dialog, i, action, lpdiaf); + } +} + static INT_PTR CALLBACK ConfigureDevicesDlgProc(HWND dialog, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(uMsg) @@ -114,12 +239,25 @@ static INT_PTR CALLBACK ConfigureDevicesDlgProc(HWND dialog, UINT uMsg, WPARAM w /* Store information in the window */ SetWindowLongPtrW(dialog, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR) data); + init_listview_columns(dialog); + break; } case WM_COMMAND: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { + + case IDC_CONTROLLERCOMBO: + + switch (HIWORD(wParam)) + { + case CBN_SELCHANGE: + fill_device_object_list(dialog); + break; + } + break; + case IDOK: EndDialog(dialog, 0); destroy_devices(dialog);