advapi32/service: Make sure we fill all struct members.

This commit is contained in:
Paul Vriens 2007-06-27 17:14:55 +02:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 83980adbe0
commit 9c6a5dfa85
2 changed files with 66 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -240,6 +240,8 @@ static const WCHAR szDependOnService[] = {
static const WCHAR szObjectName[] = {
static const WCHAR szTag[] = {
struct reg_value {
DWORD type;
@ -1849,6 +1851,11 @@ QueryServiceConfigW( SC_HANDLE hService,
hKey = hsvc->hkey;
/* TODO: Check which members are mandatory and what the registry types
* should be. This should of course also be tested when a service is
* created.
/* calculate the size required first */
total = sizeof (QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW);
@ -1871,6 +1878,8 @@ QueryServiceConfigW( SC_HANDLE hService,
r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szGroup, 0, &type, NULL, &sz );
if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( type == REG_SZ ) )
total += sz;
total += sizeof(WCHAR);
sz = 0;
r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szDependencies, 0, &type, NULL, &sz );
@ -1883,11 +1892,15 @@ QueryServiceConfigW( SC_HANDLE hService,
r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szObjectName, 0, &type, NULL, &sz );
if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( type == REG_SZ ) )
total += sz;
total += sizeof(WCHAR);
sz = 0;
r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szDisplayName, 0, &type, NULL, &sz );
if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( type == REG_SZ ) )
total += sz;
total += sizeof(WCHAR);
*pcbBytesNeeded = total;
@ -1915,6 +1928,11 @@ QueryServiceConfigW( SC_HANDLE hService,
if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( type == REG_DWORD ) )
lpServiceConfig->dwErrorControl = val;
sz = sizeof val;
r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szTag, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&val, &sz );
if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( type == REG_DWORD ) )
lpServiceConfig->dwTagId = val;
/* now do the strings */
p = (LPBYTE) &lpServiceConfig[1];
n = total - sizeof (QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW);
@ -1939,12 +1957,18 @@ QueryServiceConfigW( SC_HANDLE hService,
sz = n;
r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szGroup, 0, &type, p, &sz );
lpServiceConfig->lpLoadOrderGroup = (LPWSTR) p;
if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( type == REG_SZ ) )
lpServiceConfig->lpLoadOrderGroup = (LPWSTR) p;
p += sz;
n -= sz;
*(WCHAR *) p = 0;
p += sizeof(WCHAR);
n -= sizeof(WCHAR);
sz = n;
r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szDependencies, 0, &type, p, &sz );
@ -1961,11 +1985,44 @@ QueryServiceConfigW( SC_HANDLE hService,
n -= sizeof(WCHAR);
sz = n;
r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szObjectName, 0, &type, p, &sz );
lpServiceConfig->lpServiceStartName = (LPWSTR) p;
if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( type == REG_SZ ) )
p += sz;
n -= sz;
*(WCHAR *) p = 0;
p += sizeof(WCHAR);
n -= sizeof(WCHAR);
sz = n;
r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szDisplayName, 0, &type, p, &sz );
lpServiceConfig->lpDisplayName = (LPWSTR) p;
if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( type == REG_SZ ) )
p += sz;
n -= sz;
*(WCHAR *) p = 0;
p += sizeof(WCHAR);
n -= sizeof(WCHAR);
if( n < 0 )
ERR("Buffer overflow!\n");
TRACE("Image path = %s\n", debugstr_w(lpServiceConfig->lpBinaryPathName) );
TRACE("Group = %s\n", debugstr_w(lpServiceConfig->lpLoadOrderGroup) );
TRACE("Dependencies = %s\n", debugstr_w(lpServiceConfig->lpDependencies) );
TRACE("Service account name = %s\n", debugstr_w(lpServiceConfig->lpServiceStartName) );
TRACE("Display name = %s\n", debugstr_w(lpServiceConfig->lpDisplayName) );
return TRUE;

View File

@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ static void test_sequence(void)
"Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, ERROR_IO_PENDING or 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(given == needed, "Expected the given (%d) and needed (%d) buffersizes to be equal\n", given, needed);
ok(config->lpBinaryPathName && config->lpLoadOrderGroup && config->lpDependencies && config->lpServiceStartName &&
config->lpDisplayName, "Expected all string struct members to be non-NULL\n");
"Expected SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS | SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, got %d\n", config->dwServiceType);
ok(config->dwStartType == SERVICE_DISABLED, "Expected SERVICE_DISABLED, got %d\n", config->dwStartType);
@ -125,10 +127,10 @@ static void test_sequence(void)
ok(config->dwTagId == 0, "Expected 0, got %d\n", config->dwTagId);
/* TODO: Show the double 0 terminated string */
ok(!memcmp(config->lpDependencies, dependencies, sizeof(dependencies)), "Wrong string\n");
if(config->lpServiceStartName) /* FIXME: Wine workaround, remove when fixed */
ok(!strcmp(config->lpServiceStartName, localsystem), "Expected 'LocalSystem', got '%s'\n", config->lpServiceStartName);
if(config->lpDisplayName) /* FIXME: Wine workaround, remove when fixed */
ok(!strcmp(config->lpDisplayName, displayname), "Expected '%s', got '%s'\n", displayname, config->lpDisplayName);