user: Add internal functions for cursor/icon 16<->32 conversion to replace the typecasting macros.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2619,7 +2619,7 @@ static LRESULT static_proc16( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,
HICON16 icon = LoadIcon16( HINSTANCE_16(cs->hInstance), cs->lpszName );
if (!icon) icon = LoadCursor16( HINSTANCE_16(cs->hInstance), cs->lpszName );
if (icon) wow_handlers32.static_proc( hwnd, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON,
(LPARAM)HICON_32(icon), FALSE );
(LPARAM)get_icon_32(icon), FALSE );
@ -2633,10 +2633,10 @@ static LRESULT static_proc16( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,
return ret;
wParam = (WPARAM)HICON_32( (HICON16)wParam );
wParam = (WPARAM)get_icon_32( (HICON16)wParam );
return wow_handlers32.static_proc( hwnd, STM_SETICON, wParam, lParam, FALSE );
return HICON_16( wow_handlers32.static_proc( hwnd, STM_GETICON, wParam, lParam, FALSE ));
return get_icon_16( (HICON)wow_handlers32.static_proc( hwnd, STM_GETICON, wParam, lParam, FALSE ));
return wow_handlers32.static_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, unicode );
@ -2678,22 +2678,22 @@ static HICON alloc_icon_handle( unsigned int size )
HGLOBAL16 handle = GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_MOVEABLE, size );
FarSetOwner16( handle, 0 );
return HICON_32( handle );
return (HICON)(ULONG_PTR)handle;
static struct tagCURSORICONINFO *get_icon_ptr( HICON handle )
return GlobalLock16( HICON_16(handle) );
return GlobalLock16( LOWORD(handle) );
static void release_icon_ptr( HICON handle, struct tagCURSORICONINFO *ptr )
GlobalUnlock16( HICON_16(handle) );
GlobalUnlock16( LOWORD(handle) );
static int free_icon_handle( HICON handle )
return GlobalFree16( HICON_16(handle) );
return GlobalFree16( LOWORD(handle) );
@ -289,6 +289,16 @@ static int free_icon_handle( HICON16 handle )
return GlobalFree16( handle );
HICON get_icon_32( HICON16 icon16 )
return (HICON)(ULONG_PTR)icon16;
HICON16 get_icon_16( HICON icon )
return LOWORD( icon );
static void add_shared_icon( HINSTANCE16 inst, HRSRC16 rsrc, HRSRC16 group, HICON16 icon )
struct cache_entry *cache = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*cache) );
@ -471,7 +481,7 @@ BOOL16 WINAPI AnyPopup16(void)
HCURSOR16 WINAPI SetCursor16(HCURSOR16 hCursor)
return HCURSOR_16(SetCursor(HCURSOR_32(hCursor)));
return get_icon_16( SetCursor( get_icon_32(hCursor) ));
@ -673,7 +683,7 @@ INT16 WINAPI FrameRect16( HDC16 hdc, const RECT16 *rect16, HBRUSH16 hbrush )
BOOL16 WINAPI DrawIcon16(HDC16 hdc, INT16 x, INT16 y, HICON16 hIcon)
return DrawIcon(HDC_32(hdc), x, y, HICON_32(hIcon));
return DrawIcon(HDC_32(hdc), x, y, get_icon_32(hIcon) );
@ -1453,7 +1463,7 @@ BOOL16 WINAPI ExitWindowsExec16( LPCSTR lpszExe, LPCSTR lpszParams )
HCURSOR16 WINAPI GetCursor16(void)
return HCURSOR_16(GetCursor());
return get_icon_16( GetCursor() );
@ -1986,7 +1996,12 @@ HANDLE16 WINAPI LoadImage16(HINSTANCE16 hinst, LPCSTR name, UINT16 type, INT16 c
HRSRC16 hRsrc, hGroupRsrc;
if (!hinst || (flags & LR_LOADFROMFILE))
return HICON_16( LoadImageA( 0, name, type, cx, cy, flags ));
if (type == IMAGE_BITMAP)
return HBITMAP_16( LoadImageA( 0, name, type, cx, cy, flags ));
return get_icon_16( LoadImageA( 0, name, type, cx, cy, flags ));
hinst = GetExePtr( hinst );
@ -2110,7 +2125,7 @@ BOOL16 WINAPI DrawIconEx16(HDC16 hdc, INT16 xLeft, INT16 yTop, HICON16 hIcon,
INT16 cxWidth, INT16 cyWidth, UINT16 istep,
HBRUSH16 hbr, UINT16 flags)
return DrawIconEx(HDC_32(hdc), xLeft, yTop, HICON_32(hIcon), cxWidth, cyWidth,
return DrawIconEx(HDC_32(hdc), xLeft, yTop, get_icon_32(hIcon), cxWidth, cyWidth,
istep, HBRUSH_32(hbr), flags);
@ -2563,8 +2578,7 @@ HICON16 WINAPI CreateIconFromResourceEx16(LPBYTE bits, UINT16 cbSize,
INT16 width, INT16 height,
UINT16 cFlag)
return HICON_16(CreateIconFromResourceEx(bits, cbSize, bIcon, dwVersion,
width, height, cFlag));
return get_icon_16( CreateIconFromResourceEx( bits, cbSize, bIcon, dwVersion, width, height, cFlag ));
@ -2722,7 +2736,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI DragObject16( HWND16 hwndScope, HWND16 hWnd, UINT16 wObj,
MSG msg;
LPDRAGINFO16 lpDragInfo;
SEGPTR spDragInfo;
HCURSOR hOldCursor=0, hBummer=0;
HCURSOR hOldCursor=0, hBummer=0, hCursor32;
HGLOBAL16 hDragInfo = GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_SHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, 2*sizeof(DRAGINFO16));
HCURSOR hCurrentCursor = 0;
HWND16 hCurrentWnd = 0;
@ -2738,7 +2752,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI DragObject16( HWND16 hwndScope, HWND16 hWnd, UINT16 wObj,
return 0L;
if(hCursor) hOldCursor = SetCursor(HCURSOR_32(hCursor));
if ((hCursor32 = get_icon_32( hCursor ))) SetCursor( hCursor32 );
lpDragInfo->hWnd = hWnd;
lpDragInfo->hScope = 0;
@ -2761,7 +2775,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI DragObject16( HWND16 hwndScope, HWND16 hWnd, UINT16 wObj,
/* update DRAGINFO struct */
if( DRAG_QueryUpdate16(WIN_Handle32(hwndScope), spDragInfo) > 0 )
hCurrentCursor = HCURSOR_32(hCursor);
hCurrentCursor = hCursor32;
hCurrentCursor = hBummer;
@ -117,14 +117,11 @@ typedef struct tagDIALOGINFO
#define DF_OWNERENABLED 0x0002
/* HANDLE16 <-> HANDLE conversions */
#define HCURSOR_16(h32) (LOWORD(h32))
#define HICON_16(h32) (LOWORD(h32))
#define HINSTANCE_16(h32) (LOWORD(h32))
#define HCURSOR_32(h16) ((HCURSOR)(ULONG_PTR)(h16))
#define HICON_32(h16) ((HICON)(ULONG_PTR)(h16))
#define HINSTANCE_32(h16) ((HINSTANCE)(ULONG_PTR)(h16))
#define HMODULE_32(h16) ((HMODULE)(ULONG_PTR)(h16))
extern HICON16 get_icon_16( HICON icon ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern HICON get_icon_32( HICON16 icon16 ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern DWORD USER16_AlertableWait DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
@ -1575,12 +1575,12 @@ ATOM WINAPI RegisterClassEx16( const WNDCLASSEX16 *wc )
wc32.cbClsExtra = wc->cbClsExtra;
wc32.cbWndExtra = wc->cbWndExtra;
wc32.hInstance = HINSTANCE_32(inst);
wc32.hIcon = HICON_32(wc->hIcon);
wc32.hCursor = HCURSOR_32(wc->hCursor);
wc32.hIcon = get_icon_32(wc->hIcon);
wc32.hCursor = get_icon_32( wc->hCursor );
wc32.hbrBackground = HBRUSH_32(wc->hbrBackground);
wc32.lpszMenuName = MapSL(wc->lpszMenuName);
wc32.lpszClassName = MapSL(wc->lpszClassName);
wc32.hIconSm = HICON_32(wc->hIconSm);
wc32.hIconSm = get_icon_32(wc->hIconSm);
atom = RegisterClassExA( &wc32 );
if ((class = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*class) )))
@ -1618,9 +1618,9 @@ BOOL16 WINAPI GetClassInfoEx16( HINSTANCE16 hInst16, SEGPTR name, WNDCLASSEX16 *
wc->cbClsExtra = wc32.cbClsExtra;
wc->cbWndExtra = wc32.cbWndExtra;
wc->hInstance = (wc32.hInstance == user32_module) ? GetModuleHandle16("user") : HINSTANCE_16(wc32.hInstance);
wc->hIcon = HICON_16(wc32.hIcon);
wc->hIconSm = HICON_16(wc32.hIconSm);
wc->hCursor = HCURSOR_16(wc32.hCursor);
wc->hIcon = get_icon_16( wc32.hIcon );
wc->hIconSm = get_icon_16( wc32.hIconSm );
wc->hCursor = get_icon_16( wc32.hCursor );
wc->hbrBackground = HBRUSH_16(wc32.hbrBackground);
wc->lpszClassName = 0;
wc->lpszMenuName = MapLS(wc32.lpszMenuName); /* FIXME: leak */
@ -2048,7 +2048,7 @@ BOOL16 WINAPI DrawCaptionTemp16( HWND16 hwnd, HDC16 hdc, const RECT16 *rect,
return DrawCaptionTempA( WIN_Handle32(hwnd), HDC_32(hdc),
rect ? &rect32 : NULL, HFONT_32(hFont),
HICON_32(hIcon), str, uFlags & 0x1f );
get_icon_32(hIcon), str, uFlags & 0x1f );
Reference in New Issue