msacm: Implement honouring of driver priority and enabled status at

load time.
This commit is contained in:
Alex Villacís Lasso 2006-01-18 11:44:26 +01:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent ba23adba41
commit 8d52016114
1 changed files with 115 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ HANDLE MSACM_hHeap = NULL;
static void MSACM_ReorderDriversByPriority(void);
#if 0
* MSACM_DumpCache
@ -327,10 +329,122 @@ void MSACM_RegisterAllDrivers(void)
*name = '=';
MSACM_RegisterDriver(msacm32, msacm32, 0);
* MSACM_ReorderDriversByPriority()
* Reorders all drivers based on the priority list indicated by the registry key:
* HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Multimedia\\Audio Compression Manager\\Priority v4.00
static void MSACM_ReorderDriversByPriority(void)
unsigned int iNumDrivers;
HKEY hPriorityKey = NULL;
/* Count drivers && alloc corresponding memory for list */
iNumDrivers = 0;
for (padid = MSACM_pFirstACMDriverID; padid; padid = padid->pNextACMDriverID) iNumDrivers++;
if (iNumDrivers > 1)
LONG lError;
static const WCHAR basePriorityKey[] = {
'A','u','d','i','o',' ','C','o','m','p','r','e','s','s','i','o','n',' ','M','a','n','a','g','e','r','\\',
'P','r','i','o','r','i','t','y',' ','v','4','.','0','0','\0'
unsigned int i;
LONG lBufferLength;
WCHAR szBuffer[256];
driverList = HeapAlloc(MSACM_hHeap, 0, iNumDrivers * sizeof(PWINE_ACMDRIVERID));
if (!driverList)
ERR("out of memory\n");
goto errCleanUp;
lError = RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, basePriorityKey, &hPriorityKey);
if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
TRACE("RegOpenKeyW failed, possibly key does not exist yet\n");
hPriorityKey = NULL;
goto errCleanUp;
/* Copy drivers into list to simplify linked list modification */
for (i = 0, padid = MSACM_pFirstACMDriverID; padid; padid = padid->pNextACMDriverID, i++)
driverList[i] = padid;
/* Query each of the priorities in turn. Alias key is in lowercase.
The general form of the priority record is the following:
"PriorityN" --> "1, msacm.driveralias"
where N is an integer, and the value is a string of the driver
alias, prefixed by "1, " for an enabled driver, or "0, " for a
disabled driver.
for (i = 0; i < iNumDrivers; i++)
static const WCHAR priorityTmpl[] = {'P','r','i','o','r','i','t','y','%','l','d','\0'};
WCHAR szSubKey[17];
unsigned int iTargetPosition;
unsigned int iCurrentPosition;
WCHAR * pAlias;
static const WCHAR sPrefix[] = {'m','s','a','c','m','.','\0'};
/* Build expected entry name */
snprintfW(szSubKey, 17, priorityTmpl, i + 1);
lBufferLength = sizeof(szBuffer);
lError = RegQueryValueExW(hPriorityKey, szSubKey, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szBuffer, (LPDWORD)&lBufferLength);
if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue;
/* Recovered driver alias should be at this position */
iTargetPosition = i;
/* Locate driver alias in driver list */
pAlias = strstrW(szBuffer, sPrefix);
if (pAlias == NULL) continue;
for (iCurrentPosition = 0; iCurrentPosition < iNumDrivers; iCurrentPosition++) {
if (strcmpiW(driverList[iCurrentPosition]->pszDriverAlias, pAlias) == 0)
if (iCurrentPosition < iNumDrivers && iTargetPosition != iCurrentPosition) {
padid = driverList[iTargetPosition];
driverList[iTargetPosition] = driverList[iCurrentPosition];
driverList[iCurrentPosition] = padid;
/* Locate enabled status */
if (szBuffer[0] == '1') {
driverList[iTargetPosition]->fdwSupport &= ~ACMDRIVERDETAILS_SUPPORTF_DISABLED;
} else if (szBuffer[0] == '0') {
driverList[iTargetPosition]->fdwSupport |= ACMDRIVERDETAILS_SUPPORTF_DISABLED;
/* Re-assign pointers so that linked list traverses the ordered array */
for (i = 0; i < iNumDrivers; i++) {
driverList[i]->pPrevACMDriverID = (i > 0) ? driverList[i - 1] : NULL;
driverList[i]->pNextACMDriverID = (i < iNumDrivers - 1) ? driverList[i + 1] : NULL;
MSACM_pFirstACMDriverID = driverList[0];
MSACM_pLastACMDriverID = driverList[iNumDrivers - 1];
if (hPriorityKey != NULL) RegCloseKey(hPriorityKey);
if (driverList != NULL) HeapFree(MSACM_hHeap, 0, driverList);
* MSACM_UnregisterDriver()