winex11: Always forward SetCursor to the driver, and limit the frequency of updates on the driver side.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1651,9 +1651,7 @@ HCURSOR WINAPI DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH SetCursor( HCURSOR hCursor /* [in] Handle of cu
if (!ret) return 0;
/* Change the cursor shape only if it is visible */
if (show_count >= 0 && hOldCursor != hCursor) USER_Driver->pSetCursor( hCursor );
USER_Driver->pSetCursor( show_count >= 0 ? hCursor : 0 );
if (!(obj = get_icon_ptr( hOldCursor ))) return 0;
release_icon_ptr( hOldCursor, obj );
@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ static const UINT button_up_flags[NB_BUTTONS] =
static HWND cursor_window;
static DWORD last_time_modified;
static HCURSOR last_cursor;
static DWORD last_cursor_change;
static XContext cursor_context;
static RECT clip_rect;
static Cursor create_cursor( HANDLE handle );
@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ static Cursor get_empty_cursor(void)
* set_window_cursor
void set_window_cursor( struct x11drv_win_data *data, HCURSOR handle )
void set_window_cursor( Window window, HCURSOR handle )
Cursor cursor, prev;
@ -184,10 +185,9 @@ void set_window_cursor( struct x11drv_win_data *data, HCURSOR handle )
XDefineCursor( gdi_display, data->whole_window, cursor );
XDefineCursor( gdi_display, window, cursor );
/* make the change take effect immediately */
XFlush( gdi_display );
data->cursor = handle;
@ -206,7 +206,11 @@ void sync_window_cursor( struct x11drv_win_data *data )
if (data->cursor != cursor) set_window_cursor( data, cursor );
if (data->cursor != cursor)
data->cursor = cursor;
set_window_cursor( data->whole_window, cursor );
@ -247,12 +251,11 @@ static void send_mouse_input( HWND hwnd, UINT flags, Window window, int x, int y
MapWindowPoints( hwnd, 0, &pt, 1 );
if (InterlockedExchangePointer( (void **)&cursor_window, hwnd ) != hwnd ||
GetTickCount() - last_time_modified > 100)
GetTickCount() - last_cursor_change > 100)
cursor_window = hwnd;
sync_window_cursor( data );
last_cursor_change = GetTickCount();
last_time_modified = GetTickCount();
if (hwnd != GetDesktopWindow()) hwnd = GetAncestor( hwnd, GA_ROOT );
@ -877,7 +880,12 @@ void CDECL X11DRV_DestroyCursorIcon( HCURSOR handle )
void CDECL X11DRV_SetCursor( HCURSOR handle )
if (cursor_window) SendNotifyMessageW( cursor_window, WM_X11DRV_SET_CURSOR, 0, (LPARAM)handle );
if (InterlockedExchangePointer( (void **)&last_cursor, handle ) != handle ||
GetTickCount() - last_cursor_change > 100)
last_cursor_change = GetTickCount();
if (cursor_window) SendNotifyMessageW( cursor_window, WM_X11DRV_SET_CURSOR, 0, (LPARAM)handle );
@ -2699,7 +2699,11 @@ LRESULT CDECL X11DRV_WindowMessage( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp )
X11DRV_resize_desktop( LOWORD(lp), HIWORD(lp) );
return 0;
if ((data = X11DRV_get_win_data( hwnd ))) set_window_cursor( data, (HCURSOR)lp );
if ((data = X11DRV_get_win_data( hwnd )) && data->whole_window)
data->cursor = (HCURSOR)lp;
set_window_cursor( data->whole_window, data->cursor );
return 0;
FIXME( "got window msg %x hwnd %p wp %lx lp %lx\n", msg, hwnd, wp, lp );
@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ extern int CDECL X11DRV_AcquireClipboard(HWND hWndClipWindow);
extern void X11DRV_Clipboard_Cleanup(void);
extern void X11DRV_ResetSelectionOwner(void);
extern void CDECL X11DRV_SetFocus( HWND hwnd );
extern void set_window_cursor( struct x11drv_win_data *data, HCURSOR handle );
extern void set_window_cursor( Window window, HCURSOR handle );
extern void sync_window_cursor( struct x11drv_win_data *data );
extern BOOL CDECL X11DRV_ClipCursor( LPCRECT clip );
extern void X11DRV_InitKeyboard( Display *display );
Reference in New Issue