wineandroid: Implement window surfaces.

Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <>
This commit is contained in:
Alexandre Julliard 2017-06-06 08:32:37 +02:00
parent 1e46722c67
commit 7f92cbf520
1 changed files with 468 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ struct android_win_data
RECT whole_rect; /* X window rectangle for the whole window relative to parent */
RECT client_rect; /* client area relative to parent */
ANativeWindow *window; /* native window wrapper that forwards calls to the desktop process */
struct window_surface *surface;
@ -78,6 +79,29 @@ static inline int context_idx( HWND hwnd )
return LOWORD( hwnd ) >> 1;
static void set_surface_region( struct window_surface *window_surface, HRGN win_region );
/* only for use on sanitized BITMAPINFO structures */
static inline int get_dib_info_size( const BITMAPINFO *info, UINT coloruse )
if (info->bmiHeader.biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS)
return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 3 * sizeof(DWORD);
if (coloruse == DIB_PAL_COLORS)
return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed * sizeof(WORD);
return FIELD_OFFSET( BITMAPINFO, bmiColors[info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed] );
static inline int get_dib_stride( int width, int bpp )
return ((width * bpp + 31) >> 3) & ~3;
static inline int get_dib_image_size( const BITMAPINFO *info )
return get_dib_stride( info->bmiHeader.biWidth, info->bmiHeader.biBitCount )
* abs( info->bmiHeader.biHeight );
* alloc_win_data
@ -137,6 +161,21 @@ static void release_win_data( struct android_win_data *data )
* get_ioctl_window
static struct ANativeWindow *get_ioctl_window( HWND hwnd )
struct ANativeWindow *ret;
struct android_win_data *data = get_win_data( hwnd );
if (!data || !data->window) return NULL;
ret = grab_ioctl_window( data->window );
release_win_data( data );
return ret;
/* Handling of events coming from the Java side */
struct java_event
@ -349,6 +388,380 @@ static int wait_events( int timeout )
/* Window surface support */
struct android_window_surface
struct window_surface header;
HWND hwnd;
ANativeWindow *window;
RECT bounds;
BOOL byteswap;
RGNDATA *region_data;
HRGN region;
BYTE alpha;
COLORREF color_key;
void *bits;
BITMAPINFO info; /* variable size, must be last */
static struct android_window_surface *get_android_surface( struct window_surface *surface )
return (struct android_window_surface *)surface;
static inline void reset_bounds( RECT *bounds )
bounds->left = bounds->top = INT_MAX;
bounds->right = bounds->bottom = INT_MIN;
static inline void add_bounds_rect( RECT *bounds, const RECT *rect )
if (rect->left >= rect->right || rect->top >= rect->bottom) return;
bounds->left = min( bounds->left, rect->left );
bounds->top = min( bounds->top, rect->top );
bounds->right = max( bounds->right, rect->right );
bounds->bottom = max( bounds->bottom, rect->bottom );
/* store the palette or color mask data in the bitmap info structure */
static void set_color_info( BITMAPINFO *info, BOOL has_alpha )
DWORD *colors = (DWORD *)info->bmiColors;
info->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(info->bmiHeader);
info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
info->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
if (has_alpha)
info->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
info->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
colors[0] = 0xff0000;
colors[1] = 0x00ff00;
colors[2] = 0x0000ff;
/* apply the window region to a single line of the destination image. */
static void apply_line_region( DWORD *dst, int width, int x, int y, const RECT *rect, const RECT *end )
while (rect < end && rect->top <= y && width > 0)
if (rect->left > x)
memset( dst, 0, min( rect->left - x, width ) * sizeof(*dst) );
dst += rect->left - x;
width -= rect->left - x;
x = rect->left;
if (rect->right > x)
dst += rect->right - x;
width -= rect->right - x;
x = rect->right;
if (width > 0) memset( dst, 0, width * sizeof(*dst) );
* android_surface_lock
static void android_surface_lock( struct window_surface *window_surface )
struct android_window_surface *surface = get_android_surface( window_surface );
EnterCriticalSection( &surface->crit );
* android_surface_unlock
static void android_surface_unlock( struct window_surface *window_surface )
struct android_window_surface *surface = get_android_surface( window_surface );
LeaveCriticalSection( &surface->crit );
* android_surface_get_bitmap_info
static void *android_surface_get_bitmap_info( struct window_surface *window_surface, BITMAPINFO *info )
struct android_window_surface *surface = get_android_surface( window_surface );
memcpy( info, &surface->info, get_dib_info_size( &surface->info, DIB_RGB_COLORS ));
return surface->bits;
* android_surface_get_bounds
static RECT *android_surface_get_bounds( struct window_surface *window_surface )
struct android_window_surface *surface = get_android_surface( window_surface );
return &surface->bounds;
* android_surface_set_region
static void android_surface_set_region( struct window_surface *window_surface, HRGN region )
struct android_window_surface *surface = get_android_surface( window_surface );
TRACE( "updating surface %p hwnd %p with %p\n", surface, surface->hwnd, region );
window_surface->funcs->lock( window_surface );
if (!region)
if (surface->region) DeleteObject( surface->region );
surface->region = 0;
if (!surface->region) surface->region = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
CombineRgn( surface->region, region, 0, RGN_COPY );
window_surface->funcs->unlock( window_surface );
set_surface_region( &surface->header, (HRGN)1 );
* android_surface_flush
static void android_surface_flush( struct window_surface *window_surface )
struct android_window_surface *surface = get_android_surface( window_surface );
ANativeWindow_Buffer buffer;
ARect rc;
RECT rect;
BOOL needs_flush;
window_surface->funcs->lock( window_surface );
SetRect( &rect, 0, 0, surface->header.rect.right - surface->header.rect.left,
surface->header.rect.bottom - surface-> );
needs_flush = IntersectRect( &rect, &rect, &surface->bounds );
reset_bounds( &surface->bounds );
window_surface->funcs->unlock( window_surface );
if (!needs_flush) return;
TRACE( "flushing %p hwnd %p surface %s rect %s bits %p alpha %02x key %08x region %u rects\n",
surface, surface->hwnd, wine_dbgstr_rect( &surface->header.rect ),
wine_dbgstr_rect( &rect ), surface->bits, surface->alpha, surface->color_key,
surface->region_data ? surface->region_data->rdh.nCount : 0 );
rc.left = rect.left; =;
rc.right = rect.right;
rc.bottom = rect.bottom;
if (!surface->window->perform( surface->window, NATIVE_WINDOW_LOCK, &buffer, &rc ))
const RECT *rgn_rect = NULL, *end = NULL;
unsigned int *src, *dst;
int x, y, width;
rect.left = rc.left; =;
rect.right = rc.right;
rect.bottom = rc.bottom;
IntersectRect( &rect, &rect, &surface->header.rect );
if (surface->region_data)
rgn_rect = (RECT *)surface->region_data->Buffer;
end = rgn_rect + surface->region_data->rdh.nCount;
src = (unsigned int *)surface->bits
+ ( - surface-> * surface->info.bmiHeader.biWidth
+ (rect.left - surface->header.rect.left);
dst = (unsigned int *)buffer.bits + * buffer.stride + rect.left;
width = min( rect.right - rect.left, buffer.stride );
for (y =; y < min( buffer.height, rect.bottom); y++)
if (surface->info.bmiHeader.biCompression == BI_RGB)
memcpy( dst, src, width * sizeof(*dst) );
else if (surface->alpha == 255)
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) dst[x] = src[x] | 0xff000000;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
dst[x] = ((surface->alpha << 24) |
(((BYTE)(src[x] >> 16) * surface->alpha / 255) << 16) |
(((BYTE)(src[x] >> 8) * surface->alpha / 255) << 8) |
(((BYTE)src[x] * surface->alpha / 255)));
if (surface->color_key != CLR_INVALID)
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) if ((src[x] & 0xffffff) == surface->color_key) dst[x] = 0;
if (rgn_rect)
while (rgn_rect < end && rgn_rect->bottom <= y) rgn_rect++;
apply_line_region( dst, width, rect.left, y, rgn_rect, end );
src += surface->info.bmiHeader.biWidth;
dst += buffer.stride;
surface->window->perform( surface->window, NATIVE_WINDOW_UNLOCK_AND_POST );
else TRACE( "Unable to lock surface %p window %p buffer %p\n",
surface, surface->hwnd, surface->window );
* android_surface_destroy
static void android_surface_destroy( struct window_surface *window_surface )
struct android_window_surface *surface = get_android_surface( window_surface );
TRACE( "freeing %p bits %p\n", surface, surface->bits );
surface->crit.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = 0;
DeleteCriticalSection( &surface->crit );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, surface->region_data );
if (surface->region) DeleteObject( surface->region );
release_ioctl_window( surface->window );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, surface->bits );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, surface );
static const struct window_surface_funcs android_surface_funcs =
static BOOL is_argb_surface( struct window_surface *surface )
return surface && surface->funcs == &android_surface_funcs &&
get_android_surface( surface )->info.bmiHeader.biCompression == BI_RGB;
* set_color_key
static void set_color_key( struct android_window_surface *surface, COLORREF key )
if (key == CLR_INVALID)
surface->color_key = CLR_INVALID;
else if (surface->info.bmiHeader.biBitCount <= 8)
surface->color_key = CLR_INVALID;
else if (key & (1 << 24)) /* PALETTEINDEX */
surface->color_key = 0;
else if (key >> 16 == 0x10ff) /* DIBINDEX */
surface->color_key = 0;
else if (surface->info.bmiHeader.biBitCount == 24)
surface->color_key = key;
surface->color_key = (GetRValue(key) << 16) | (GetGValue(key) << 8) | GetBValue(key);
* set_surface_region
static void set_surface_region( struct window_surface *window_surface, HRGN win_region )
struct android_window_surface *surface = get_android_surface( window_surface );
struct android_win_data *win_data;
HRGN region = win_region;
DWORD size;
int offset_x, offset_y;
if (window_surface->funcs != &android_surface_funcs) return; /* we may get the null surface */
if (!(win_data = get_win_data( surface->hwnd ))) return;
offset_x = win_data->window_rect.left - win_data->whole_rect.left;
offset_y = win_data-> - win_data->;
release_win_data( win_data );
if (win_region == (HRGN)1) /* hack: win_region == 1 means retrieve region from server */
region = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, win_data->window_rect.right - win_data->window_rect.left,
win_data->window_rect.bottom - win_data-> );
if (GetWindowRgn( surface->hwnd, region ) == ERROR && !surface->region) goto done;
OffsetRgn( region, offset_x, offset_y );
if (surface->region) CombineRgn( region, region, surface->region, RGN_AND );
if (!(size = GetRegionData( region, 0, NULL ))) goto done;
if (!(data = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size ))) goto done;
if (!GetRegionData( region, size, data ))
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, data );
data = NULL;
window_surface->funcs->lock( window_surface );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, surface->region_data );
surface->region_data = data;
*window_surface->funcs->get_bounds( window_surface ) = surface->header.rect;
window_surface->funcs->unlock( window_surface );
if (region != win_region) DeleteObject( region );
* create_surface
static struct window_surface *create_surface( HWND hwnd, const RECT *rect,
BYTE alpha, COLORREF color_key, BOOL src_alpha )
struct android_window_surface *surface;
int width = rect->right - rect->left, height = rect->bottom - rect->top;
surface = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,
FIELD_OFFSET( struct android_window_surface, info.bmiColors[3] ));
if (!surface) return NULL;
set_color_info( &surface->info, src_alpha );
surface->info.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
surface->info.bmiHeader.biHeight = -height; /* top-down */
surface->info.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
surface->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = get_dib_image_size( &surface->info );
InitializeCriticalSection( &surface->crit );
surface->crit.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": surface");
surface->header.funcs = &android_surface_funcs;
surface->header.rect = *rect;
surface->header.ref = 1;
surface->hwnd = hwnd;
surface->window = get_ioctl_window( hwnd );
surface->alpha = alpha;
set_color_key( surface, color_key );
set_surface_region( &surface->header, (HRGN)1 );
reset_bounds( &surface->bounds );
if (!(surface->bits = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, surface->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage )))
goto failed;
TRACE( "created %p hwnd %p %s bits %p-%p\n", surface, hwnd, wine_dbgstr_rect(rect),
surface->bits, (char *)surface->bits + surface->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage );
return &surface->header;
android_surface_destroy( &surface->header );
return NULL;
static WNDPROC desktop_orig_wndproc;
static LRESULT CALLBACK desktop_wndproc_wrapper( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp )
@ -410,6 +823,8 @@ void CDECL ANDROID_DestroyWindow( HWND hwnd )
if (!(data = get_win_data( hwnd ))) return;
if (data->surface) window_surface_release( data->surface );
data->surface = NULL;
free_win_data( data );
@ -459,6 +874,20 @@ static struct android_win_data *create_win_data( HWND hwnd, const RECT *window_r
static inline RECT get_surface_rect( const RECT *visible_rect )
RECT rect;
IntersectRect( &rect, visible_rect, &virtual_screen_rect );
OffsetRect( &rect, -visible_rect->left, -visible_rect->top );
rect.left &= ~31; &= ~31;
rect.right = max( rect.left + 32, (rect.right + 31) & ~31 );
rect.bottom = max( + 32, (rect.bottom + 31) & ~31 );
return rect;
* ANDROID_WindowPosChanging
@ -467,6 +896,11 @@ void CDECL ANDROID_WindowPosChanging( HWND hwnd, HWND insert_after, UINT swp_fla
struct window_surface **surface )
struct android_win_data *data = get_win_data( hwnd );
RECT surface_rect;
DWORD flags;
BYTE alpha;
BOOL layered = GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ) & WS_EX_LAYERED;
TRACE( "win %p window %s client %s style %08x flags %08x\n",
hwnd, wine_dbgstr_rect(window_rect), wine_dbgstr_rect(client_rect),
@ -476,6 +910,34 @@ void CDECL ANDROID_WindowPosChanging( HWND hwnd, HWND insert_after, UINT swp_fla
*visible_rect = *window_rect;
/* create the window surface if necessary */
if (data->parent) goto done;
if (swp_flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) goto done;
if (is_argb_surface( data->surface )) goto done;
surface_rect = get_surface_rect( visible_rect );
if (data->surface)
if (!memcmp( &data->surface->rect, &surface_rect, sizeof(surface_rect) ))
/* existing surface is good enough */
window_surface_add_ref( data->surface );
if (*surface) window_surface_release( *surface );
*surface = data->surface;
goto done;
if (!(swp_flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) && !(GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_VISIBLE)) goto done;
if (!layered || !GetLayeredWindowAttributes( hwnd, &key, &alpha, &flags )) flags = 0;
if (!(flags & LWA_ALPHA)) alpha = 255;
if (!(flags & LWA_COLORKEY)) key = CLR_INVALID;
if (*surface) window_surface_release( *surface );
*surface = create_surface( data->hwnd, &surface_rect, alpha, key, FALSE );
release_win_data( data );
@ -498,6 +960,12 @@ void CDECL ANDROID_WindowPosChanged( HWND hwnd, HWND insert_after, UINT swp_flag
data->whole_rect = *visible_rect;
data->client_rect = *client_rect;
if (!is_argb_surface( data->surface ))
if (surface) window_surface_add_ref( surface );
if (data->surface) window_surface_release( data->surface );
data->surface = surface;
if (!data->parent) owner = GetWindow( hwnd, GW_OWNER );
release_win_data( data );