comctl32: Change internal imagelist bitmap storage in the way applications with pre-compiled imagelists expect it.
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ typedef struct
static INTERNALDRAG InternalDrag = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, 0 };
static HBITMAP ImageList_CreateImage(HDC hdc, HIMAGELIST himl, UINT count, UINT height);
static HBITMAP ImageList_CreateImage(HDC hdc, HIMAGELIST himl, UINT count, UINT width);
static inline BOOL is_valid(HIMAGELIST himl)
@ -97,21 +97,21 @@ static inline BOOL is_valid(HIMAGELIST himl)
#define TILE_COUNT 4
static inline UINT imagelist_width( UINT count )
static inline UINT imagelist_height( UINT count )
return ((count + TILE_COUNT - 1)/TILE_COUNT);
static inline void imagelist_point_from_index( HIMAGELIST himl, UINT index, LPPOINT pt )
pt->x = (index/TILE_COUNT) * himl->cx;
pt->y = (index%TILE_COUNT) * himl->cy;
pt->x = (index%TILE_COUNT) * himl->cx;
pt->y = (index/TILE_COUNT) * himl->cy;
static inline void imagelist_get_bitmap_size( HIMAGELIST himl, UINT count, UINT cy, SIZE *sz )
static inline void imagelist_get_bitmap_size( HIMAGELIST himl, UINT count, UINT cx, SIZE *sz )
sz->cx = imagelist_width( count ) * himl->cx;
sz->cy = cy*TILE_COUNT;
sz->cx = cx * TILE_COUNT;
sz->cy = imagelist_height( count ) * himl->cy;
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ static inline void imagelist_copy_images( HIMAGELIST himl, HDC hdcSrc, HDC hdcDe
imagelist_point_from_index( himl, src+i, &ptSrc );
imagelist_point_from_index( himl, dest+i, &ptDest );
|||| = himl->cx * imagelist_width( count - i );
|||| = himl->cy;
|||| = himl->cx;
|||| = himl->cy * imagelist_height( count - i );
BitBlt( hdcDest, ptDest.x, ptDest.y,,,
hdcSrc, ptSrc.x, ptSrc.y, SRCCOPY );
@ -166,15 +166,15 @@ IMAGELIST_InternalExpandBitmaps (HIMAGELIST himl, INT nImageCount, INT cx, INT c
&& (himl->cy >= cy))
if (cy == 0) cy = himl->cy;
if (cx == 0) cx = himl->cx;
nNewCount = himl->cCurImage + nImageCount + himl->cGrow;
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himl, nNewCount, cy, &sz);
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himl, nNewCount, cx, &sz);
TRACE("Create expanded bitmaps : himl=%p x=%d y=%d count=%d\n", himl,, cy, nNewCount);
hdcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC (0);
hbmNewBitmap = ImageList_CreateImage(hdcBitmap, himl, nNewCount, cy);
hbmNewBitmap = ImageList_CreateImage(hdcBitmap, himl, nNewCount, cx);
if (hbmNewBitmap == 0)
ERR("creating new image bitmap (x=%d y=%d)!\n",, cy);
@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ ImageList_Create (INT cx, INT cy, UINT flags,
himl->uBitsPixel = (UINT)GetDeviceCaps (himl->hdcImage, BITSPIXEL);
if (himl->cMaxImage > 0) {
himl->hbmImage = ImageList_CreateImage(himl->hdcImage, himl, himl->cMaxImage, cy);
himl->hbmImage = ImageList_CreateImage(himl->hdcImage, himl, himl->cMaxImage, cx);
SelectObject(himl->hdcImage, himl->hbmImage);
} else
himl->hbmImage = 0;
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ ImageList_Create (INT cx, INT cy, UINT flags,
if ((himl->cMaxImage > 0) && (himl->flags & ILC_MASK)) {
SIZE sz;
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himl, himl->cMaxImage, himl->cy, &sz);
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himl, himl->cMaxImage, himl->cx, &sz);
himl->hbmMask = CreateBitmap (,, 1, 1, NULL);
if (himl->hbmMask == 0) {
ERR("Error creating mask bitmap!\n");
@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ ImageList_Duplicate (HIMAGELIST himlSrc)
SIZE sz;
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himlSrc, himlSrc->cCurImage, himlSrc->cy, &sz);
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himlSrc, himlSrc->cCurImage, himlSrc->cx, &sz);
BitBlt (himlDst->hdcImage, 0, 0,,,
himlSrc->hdcImage, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
@ -2072,14 +2072,14 @@ ImageList_Remove (HIMAGELIST himl, INT i)
for (nCount = 0; nCount < MAX_OVERLAYIMAGE; nCount++)
himl->nOvlIdx[nCount] = -1;
hbmNewImage = ImageList_CreateImage(himl->hdcImage, himl, himl->cMaxImage, himl->cy);
hbmNewImage = ImageList_CreateImage(himl->hdcImage, himl, himl->cMaxImage, himl->cx);
SelectObject (himl->hdcImage, hbmNewImage);
DeleteObject (himl->hbmImage);
himl->hbmImage = hbmNewImage;
if (himl->hbmMask) {
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himl, himl->cMaxImage, himl->cy, &sz);
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himl, himl->cMaxImage, himl->cx, &sz);
hbmNewMask = CreateBitmap (,, 1, 1, NULL);
SelectObject (himl->hdcMask, hbmNewMask);
DeleteObject (himl->hbmMask);
@ -2098,9 +2098,9 @@ ImageList_Remove (HIMAGELIST himl, INT i)
TRACE(" - Max. number of images: %d / %d (Old/New)\n",
himl->cMaxImage, himl->cCurImage + himl->cGrow - 1);
hbmNewImage = ImageList_CreateImage(himl->hdcImage, himl, nCount, himl->cy);
hbmNewImage = ImageList_CreateImage(himl->hdcImage, himl, nCount, himl->cx);
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himl, nCount, himl->cy, &sz );
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himl, nCount, himl->cx, &sz );
if (himl->hbmMask)
hbmNewMask = CreateBitmap (,, 1, 1, NULL);
@ -2524,14 +2524,14 @@ ImageList_SetIconSize (HIMAGELIST himl, INT cx, INT cy)
for (nCount = 0; nCount < MAX_OVERLAYIMAGE; nCount++)
himl->nOvlIdx[nCount] = -1;
hbmNew = ImageList_CreateImage(himl->hdcImage, himl, himl->cMaxImage, himl->cy);
hbmNew = ImageList_CreateImage(himl->hdcImage, himl, himl->cMaxImage, himl->cx);
SelectObject (himl->hdcImage, hbmNew);
DeleteObject (himl->hbmImage);
himl->hbmImage = hbmNew;
if (himl->hbmMask) {
SIZE sz;
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himl, himl->cMaxImage, himl->cy, &sz);
imagelist_get_bitmap_size(himl, himl->cMaxImage, himl->cx, &sz);
hbmNew = CreateBitmap (,, 1, 1, NULL);
SelectObject (himl->hdcMask, hbmNew);
DeleteObject (himl->hbmMask);
@ -2581,7 +2581,7 @@ ImageList_SetImageCount (HIMAGELIST himl, UINT iImageCount)
hdcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC (0);
hbmNewBitmap = ImageList_CreateImage(hdcBitmap, himl, nNewCount, himl->cy);
hbmNewBitmap = ImageList_CreateImage(hdcBitmap, himl, nNewCount, himl->cx);
if (hbmNewBitmap != 0)
@ -2600,7 +2600,7 @@ ImageList_SetImageCount (HIMAGELIST himl, UINT iImageCount)
if (himl->hbmMask)
SIZE sz;
imagelist_get_bitmap_size( himl, nNewCount, himl->cy, &sz );
imagelist_get_bitmap_size( himl, nNewCount, himl->cx, &sz );
hbmNewBitmap = CreateBitmap (,, 1, 1, NULL);
if (hbmNewBitmap != 0)
@ -2798,13 +2798,13 @@ ImageList_Write (HIMAGELIST himl, LPSTREAM pstm)
static HBITMAP ImageList_CreateImage(HDC hdc, HIMAGELIST himl, UINT count, UINT height)
static HBITMAP ImageList_CreateImage(HDC hdc, HIMAGELIST himl, UINT count, UINT width)
HBITMAP hbmNewBitmap;
UINT ilc = (himl->flags & 0xFE);
SIZE sz;
imagelist_get_bitmap_size( himl, count, height, &sz );
imagelist_get_bitmap_size( himl, count, width, &sz );
if ((ilc >= ILC_COLOR4 && ilc <= ILC_COLOR32) || ilc == ILC_COLOR)
Reference in New Issue