gdi32: Add a bunch of tests for CreateDC/ResetDC with a custom DEVMODE.

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Dmitry Timoshkov 2013-02-04 18:09:46 +08:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent c7d33e1d44
commit 753c9362c1
1 changed files with 112 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -19,11 +19,14 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#define WINVER 0x0501 /* request latest DEVMODE */
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define WINVER 0x0501 /* request latest DEVMODE */
#include "wine/test.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "wingdi.h"
@ -31,6 +34,10 @@
#include "winspool.h"
#include "winerror.h"
#ifndef LAYOUT_LTR
#define LAYOUT_LTR 0
static DWORD (WINAPI *pSetLayout)(HDC hdc, DWORD layout);
static void dump_region(HRGN hrgn)
@ -308,7 +315,7 @@ static void test_GdiConvertToDevmodeW(void)
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dmW);
static void test_device_caps( HDC hdc, HDC ref_dc, const char *descr )
static void test_device_caps( HDC hdc, HDC ref_dc, const char *descr, int scale )
static const int caps[] =
@ -384,27 +391,59 @@ static void test_device_caps( HDC hdc, HDC ref_dc, const char *descr )
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(caps)/sizeof(caps[0]); i++)
ok( GetDeviceCaps( hdc, caps[i] ) == GetDeviceCaps( ref_dc, caps[i] ),
"mismatched caps on %s for %u: %u/%u\n", descr, caps[i],
GetDeviceCaps( hdc, caps[i] ), GetDeviceCaps( ref_dc, caps[i] ) );
INT precision = 0;
INT hdc_caps = GetDeviceCaps( hdc, caps[i] );
switch (caps[i])
hdc_caps /= scale;
precision = 1;
hdc_caps *= scale;
ok( abs(hdc_caps - GetDeviceCaps( ref_dc, caps[i] )) <= precision,
"mismatched caps on %s for %u: %u/%u (scale %d)\n", descr, caps[i],
hdc_caps, GetDeviceCaps( ref_dc, caps[i] ), scale );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = GetDeviceGammaRamp( hdc, &ramp );
ok( !ret, "GetDeviceGammaRamp succeeded on %s\n", descr );
if (GetObjectType( hdc ) != OBJ_DC || GetDeviceCaps( hdc, TECHNOLOGY ) == DT_RASPRINTER)
ok( !ret, "GetDeviceGammaRamp succeeded on %s (type %d)\n", descr, GetObjectType( hdc ) );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER || broken(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef), /* nt4 */
"wrong error %u on %s\n", GetLastError(), descr );
ok( ret || broken(!ret) /* NT4 */, "GetDeviceGammaRamp failed on %s (type %d), error %u\n", descr, GetObjectType( hdc ), GetLastError() );
type = GetClipBox( hdc, &rect );
if (GetObjectType( hdc ) == OBJ_ENHMETADC)
todo_wine ok( type == SIMPLEREGION, "GetClipBox returned %d on memdc for %s\n", type, descr );
ok( type == SIMPLEREGION, "GetClipBox returned %d on memdc for %s\n", type, descr );
type = GetBoundsRect( hdc, &rect, 0 );
ok( type == DCB_RESET || broken(type == DCB_SET) /* XP */,
"GetBoundsRect returned type %x for %s\n", type, descr );
if (type == DCB_RESET)
ok( rect.left == 0 && == 0 && rect.right == 0 && rect.bottom == 0,
"GetBoundsRect returned %d,%d,%d,%d type %x for %s\n",
rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, type, descr );
type = SetBoundsRect( hdc, NULL, DCB_RESET | DCB_ENABLE );
ok( type == (DCB_RESET | DCB_DISABLE), "SetBoundsRect returned %x\n", type );
ok( type == (DCB_RESET | DCB_DISABLE) || broken(type == (DCB_SET | DCB_ENABLE)) /* XP */,
"SetBoundsRect returned %x for %s (hdc type %d)\n", type, descr, GetObjectType( hdc ) );
SetMapMode( hdc, MM_TEXT );
Rectangle( hdc, 2, 2, 4, 4 );
type = GetBoundsRect( hdc, &rect, DCB_RESET );
if (GetObjectType( hdc ) == OBJ_ENHMETADC)
if (GetObjectType( hdc ) == OBJ_ENHMETADC || (GetObjectType( hdc ) == OBJ_DC && GetDeviceCaps( hdc, TECHNOLOGY ) == DT_RASPRINTER))
ok( rect.left == 2 && == 2 && rect.right == 4 && rect.bottom == 4 && type == DCB_SET,
"GetBoundsRect returned %d,%d,%d,%d type %x for %s\n",
@ -416,7 +455,7 @@ static void test_device_caps( HDC hdc, HDC ref_dc, const char *descr )
type = GetClipBox( ref_dc, &rect );
if (type != COMPLEXREGION) /* region can be complex on multi-monitor setups */
if (type != COMPLEXREGION && type != ERROR) /* region can be complex on multi-monitor setups */
ok( type == SIMPLEREGION, "GetClipBox returned %d on %s\n", type, descr );
ok( rect.left == 0 && == 0 &&
@ -480,6 +519,10 @@ static void test_device_caps( HDC hdc, HDC ref_dc, const char *descr )
SelectObject( hdc, old );
DeleteObject( dib );
/* restore hdc state */
SetBoundsRect( hdc, NULL, DCB_RESET | DCB_DISABLE );
SetBoundsRect( ref_dc, NULL, DCB_RESET | DCB_DISABLE );
static void test_CreateCompatibleDC(void)
@ -488,9 +531,21 @@ static void test_CreateCompatibleDC(void)
HDC hdc, hNewDC, hdcMetafile, screen_dc;
HBITMAP bitmap;
INT caps;
bitmap = CreateBitmap( 10, 10, 1, 1, NULL );
bRet = EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dm);
ok(bRet, "EnumDisplaySettingsEx failed\n");
dm.u1.s1.dmScale = 200;
dm.dmFields |= DM_SCALE;
hdc = CreateDC( "DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, &dm );
screen_dc = CreateDC( "DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL );
bitmap = CreateBitmap( 10, 10, 1, 1, NULL );
test_device_caps( hdc, screen_dc, "display dc", 1 );
ResetDC( hdc, &dm );
test_device_caps( hdc, screen_dc, "display dc", 1 );
DeleteDC( hdc );
/* Create a DC compatible with the screen */
hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
@ -499,7 +554,7 @@ static void test_CreateCompatibleDC(void)
caps = GetDeviceCaps( hdc, TECHNOLOGY );
ok( caps == DT_RASDISPLAY, "wrong caps %u\n", caps );
test_device_caps( hdc, screen_dc, "display dc" );
test_device_caps( hdc, screen_dc, "display dc", 1 );
/* Delete this DC, this should succeed */
bRet = DeleteDC(hdc);
@ -517,7 +572,9 @@ static void test_CreateCompatibleDC(void)
ok( SelectObject( hNewDC, bitmap ) != 0, "SelectObject failed\n" );
caps = GetDeviceCaps( hdcMetafile, TECHNOLOGY );
ok( caps == DT_RASDISPLAY, "wrong caps %u\n", caps );
test_device_caps( hdcMetafile, hdc, "enhmetafile dc" );
test_device_caps( hdcMetafile, hdc, "enhmetafile dc", 1 );
ResetDC( hdcMetafile, &dm );
test_device_caps( hdcMetafile, hdc, "enhmetafile dc", 1 );
DeleteDC( hNewDC );
DeleteEnhMetaFile( CloseEnhMetaFile( hdcMetafile ));
ReleaseDC( 0, hdc );
@ -528,7 +585,9 @@ static void test_CreateCompatibleDC(void)
ok(hNewDC == NULL, "CreateCompatibleDC succeeded\n");
caps = GetDeviceCaps( hdcMetafile, TECHNOLOGY );
ok( caps == DT_METAFILE, "wrong caps %u\n", caps );
test_device_caps( hdcMetafile, screen_dc, "metafile dc" );
test_device_caps( hdcMetafile, screen_dc, "metafile dc", 1 );
ResetDC( hdcMetafile, &dm );
test_device_caps( hdcMetafile, screen_dc, "metafile dc", 1 );
DeleteMetaFile( CloseMetaFile( hdcMetafile ));
DeleteObject( bitmap );
@ -1149,7 +1208,17 @@ done:
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
static HDC create_printer_dc(void)
static BOOL is_postscript_printer(HDC hdc)
char tech[256];
if (ExtEscape(hdc, GETTECHNOLOGY, 0, NULL, sizeof(tech), tech) > 0)
return strcmp(tech, "PostScript") == 0;
return FALSE;
static HDC create_printer_dc(int scale, BOOL reset)
char buffer[260];
DWORD len;
@ -1185,9 +1254,15 @@ static HDC create_printer_dc(void)
dbuf = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len );
if (!pGetPrinterDriverA( hprn, NULL, 3, (LPBYTE)dbuf, len, &len )) goto done;
pbuf->pDevMode->u1.s1.dmScale = scale;
pbuf->pDevMode->dmFields |= DM_SCALE;
hdc = CreateDCA( dbuf->pDriverPath, pbuf->pPrinterName, pbuf->pPortName, pbuf->pDevMode );
trace( "hdc %p for driver '%s' printer '%s' port '%s'\n", hdc,
dbuf->pDriverPath, pbuf->pPrinterName, pbuf->pPortName );
trace( "hdc %p for driver '%s' printer '%s' port '%s' is %sPostScript\n", hdc,
dbuf->pDriverPath, pbuf->pPrinterName, pbuf->pPortName,
is_postscript_printer(hdc) ? "" : "NOT " );
if (reset) ResetDC( hdc, pbuf->pDevMode );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dbuf );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbuf );
@ -1202,9 +1277,19 @@ static void test_printer_dc(void)
HDC memdc, display_memdc, enhmf_dc;
HBITMAP orig, bmp;
DWORD ret;
HDC hdc = create_printer_dc();
HDC hdc, hdc_200;
if (!hdc) return;
hdc = create_printer_dc(100, FALSE);
hdc_200 = create_printer_dc(200, FALSE);
if (!hdc || !hdc_200) return;
test_device_caps( hdc, hdc_200, "printer dc", is_postscript_printer(hdc) ? 2 : 1 );
DeleteDC( hdc_200 );
hdc_200 = create_printer_dc(200, TRUE);
test_device_caps( hdc, hdc_200, "printer dc", is_postscript_printer(hdc) ? 2 : 1 );
DeleteDC( hdc_200 );
memdc = CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
display_memdc = CreateCompatibleDC( 0 );
@ -1226,7 +1311,7 @@ static void test_printer_dc(void)
ok( orig != NULL, "SelectObject failed\n" );
ok( BitBlt( hdc, 10, 10, 20, 20, memdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ), "BitBlt failed\n" );
test_device_caps( memdc, hdc, "printer dc" );
test_device_caps( memdc, hdc, "printer dc", 1 );
ok( !SelectObject( display_memdc, bmp ), "SelectObject succeeded\n" );
SelectObject( memdc, orig );
@ -1245,7 +1330,12 @@ static void test_printer_dc(void)
enhmf_dc = CreateEnhMetaFileA( hdc, NULL, NULL, NULL );
ok(enhmf_dc != 0, "CreateEnhMetaFileA failed\n");
test_device_caps( enhmf_dc, hdc, "enhmetafile printer dc" );
test_device_caps( enhmf_dc, hdc, "enhmetafile printer dc", 1 );
DeleteEnhMetaFile( CloseEnhMetaFile( enhmf_dc ));
enhmf_dc = CreateEnhMetaFileA( hdc, NULL, NULL, NULL );
ok(enhmf_dc != 0, "CreateEnhMetaFileA failed\n");
test_device_caps( enhmf_dc, hdc, "enhmetafile printer dc", 1 );
DeleteEnhMetaFile( CloseEnhMetaFile( enhmf_dc ));
DeleteDC( memdc );