msvcp120/tests: Use wide-char string literals.

Signed-off-by: Piotr Caban <>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <>
This commit is contained in:
Piotr Caban 2020-11-30 10:10:06 +01:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 1917988975
commit 6c1eaf1997
1 changed files with 20 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -1175,7 +1175,6 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__File_size(void)
HANDLE file;
LARGE_INTEGER file_size;
WCHAR testW[] = {'t','r','2','_','t','e','s','t','_','d','i','r','/','f','1',0};
CreateDirectoryA("tr2_test_dir", NULL);
file = CreateFileA("tr2_test_dir/f1", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
@ -1186,7 +1185,7 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__File_size(void)
val = p_tr2_sys__File_size("tr2_test_dir/f1");
ok(val == 7, "file_size is %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(val));
val = p_tr2_sys__File_size_wchar(testW);
val = p_tr2_sys__File_size_wchar(L"tr2_test_dir/f1");
ok(val == 7, "file_size is %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(val));
file = CreateFileA("tr2_test_dir/f2", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
@ -1218,9 +1217,6 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Equivalent(void)
int val, i;
HANDLE file;
char temp_path[MAX_PATH], current_path[MAX_PATH];
WCHAR testW[] = {'t','r','2','_','t','e','s','t','_','d','i','r','/','f','1',0};
WCHAR testW2[] = {'t','r','2','_','t','e','s','t','_','d','i','r','/','f','2',0};
WCHAR test_dirW[] = {'t','r','2','_','t','e','s','t','_','d','i','r',0};
struct {
char const *path1;
char const *path2;
@ -1260,11 +1256,11 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Equivalent(void)
ok(errno == 0xdeadbeef, "errno = %d\n", errno);
val = p_tr2_sys__Equivalent_wchar(testW, testW);
val = p_tr2_sys__Equivalent_wchar(L"tr2_test_dir/f1", L"tr2_test_dir/f1");
ok(val == 1, "tr2_sys__Equivalent(): expect: 1, got %d\n", val);
val = p_tr2_sys__Equivalent_wchar(testW, testW2);
val = p_tr2_sys__Equivalent_wchar(L"tr2_test_dir/f1", L"tr2_test_dir/f2");
ok(val == 0, "tr2_sys__Equivalent(): expect: 0, got %d\n", val);
val = p_tr2_sys__Equivalent_wchar(test_dirW, test_dirW);
val = p_tr2_sys__Equivalent_wchar(L"tr2_test_dir", L"tr2_test_dir");
ok(val == -1, "tr2_sys__Equivalent(): expect: -1, got %d\n", val);
ok(DeleteFileA("tr2_test_dir/f1"), "expect tr2_test_dir/f1 to exist\n");
@ -1275,7 +1271,6 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Equivalent(void)
static void test_tr2_sys__Current_get(void)
static const WCHAR backslashW[] = {'\\',0};
char temp_path[MAX_PATH], current_path[MAX_PATH], origin_path[MAX_PATH];
char *temp;
WCHAR temp_path_wchar[MAX_PATH], current_path_wchar[MAX_PATH];
@ -1294,7 +1289,7 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Current_get(void)
ok(SetCurrentDirectoryW(temp_path_wchar), "SetCurrentDirectoryW to temp_path_wchar failed\n");
temp_wchar = p_tr2_sys__Current_get_wchar(current_path_wchar);
ok(temp_wchar == current_path_wchar, "p_tr2_sys__Current_get_wchar returned different buffer\n");
wcscat(temp_wchar, backslashW);
wcscat(temp_wchar, L"\\");
ok(!wcscmp(temp_path_wchar, current_path_wchar), "test_tr2_sys__Current_get(): expect: %s, got %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(temp_path_wchar), wine_dbgstr_w(current_path_wchar));
ok(SetCurrentDirectoryA(origin_path), "SetCurrentDirectoryA to origin_path failed\n");
@ -1307,7 +1302,6 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Current_set(void)
char temp_path[MAX_PATH], current_path[MAX_PATH], origin_path[MAX_PATH];
char *temp;
WCHAR testW[] = {'.','/',0};
GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, temp_path);
GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, origin_path);
@ -1320,7 +1314,7 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Current_set(void)
strcat(temp, "\\");
ok(!strcmp(temp_path, current_path), "test_tr2_sys__Current_get(): expect: %s, got %s\n", temp_path, current_path);
ok(p_tr2_sys__Current_set_wchar(testW), "p_tr2_sys__Current_set_wchar to temp_path failed\n");
ok(p_tr2_sys__Current_set_wchar(L"./"), "p_tr2_sys__Current_set_wchar to temp_path failed\n");
temp = p_tr2_sys__Current_get(current_path);
ok(temp == current_path, "p_tr2_sys__Current_get returned different buffer\n");
strcat(temp, "\\");
@ -1343,7 +1337,6 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Current_set(void)
static void test_tr2_sys__Make_dir(void)
int ret, i;
WCHAR testW[] = {'w','d',0};
struct {
char const *path;
int val;
@ -1360,11 +1353,11 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Make_dir(void)
ok(ret == tests[i].val, "tr2_sys__Make_dir(): test %d expect: %d, got %d\n", i+1, tests[i].val, ret);
ok(errno == 0xdeadbeef, "tr2_sys__Make_dir(): test %d errno expect 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", i+1, errno);
ret = p_tr2_sys__Make_dir_wchar(testW);
ret = p_tr2_sys__Make_dir_wchar(L"wd");
ok(ret == 1, "tr2_sys__Make_dir(): expect: 1, got %d\n", ret);
ok(p_tr2_sys__Remove_dir("tr2_test_dir"), "expect tr2_test_dir to exist\n");
ok(p_tr2_sys__Remove_dir_wchar(testW), "expect wd to exist\n");
ok(p_tr2_sys__Remove_dir_wchar(L"wd"), "expect wd to exist\n");
static void test_tr2_sys__Remove_dir(void)
@ -1396,7 +1389,6 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Copy_file(void)
HANDLE file;
int ret, i;
LARGE_INTEGER file_size;
WCHAR testW[] = {'f','1',0}, testW2[] = {'f','w',0};
struct {
char const *source;
char const *dest;
@ -1436,11 +1428,11 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Copy_file(void)
ok(p_tr2_sys__File_size(tests[i].source) == p_tr2_sys__File_size(tests[i].dest),
"test_tr2_sys__Copy_file(): test %d failed, mismatched file sizes\n", i+1);
ret = p_tr2_sys__Copy_file_wchar(testW, testW2, TRUE);
ret = p_tr2_sys__Copy_file_wchar(L"f1", L"fw", TRUE);
ok(ret == ERROR_SUCCESS, "test_tr2_sys__Copy_file_wchar() expect ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", ret);
ok(DeleteFileA("f1"), "expect f1 to exist\n");
ok(DeleteFileW(testW2), "expect fw to exist\n");
ok(DeleteFileW(L"fw"), "expect fw to exist\n");
ok(DeleteFileA("f1_copy"), "expect f1_copy to exist\n");
ok(DeleteFileA("tr2_test_dir/f1_copy"), "expect tr2_test_dir/f1 to exist\n");
ret = p_tr2_sys__Remove_dir("tr2_test_dir");
@ -1454,7 +1446,6 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Rename(void)
char temp_path[MAX_PATH], current_path[MAX_PATH];
LARGE_INTEGER file_size;
static const WCHAR testW[] = {'t','r','2','_','t','e','s','t','_','d','i','r','/','f','1',0};
static const struct {
char const *old_path;
char const *new_path;
@ -1467,28 +1458,18 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Rename(void)
{ "tr2_test_dir\\f1_rename", "tr2_test_dir\\??invalid_name>>", ERROR_INVALID_NAME },
{ "tr2_test_dir\\not_exist_file", "tr2_test_dir\\not_exist_rename", ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND }
static const WCHAR f1_renameW[] =
static const WCHAR f1_rename2W[] =
static const WCHAR not_existW[] =
static const WCHAR not_exist2W[] =
static const WCHAR invalidW[] =
static const struct {
const WCHAR *old_path;
const WCHAR *new_path;
int val;
} testsW[] = {
{ testW, f1_renameW, ERROR_SUCCESS },
{ testW, NULL, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND }, /* Differs from the A version */
{ testW, f1_renameW, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND },
{ NULL, f1_rename2W, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND }, /* Differs from the A version */
{ f1_renameW, invalidW, ERROR_INVALID_NAME },
{ not_existW, not_exist2W, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND },
{ not_existW, invalidW, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND }
{ L"tr2_test_dir/f1", L"tr2_test_dir\\f1_rename", ERROR_SUCCESS },
{ L"tr2_test_dir/f1", NULL, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND }, /* Differs from the A version */
{ L"tr2_test_dir/f1", L"tr2_test_dir\\f1_rename", ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND },
{ NULL, L"tr2_test_dir\\f1_rename2", ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND }, /* Differs from the A version */
{ L"tr2_test_dir\\f1_rename", L"tr2_test_dir\\??invalid>", ERROR_INVALID_NAME },
{ L"tr2_test_dir\\not_exist", L"tr2_test_dir\\not_exist2", ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND },
{ L"tr2_test_dir\\not_exist", L"tr2_test_dir\\??invalid>", ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND }
GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, current_path);
@ -1625,8 +1606,6 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Stat(void)
{ "tr2_test_dir\\f1_link" , regular_file, ERROR_SUCCESS, TRUE },
{ "tr2_test_dir\\dir_link", directory_file, ERROR_SUCCESS, TRUE },
WCHAR testW[] = {'t','r','2','_','t','e','s','t','_','d','i','r',0};
WCHAR testW2[] = {'t','r','2','_','t','e','s','t','_','d','i','r','/','f','1',0};
CreateDirectoryA("tr2_test_dir", NULL);
file = CreateFileA("tr2_test_dir/f1", 0, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
@ -1683,11 +1662,11 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Stat(void)
err_code = 0xdeadbeef;
val = p_tr2_sys__Stat_wchar(testW, &err_code);
val = p_tr2_sys__Stat_wchar(L"tr2_test_dir", &err_code);
ok(directory_file == val, "tr2_sys__Stat_wchar() expect directory_file, got %d\n", val);
ok(ERROR_SUCCESS == err_code, "tr2_sys__Stat_wchar(): err_code expect ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", err_code);
err_code = 0xdeadbeef;
val = p_tr2_sys__Lstat_wchar(testW2, &err_code);
val = p_tr2_sys__Lstat_wchar(L"tr2_test_dir/f1", &err_code);
ok(regular_file == val, "tr2_sys__Lstat_wchar() expect regular_file, got %d\n", val);
ok(ERROR_SUCCESS == err_code, "tr2_sys__Lstat_wchar(): err_code expect ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", err_code);
@ -1704,7 +1683,6 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Last_write_time(void)
HANDLE file;
int ret;
__int64 last_write_time, newtime;
static const WCHAR fileW[] = {'t','r','2','_','t','e','s','t','_','d','i','r','/','f','1',0};
ret = p_tr2_sys__Make_dir("tr2_test_dir");
ok(ret == 1, "tr2_sys__Make_dir() expect 1 got %d\n", ret);
@ -1713,7 +1691,7 @@ static void test_tr2_sys__Last_write_time(void)
last_write_time = p_tr2_sys__Last_write_time("tr2_test_dir/f1");
newtime = p_tr2_sys__Last_write_time_wchar(fileW);
newtime = p_tr2_sys__Last_write_time_wchar(L"tr2_test_dir/f1");
ok(last_write_time == newtime, "last_write_time = %s, newtime = %s\n",
wine_dbgstr_longlong(last_write_time), wine_dbgstr_longlong(newtime));
newtime = last_write_time + 123456789;