cmd.exe: Fix FOR so it works as 'well' as before.
This commit is contained in:
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ void WCMD_batch (WCHAR *file, WCHAR *command, int called, WCHAR *startLabel, HAN
CMD_LIST *toExecute = NULL; /* Commands left to be executed */
if (WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(NULL, &toExecute, h) == NULL)
WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE);
WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
toExecute = NULL;
@ -168,21 +168,9 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_parameter (WCHAR *s, int n, WCHAR **where) {
p = param;
case '(':
if (where != NULL && i==n) *where = s;
while ((*s != '\0') && (*s != ')')) {
*p++ = *s++;
if (i == n) {
*p = '\0';
return param;
if (*s == ')') s++;
param[0] = '\0';
p = param;
/* The code to handle bracketed parms is removed because it should no longer
be necessary after the multiline support has been added and the for loop
set of data is now parseable individually. */
case '\0':
return param;
@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
void WCMD_execute (WCHAR *orig_command, WCHAR *parameter, WCHAR *substitution, CMD_LIST **cmdList);
static void WCMD_part_execute(CMD_LIST **commands, WCHAR *firstcmd, WCHAR *variable,
WCHAR *value, BOOL isIF, BOOL conditionTRUE);
struct env_stack *saved_environment;
struct env_stack *pushd_directories;
@ -571,6 +572,12 @@ void WCMD_echo (const WCHAR *command) {
* WCMD_for
* Batch file loop processing.
* On entry: cmdList contains the syntax up to the set
* next cmdList and all in that bracket contain the set data
* next cmdlist contains the DO cmd
* following that is either brackets or && entries (as per if)
* FIXME: We don't exhaustively check syntax. Any command which works in MessDOS
* will probably work here, but the reverse is not necessarily the case...
@ -579,45 +586,211 @@ void WCMD_for (WCHAR *p, CMD_LIST **cmdList) {
WCHAR *cmd, *item;
int i;
const WCHAR inW[] = {'i', 'n', '\0'};
const WCHAR doW[] = {'d', 'o', '\0'};
const WCHAR doW[] = {'d', 'o', ' ','\0'};
CMD_LIST *setStart, *thisSet, *cmdStart, *cmdEnd;
WCHAR variable[4];
WCHAR *firstCmd;
int thisDepth;
/* Check:
the first line includes the % variable name as first parm
we have been provided with more parts to the command
and there is at least some set data
and IN as the one after that */
if (lstrcmpiW (WCMD_parameter (p, 1, NULL), inW)
|| lstrcmpiW (WCMD_parameter (p, 3, NULL), doW)
|| (param1[0] != '%')) {
|| (*cmdList) == NULL
|| (*cmdList)->nextcommand == NULL
|| (param1[0] != '%')
|| (strlenW(param1) > 3)) {
WCMD_output (WCMD_LoadMessage(WCMD_SYNTAXERR));
lstrcpynW (set, WCMD_parameter (p, 2, NULL), sizeof(set)/sizeof(WCHAR));
WCMD_parameter (p, 4, &cmd);
strcpyW (param, param1);
* If the parameter within the set has a wildcard then search for matching files
* otherwise do a literal substitution.
/* Save away where the set of data starts and the variable */
strcpyW(variable, param1);
thisDepth = (*cmdList)->bracketDepth;
*cmdList = (*cmdList)->nextcommand;
setStart = (*cmdList);
i = 0;
while (*(item = WCMD_parameter (set, i, NULL))) {
static const WCHAR wildcards[] = {'*','?','\0'};
if (strpbrkW (item, wildcards)) {
hff = FindFirstFile (item, &fd);
do {
WCMD_execute (cmd, param, fd.cFileName, cmdList);
} while (FindNextFile(hff, &fd) != 0);
FindClose (hff);
else {
WCMD_execute (cmd, param, item, cmdList);
/* Skip until the close bracket */
WINE_TRACE("Searching %p as the set\n", *cmdList);
while (*cmdList &&
(*cmdList)->command != NULL &&
(*cmdList)->bracketDepth > thisDepth) {
WINE_TRACE("Skipping %p which is part of the set\n", *cmdList);
*cmdList = (*cmdList)->nextcommand;
/* Skip the close bracket, if there is one */
if (*cmdList) *cmdList = (*cmdList)->nextcommand;
/* Syntax error if missing close bracket, or nothing following it
and once we have the complete set, we expect a DO */
WINE_TRACE("Looking for 'do' in %p\n", *cmdList);
if ((*cmdList == NULL) ||
(*cmdList)->command, 3, doW, -1) != 2)) {
WCMD_output (WCMD_LoadMessage(WCMD_SYNTAXERR));
/* Save away the starting position for the commands (and offset for the
first one */
cmdStart = *cmdList;
cmdEnd = *cmdList;
firstCmd = (*cmdList)->command + 3; /* Skip 'do ' */
thisSet = setStart;
/* Loop through all set entries */
while (thisSet &&
thisSet->command != NULL &&
thisSet->bracketDepth >= thisDepth) {
/* Loop through all entries on the same line */
WCHAR *item;
WINE_TRACE("Processing for set %p\n", thisSet);
i = 0;
while (*(item = WCMD_parameter (thisSet->command, i, NULL))) {
* If the parameter within the set has a wildcard then search for matching files
* otherwise do a literal substitution.
static const WCHAR wildcards[] = {'*','?','\0'};
CMD_LIST *thisCmdStart = cmdStart;
WINE_TRACE("Processing for item '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(item));
if (strpbrkW (item, wildcards)) {
hff = FindFirstFile (item, &fd);
do {
thisCmdStart = cmdStart;
WINE_TRACE("Processing FOR filename %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(fd.cFileName));
WCMD_part_execute (&thisCmdStart, firstCmd, variable,
fd.cFileName, FALSE, TRUE);
} while (FindNextFile(hff, &fd) != 0);
FindClose (hff);
} else {
WCMD_part_execute(&thisCmdStart, firstCmd, variable, item, FALSE, TRUE);
WINE_TRACE("Post-command, cmdEnd = %p\n", cmdEnd);
cmdEnd = thisCmdStart;
/* Move onto the next set line */
thisSet = thisSet->nextcommand;
/* When the loop ends, either something like a GOTO or EXIT /b has terminated
all processing, OR it should be pointing to the end of && processing OR
it should be pointing at the NULL end of bracket for the DO. The return
value needs to be the NEXT command to execute, which it either is, or
we need to step over the closing bracket */
*cmdList = cmdEnd;
if (cmdEnd && cmdEnd->command == NULL) *cmdList = cmdEnd->nextcommand;
* WCMD_part_execute
* Execute a command, and any && or bracketed follow on to the command. The
* first command to be executed may not be at the front of the
* commands->thiscommand string (eg. it may point after a DO or ELSE
* Returns TRUE if something like exit or goto has aborted all processing
void WCMD_part_execute(CMD_LIST **cmdList, WCHAR *firstcmd, WCHAR *variable,
WCHAR *value, BOOL isIF, BOOL conditionTRUE) {
CMD_LIST *curPosition = *cmdList;
int myDepth = (*cmdList)->bracketDepth;
WINE_TRACE("cmdList(%p), firstCmd(%p), with '%s'='%s', doIt(%d)\n",
cmdList, wine_dbgstr_w(firstcmd),
wine_dbgstr_w(variable), wine_dbgstr_w(value),
/* Skip leading whitespace between condition and the command */
while (firstcmd && *firstcmd && (*firstcmd==' ' || *firstcmd=='\t')) firstcmd++;
/* Process the first command, if there is one */
if (conditionTRUE && firstcmd && *firstcmd) {
WCHAR *command = WCMD_strdupW(firstcmd);
WCMD_execute (firstcmd, variable, value, cmdList);
free (command);
/* If it didnt move the position, step to next command */
if (curPosition == *cmdList) *cmdList = (*cmdList)->nextcommand;
/* Process any other parts of the command */
if (*cmdList) {
BOOL processThese = TRUE;
if (isIF) processThese = conditionTRUE;
while (*cmdList) {
const WCHAR ifElse[] = {'e','l','s','e',' ','\0'};
/* execute all appropriate commands */
curPosition = *cmdList;
WINE_TRACE("Processing cmdList(%p) - &(%d) bd(%d / %d)\n",
(*cmdList)->bracketDepth, myDepth);
/* Execute any appended to the statement with &&'s */
if ((*cmdList)->isAmphersand) {
if (processThese) {
WCMD_execute ((*cmdList)->command, variable, value, cmdList);
if (curPosition == *cmdList) *cmdList = (*cmdList)->nextcommand;
/* Execute any appended to the statement with (...) */
} else if ((*cmdList)->bracketDepth > myDepth) {
if (processThese) {
*cmdList = WCMD_process_commands(*cmdList, TRUE, variable, value);
WINE_TRACE("Back from processing commands, (next = %p)\n", *cmdList);
if (curPosition == *cmdList) *cmdList = (*cmdList)->nextcommand;
/* End of the command - does 'ELSE ' follow as the next command? */
} else {
if (isIF && CompareString (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
(*cmdList)->command, 5, ifElse, -1) == 2) {
/* Swap between if and else processing */
processThese = !processThese;
/* Process the ELSE part */
if (processThese) {
WCHAR *cmd = ((*cmdList)->command) + strlenW(ifElse);
/* Skip leading whitespace between condition and the command */
while (*cmd && (*cmd==' ' || *cmd=='\t')) cmd++;
if (*cmd) {
WCMD_execute (cmd, variable, value, cmdList);
if (curPosition == *cmdList) *cmdList = (*cmdList)->nextcommand;
} else {
WINE_TRACE("Found end of this IF statement (next = %p)\n", *cmdList);
@ -631,22 +804,26 @@ void WCMD_execute (WCHAR *orig_cmd, WCHAR *param, WCHAR *subst, CMD_LIST **cmdLi
WCHAR *new_cmd, *p, *s, *dup;
int size;
size = strlenW (orig_cmd);
new_cmd = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, size);
dup = s = WCMD_strdupW(orig_cmd);
if (param) {
size = (strlenW (orig_cmd) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
new_cmd = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, size);
dup = s = WCMD_strdupW(orig_cmd);
while ((p = strstrW (s, param))) {
*p = '\0';
size += strlenW (subst);
new_cmd = (WCHAR *) LocalReAlloc ((HANDLE)new_cmd, size, 0);
while ((p = strstrW (s, param))) {
*p = '\0';
size += strlenW (subst) * sizeof(WCHAR);
new_cmd = (WCHAR *) LocalReAlloc ((HANDLE)new_cmd, size, 0);
strcatW (new_cmd, s);
strcatW (new_cmd, subst);
s = p + strlenW (param);
strcatW (new_cmd, s);
strcatW (new_cmd, subst);
s = p + strlenW (param);
WCMD_process_command (new_cmd, cmdList);
free (dup);
LocalFree ((HANDLE)new_cmd);
} else {
WCMD_process_command (orig_cmd, cmdList);
strcatW (new_cmd, s);
WCMD_process_command (new_cmd, cmdList);
free (dup);
LocalFree ((HANDLE)new_cmd);
@ -810,8 +987,6 @@ void WCMD_if (WCHAR *p, CMD_LIST **cmdList) {
static const WCHAR existW[] = {'e','x','i','s','t','\0'};
static const WCHAR defdW[] = {'d','e','f','i','n','e','d','\0'};
static const WCHAR eqeqW[] = {'=','=','\0'};
CMD_LIST *curPosition;
int myDepth;
if (!lstrcmpiW (param1, notW)) {
negate = 1;
@ -848,81 +1023,7 @@ void WCMD_if (WCHAR *p, CMD_LIST **cmdList) {
/* Process rest of IF statement which is on the same line
Note: This may process all or some of the cmdList (eg a GOTO) */
curPosition = *cmdList;
myDepth = (*cmdList)->bracketDepth;
if (test != negate) {
WCHAR *cmd = command;
/* Skip leading whitespace between condition and the command */
while (cmd && *cmd && (*cmd==' ' || *cmd=='\t')) cmd++;
if (cmd && *cmd) {
command = WCMD_strdupW(cmd);
WCMD_process_command (command, cmdList);
free (command);
/* If it didnt move the position, step to next command */
if (curPosition == *cmdList) *cmdList = (*cmdList)->nextcommand;
/* Process any other parts of the IF */
if (*cmdList) {
BOOL processThese = (test != negate);
while (*cmdList) {
const WCHAR ifElse[] = {'e','l','s','e',' ','\0'};
/* execute all appropriate commands */
curPosition = *cmdList;
WINE_TRACE("Processing cmdList(%p) - &(%d) bd(%d / %d)\n",
(*cmdList)->bracketDepth, myDepth);
/* Execute any appended to the statement with &&'s */
if ((*cmdList)->isAmphersand) {
if (processThese) {
WCMD_process_command((*cmdList)->command, cmdList);
if (curPosition == *cmdList) *cmdList = (*cmdList)->nextcommand;
/* Execute any appended to the statement with (...) */
} else if ((*cmdList)->bracketDepth > myDepth) {
if (processThese) {
*cmdList = WCMD_process_commands(*cmdList, TRUE);
WINE_TRACE("Back from processing commands, (next = %p)\n", *cmdList);
if (curPosition == *cmdList) *cmdList = (*cmdList)->nextcommand;
/* End of the command - does 'ELSE ' follow as the next command? */
} else {
(*cmdList)->command, 5, ifElse, -1) == 2) {
/* Swap between if and else processing */
processThese = !processThese;
/* Process the ELSE part */
if (processThese) {
WCHAR *cmd = ((*cmdList)->command) + strlenW(ifElse);
/* Skip leading whitespace between condition and the command */
while (*cmd && (*cmd==' ' || *cmd=='\t')) cmd++;
if (*cmd) {
WCMD_process_command(cmd, cmdList);
if (curPosition == *cmdList) *cmdList = (*cmdList)->nextcommand;
} else {
WINE_TRACE("Found end of this IF statement (next = %p)\n", *cmdList);
WCMD_part_execute(cmdList, command, NULL, NULL, TRUE, (test != negate));
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void WCMD_output (const WCHAR *format, ...);
void WCMD_output_asis (const WCHAR *message);
void WCMD_parse (WCHAR *s, WCHAR *q, WCHAR *p1, WCHAR *p2);
void WCMD_pause (void);
void WCMD_pipe (CMD_LIST **command);
void WCMD_pipe (CMD_LIST **command, WCHAR *var, WCHAR *val);
void WCMD_popd (void);
void WCMD_print_error (void);
void WCMD_process_command (WCHAR *command, CMD_LIST **cmdList);
@ -101,9 +101,10 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_strdupW(WCHAR *input);
BOOL WCMD_ReadFile(const HANDLE hIn, WCHAR *intoBuf, const DWORD maxChars,
LPDWORD charsRead, const LPOVERLAPPED unused);
WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(WCHAR *initialcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE readFrom);
CMD_LIST *WCMD_process_commands(CMD_LIST *thisCmd, BOOL oneBracket);
void WCMD_free_commands(CMD_LIST *cmds);
WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(WCHAR *initialcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE readFrom);
CMD_LIST *WCMD_process_commands(CMD_LIST *thisCmd, BOOL oneBracket, WCHAR *var, WCHAR *val);
void WCMD_free_commands(CMD_LIST *cmds);
void WCMD_execute (WCHAR *orig_command, WCHAR *parameter, WCHAR *substitution, CMD_LIST **cmdList);
/* Data structure to hold context when executing batch files */
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ int wmain (int argc, WCHAR *argvW[])
/* Parse the command string, without reading any more input */
WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(cmd, &toExecute, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE);
WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
toExecute = NULL;
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ int wmain (int argc, WCHAR *argvW[])
if (opt_k) {
/* Parse the command string, without reading any more input */
WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(cmd, &toExecute, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE);
WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
toExecute = NULL;
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd);
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ int wmain (int argc, WCHAR *argvW[])
if (WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(NULL, &toExecute,
WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE);
WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
toExecute = NULL;
@ -497,8 +497,12 @@ void WCMD_process_command (WCHAR *command, CMD_LIST **cmdList)
while ((p = strchrW(p, '%'))) {
i = *(p+1) - '0';
/* Dont touch %% */
if (*(p+1) == '%') {
/* Replace %~ modifications if in batch program */
if (context && *(p+1) == '~') {
} else if (context && *(p+1) == '~') {
WCMD_HandleTildaModifiers(&p, NULL);
@ -531,13 +535,17 @@ void WCMD_process_command (WCHAR *command, CMD_LIST **cmdList)
if (context) {
p = cmd;
while ((p = strchrW(p, '%'))) {
s = strchrW(p+1, '%');
if (!s) {
if (*(p+1) == '%') {
} else {
t = WCMD_strdupW(s+1);
strcpyW(p, t);
s = strchrW(p+1, '%');
if (!s) {
} else {
t = WCMD_strdupW(s+1);
strcpyW(p, t);
@ -1487,7 +1495,7 @@ void WCMD_opt_s_strip_quotes(WCHAR *cmd) {
* Handle pipes within a command - the DOS way using temporary files.
void WCMD_pipe (CMD_LIST **cmdEntry) {
void WCMD_pipe (CMD_LIST **cmdEntry, WCHAR *var, WCHAR *val) {
WCHAR *command = (*cmdEntry)->command;
@ -1503,19 +1511,19 @@ void WCMD_pipe (CMD_LIST **cmdEntry) {
p = strchrW(command, '|');
*p++ = '\0';
wsprintf (temp_cmd, redirOut, command, temp_file);
WCMD_process_command (temp_cmd, cmdEntry);
WCMD_execute (temp_cmd, var, val, cmdEntry);
command = p;
while ((p = strchrW(command, '|'))) {
*p++ = '\0';
GetTempFileName (temp_path, cmdW, 0, temp_file2);
wsprintf (temp_cmd, redirBoth, command, temp_file, temp_file2);
WCMD_process_command (temp_cmd, cmdEntry);
WCMD_execute (temp_cmd, var, val, cmdEntry);
DeleteFile (temp_file);
strcpyW (temp_file, temp_file2);
command = p;
wsprintf (temp_cmd, redirIn, command, temp_file);
WCMD_process_command (temp_cmd, cmdEntry);
WCMD_execute (temp_cmd, var, val, cmdEntry);
DeleteFile (temp_file);
@ -1913,6 +1921,7 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE readF
const WCHAR ifElse[] = {'e','l','s','e',' ','\0'};
BOOL onlyWhiteSpace = FALSE;
@ -2057,11 +2066,15 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE readF
inFor, lastWasIn, lastWasDo,
inIf, inElse, lastWasElse);
if (curLen == 0) {
/* Ignore open brackets inside the for set */
if (curLen == 0 && !inIn) {
/* If in quotes, ignore brackets */
} else if (inQuotes) {
curString[curLen++] = *curPos;
/* In a FOR loop, an unquoted '(' may occur straight after
@ -2075,6 +2088,13 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE readF
(inElse && lastWasElse && onlyWhiteSpace) ||
(inFor && (lastWasIn || lastWasDo) && onlyWhiteSpace)) {
/* If entering into an 'IN', set inIn */
if (inFor && lastWasIn && onlyWhiteSpace) {
WINE_TRACE("Inside an IN\n");
inIn = TRUE;
/* Add the current command */
thisEntry = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(CMD_LIST));
thisEntry->command = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
@ -2094,6 +2114,7 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE readF
} else {
curString[curLen++] = *curPos;
@ -2159,6 +2180,9 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE readF
*output = thisEntry;
lastEntry = thisEntry;
/* Leave inIn if necessary */
if (inIn) inIn = FALSE;
} else {
curString[curLen++] = *curPos;
@ -2227,7 +2251,8 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE readF
* Process all the commands read in so far
CMD_LIST *WCMD_process_commands(CMD_LIST *thisCmd, BOOL oneBracket) {
CMD_LIST *WCMD_process_commands(CMD_LIST *thisCmd, BOOL oneBracket,
WCHAR *var, WCHAR *val) {
int bdepth = -1;
@ -2255,9 +2280,9 @@ CMD_LIST *WCMD_process_commands(CMD_LIST *thisCmd, BOOL oneBracket) {
WINE_TRACE("Executing command: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(thisCmd->command));
if (strchrW(thisCmd->command,'|') != NULL) {
WCMD_pipe (&thisCmd);
WCMD_pipe (&thisCmd, var, val);
} else {
WCMD_process_command (thisCmd->command, &thisCmd);
WCMD_execute (thisCmd->command, var, val, &thisCmd);
Reference in New Issue