user32: Get rid of the CURSORICONINFO structure in icon objects.
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
#include "winbase.h"
#include "wingdi.h"
#include "winerror.h"
#include "wine/winbase16.h"
#include "wine/winuser16.h"
#include "winnls.h"
#include "wine/exception.h"
#include "wine/server.h"
#include "controls.h"
@ -106,8 +105,6 @@ static CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG critsect_debug =
static CRITICAL_SECTION IconCrst = { &critsect_debug, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static const WORD ICON_HOTSPOT = 0x4242;
* User objects management
@ -120,7 +117,10 @@ struct cursoricon_object
HBITMAP color; /* color bitmap */
HBITMAP alpha; /* pre-multiplied alpha bitmap for 32-bpp icons */
HBITMAP mask; /* mask bitmap (followed by color for 1-bpp icons) */
BOOL is_icon; /* whether icon or cursor */
UINT width;
UINT height;
POINT hotspot;
static HICON alloc_icon_handle(void)
@ -230,37 +230,6 @@ static void *map_fileW( LPCWSTR name, LPDWORD filesize )
* get_bitmap_width_bytes
* Return number of bytes taken by a scanline of 16-bit aligned Windows DDB
* data.
static int get_bitmap_width_bytes( int width, int bpp )
case 1:
return 2 * ((width+15) / 16);
case 4:
return 2 * ((width+3) / 4);
case 24:
width *= 3;
/* fall through */
case 8:
return width + (width & 1);
case 16:
case 15:
return width * 2;
case 32:
return width * 4;
WARN("Unknown depth %d, please report.\n", bpp );
return -1;
* get_dib_width_bytes
@ -532,8 +501,8 @@ BOOL get_icon_size( HICON handle, SIZE *size )
struct cursoricon_object *info;
if (!(info = get_icon_ptr( handle ))) return FALSE;
size->cx = info->data.nWidth;
size->cy = info->data.nHeight;
size->cx = info->width;
size->cy = info->height;
release_icon_ptr( handle, info );
return TRUE;
@ -900,16 +869,14 @@ done:
POINT16 hotspot, BOOL bIcon,
POINT hotspot, BOOL bIcon,
DWORD dwVersion,
INT width, INT height,
UINT cFlag )
HBITMAP color = 0, mask = 0, alpha = 0;
BITMAP bmpXor;
BOOL do_stretch;
INT size;
if (dwVersion == 0x00020000)
@ -927,15 +894,18 @@ static HICON CURSORICON_CreateIconFromBMI( BITMAPINFO *bmi,
return 0;
size = bitmap_info_size( bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
if (!width) width = bmi->bmiHeader.biWidth;
if (!height) height = bmi->bmiHeader.biHeight/2;
do_stretch = (bmi->bmiHeader.biHeight/2 != height) ||
(bmi->bmiHeader.biWidth != width);
/* Scale the hotspot */
if (do_stretch && hotspot.x != ICON_HOTSPOT && hotspot.y != ICON_HOTSPOT)
if (bIcon)
hotspot.x = width / 2;
hotspot.y = height / 2;
else if (do_stretch)
hotspot.x = (hotspot.x * width) / bmi->bmiHeader.biWidth;
hotspot.y = (hotspot.y * height) / (bmi->bmiHeader.biHeight / 2);
@ -951,17 +921,13 @@ static HICON CURSORICON_CreateIconFromBMI( BITMAPINFO *bmi,
struct cursoricon_object *info = get_icon_ptr( hObj );
info->color = color;
info->mask = mask;
info->alpha = alpha;
info->data.ptHotSpot.x = hotspot.x;
info->data.ptHotSpot.y = hotspot.y;
info->data.nWidth = width;
info->data.nHeight = height;
GetObjectW( color, sizeof(bmpXor), &bmpXor );
info->data.nWidthBytes = bmpXor.bmWidthBytes;
info->data.bPlanes = bmpXor.bmPlanes;
info->data.bBitsPerPixel = bmpXor.bmBitsPixel;
info->color = color;
info->mask = mask;
info->alpha = alpha;
info->is_icon = bIcon;
info->hotspot = hotspot;
info->width = width;
info->height = height;
release_icon_ptr( hObj, info );
USER_Driver->pCreateCursorIcon( hObj );
@ -1087,7 +1053,7 @@ static HCURSOR CURSORICON_CreateIconFromANI( const LPBYTE bits, DWORD bits_size,
HCURSOR cursor;
ani_header header = {0};
LPBYTE frame_bits = 0;
POINT16 hotspot;
POINT hotspot;
riff_chunk_t root_chunk = { bits_size, bits };
@ -1169,23 +1135,25 @@ HICON WINAPI CreateIconFromResourceEx( LPBYTE bits, UINT cbSize,
INT width, INT height,
UINT cFlag )
POINT16 hotspot;
POINT hotspot;
hotspot.x = ICON_HOTSPOT;
hotspot.y = ICON_HOTSPOT;
TRACE_(cursor)("%p (%u bytes), ver %08x, %ix%i %s %s\n",
bits, cbSize, dwVersion, width, height,
bIcon ? "icon" : "cursor", (cFlag & LR_MONOCHROME) ? "mono" : "" );
bIcon ? "icon" : "cursor", (cFlag & LR_MONOCHROME) ? "mono" : "" );
if (bIcon)
hotspot.x = width / 2;
hotspot.y = height / 2;
bmi = (BITMAPINFO *)bits;
else /* get the hotspot */
POINT16 *pt = (POINT16 *)bits;
hotspot = *pt;
bmi = (BITMAPINFO *)(pt + 1);
SHORT *pt = (SHORT *)bits;
hotspot.x = pt[0];
hotspot.y = pt[1];
bmi = (BITMAPINFO *)(pt + 2);
return CURSORICON_CreateIconFromBMI( bmi, hotspot, bIcon, dwVersion,
@ -1212,7 +1180,7 @@ static HICON CURSORICON_LoadFromFile( LPCWSTR filename,
DWORD filesize = 0;
HICON hIcon = 0;
LPBYTE bits;
POINT16 hotspot;
POINT hotspot;
TRACE("loading %s\n", debugstr_w( filename ));
@ -1249,17 +1217,8 @@ static HICON CURSORICON_LoadFromFile( LPCWSTR filename,
if ( entry->dwDIBOffset + entry->dwDIBSize > filesize )
goto end;
/* Set the actual hotspot for cursors and ICON_HOTSPOT for icons. */
if ( fCursor )
hotspot.x = entry->xHotspot;
hotspot.y = entry->yHotspot;
hotspot.x = ICON_HOTSPOT;
hotspot.y = ICON_HOTSPOT;
hotspot.x = entry->xHotspot;
hotspot.y = entry->yHotspot;
hIcon = CURSORICON_CreateIconFromBMI( (BITMAPINFO *)&bits[entry->dwDIBOffset],
hotspot, !fCursor, 0x00030000,
width, height, loadflags );
@ -1546,8 +1505,8 @@ HICON WINAPI CreateIcon(
nWidth, nHeight, bPlanes, bBitsPixel, lpXORbits, lpANDbits);
iinfo.fIcon = TRUE;
iinfo.xHotspot = ICON_HOTSPOT;
iinfo.yHotspot = ICON_HOTSPOT;
iinfo.xHotspot = nWidth / 2;
iinfo.yHotspot = nHeight / 2;
iinfo.hbmMask = CreateBitmap( nWidth, nHeight, 1, 1, lpANDbits );
iinfo.hbmColor = CreateBitmap( nWidth, nHeight, bPlanes, bBitsPixel, lpXORbits );
@ -1572,10 +1531,13 @@ HICON WINAPI CopyIcon( HICON hIcon )
if ((hNew = alloc_icon_handle()))
ptrNew = get_icon_ptr( hNew );
ptrNew->data = ptrOld->data;
ptrNew->color = copy_bitmap( ptrOld->color );
ptrNew->alpha = copy_bitmap( ptrOld->alpha );
ptrNew->mask = copy_bitmap( ptrOld->mask );
ptrNew->color = copy_bitmap( ptrOld->color );
ptrNew->alpha = copy_bitmap( ptrOld->alpha );
ptrNew->mask = copy_bitmap( ptrOld->mask );
ptrNew->is_icon = ptrOld->is_icon;
ptrNew->width = ptrOld->width;
ptrNew->height = ptrOld->height;
ptrNew->hotspot = ptrOld->hotspot;
release_icon_ptr( hNew, ptrNew );
release_icon_ptr( hIcon, ptrOld );
@ -1856,23 +1818,11 @@ BOOL WINAPI GetIconInfo(HICON hIcon, PICONINFO iconinfo)
if (!(ptr = get_icon_ptr( hIcon ))) return FALSE;
TRACE("%p => %dx%d, %d bpp\n", hIcon,
ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, ptr->data.bBitsPerPixel);
if ( (ptr->data.ptHotSpot.x == ICON_HOTSPOT) &&
(ptr->data.ptHotSpot.y == ICON_HOTSPOT) )
iconinfo->fIcon = TRUE;
iconinfo->xHotspot = ptr->data.nWidth / 2;
iconinfo->yHotspot = ptr->data.nHeight / 2;
iconinfo->fIcon = FALSE;
iconinfo->xHotspot = ptr->data.ptHotSpot.x;
iconinfo->yHotspot = ptr->data.ptHotSpot.y;
TRACE("%p => %dx%d\n", hIcon, ptr->width, ptr->height);
iconinfo->fIcon = ptr->is_icon;
iconinfo->xHotspot = ptr->hotspot.x;
iconinfo->yHotspot = ptr->hotspot.y;
iconinfo->hbmColor = copy_bitmap( ptr->color );
iconinfo->hbmMask = copy_bitmap( ptr->mask );
release_icon_ptr( hIcon, ptr );
@ -1888,7 +1838,7 @@ HICON WINAPI CreateIconIndirect(PICONINFO iconinfo)
BITMAP bmpXor, bmpAnd;
HBITMAP color = 0, mask;
int width, height, planes, bpp;
int width, height;
HDC src, dst;
TRACE("color %p, mask %p, hotspot %ux%u, fIcon %d\n",
@ -1897,9 +1847,6 @@ HICON WINAPI CreateIconIndirect(PICONINFO iconinfo)
if (!iconinfo->hbmMask) return 0;
planes = GetDeviceCaps( screen_dc, PLANES );
bpp = GetDeviceCaps( screen_dc, BITSPIXEL );
GetObjectW( iconinfo->hbmMask, sizeof(bmpAnd), &bmpAnd );
TRACE("mask: width %d, height %d, width bytes %d, planes %u, bpp %u\n",
bmpAnd.bmWidth, bmpAnd.bmHeight, bmpAnd.bmWidthBytes,
@ -1911,8 +1858,6 @@ HICON WINAPI CreateIconIndirect(PICONINFO iconinfo)
TRACE("color: width %d, height %d, width bytes %d, planes %u, bpp %u\n",
bmpXor.bmWidth, bmpXor.bmHeight, bmpXor.bmWidthBytes,
bmpXor.bmPlanes, bmpXor.bmBitsPixel);
/* we can use either depth 1 or screen depth for xor bitmap */
if (bmpXor.bmPlanes == 1 && bmpXor.bmBitsPixel == 1) planes = bpp = 1;
width = bmpXor.bmWidth;
height = bmpXor.bmHeight;
@ -1958,38 +1903,23 @@ HICON WINAPI CreateIconIndirect(PICONINFO iconinfo)
struct cursoricon_object *info = get_icon_ptr( hObj );
info->color = color;
info->mask = mask;
info->alpha = create_alpha_bitmap( iconinfo->hbmColor, mask, NULL, NULL );
/* If we are creating an icon, the hotspot is unused */
if (iconinfo->fIcon)
info->color = color;
info->mask = mask;
info->alpha = create_alpha_bitmap( iconinfo->hbmColor, mask, NULL, NULL );
info->is_icon = iconinfo->fIcon;
info->width = width;
info->height = height;
if (info->is_icon)
info->data.ptHotSpot.x = ICON_HOTSPOT;
info->data.ptHotSpot.y = ICON_HOTSPOT;
info->hotspot.x = width / 2;
info->hotspot.y = height / 2;
info->data.ptHotSpot.x = iconinfo->xHotspot;
info->data.ptHotSpot.y = iconinfo->yHotspot;
info->hotspot.x = iconinfo->xHotspot;
info->hotspot.y = iconinfo->yHotspot;
if (iconinfo->hbmColor)
info->data.nWidth = bmpXor.bmWidth;
info->data.nHeight = bmpXor.bmHeight;
info->data.nWidthBytes = bmpXor.bmWidthBytes;
info->data.bPlanes = planes;
info->data.bBitsPerPixel = bpp;
info->data.nWidth = bmpAnd.bmWidth;
info->data.nHeight = bmpAnd.bmHeight / 2;
info->data.nWidthBytes = get_bitmap_width_bytes(bmpAnd.bmWidth, 1);
info->data.bPlanes = 1;
info->data.bBitsPerPixel = 1;
release_icon_ptr( hObj, info );
USER_Driver->pCreateCursorIcon( hObj );
@ -2049,14 +1979,14 @@ BOOL WINAPI DrawIconEx( HDC hdc, INT x0, INT y0, HICON hIcon,
if (flags & DI_DEFAULTSIZE)
cxWidth = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXICON);
cxWidth = ptr->data.nWidth;
cxWidth = ptr->width;
if (cyWidth == 0)
if (flags & DI_DEFAULTSIZE)
cyWidth = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYICON);
cyWidth = ptr->data.nHeight;
cyWidth = ptr->height;
DoOffscreen = (GetObjectType( hbr ) == OBJ_BRUSH);
@ -2095,7 +2025,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI DrawIconEx( HDC hdc, INT x0, INT y0, HICON hIcon,
SelectObject( hMemDC, ptr->mask );
StretchBlt( hdc_dest, x, y, cxWidth, cyWidth,
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, SRCAND );
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->width, ptr->height, SRCAND );
if (flags & DI_IMAGE)
@ -2106,21 +2036,21 @@ BOOL WINAPI DrawIconEx( HDC hdc, INT x0, INT y0, HICON hIcon,
SelectObject( hMemDC, ptr->alpha );
GdiAlphaBlend( hdc_dest, x, y, cxWidth, cyWidth, hMemDC,
0, 0, ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, pixelblend );
0, 0, ptr->width, ptr->height, pixelblend );
else if (ptr->color)
SelectObject( hMemDC, ptr->color );
StretchBlt( hdc_dest, x, y, cxWidth, cyWidth,
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, rop );
hMemDC, 0, 0, ptr->width, ptr->height, rop );
SelectObject( hMemDC, ptr->mask );
StretchBlt( hdc_dest, x, y, cxWidth, cyWidth,
hMemDC, 0, ptr->data.nHeight, ptr->data.nWidth, ptr->data.nHeight, rop );
hMemDC, 0, ptr->height, ptr->width, ptr->height, rop );
Reference in New Issue