comctl32: header: Send correct notify after HDM_SETITEM.

The HDN_ITEMCHANGING notify should have the new data instead of the
old one.  Both HDN_ITEMCHANGING and HDN_ITEMCHANGED now have the text
field if it changed.
This commit is contained in:
Mikołaj Zalewski 2006-04-19 14:36:57 +02:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent c5b27fa97b
commit 50d8c80fda
1 changed files with 81 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -568,6 +568,44 @@ HEADER_DrawTrackLine (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, INT x)
SelectObject (hdc, hOldPen);
* Convert a HDITEM into the correct format (ANSI/Unicode) to send it in a notify
* [I] infoPtr : the header that wants to send the notify
* [O] dest : The buffer to store the HDITEM for notify. It may be set to a HDITEMA of HDITEMW
* [I] src : The source HDITEM. It may be a HDITEMA or HDITEMW
* [I] fSourceUnicode : is src a HDITEMW or HDITEMA
* [O] ppvScratch : a pointer to a scratch buffer that needs to be freed after
* the HDITEM is no longer in use or NULL if none was needed
* NOTE: We depend on HDITEMA and HDITEMW having the same structure
static void HEADER_CopyHDItemForNotify(HEADER_INFO *infoPtr, HDITEMW *dest,
HDITEMW *src, BOOL fSourceUnicode, LPVOID *ppvScratch)
*ppvScratch = NULL;
*dest = *src;
if (src->mask & HDI_TEXT && src->pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW) /* covers TEXTCALLBACKA as well */
if (fSourceUnicode && infoPtr->nNotifyFormat != NFR_UNICODE)
dest->pszText = NULL;
Str_SetPtrWtoA((LPSTR *)&dest->pszText, src->pszText);
*ppvScratch = dest->pszText;
if (!fSourceUnicode && infoPtr->nNotifyFormat == NFR_UNICODE)
dest->pszText = NULL;
Str_SetPtrAtoW(&dest->pszText, (LPSTR)src->pszText);
*ppvScratch = dest->pszText;
static UINT HEADER_NotifyCodeWtoA(UINT code)
/* we use the fact that all the unicode messages are in HDN_FIRST_UNICODE..HDN_LAST*/
@ -592,29 +630,38 @@ HEADER_SendSimpleNotify (HWND hwnd, UINT code)
static BOOL
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (HWND hwnd, UINT code, INT iItem, INT mask)
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (HWND hwnd, UINT code, INT iItem, INT mask, HDITEMW *lpItem)
HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
HDITEMA nmitem;
HDITEMW nmitem;
if (lpItem == NULL)
/* lpItem == NULL means that we should take the actual data from the item */
if (mask & HDI_TEXT)
FIXME("(): invalid parameters - lpItem == NULL and (mask & HDI_TEXT)\n");
mask &= ~HDI_TEXT;
nmitem.mask = mask;
nmitem.cxy = infoPtr->items[iItem].cxy;
nmitem.hbm = infoPtr->items[iItem].hbm;
nmitem.pszText = NULL;
nmitem.cchTextMax = 0;
nmitem.fmt = infoPtr->items[iItem].fmt;
nmitem.lParam = infoPtr->items[iItem].lParam;
nmitem.iOrder = infoPtr->items[iItem].iOrder;
nmitem.iImage = infoPtr->items[iItem].iImage;
lpItem = &nmitem;
nmhdr.hdr.hwndFrom = hwnd;
nmhdr.hdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongPtrW (hwnd, GWLP_ID);
nmhdr.hdr.code = (infoPtr->nNotifyFormat == NFR_UNICODE ? code : HEADER_NotifyCodeWtoA(code));
nmhdr.iItem = iItem;
nmhdr.iButton = 0;
nmhdr.pitem = &nmitem;
nmitem.mask = mask;
nmitem.cxy = infoPtr->items[iItem].cxy;
nmitem.hbm = infoPtr->items[iItem].hbm;
nmitem.pszText = NULL;
nmitem.cchTextMax = 0;
/* nmitem.pszText = infoPtr->items[iItem].pszText; */
/* nmitem.cchTextMax = infoPtr->items[iItem].cchTextMax; */
nmitem.fmt = infoPtr->items[iItem].fmt;
nmitem.lParam = infoPtr->items[iItem].lParam;
nmitem.iOrder = infoPtr->items[iItem].iOrder;
nmitem.iImage = infoPtr->items[iItem].iImage;
nmhdr.pitem = lpItem;
return (BOOL)SendMessageW (infoPtr->hwndNotify, WM_NOTIFY,
(WPARAM)nmhdr.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
@ -1159,6 +1206,8 @@ HEADER_SetItemT (HWND hwnd, INT nItem, LPHDITEMW phdi, BOOL bUnicode)
HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
HDITEMW hdNotify;
void *pvScratch;
if (phdi == NULL)
return FALSE;
@ -1167,8 +1216,12 @@ HEADER_SetItemT (HWND hwnd, INT nItem, LPHDITEMW phdi, BOOL bUnicode)
TRACE("[nItem=%d]\n", nItem);
if (HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW, nItem, phdi->mask))
HEADER_CopyHDItemForNotify(infoPtr, &hdNotify, phdi, bUnicode, &pvScratch);
if (HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW, nItem, phdi->mask, &hdNotify))
if (pvScratch) Free(pvScratch);
return FALSE;
lpItem = &infoPtr->items[nItem];
if (phdi->mask & HDI_BITMAP)
@ -1245,12 +1298,14 @@ HEADER_SetItemT (HWND hwnd, INT nItem, LPHDITEMW phdi, BOOL bUnicode)
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW, nItem, phdi->mask);
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW, nItem, phdi->mask, &hdNotify);
HEADER_SetItemBounds (hwnd);
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
if (pvScratch != NULL)
return TRUE;
@ -1361,9 +1416,9 @@ HEADER_LButtonDblClk (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
HEADER_InternalHitTest (hwnd, &pt, &flags, &nItem);
if ((GetWindowLongW (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & HDS_BUTTONS) && (flags == HHT_ONHEADER))
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKW, nItem,0);
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKW, nItem, 0, NULL);
else if ((flags == HHT_ONDIVIDER) || (flags == HHT_ONDIVOPEN))
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKW, nItem,0);
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKW, nItem, 0, NULL);
return 0;
@ -1399,7 +1454,7 @@ HEADER_LButtonDown (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
TRACE("Pressed item %d!\n", nItem);
else if ((flags == HHT_ONDIVIDER) || (flags == HHT_ONDIVOPEN)) {
if (!(HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_BEGINTRACKW, nItem,0))) {
if (!(HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_BEGINTRACKW, nItem, 0, NULL))) {
SetCapture (hwnd);
infoPtr->bCaptured = TRUE;
infoPtr->bTracking = TRUE;
@ -1474,7 +1529,7 @@ HEADER_LButtonUp (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
TRACE("End tracking item %d!\n", infoPtr->iMoveItem);
infoPtr->bTracking = FALSE;
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_ENDTRACKW, infoPtr->iMoveItem,HDI_WIDTH);
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_ENDTRACKW, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH, NULL);
if (!(dwStyle & HDS_FULLDRAG)) {
hdc = GetDC (hwnd);
@ -1482,7 +1537,7 @@ HEADER_LButtonUp (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);
if (HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT(hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH))
if (HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT(hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH, NULL))
infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].cxy = infoPtr->nOldWidth;
@ -1495,7 +1550,7 @@ HEADER_LButtonUp (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
HEADER_SetItemBounds (hwnd);
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT(hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH);
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT(hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH, NULL);
if (infoPtr->bCaptured) {
@ -1588,13 +1643,13 @@ HEADER_MouseMove (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
else if (infoPtr->bTracking) {
if (dwStyle & HDS_FULLDRAG) {
if (!HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH))
if (!HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH, NULL))
nWidth = pt.x - infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].rect.left + infoPtr->xTrackOffset;
if (nWidth < 0)
nWidth = 0;
infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].cxy = nWidth;
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT(hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH);
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT(hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH, NULL);
HEADER_SetItemBounds (hwnd);
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
@ -1609,7 +1664,7 @@ HEADER_MouseMove (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
infoPtr->xOldTrack - infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].rect.left;
HEADER_DrawTrackLine (hwnd, hdc, infoPtr->xOldTrack);
ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_TRACKW, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH);
HEADER_SendHeaderNotifyT (hwnd, HDN_TRACKW, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH, NULL);
TRACE("Tracking item %d!\n", infoPtr->iMoveItem);