wintrust: Add CryptSIPAddProvider calls to the registration.
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "guiddef.h"
#include "wintrust.h"
#include "softpub.h"
#include "mssip.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"
@ -770,6 +771,49 @@ BOOL WINAPI WintrustAddDefaultForUsage(const CHAR *pszUsageOID,
return TRUE;
* Helper for DllRegisterServer.
static BOOL WINTRUST_SIPPAddProvider(GUID* Subject, WCHAR* MagicNumber)
static WCHAR CryptSIPGetSignedDataMsg[] =
{'C','r','y','p','t','S','I','P','G','e','t','S','i','g','n','e','d','D','a','t','a','M','s','g', 0};
static WCHAR CryptSIPPutSignedDataMsg[] =
{'C','r','y','p','t','S','I','P','P','u','t','S','i','g','n','e','d','D','a','t','a','M','s','g', 0};
static WCHAR CryptSIPCreateIndirectData[] =
{'C','r','y','p','t','S','I','P','C','r','e','a','t','e','I','n','d','i','r','e','c','t','D','a','t','a', 0};
static WCHAR CryptSIPVerifyIndirectData[] =
{'C','r','y','p','t','S','I','P','V','e','r','i','f','y','I','n','d','i','r','e','c','t','D','a','t','a', 0};
static WCHAR CryptSIPRemoveSignedDataMsg[] =
{'C','r','y','p','t','S','I','P','R','e','m','o','v','e','S','i','g','n','e','d','D','a','t','a','M','s','g', 0};
/* Clear and initialize the structure */
memset(&NewProv, 0, sizeof(SIP_ADD_NEWPROVIDER));
NewProv.cbStruct = sizeof(SIP_ADD_NEWPROVIDER);
NewProv.pwszDLLFileName = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(SP_POLICY_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME));
/* Fill the structure */
NewProv.pgSubject = Subject;
lstrcpyW(NewProv.pwszDLLFileName, SP_POLICY_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME);
NewProv.pwszMagicNumber = MagicNumber;
NewProv.pwszIsFunctionName = NULL;
NewProv.pwszGetFuncName = CryptSIPGetSignedDataMsg;
NewProv.pwszPutFuncName = CryptSIPPutSignedDataMsg;
NewProv.pwszCreateFuncName = CryptSIPCreateIndirectData;
NewProv.pwszVerifyFuncName = CryptSIPVerifyIndirectData;
NewProv.pwszRemoveFuncName = CryptSIPRemoveSignedDataMsg;
NewProv.pwszIsFunctionNameFmt2 = NULL;
Ret = CryptSIPAddProvider(&NewProv);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, NewProv.pwszDLLFileName);
return Ret;
* DllRegisterServer (WINTRUST.@)
@ -797,21 +841,22 @@ HRESULT WINAPI DllRegisterServer(void)
static const CHAR CatMemberInfoDecode[] = "WVTAsn1CatMemberInfoDecode";
static const CHAR SpcSpOpusInfoEncode[] = "WVTAsn1SpcSpOpusInfoEncode";
static const CHAR SpcSpOpusInfoDecode[] = "WVTAsn1SpcSpOpusInfoDecode";
static GUID Unknown1 = { 0xDE351A42, 0x8E59, 0x11D0, { 0x8C,0x47,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xC2,0x95,0xEE }};
static GUID Unknown2 = { 0xC689AABA, 0x8E78, 0x11D0, { 0x8C,0x47,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xC2,0x95,0xEE }};
static GUID Unknown3 = { 0xC689AAB8, 0x8E78, 0x11D0, { 0x8C,0x47,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xC2,0x95,0xEE }};
static GUID Unknown4 = { 0xC689AAB9, 0x8E78, 0x11D0, { 0x8C,0x47,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xC2,0x95,0xEE }};
static GUID Unknown5 = { 0xDE351A43, 0x8E59, 0x11D0, { 0x8C,0x47,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xC2,0x95,0xEE }};
static GUID Unknown6 = { 0x9BA61D3F, 0xE73A, 0x11D0, { 0x8C,0xD2,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xC2,0x95,0xEE }};
static WCHAR MagicNumber2[] = {'M','S','C','F', 0};
static WCHAR MagicNumber3[] = {'0','x','0','0','0','0','4','5','5','0', 0};
static WCHAR CafeBabe[] = {'0','x','c','a','f','e','b','a','b','e', 0};
HRESULT CryptRegisterRes = S_OK;
HRESULT TrustProviderRes = S_OK;
HRESULT SIPAddProviderRes = S_OK;
* A short list of stuff that should be done here:
* - Several calls to CryptRegisterOIDFunction
* - Several action registrations (NOT through WintrustAddActionID)
* - Several calls to CryptSIPAddProvider
* - One call to CryptSIPRemoveProvider (do we need that?)
/* Testing on native shows that when an error is encountered in one of the CryptRegisterOIDFunction calls
* the rest of these calls is skipped. Registering is however continued for the trust providers.
@ -864,9 +909,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI DllRegisterServer(void)
/* Testing on W2K3 shows:
* All registry writes are tried. If one fails this part will return S_FALSE
* but only if the first (CryptRegisterOIDFunction calls) and the third
* (CryptSIPAddProvider calls) part succeed.
* All registry writes are tried. If one fails this part will return S_FALSE.
* Last error is set to the last error encountered, regardless if the first
* part failed or not.
@ -898,10 +941,43 @@ add_trust_providers:
/* Free the registry structures */
if (CryptRegisterRes == S_OK)
return TrustProviderRes;
/* Testing on W2K3 shows:
* All registry writes are tried. If one fails this part will return S_FALSE.
* Last error is set to the last error encountered, regardless if the previous
* parts failed or not.
if (!WINTRUST_SIPPAddProvider(&Unknown1, NULL))
SIPAddProviderRes = S_FALSE;
if (!WINTRUST_SIPPAddProvider(&Unknown2, MagicNumber2))
SIPAddProviderRes = S_FALSE;
if (!WINTRUST_SIPPAddProvider(&Unknown3, MagicNumber3))
SIPAddProviderRes = S_FALSE;
if (!WINTRUST_SIPPAddProvider(&Unknown4, CafeBabe))
SIPAddProviderRes = S_FALSE;
if (!WINTRUST_SIPPAddProvider(&Unknown5, CafeBabe))
SIPAddProviderRes = S_FALSE;
if (!WINTRUST_SIPPAddProvider(&Unknown6, CafeBabe))
SIPAddProviderRes = S_FALSE;
/* Native does a CryptSIPRemoveProvider here for {941C2937-1292-11D1-85BE-00C04FC295EE}.
* This SIP Provider is however not found on up-to-date window install and native will
* set the last error to ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
* Wine has the last error set to ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER. There shouldn't be an app
* depending on this last error though so there is no need to imitate native to the full extent.
* (The ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER for Wine it totally valid as we (and native) do register
* a trust provider without a diagnostic policy).
/* If CryptRegisterRes is not S_OK it will always overrule the return value. */
if (CryptRegisterRes != S_OK)
return CryptRegisterRes;
else if (SIPAddProviderRes == S_OK)
return TrustProviderRes;
return SIPAddProviderRes;
Reference in New Issue