Implemented local atoms in the server.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1117,38 +1117,49 @@ struct get_selector_entry_request
/* Add a global atom */
/* Add an atom */
struct add_atom_request
IN int local; /* is atom in local process table? */
OUT int atom; /* resulting atom */
IN WCHAR name[1]; /* atom name */
/* Delete a global atom */
/* Delete an atom */
struct delete_atom_request
IN int atom; /* atom handle */
IN int local; /* is atom in local process table? */
/* Find a global atom */
/* Find an atom */
struct find_atom_request
IN int local; /* is atom in local process table? */
OUT int atom; /* atom handle */
IN WCHAR name[1]; /* atom name */
/* Get a global atom name */
/* Get an atom name */
struct get_atom_name_request
IN int atom; /* atom handle */
IN int local; /* is atom in local process table? */
OUT int count; /* atom lock count */
OUT WCHAR name[1]; /* atom name */
/* Init the process atom table */
struct init_atom_table_request
IN int entries; /* number of entries */
/* Get the message queue of the current thread */
struct get_msg_queue_request
@ -1279,13 +1290,14 @@ enum request
/* ### make_requests end ### */
/* Everything above this line is generated automatically by tools/make_requests */
@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ WORD WINAPI InitAtomTable16( WORD entries )
return handle;
* GetAtomHandle (KERNEL.73)
@ -400,99 +399,29 @@ UINT16 WINAPI GetAtomName16( ATOM atom, LPSTR buffer, INT16 count )
return len;
* AddAtomA (KERNEL32.0)
* Adds a string to the atom table and returns the atom identifying the
* string.
* Atom: Success
* 0: Failure
* InitAtomTable (KERNEL32.471)
LPCSTR str /* [in] Pointer to string to add */
) {
return GlobalAddAtomA( str ); /* FIXME */
* AddAtomW (KERNEL32.1)
* See AddAtomA
BOOL WINAPI InitAtomTable( DWORD entries )
return GlobalAddAtomW( str ); /* FIXME */
struct init_atom_table_request *req = get_req_buffer();
req->entries = entries;
return !server_call( REQ_INIT_ATOM_TABLE );
* DeleteAtom (KERNEL32.69)
* Decrements the reference count of a string atom. If count becomes
* zero, the string associated with the atom is removed from the table.
* 0: Success
* Atom: Failure
ATOM atom /* [in] Atom to delete */
) {
return GlobalDeleteAtom( atom ); /* FIXME */
* FindAtomA (KERNEL32.117)
* Searches the local atom table for the string and returns the atom
* associated with that string.
* Atom: Success
* 0: Failure
LPCSTR str /* [in] Pointer to string to find */
) {
return GlobalFindAtomA( str ); /* FIXME */
* FindAtomW (KERNEL32.118)
* See FindAtomA
static ATOM ATOM_AddAtomA( LPCSTR str, BOOL local )
return GlobalFindAtomW( str ); /* FIXME */
* GetAtomNameA (KERNEL32.149)
* Retrieves a copy of the string associated with the atom.
* Length of string: Success
* 0: Failure
ATOM atom, /* [in] Atom */
LPSTR buffer, /* [out] Pointer to string for atom string */
INT count /* [in] Size of buffer */
) {
return GlobalGetAtomNameA( atom, buffer, count ); /* FIXME */
* GetAtomNameW (KERNEL32.150)
* See GetAtomNameA
UINT WINAPI GetAtomNameW( ATOM atom, LPWSTR buffer, INT count )
ATOM atom = 0;
if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomA( str, &atom ))
return GlobalGetAtomNameW( atom, buffer, count ); /* FIXME */
struct add_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, str );
req->local = local;
if (!server_call( REQ_ADD_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
TRACE( "(%s) %s -> %x\n", local ? "local" : "global", debugres_a(str), atom );
return atom;
@ -507,15 +436,37 @@ UINT WINAPI GetAtomNameW( ATOM atom, LPWSTR buffer, INT count )
* 0: Failure
ATOM WINAPI GlobalAddAtomA( LPCSTR str /* [in] Pointer to string to add */ )
return ATOM_AddAtomA( str, FALSE );
* AddAtomA (KERNEL32.0)
* Adds a string to the atom table and returns the atom identifying the
* string.
* Atom: Success
* 0: Failure
ATOM WINAPI AddAtomA( LPCSTR str /* [in] Pointer to string to add */ )
return ATOM_AddAtomA( str, TRUE );
static ATOM ATOM_AddAtomW( LPCWSTR str, BOOL local )
ATOM atom = 0;
if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomA( str, &atom ))
if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomW( str, &atom ))
struct add_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, str );
server_strcpyW( req->name, str );
req->local = local;
if (!server_call( REQ_ADD_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
TRACE( "%s -> %x\n", debugres_a(str), atom );
TRACE( "(%s) %s -> %x\n", local ? "local" : "global", debugres_w(str), atom );
return atom;
@ -525,14 +476,30 @@ ATOM WINAPI GlobalAddAtomA( LPCSTR str /* [in] Pointer to string to add */ )
ATOM atom = 0;
if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomW( str, &atom ))
struct add_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
server_strcpyW( req->name, str );
if (!server_call( REQ_ADD_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
return ATOM_AddAtomW( str, FALSE );
* AddAtomW (KERNEL32.1)
return ATOM_AddAtomW( str, TRUE );
static ATOM ATOM_DeleteAtom( ATOM atom, BOOL local)
TRACE( "(%s) %x\n", local ? "local" : "glbal", atom );
if (atom < MIN_STR_ATOM) atom = 0;
struct delete_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
req->atom = atom - MIN_STR_ATOM;
req->local = local;
if (!server_call( REQ_DELETE_ATOM )) atom = 0;
TRACE( "%s -> %x\n", debugres_w(str), atom );
return atom;
@ -548,14 +515,36 @@ ATOM WINAPI GlobalAddAtomW( LPCWSTR str )
ATOM WINAPI GlobalDeleteAtom( ATOM atom /* [in] Atom to delete */ )
TRACE( "%x\n", atom );
if (atom < MIN_STR_ATOM) atom = 0;
struct delete_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
req->atom = atom - MIN_STR_ATOM;
if (!server_call( REQ_DELETE_ATOM )) atom = 0;
return ATOM_DeleteAtom( atom, FALSE);
* DeleteAtom (KERNEL32.69)
* Decrements the reference count of a string atom. If count becomes
* zero, the string associated with the atom is removed from the table.
* 0: Success
* Atom: Failure
ATOM WINAPI DeleteAtom( ATOM atom /* [in] Atom to delete */ )
return ATOM_DeleteAtom( atom, TRUE );
static ATOM ATOM_FindAtomA( LPCSTR str, BOOL local )
ATOM atom = 0;
if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomA( str, &atom ))
struct find_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, str );
req->local = local;
if (!server_call( REQ_FIND_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
TRACE( "(%s) %s -> %x\n", local ? "local" : "global", debugres_a(str), atom );
return atom;
@ -571,15 +560,36 @@ ATOM WINAPI GlobalDeleteAtom( ATOM atom /* [in] Atom to delete */ )
* 0: Failure
ATOM WINAPI GlobalFindAtomA( LPCSTR str /* [in] Pointer to string to search for */ )
return ATOM_FindAtomA( str, FALSE );
* FindAtomA (KERNEL32.117)
* Searches the local atom table for the string and returns the atom
* associated with that string.
* Atom: Success
* 0: Failure
ATOM WINAPI FindAtomA( LPCSTR str /* [in] Pointer to string to find */ )
return ATOM_FindAtomA( str, TRUE );
static ATOM ATOM_FindAtomW( LPCWSTR str, BOOL local )
ATOM atom = 0;
if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomA( str, &atom ))
if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomW( str, &atom ))
struct find_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, str );
server_strcpyW( req->name, str );
req->local = local;
if (!server_call( REQ_FIND_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
TRACE( "%s -> %x\n", debugres_a(str), atom );
TRACE( "(%s) %s -> %x\n", local ? "local" : "global", debugres_w(str), atom );
return atom;
@ -589,31 +599,20 @@ ATOM WINAPI GlobalFindAtomA( LPCSTR str /* [in] Pointer to string to search for
ATOM WINAPI GlobalFindAtomW( LPCWSTR str )
ATOM atom = 0;
if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomW( str, &atom ))
struct find_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
server_strcpyW( req->name, str );
if (!server_call( REQ_FIND_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
TRACE( "%s -> %x\n", debugres_w(str), atom );
return atom;
return ATOM_FindAtomW( str, FALSE );
* GlobalGetAtomNameA (USER.271) (KERNEL32.323)
* Retrieves a copy of the string associated with an atom.
* Length of string in characters: Success
* 0: Failure
* FindAtomW (KERNEL32.118)
UINT WINAPI GlobalGetAtomNameA(
ATOM atom, /* [in] Atom identifier */
LPSTR buffer, /* [out] Pointer to buffer for atom string */
INT count ) /* [in] Size of buffer */
return ATOM_FindAtomW( str, TRUE );
static UINT ATOM_GetAtomNameA( ATOM atom, LPSTR buffer, INT count, BOOL local )
INT len;
if (atom < MIN_STR_ATOM)
@ -631,6 +630,7 @@ UINT WINAPI GlobalGetAtomNameA(
struct get_atom_name_request *req = get_req_buffer();
req->atom = atom - MIN_STR_ATOM;
req->local = local;
if (server_call( REQ_GET_ATOM_NAME )) return 0;
lstrcpynWtoA( buffer, req->name, count );
len = lstrlenW( req->name );
@ -640,15 +640,47 @@ UINT WINAPI GlobalGetAtomNameA(
SetLastError( ERROR_MORE_DATA );
return 0;
TRACE( "%x -> %s\n", atom, debugstr_a(buffer) );
TRACE( "(%s) %x -> %s\n", local ? "local" : "global", atom, debugstr_a(buffer) );
return len;
* GlobalGetAtomNameW (KERNEL32.324)
* GlobalGetAtomNameA (USER.271) (KERNEL32.323)
* Retrieves a copy of the string associated with an atom.
* Length of string in characters: Success
* 0: Failure
UINT WINAPI GlobalGetAtomNameW( ATOM atom, LPWSTR buffer, INT count )
UINT WINAPI GlobalGetAtomNameA(
ATOM atom, /* [in] Atom identifier */
LPSTR buffer, /* [out] Pointer to buffer for atom string */
INT count ) /* [in] Size of buffer */
return ATOM_GetAtomNameA( atom, buffer, count, FALSE );
* GetAtomNameA (KERNEL32.149)
* Retrieves a copy of the string associated with the atom.
* Length of string: Success
* 0: Failure
ATOM atom, /* [in] Atom */
LPSTR buffer, /* [out] Pointer to string for atom string */
INT count) /* [in] Size of buffer */
return ATOM_GetAtomNameA( atom, buffer, count, TRUE );
static UINT ATOM_GetAtomNameW( ATOM atom, LPWSTR buffer, INT count, BOOL local )
INT len;
if (atom < MIN_STR_ATOM)
@ -666,6 +698,7 @@ UINT WINAPI GlobalGetAtomNameW( ATOM atom, LPWSTR buffer, INT count )
struct get_atom_name_request *req = get_req_buffer();
req->atom = atom - MIN_STR_ATOM;
req->local = local;
if (server_call( REQ_GET_ATOM_NAME )) return 0;
lstrcpynW( buffer, req->name, count );
len = lstrlenW( req->name );
@ -675,6 +708,24 @@ UINT WINAPI GlobalGetAtomNameW( ATOM atom, LPWSTR buffer, INT count )
SetLastError( ERROR_MORE_DATA );
return 0;
TRACE( "%x -> %s\n", atom, debugstr_w(buffer) );
TRACE( "(%s) %x -> %s\n", local ? "local" : "global", atom, debugstr_w(buffer) );
return len;
* GlobalGetAtomNameW (KERNEL32.324)
UINT WINAPI GlobalGetAtomNameW( ATOM atom, LPWSTR buffer, INT count )
return ATOM_GetAtomNameW( atom, buffer, count, FALSE);
* GetAtomNameW (KERNEL32.150)
UINT WINAPI GetAtomNameW( ATOM atom, LPWSTR buffer, INT count )
return ATOM_GetAtomNameW( atom, buffer, count, TRUE );
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ import ntdll.dll
468 stdcall HeapUnlock(long) HeapUnlock
469 stdcall HeapValidate(long long ptr) HeapValidate
470 stdcall HeapWalk(long ptr) HeapWalk
471 stub InitAtomTable
471 stdcall InitAtomTable(long) InitAtomTable
472 stdcall InitializeCriticalSection(ptr) InitializeCriticalSection
473 stdcall InterlockedDecrement(ptr) InterlockedDecrement
474 stdcall InterlockedExchange(ptr long) InterlockedExchange
@ -12,8 +12,12 @@
#include "unicode.h"
#include "request.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "process.h"
#define HASH_SIZE 37
#define MIN_HASH_SIZE 4
#define MAX_HASH_SIZE 0x200
#define MAX_ATOM_LEN 255
#define MAX_ATOMS 0x4000
@ -33,10 +37,10 @@ struct atom_table
int count; /* count of atom handles */
int last; /* last handle in-use */
struct atom_entry **handles; /* atom handles */
struct atom_entry *entries[HASH_SIZE]; /* hash table entries */
int entries_count; /* humber of hash entries */
struct atom_entry **entries; /* hash table entries */
static void atom_table_dump( struct object *obj, int verbose );
static void atom_table_destroy( struct object *obj );
@ -72,17 +76,26 @@ static const WCHAR *copy_name( const WCHAR *str )
/* create an atom table */
static struct atom_table *create_table(void)
static struct atom_table *create_table(int entries_count)
struct atom_table *table;
if ((table = alloc_object( &atom_table_ops, -1 )))
if ((entries_count < MIN_HASH_SIZE) ||
(entries_count > MAX_HASH_SIZE)) entries_count = HASH_SIZE;
table->entries_count = entries_count;
if (!(table->entries = malloc( sizeof(*table->entries) * table->entries_count )))
set_error( STATUS_NO_MEMORY );
goto fail;
memset( table->entries, 0, sizeof(*table->entries) * table->entries_count );
table->count = 64;
table->last = -1;
memset( table->entries, 0, sizeof(table->entries) );
if ((table->handles = mem_alloc( sizeof(*table->handles) * table->count )))
return table;
release_object( table );
table = NULL;
@ -127,12 +140,12 @@ static int add_atom_entry( struct atom_table *table, struct atom_entry *entry )
/* compute the hash code for a string */
static int atom_hash( const WCHAR *str )
static int atom_hash( struct atom_table *table, const WCHAR *str )
int i;
WCHAR hash = 0;
for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) hash ^= towupper(str[i]) + i;
return hash % HASH_SIZE;
return hash % table->entries_count;
/* dump an atom table */
@ -142,7 +155,8 @@ static void atom_table_dump( struct object *obj, int verbose )
struct atom_table *table = (struct atom_table *)obj;
assert( obj->ops == &atom_table_ops );
fprintf( stderr, "Atom table size=%d\n", table->last + 1 );
fprintf( stderr, "Atom table size=%d entries=%d\n",
table->last + 1, table->entries_count );
if (!verbose) return;
for (i = 0; i <= table->last; i++)
@ -160,9 +174,13 @@ static void atom_table_destroy( struct object *obj )
int i;
struct atom_table *table = (struct atom_table *)obj;
assert( obj->ops == &atom_table_ops );
if (table->handles)
for (i = 0; i <= table->last; i++) free( table->handles[i] );
free( table->handles );
if (table->entries) free( table->entries );
/* find an atom entry in its hash list */
static struct atom_entry *find_atom_entry( struct atom_table *table, const WCHAR *str, int hash )
@ -186,7 +204,7 @@ void close_atom_table(void)
static int add_atom( struct atom_table *table, const WCHAR *str )
struct atom_entry *entry;
int hash = atom_hash( str );
int hash = atom_hash( table, str );
int atom = -1;
if (!*str)
@ -236,7 +254,7 @@ static int find_atom( struct atom_table *table, const WCHAR *str )
struct atom_entry *entry;
if (table && ((entry = find_atom_entry( table, str, atom_hash(str) )))) return entry->atom;
if (table && ((entry = find_atom_entry( table, str, atom_hash(table, str) )))) return entry->atom;
if (!*str) set_error( STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID );
return -1;
@ -258,25 +276,37 @@ static int get_atom_name( struct atom_table *table, int atom, WCHAR *str )
/* add a global atom */
if (!global_table) global_table = create_table();
if (global_table) req->atom = add_atom( global_table, copy_name( req->name ) );
struct atom_table **table_ptr = req->local ? ¤t->process->atom_table : &global_table;
if (!*table_ptr) *table_ptr = create_table(0);
if (*table_ptr) req->atom = add_atom( *table_ptr, copy_name( req->name ) );
/* delete a global atom */
delete_atom( global_table, req->atom );
delete_atom( req->local ? current->process->atom_table : global_table,
req->atom );
/* find a global atom */
req->atom = find_atom( global_table, copy_name( req->name ) );
req->atom = find_atom( req->local ? current->process->atom_table : global_table,
copy_name( req->name ) );
/* get global atom name */
req->name[0] = 0;
req->count = get_atom_name( global_table, req->atom, req->name );
req->count = get_atom_name( req->local ? current->process->atom_table : global_table,
req->atom, req->name );
/* init the process atom table */
if (!current->process->atom_table)
current->process->atom_table = create_table( req->entries );
@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ struct thread *create_process( int fd )
process->init_event = NULL;
process->idle_event = NULL;
process->queue = NULL;
process->atom_table = NULL;
process->ldt_copy = NULL;
process->ldt_flags = NULL;
process-> = NULL;
@ -288,6 +289,7 @@ static void process_destroy( struct object *obj )
if (process->init_event) release_object( process->init_event );
if (process->idle_event) release_object( process->idle_event );
if (process->queue) release_object( process->queue );
if (process->atom_table) release_object( process->atom_table );
if (process->exe.file) release_object( process->exe.file );
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "object.h"
struct msg_queue;
struct atom_table;
/* process structures */
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ struct process
struct event *init_event; /* event for init done */
struct event *idle_event; /* event for input idle */
struct msg_queue *queue; /* main message queue */
struct atom_table *atom_table; /* pointer to local atom table */
struct process_dll exe; /* main exe file */
void *ldt_copy; /* pointer to LDT copy in client addr space */
void *ldt_flags; /* pointer to LDT flags in client addr space */
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ DECL_HANDLER(add_atom);
@ -285,6 +286,7 @@ static const req_handler req_handlers[REQ_NB_REQUESTS] =
@ -1297,6 +1297,7 @@ static void dump_get_selector_entry_reply( const struct get_selector_entry_reque
static void dump_add_atom_request( const struct add_atom_request *req )
fprintf( stderr, " local=%d,", req->local );
fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
@ -1308,11 +1309,13 @@ static void dump_add_atom_reply( const struct add_atom_request *req )
static void dump_delete_atom_request( const struct delete_atom_request *req )
fprintf( stderr, " atom=%d", req->atom );
fprintf( stderr, " atom=%d,", req->atom );
fprintf( stderr, " local=%d", req->local );
static void dump_find_atom_request( const struct find_atom_request *req )
fprintf( stderr, " local=%d,", req->local );
fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
@ -1324,7 +1327,8 @@ static void dump_find_atom_reply( const struct find_atom_request *req )
static void dump_get_atom_name_request( const struct get_atom_name_request *req )
fprintf( stderr, " atom=%d", req->atom );
fprintf( stderr, " atom=%d,", req->atom );
fprintf( stderr, " local=%d", req->local );
static void dump_get_atom_name_reply( const struct get_atom_name_request *req )
@ -1334,6 +1338,11 @@ static void dump_get_atom_name_reply( const struct get_atom_name_request *req )
dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
static void dump_init_atom_table_request( const struct init_atom_table_request *req )
fprintf( stderr, " entries=%d", req->entries );
static void dump_get_msg_queue_request( const struct get_msg_queue_request *req )
@ -1464,6 +1473,7 @@ static const dump_func req_dumpers[REQ_NB_REQUESTS] = {
@ -1573,6 +1583,7 @@ static const dump_func reply_dumpers[REQ_NB_REQUESTS] = {
@ -1682,6 +1693,7 @@ static const char * const req_names[REQ_NB_REQUESTS] = {
Reference in New Issue