From 4202112e2df8ca135523feed1e20eddbfa72905f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rolf Kalbermatter Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 04:30:46 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Moved definition of newly documented API SHRestricted() and the according policy definitions to shlobj.h. Replace the policy numeric values with the new official defines and change SHRestricted() to match the new documented prototype. --- dlls/shell32/shpolicy.c | 724 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------ dlls/shell32/undocshell.h | 3 - include/shlobj.h | 175 +++++++++ 3 files changed, 548 insertions(+), 354 deletions(-) diff --git a/dlls/shell32/shpolicy.c b/dlls/shell32/shpolicy.c index 6e36fa14812..bf31ca649da 100644 --- a/dlls/shell32/shpolicy.c +++ b/dlls/shell32/shpolicy.c @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ #include "winreg.h" #include "shell32_main.h" +#include "shlobj.h" #include "wine/debug.h" @@ -100,11 +101,11 @@ static const char strNoActiveDesktop[] = {"NoActiveDesktop"}; static const char strNoRecentDocMenu[] = {"NoRecentDocsMenu"}; static const char strNoRecentDocHistory[] = {"NoRecentDocsHistory"}; static const char strNoInetIcon[] = {"NoInternetIcon"}; -static const char strNoStngsWizard[] = {"NoSettingsWizards"}; +static const char strNoSettingsWizard[] = {"NoSettingsWizards"}; static const char strNoLogoff[] = {"NoLogoff"}; static const char strNoNetConDis[] = {"NoNetConnectDisconnect"}; -static const char strNoContextMenu[] = {"NoViewContextMenu"}; -static const char strNoTryContextMenu[] = {"NoTrayContextMenu"}; +static const char strNoViewContextMenu[] = {"NoViewContextMenu"}; +static const char strNoTrayContextMenu[] = {"NoTrayContextMenu"}; static const char strNoWebMenu[] = {"NoWebMenu"}; static const char strLnkResolveIgnoreLnkInfo[] = {"LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo"}; static const char strNoCommonGroups[] = {"NoCommonGroups"}; @@ -120,13 +121,14 @@ static const char strNoStartBanner[] = {"NoStartBanner"}; static const char strNoNetworkNeighborhood[] = {"NoNetHood"}; static const char strNoDriveTypeAtRun[] = {"NoDriveTypeAutoRun"}; static const char strNoDrivesAutoRun[] = {"NoDriveAutoRun"}; +static const char strSeparateProcess[] = {"SeparateProcess"}; static const char strNoDrives[] = {"NoDrives"}; static const char strNoFind[] = {"NoFind"}; static const char strNoDesktop[] = {"NoDesktop"}; static const char strNoSetTaskBar[] = {"NoSetTaskbar"}; static const char strNoSetFld[] = {"NoSetFolders"}; static const char strNoFileMenu[] = {"NoFileMenu"}; -static const char strNoSavSetng[] = {"NoSaveSettings"}; +static const char strNoSaveSetting[] = {"NoSaveSettings"}; static const char strNoClose[] = {"NoClose"}; static const char strNoRun[] = {"NoRun"}; @@ -134,635 +136,655 @@ static const char strNoRun[] = {"NoRun"}; POLICYDATA sh32_policy_table[] = { { - 0x1, + REST_NORUN, strExplorer, strNoRun, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x2, + REST_NOCLOSE, strExplorer, strNoClose, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4, + REST_NOSAVESET, strExplorer, - strNoSavSetng, + strNoSaveSetting, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x8, + REST_NOFILEMENU, strExplorer, strNoFileMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x10, + REST_NOSETFOLDERS, strExplorer, strNoSetFld, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x20, + REST_NOSETTASKBAR, strExplorer, strNoSetTaskBar, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40, + REST_NODESKTOP, strExplorer, strNoDesktop, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x80, + REST_NOFIND, strExplorer, strNoFind, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x100, + REST_NODRIVES, strExplorer, strNoDrives, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x200, + REST_NODRIVEAUTORUN, strExplorer, strNoDrivesAutoRun, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x400, + REST_NODRIVETYPEAUTORUN, strExplorer, strNoDriveTypeAtRun, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x800, + REST_NONETHOOD, strExplorer, strNoNetworkNeighborhood, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x1000, + REST_STARTBANNER, strExplorer, strNoStartBanner, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x2000, + REST_RESTRICTRUN, strExplorer, strRestrictRun, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000, + REST_NOPRINTERTABS, strExplorer, strNoPrintTab, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x8000, + REST_NOPRINTERDELETE, strExplorer, strNoDeletePrinters, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x10000, + REST_NOPRINTERADD, strExplorer, strNoAddPrinters, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x20000, + REST_NOSTARTMENUSUBFOLDERS, strExplorer, strNoStartMenuSubfolder, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000, + REST_MYDOCSONNET, strExplorer, strMyDocsOnNet, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x80000, + REST_NOEXITTODOS, strWinOldApp, strNoRealMode, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x100000, + REST_ENFORCESHELLEXTSECURITY, strExplorer, strEnforceShlExtSecurity, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x200000, + REST_LINKRESOLVEIGNORELINKINFO, strExplorer, strLnkResolveIgnoreLnkInfo, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x400000, + REST_NOCOMMONGROUPS, strExplorer, strNoCommonGroups, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x800000, + REST_SEPARATEDESKTOPPROCESS, strExplorer, - "SeparateProcess", + strSeparateProcess, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x1000000, + REST_NOWEB, strExplorer, strNoWebMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x2000000, + REST_NOTRAYCONTEXTMENU, strExplorer, - strNoTryContextMenu, + strNoTrayContextMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000000, + REST_NOVIEWCONTEXTMENU, strExplorer, - strNoContextMenu, + strNoViewContextMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x8000000, + REST_NONETCONNECTDISCONNECT, strExplorer, strNoNetConDis, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x10000000, + REST_STARTMENULOGOFF, strExplorer, strNoLogoff, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x20000000, + REST_NOSETTINGSASSIST, strExplorer, - strNoStngsWizard, + strNoSettingsWizard, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000001, + REST_NOINTERNETICON, strExplorer, strNoInetIcon, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000002, + REST_NORECENTDOCSHISTORY, strExplorer, strNoRecentDocHistory, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000003, + REST_NORECENTDOCSMENU, strExplorer, strNoRecentDocMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000004, + REST_NOACTIVEDESKTOP, strExplorer, strNoActiveDesktop, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000005, + REST_NOACTIVEDESKTOPCHANGES, strExplorer, strNoActiveDesktopChanges, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000006, + REST_NOFAVORITESMENU, strExplorer, strNoFavoritesMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000007, + REST_CLEARRECENTDOCSONEXIT, strExplorer, strClearRecentDocs, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000008, + REST_CLASSICSHELL, strExplorer, strClassicShell, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000009, + REST_NOCUSTOMIZEWEBVIEW, strExplorer, strNoCustomWebView, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000010, + REST_NOHTMLWALLPAPER, strActiveDesk, strNoHTMLWallpaper, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000011, + REST_NOCHANGINGWALLPAPER, strActiveDesk, strNoChangeWallpaper, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000012, + REST_NODESKCOMP, strActiveDesk, strNoComponent, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000013, + REST_NOADDDESKCOMP, strActiveDesk, strNoAddComponent, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000014, + REST_NODELDESKCOMP, strActiveDesk, strNoDelComponent, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000015, + REST_NOCLOSEDESKCOMP, strActiveDesk, strNoCloseComponent, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000016, + REST_NOCLOSE_DRAGDROPBAND, strActiveDesk, strNoCloseDragDrop, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000017, + REST_NOMOVINGBAND, strActiveDesk, strNoMovingBand, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000018, + REST_NOEDITDESKCOMP, strActiveDesk, strNoEditComponent, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000019, + REST_NORESOLVESEARCH, strExplorer, strNoResolveSearch, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001a, + REST_NORESOLVETRACK, strExplorer, strNoResolveTrk, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001b, + REST_FORCECOPYACLWITHFILE, strExplorer, strForceCopyACLW, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001c, + REST_NOLOGO3CHANNELNOTIFY, strExplorer, strNoMSAppLogo, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001d, + REST_NOFORGETSOFTWAREUPDATE, strExplorer, strNoForgetSoftwareUpdate, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001e, + REST_NOSETACTIVEDESKTOP, strExplorer, strNoSetActiveDesktop, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001f, + REST_NOUPDATEWINDOWS, strExplorer, strNoWindowsUpdate, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000020, + REST_NOCHANGESTARMENU, strExplorer, strNoChangeStartMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000021, + REST_NOFOLDEROPTIONS, strExplorer, strNoFolderOptions, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, + { + REST_HASFINDCOMPUTERS, + strExplorer, + "FindComputers", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_INTELLIMENUS, + strExplorer, + "IntelliMenus", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_RUNDLGMEMCHECKBOX, + strExplorer, + "MemCheckBoxInRunDlg", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_ARP_ShowPostSetup, + strAddRemoveProgs, + "ShowPostSetup", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOCSC, + strExplorer, + "NoSyncAll", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOCONTROLPANEL, + strExplorer, + "NoControlPanel", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_ENUMWORKGROUP, + strExplorer, + "EnumWorkgroup", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_ARP_NOARP, + strAddRemoveProgs, + "NoAddRemovePrograms", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_ARP_NOREMOVEPAGE, + strAddRemoveProgs, + "NoRemovePage", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_ARP_NOADDPAGE, + strAddRemoveProgs, + "NoAddPage", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_ARP_NOWINSETUPPAGE, + strAddRemoveProgs, + "NoWindowsSetupPage", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_GREYMSIADS, + strExplorer, + "", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOCHANGEMAPPEDDRIVELABEL, + strExplorer, + "NoChangeMappedDriveLabel", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOCHANGEMAPPEDDRIVECOMMENT, + strExplorer, + "NoChangeMappedDriveComment", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_MaxRecentDocs, + strExplorer, + "MaxRecentDocs", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NONETWORKCONNECTIONS, + strExplorer, + "NoNetworkConnections", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_FORCESTARTMENULOGOFF, + strExplorer, + "ForceStartMenuLogoff", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOWEBVIEW, + strExplorer, + "NoWebView", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOCUSTOMIZETHISFOLDER, + strExplorer, + "NoCustomizeThisFolder", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOENCRYPTION, + strExplorer, + "NoEncryption", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_ALLOWFRENCHENCRYPTION, + strExplorer, + "AllowFrenchEncryption", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_DONTSHOWSUPERHIDDEN, + strExplorer, + "DontShowSuperHidden", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOSHELLSEARCHBUTTON, + strExplorer, + "NoShellSearchButton", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOHARDWARETAB, + strExplorer, + "NoHardwareTab", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NORUNASINSTALLPROMPT, + strExplorer, + "NoRunasInstallPrompt", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_PROMPTRUNASINSTALLNETPATH, + strExplorer, + "PromptRunasInstallNetPath", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOMANAGEMYCOMPUTERVERB, + strExplorer, + "NoManageMyComputerVerb", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NORECENTDOCSNETHOOD, + strExplorer, + "NoRecentDocsNetHood", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_DISALLOWRUN, + strExplorer, + "DisallowRun", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOWELCOMESCREEN, + strExplorer, + "NoWelcomeScreen", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_RESTRICTCPL, + strExplorer, + "RestrictCpl", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_DISALLOWCPL, + strExplorer, + "DisallowCpl", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOSMBALLOONTIP, + strExplorer, + "NoSMBalloonTip", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOSMHELP, + strExplorer, + "NoSMHelp", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOWINKEYS, + strExplorer, + "NoWinKeys", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOENCRYPTONMOVE, + strExplorer, + "NoEncryptOnMove", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOLOCALMACHINERUN, + strExplorer, + "DisableLocalMachineRun", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOCURRENTUSERRUN, + strExplorer, + "DisableCurrentUserRun", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOLOCALMACHINERUNONCE, + strExplorer, + "DisableLocalMachineRunOnce", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOCURRENTUSERRUNONCE, + strExplorer, + "DisableCurrentUserRunOnce", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_FORCEACTIVEDESKTOPON, + strExplorer, + "ForceActiveDesktopOn", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOCOMPUTERSNEARME, + strExplorer, + "NoComputersNearMe", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOVIEWONDRIVE, + strExplorer, + "NoViewOnDrive", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NONETCRAWL, + strExplorer, + "NoNetCrawl", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOSHAREDDOCUMENTS, + strExplorer, + "NoSharedDocs", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOSMMYDOCS, + strExplorer, + "NoSMMyDocs", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, +/* 0x4000050 - 0x4000060 */ + { + REST_STARTRUNNOHOMEPATH, + strExplorer, + "StartRunNoHOMEPATH", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, +/* 0x4000061 - 0x4000086 */ + { + REST_NODISCONNECT, + strExplorer, + "NoDisconnect", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOSECURITY, + strExplorer, + "NoNTSecurity", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOFILEASSOCIATE, + strExplorer, + "NoFileAssociate", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, { 0x50000024, strExplorer, strNoFileURL, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, - { - 0x40000022, - strExplorer, - "FindComputers", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000023, - strExplorer, - "IntelliMenus", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000024, - strExplorer, - "MemCheckBoxInRunDlg", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000025, - strAddRemoveProgs, - "ShowPostSetup", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000026, - strExplorer, - "NoSyncAll", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000027, - strExplorer, - "NoControlPanel", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000028, - strExplorer, - "EnumWorkgroup", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000029, - strAddRemoveProgs, - "NoAddRemovePrograms", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000002A, - strAddRemoveProgs, - "NoRemovePage", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000002B, - strAddRemoveProgs, - "NoAddPage", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000002C, - strAddRemoveProgs, - "NoWindowsSetupPage", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000002E, - strExplorer, - "NoChangeMappedDriveLabel", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000002F, - strExplorer, - "NoChangeMappedDriveComment", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000030, - strExplorer, - "MaxRecentDocs", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000031, - strExplorer, - "NoNetworkConnections", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000032, - strExplorer, - "ForceStartMenuLogoff", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000033, - strExplorer, - "NoWebView", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000034, - strExplorer, - "NoCustomizeThisFolder", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000035, - strExplorer, - "NoEncryption", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000036, - strExplorer, - "AllowFrenchEncryption", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000037, - strExplorer, - "DontShowSuperHidden", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000038, - strExplorer, - "NoShellSearchButton", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000039, - strExplorer, - "NoHardwareTab", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000003A, - strExplorer, - "NoRunasInstallPrompt", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000003B, - strExplorer, - "PromptRunasInstallNetPath", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000003C, - strExplorer, - "NoManageMyComputerVerb", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000003D, - strExplorer, - "NoRecentDocsNetHood", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000003E, - strExplorer, - "DisallowRun", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000003F, - strExplorer, - "NoWelcomeScreen", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000040, - strExplorer, - "RestrictCpl", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000041, - strExplorer, - "DisallowCpl", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000042, - strExplorer, - "NoSMBalloonTip", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000043, - strExplorer, - "NoSMHelp", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000044, - strExplorer, - "NoWinKeys", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000045, - strExplorer, - "NoEncryptOnMove", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000046, - strExplorer, - "DisableLocalMachineRun", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000047, - strExplorer, - "DisableCurrentUserRun", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000048, - strExplorer, - "DisableLocalMachineRunOnce", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000049, - strExplorer, - "DisableCurrentUserRunOnce", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000004A, - strExplorer, - "ForceActiveDesktopOn", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000004B, - strExplorer, - "NoComputersNearMe", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000004C, - strExplorer, - "NoViewOnDrive", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x4000004F, - strExplorer, - "NoSMMyDocs", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000061, - strExplorer, - "StartRunNoHOMEPATH", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x41000001, - strExplorer, - "NoDisconnect", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x41000002, - strExplorer, - "NoNTSecurity", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x41000003, - strExplorer, - "NoFileAssociate", - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, { 0, 0, @@ -792,14 +814,14 @@ POLICYDATA sh32_policy_table[] = * b: 98Lite 2.0 (which uses many of these policy keys) * c: 'The Windows 95 Registry', by John Woram, 1996 MIS: Press */ -DWORD WINAPI SHRestricted (DWORD policy) +DWORD WINAPI SHRestricted (RESTRICTIONS policy) { char regstr[256]; HKEY xhkey; DWORD retval, datsize = 4; LPPOLICYDATA p; - TRACE("(%08lx)\n", policy); + TRACE("(%08x)\n", policy); /* scan to see if we know this policy ID */ for (p = sh32_policy_table; p->policy; p++) @@ -813,7 +835,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI SHRestricted (DWORD policy) if (p->policy == 0) { /* we don't know this policy, return 0 */ - TRACE("unknown policy: (%08lx)\n", policy); + TRACE("unknown policy: (%08x)\n", policy); return 0; } diff --git a/dlls/shell32/undocshell.h b/dlls/shell32/undocshell.h index bfc861dafa1..69b69424f78 100644 --- a/dlls/shell32/undocshell.h +++ b/dlls/shell32/undocshell.h @@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" -#include "wingdi.h" #include "winuser.h" -#include "winnls.h" #include "commctrl.h" #include "shlobj.h" @@ -885,7 +883,6 @@ DWORD WINAPI CheckEscapesW(LPWSTR string, DWORD len); /* policy functions */ BOOL WINAPI SHInitRestricted(LPCVOID unused, LPCVOID inpRegKey); -DWORD WINAPI SHRestricted (DWORD policy); /* cabinet functions */ diff --git a/include/shlobj.h b/include/shlobj.h index cdc98dabbcb..7740fba9507 100644 --- a/include/shlobj.h +++ b/include/shlobj.h @@ -495,6 +495,181 @@ VOID WINAPI SHGetSettings(LPSHELLFLAGSTATE lpsfs, DWORD dwMask); #define SSF_NOCONFIRMRECYCLE 0x8000 #define SSF_HIDEICONS 0x4000 +/**************************************************************************** +* SHRestricted API +*/ +typedef enum RESTRICTIONS +{ + REST_NONE = 0x00000000, + REST_NORUN = 0x00000001, + REST_NOCLOSE = 0x00000002, + REST_NOSAVESET = 0x00000004, + REST_NOFILEMENU = 0x00000008, + REST_NOSETFOLDERS = 0x00000010, + REST_NOSETTASKBAR = 0x00000020, + REST_NODESKTOP = 0x00000040, + REST_NOFIND = 0x00000080, + REST_NODRIVES = 0x00000100, + REST_NODRIVEAUTORUN = 0x00000200, + REST_NODRIVETYPEAUTORUN = 0x00000400, + REST_NONETHOOD = 0x00000800, + REST_STARTBANNER = 0x00001000, + REST_RESTRICTRUN = 0x00002000, + REST_NOPRINTERTABS = 0x00004000, + REST_NOPRINTERDELETE = 0x00008000, + REST_NOPRINTERADD = 0x00010000, + REST_NOSTARTMENUSUBFOLDERS = 0x00020000, + REST_MYDOCSONNET = 0x00040000, + REST_NOEXITTODOS = 0x00080000, + REST_ENFORCESHELLEXTSECURITY = 0x00100000, + REST_LINKRESOLVEIGNORELINKINFO = 0x00200000, + REST_NOCOMMONGROUPS = 0x00400000, + REST_SEPARATEDESKTOPPROCESS = 0x00800000, + REST_NOWEB = 0x01000000, + REST_NOTRAYCONTEXTMENU = 0x02000000, + REST_NOVIEWCONTEXTMENU = 0x04000000, + REST_NONETCONNECTDISCONNECT = 0x08000000, + REST_STARTMENULOGOFF = 0x10000000, + REST_NOSETTINGSASSIST = 0x20000000, + REST_NOINTERNETICON = 0x40000001, + REST_NORECENTDOCSHISTORY, + REST_NORECENTDOCSMENU, + REST_NOACTIVEDESKTOP, + REST_NOACTIVEDESKTOPCHANGES, + REST_NOFAVORITESMENU, + REST_CLEARRECENTDOCSONEXIT, + REST_CLASSICSHELL, + REST_NOCUSTOMIZEWEBVIEW, + + REST_NOHTMLWALLPAPER = 0x40000010, + REST_NOCHANGINGWALLPAPER, + REST_NODESKCOMP, + REST_NOADDDESKCOMP, + REST_NODELDESKCOMP, + REST_NOCLOSEDESKCOMP, + REST_NOCLOSE_DRAGDROPBAND, + REST_NOMOVINGBAND, + REST_NOEDITDESKCOMP, + REST_NORESOLVESEARCH, + REST_NORESOLVETRACK, + REST_FORCECOPYACLWITHFILE, + REST_NOLOGO3CHANNELNOTIFY, + REST_NOFORGETSOFTWAREUPDATE, + REST_NOSETACTIVEDESKTOP, + REST_NOUPDATEWINDOWS, + REST_NOCHANGESTARMENU, /* 0x40000020 */ + REST_NOFOLDEROPTIONS, + REST_HASFINDCOMPUTERS, + REST_INTELLIMENUS, + REST_RUNDLGMEMCHECKBOX, + REST_ARP_ShowPostSetup, + REST_NOCSC, + REST_NOCONTROLPANEL, + REST_ENUMWORKGROUP, + REST_ARP_NOARP, + REST_ARP_NOREMOVEPAGE, + REST_ARP_NOADDPAGE, + REST_ARP_NOWINSETUPPAGE, + REST_GREYMSIADS, + REST_NOCHANGEMAPPEDDRIVELABEL, + REST_NOCHANGEMAPPEDDRIVECOMMENT, + REST_MaxRecentDocs, /* 0x40000030 */ + REST_NONETWORKCONNECTIONS, + REST_FORCESTARTMENULOGOFF, + REST_NOWEBVIEW, + REST_NOCUSTOMIZETHISFOLDER, + REST_NOENCRYPTION, + + REST_ALLOWFRENCHENCRYPTION, /* not documented */ + + REST_DONTSHOWSUPERHIDDEN, + REST_NOSHELLSEARCHBUTTON, + REST_NOHARDWARETAB, + REST_NORUNASINSTALLPROMPT, + REST_PROMPTRUNASINSTALLNETPATH, + REST_NOMANAGEMYCOMPUTERVERB, + REST_NORECENTDOCSNETHOOD, + REST_DISALLOWRUN, + REST_NOWELCOMESCREEN, + REST_RESTRICTCPL, /* 0x40000040 */ + REST_DISALLOWCPL, + REST_NOSMBALLOONTIP, + REST_NOSMHELP, + REST_NOWINKEYS, + REST_NOENCRYPTONMOVE, + REST_NOLOCALMACHINERUN, + REST_NOCURRENTUSERRUN, + REST_NOLOCALMACHINERUNONCE, + REST_NOCURRENTUSERRUNONCE, + REST_FORCEACTIVEDESKTOPON, + REST_NOCOMPUTERSNEARME, + REST_NOVIEWONDRIVE, + REST_NONETCRAWL, + REST_NOSHAREDDOCUMENTS, + REST_NOSMMYDOCS, + REST_NOSMMYPICS, /* 0x40000050 */ + REST_ALLOWBITBUCKDRIVES, + REST_NONLEGACYSHELLMODE, + REST_NOCONTROLPANELBARRICADE, + REST_NOSTARTPAGE, + REST_NOAUTOTRAYNOTIFY, + REST_NOTASKGROUPING, + REST_NOCDBURNING, + REST_MYCOMPNOPROP, + REST_MYDOCSNOPROP, + REST_NOSTARTPANEL, + REST_NODISPLAYAPPEARANCEPAGE, + REST_NOTHEMESTAB, + REST_NOVISUALSTYLECHOICE, + REST_NOSIZECHOICE, + REST_NOCOLORCHOICE, + REST_SETVISUALSTYLE, /* 0x40000060 */ + REST_STARTRUNNOHOMEPATH, + REST_NOUSERNAMEINSTARTPANEL, + REST_NOMYCOMPUTERICON, + REST_NOSMNETWORKPLACES, + REST_NOSMPINNEDLIST, + REST_NOSMMYMUSIC, + REST_NOSMEJECTPC, + REST_NOSMMOREPROGRAMS, + REST_NOSMMFUPROGRAMS, + REST_NOTRAYITEMSDISPLAY, + REST_NOTOOLBARSONTASKBAR, + /* 0x4000006C + 0x4000006D + 0x4000006E */ + REST_NOSMCONFIGUREPROGRAMS = 0x4000006F, + REST_HIDECLOCK, /* 0x40000070 */ + REST_NOLOWDISKSPACECHECKS, + REST_NOENTIRENETWORK, + REST_NODESKTOPCLEANUP, + REST_BITBUCKNUKEONDELETE, + REST_BITBUCKCONFIRMDELETE, + REST_BITBUCKNOPROP, + REST_NODISPBACKGROUND, + REST_NODISPSCREENSAVEPG, + REST_NODISPSETTINGSPG, + REST_NODISPSCREENSAVEPREVIEW, + REST_NODISPLAYCPL, + REST_HIDERUNASVERB, + REST_NOTHUMBNAILCACHE, + REST_NOSTRCMPLOGICAL, + REST_NOPUBLISHWIZARD, + REST_NOONLINEPRINTSWIZARD, /* 0x40000080 */ + REST_NOWEBSERVICES, + REST_ALLOWUNHASHEDWEBVIEW, + REST_ALLOWLEGACYWEBVIEW, + REST_REVERTWEBVIEWSECURITY, + + REST_INHERITCONSOLEHANDLES = 0x40000086, + + REST_NODISCONNECT = 0x41000001, + REST_NOSECURITY, + REST_NOFILEASSOCIATE, /* 0x41000003 */ +} RESTRICTIONS; + +DWORD WINAPI SHRestricted(RESTRICTIONS rest); + /**************************************************************************** * SHChangeNotify API */