Allow to deselect all items by sending CB_SETCURSEL(-1) to the combo.

This commit is contained in:
Dmitry Timoshkov 1999-12-06 00:57:20 +00:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent f0f8da5870
commit 38d04b8ff4
1 changed files with 12 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -1054,10 +1054,10 @@ static LRESULT COMBO_Paint(LPHEADCOMBO lphc, HDC hParamDC)
static INT CBUpdateLBox( LPHEADCOMBO lphc )
INT length, idx, ret;
INT length, idx;
idx = ret = LB_ERR;
idx = LB_ERR;
length = CB_GETEDITTEXTLENGTH( lphc );
if( length > 0 )
@ -1071,22 +1071,16 @@ static INT CBUpdateLBox( LPHEADCOMBO lphc )
else pText[0] = '\0';
idx = SendMessageA( lphc->hWndLBox, LB_FINDSTRING,
(WPARAM)(-1), (LPARAM)pText );
if( idx == LB_ERR ) idx = 0; /* select first item */
else ret = idx;
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pText );
/* select entry */
SendMessageA( lphc->hWndLBox, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)idx, 0 );
if( idx >= 0 )
SendMessageA( lphc->hWndLBox, LB_SETTOPINDEX, (WPARAM)idx, 0 );
/* probably superfluous but Windows sends this too */
SendMessageA( lphc->hWndLBox, LB_SETCARETINDEX, (WPARAM)idx, 0 );
return ret;
return idx;
@ -1101,21 +1095,6 @@ static void CBUpdateEdit( LPHEADCOMBO lphc , INT index )
TRACE("\t %i\n", index );
if( index == -1 )
length = CB_GETEDITTEXTLENGTH( lphc );
if( length )
if( (pText = (LPSTR) HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, length + 1)) )
GetWindowTextA( lphc->hWndEdit, pText, length + 1 );
index = SendMessageA( lphc->hWndLBox, LB_FINDSTRING,
(WPARAM)(-1), (LPARAM)pText );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pText );
if( index >= 0 ) /* got an entry */
length = SendMessageA( lphc->hWndLBox, LB_GETTEXTLEN, (WPARAM)index, 0);
@ -1125,16 +1104,17 @@ static void CBUpdateEdit( LPHEADCOMBO lphc , INT index )
SendMessageA( lphc->hWndLBox, LB_GETTEXT,
(WPARAM)index, (LPARAM)pText );
lphc->wState |= CBF_NOEDITNOTIFY;
SendMessageA( lphc->hWndEdit, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pText );
SendMessageA( lphc->hWndEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)(-1) );
SendMessageA( lphc->hWndEdit, WM_SETTEXT, 0, pText ? (LPARAM)pText : (LPARAM)"" );
if( pText )
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pText );
* CBDropDown
@ -1238,12 +1218,6 @@ static void CBRollUp( LPHEADCOMBO lphc, BOOL ok, BOOL bButton )
RECT rect;
* It seems useful to send the WM_LBUTTONUP with (-1,-1) when cancelling
* and with (0,0) (anywhere in the listbox) when Oking.
SendMessageA( lphc->hWndLBox, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, ok ? (LPARAM)0 : (LPARAM)(-1) );
lphc->wState &= ~CBF_DROPPED;
ShowWindow( lphc->hWndLBox, SW_HIDE );
if(GetCapture() == lphc->hWndLBox)
@ -1251,7 +1225,6 @@ static void CBRollUp( LPHEADCOMBO lphc, BOOL ok, BOOL bButton )
INT index = SendMessageA( lphc->hWndLBox, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
@ -1464,6 +1437,8 @@ static LRESULT COMBO_Command( LPHEADCOMBO lphc, WPARAM wParam, HWND hWnd )
INT index = SendMessageA(lphc->hWndLBox, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
CBUpdateEdit( lphc, index );
/* select text in edit, as Windows does */
SendMessageA( lphc->hWndEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)(-1) );
InvalidateRect(CB_HWND(lphc), &lphc->textRect, TRUE);