vbscript: Store source location in statement_t.

Signed-off-by: Jacek Caban <jacek@codeweavers.com>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <julliard@winehq.org>
This commit is contained in:
Jacek Caban 2020-01-22 23:27:14 +01:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 70cd4153c5
commit 21346c76b4
3 changed files with 90 additions and 84 deletions

View File

@ -344,11 +344,12 @@ static int comment_line(parser_ctx_t *ctx)
return tNL;
static int parse_next_token(void *lval, parser_ctx_t *ctx)
static int parse_next_token(void *lval, unsigned *loc, parser_ctx_t *ctx)
*loc = ctx->ptr - ctx->code;
if(ctx->ptr == ctx->end)
return ctx->last_token == tNL ? tEOF : tNL;
@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ static int parse_next_token(void *lval, parser_ctx_t *ctx)
return 0;
int parser_lex(void *lval, parser_ctx_t *ctx)
int parser_lex(void *lval, unsigned *loc, parser_ctx_t *ctx)
int ret;
@ -461,7 +462,7 @@ int parser_lex(void *lval, parser_ctx_t *ctx)
while(1) {
ret = parse_next_token(lval, ctx);
ret = parse_next_token(lval, loc, ctx);
if(ret == '_') {
if(*ctx->ptr != '\n' && *ctx->ptr != '\r') {

View File

@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ typedef enum {
typedef struct _statement_t {
statement_type_t type;
unsigned loc;
struct _statement_t *next;
} statement_t;
@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ typedef struct _class_decl_t {
typedef struct _elseif_decl_t {
expression_t *expr;
statement_t *stat;
unsigned loc;
struct _elseif_decl_t *next;
} elseif_decl_t;
@ -298,5 +300,5 @@ typedef struct {
HRESULT parse_script(parser_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*,const WCHAR*,DWORD) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void parser_release(parser_ctx_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
int parser_lex(void*,parser_ctx_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
int parser_lex(void*,unsigned*,parser_ctx_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void *parser_alloc(parser_ctx_t*,size_t) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
static int parser_error(parser_ctx_t *,const char*);
static int parser_error(unsigned*,parser_ctx_t*,const char*);
static void parse_complete(parser_ctx_t*,BOOL);
static void handle_isexpression_script(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *expr);
@ -46,25 +46,25 @@ static member_expression_t *new_member_expression(parser_ctx_t*,expression_t*,co
static call_expression_t *new_call_expression(parser_ctx_t*,expression_t*,expression_t*);
static call_expression_t *make_call_expression(parser_ctx_t*,expression_t*,expression_t*);
static void *new_statement(parser_ctx_t*,statement_type_t,size_t);
static statement_t *new_call_statement(parser_ctx_t*,BOOL,expression_t*);
static statement_t *new_assign_statement(parser_ctx_t*,expression_t*,expression_t*);
static statement_t *new_set_statement(parser_ctx_t*,member_expression_t*,expression_t*,expression_t*);
static statement_t *new_dim_statement(parser_ctx_t*,dim_decl_t*);
static statement_t *new_redim_statement(parser_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*,BOOL,expression_t*);
static statement_t *new_while_statement(parser_ctx_t*,statement_type_t,expression_t*,statement_t*);
static statement_t *new_forto_statement(parser_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*,expression_t*,expression_t*,expression_t*,statement_t*);
static statement_t *new_foreach_statement(parser_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*,expression_t*,statement_t*);
static statement_t *new_if_statement(parser_ctx_t*,expression_t*,statement_t*,elseif_decl_t*,statement_t*);
static statement_t *new_function_statement(parser_ctx_t*,function_decl_t*);
static statement_t *new_onerror_statement(parser_ctx_t*,BOOL);
static statement_t *new_const_statement(parser_ctx_t*,const_decl_t*);
static statement_t *new_select_statement(parser_ctx_t*,expression_t*,case_clausule_t*);
static statement_t *new_with_statement(parser_ctx_t*,expression_t*,statement_t*);
static void *new_statement(parser_ctx_t*,statement_type_t,size_t,unsigned);
static statement_t *new_call_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,BOOL,expression_t*);
static statement_t *new_assign_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,expression_t*,expression_t*);
static statement_t *new_set_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,member_expression_t*,expression_t*,expression_t*);
static statement_t *new_dim_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,dim_decl_t*);
static statement_t *new_redim_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,const WCHAR*,BOOL,expression_t*);
static statement_t *new_while_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,statement_type_t,expression_t*,statement_t*);
static statement_t *new_forto_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,const WCHAR*,expression_t*,expression_t*,expression_t*,statement_t*);
static statement_t *new_foreach_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,const WCHAR*,expression_t*,statement_t*);
static statement_t *new_if_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,expression_t*,statement_t*,elseif_decl_t*,statement_t*);
static statement_t *new_function_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,function_decl_t*);
static statement_t *new_onerror_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,BOOL);
static statement_t *new_const_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,const_decl_t*);
static statement_t *new_select_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,expression_t*,case_clausule_t*);
static statement_t *new_with_statement(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,expression_t*,statement_t*);
static dim_decl_t *new_dim_decl(parser_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*,BOOL,dim_list_t*);
static dim_list_t *new_dim(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,dim_list_t*);
static elseif_decl_t *new_elseif_decl(parser_ctx_t*,expression_t*,statement_t*);
static elseif_decl_t *new_elseif_decl(parser_ctx_t*,unsigned,expression_t*,statement_t*);
static function_decl_t *new_function_decl(parser_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*,function_type_t,unsigned,arg_decl_t*,statement_t*);
static arg_decl_t *new_argument_decl(parser_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*,BOOL);
static const_decl_t *new_const_decl(parser_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*,expression_t*);
@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ static statement_t *link_statements(statement_t*,statement_t*);
#define CHECK_ERROR if(((parser_ctx_t*)ctx)->hres != S_OK) YYABORT
#define YYLTYPE unsigned
#define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Cur, Rhs, N) Cur = YYRHSLOC((Rhs), (N) ? 1 : 0)
%lex-param { parser_ctx_t *ctx }
@ -191,43 +194,43 @@ Statement
: CallExpression ArgumentList_opt { call_expression_t *call_expr = make_call_expression(ctx, $1, $2); CHECK_ERROR;
$$ = new_call_statement(ctx, FALSE, &call_expr->expr); CHECK_ERROR; };
| tCALL UnaryExpression { $$ = new_call_statement(ctx, TRUE, $2); CHECK_ERROR; }
$$ = new_call_statement(ctx, @$, FALSE, &call_expr->expr); CHECK_ERROR; };
| tCALL UnaryExpression { $$ = new_call_statement(ctx, @$, TRUE, $2); CHECK_ERROR; }
| CallExpression '=' Expression
{ $$ = new_assign_statement(ctx, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tDIM DimDeclList { $$ = new_dim_statement(ctx, $2); CHECK_ERROR; }
{ $$ = new_assign_statement(ctx, @$, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tDIM DimDeclList { $$ = new_dim_statement(ctx, @$, $2); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tREDIM Preserve_opt tIdentifier '(' ArgumentList ')'
{ $$ = new_redim_statement(ctx, $3, $2, $5); CHECK_ERROR; }
{ $$ = new_redim_statement(ctx, @$, $3, $2, $5); CHECK_ERROR; }
| IfStatement { $$ = $1; }
| tWHILE Expression StSep StatementsNl_opt tWEND
{ $$ = new_while_statement(ctx, STAT_WHILE, $2, $4); CHECK_ERROR; }
{ $$ = new_while_statement(ctx, @$, STAT_WHILE, $2, $4); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tDO DoType Expression StSep StatementsNl_opt tLOOP
{ $$ = new_while_statement(ctx, $2 ? STAT_WHILELOOP : STAT_UNTIL, $3, $5);
{ $$ = new_while_statement(ctx, @$, $2 ? STAT_WHILELOOP : STAT_UNTIL, $3, $5);
| tDO StSep StatementsNl_opt tLOOP DoType Expression
{ $$ = new_while_statement(ctx, $5 ? STAT_DOWHILE : STAT_DOUNTIL, $6, $3);
{ $$ = new_while_statement(ctx, @4, $5 ? STAT_DOWHILE : STAT_DOUNTIL, $6, $3);
| tDO StSep StatementsNl_opt tLOOP { $$ = new_while_statement(ctx, STAT_DOWHILE, NULL, $3); CHECK_ERROR; }
| FunctionDecl { $$ = new_function_statement(ctx, $1); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tEXIT tDO { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_EXITDO, 0); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tEXIT tFOR { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_EXITFOR, 0); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tEXIT tFUNCTION { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_EXITFUNC, 0); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tEXIT tPROPERTY { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_EXITPROP, 0); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tEXIT tSUB { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_EXITSUB, 0); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tDO StSep StatementsNl_opt tLOOP { $$ = new_while_statement(ctx, @$, STAT_DOWHILE, NULL, $3); CHECK_ERROR; }
| FunctionDecl { $$ = new_function_statement(ctx, @$, $1); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tEXIT tDO { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_EXITDO, 0, @$); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tEXIT tFOR { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_EXITFOR, 0, @$); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tEXIT tFUNCTION { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_EXITFUNC, 0, @$); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tEXIT tPROPERTY { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_EXITPROP, 0, @$); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tEXIT tSUB { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_EXITSUB, 0, @$); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tSET MemberExpression Arguments_opt '=' Expression
{ $$ = new_set_statement(ctx, $2, $3, $5); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tSTOP { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_STOP, 0); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tON tERROR tRESUME tNEXT { $$ = new_onerror_statement(ctx, TRUE); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tON tERROR tGOTO '0' { $$ = new_onerror_statement(ctx, FALSE); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tCONST ConstDeclList { $$ = new_const_statement(ctx, $2); CHECK_ERROR; }
{ $$ = new_set_statement(ctx, @$, $2, $3, $5); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tSTOP { $$ = new_statement(ctx, STAT_STOP, 0, @$); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tON tERROR tRESUME tNEXT { $$ = new_onerror_statement(ctx, @$, TRUE); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tON tERROR tGOTO '0' { $$ = new_onerror_statement(ctx, @$, FALSE); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tCONST ConstDeclList { $$ = new_const_statement(ctx, @$, $2); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tFOR Identifier '=' Expression tTO Expression Step_opt StSep StatementsNl_opt tNEXT
{ $$ = new_forto_statement(ctx, $2, $4, $6, $7, $9); CHECK_ERROR; }
{ $$ = new_forto_statement(ctx, @$, $2, $4, $6, $7, $9); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tFOR tEACH Identifier tIN Expression StSep StatementsNl_opt tNEXT
{ $$ = new_foreach_statement(ctx, $3, $5, $7); }
{ $$ = new_foreach_statement(ctx, @$, $3, $5, $7); }
| tSELECT tCASE Expression StSep CaseClausules tEND tSELECT
{ $$ = new_select_statement(ctx, $3, $5); }
{ $$ = new_select_statement(ctx, @$, $3, $5); }
| tWITH Expression StSep StatementsNl_opt tEND tWITH
{ $$ = new_with_statement(ctx, $2, $4); }
{ $$ = new_with_statement(ctx, @$, $2, $4); }
: Identifier { $$ = new_member_expression(ctx, NULL, $1); CHECK_ERROR; }
@ -273,10 +276,10 @@ Step_opt
: tIF Expression tTHEN tNL StatementsNl_opt ElseIfs_opt Else_opt tEND tIF
{ $$ = new_if_statement(ctx, $2, $5, $6, $7); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tIF Expression tTHEN Statement EndIf_opt { $$ = new_if_statement(ctx, $2, $4, NULL, NULL); CHECK_ERROR; }
{ $$ = new_if_statement(ctx, @$, $2, $5, $6, $7); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tIF Expression tTHEN Statement EndIf_opt { $$ = new_if_statement(ctx, @$, $2, $4, NULL, NULL); CHECK_ERROR; }
| tIF Expression tTHEN Statement tELSE Statement EndIf_opt
{ $$ = new_if_statement(ctx, $2, $4, NULL, $6); CHECK_ERROR; }
{ $$ = new_if_statement(ctx, @$, $2, $4, NULL, $6); CHECK_ERROR; }
: /* empty */
@ -292,7 +295,7 @@ ElseIfs
: tELSEIF Expression tTHEN tNL StatementsNl_opt
{ $$ = new_elseif_decl(ctx, $2, $5); }
{ $$ = new_elseif_decl(ctx, @$, $2, $5); }
: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; }
@ -501,7 +504,7 @@ StSep
static int parser_error(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const char *str)
static int parser_error(unsigned *loc, parser_ctx_t *ctx, const char *str)
return 0;
@ -539,7 +542,7 @@ static void handle_isexpression_script(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *expr)
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_RETVAL, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_RETVAL, sizeof(*stat), 0);
@ -710,25 +713,26 @@ static expression_t *new_new_expression(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *identifi
return &expr->expr;
static void *new_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, statement_type_t type, size_t size)
static void *new_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, statement_type_t type, size_t size, unsigned loc)
statement_t *stat;
stat = parser_alloc(ctx, size ? size : sizeof(*stat));
if(stat) {
stat->type = type;
stat->loc = loc;
stat->next = NULL;
return stat;
static statement_t *new_call_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, BOOL is_strict, expression_t *expr)
static statement_t *new_call_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, BOOL is_strict, expression_t *expr)
call_expression_t *call_expr = NULL;
call_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_CALL, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_CALL, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -751,11 +755,11 @@ static statement_t *new_call_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, BOOL is_strict, expres
return &stat->stat;
static statement_t *new_assign_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *left, expression_t *right)
static statement_t *new_assign_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, expression_t *left, expression_t *right)
assign_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_ASSIGN, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_ASSIGN, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -772,11 +776,11 @@ static statement_t *new_assign_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *left,
return &stat->stat;
static statement_t *new_set_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, member_expression_t *left, expression_t *arguments, expression_t *right)
static statement_t *new_set_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, member_expression_t *left, expression_t *arguments, expression_t *right)
assign_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_SET, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_SET, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -816,11 +820,11 @@ static dim_list_t *new_dim(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned val, dim_list_t *next)
return ret;
static statement_t *new_dim_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, dim_decl_t *decls)
static statement_t *new_dim_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, dim_decl_t *decls)
dim_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_DIM, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_DIM, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -828,11 +832,11 @@ static statement_t *new_dim_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, dim_decl_t *decls)
return &stat->stat;
static statement_t *new_redim_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *identifier, BOOL preserve, expression_t *dims)
static statement_t *new_redim_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, const WCHAR *identifier, BOOL preserve, expression_t *dims)
redim_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_REDIM, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_REDIM, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -842,7 +846,7 @@ static statement_t *new_redim_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *identifi
return &stat->stat;
static elseif_decl_t *new_elseif_decl(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *expr, statement_t *stat)
static elseif_decl_t *new_elseif_decl(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, expression_t *expr, statement_t *stat)
elseif_decl_t *decl;
@ -852,15 +856,16 @@ static elseif_decl_t *new_elseif_decl(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *expr, sta
decl->expr = expr;
decl->stat = stat;
decl->loc = loc;
decl->next = NULL;
return decl;
static statement_t *new_while_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, statement_type_t type, expression_t *expr, statement_t *body)
static statement_t *new_while_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, statement_type_t type, expression_t *expr, statement_t *body)
while_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, type, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, type, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -869,12 +874,12 @@ static statement_t *new_while_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, statement_type_t type
return &stat->stat;
static statement_t *new_forto_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *identifier, expression_t *from_expr,
static statement_t *new_forto_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, const WCHAR *identifier, expression_t *from_expr,
expression_t *to_expr, expression_t *step_expr, statement_t *body)
forto_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_FORTO, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_FORTO, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -886,12 +891,12 @@ static statement_t *new_forto_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *identifi
return &stat->stat;
static statement_t *new_foreach_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *identifier, expression_t *group_expr,
static statement_t *new_foreach_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, const WCHAR *identifier, expression_t *group_expr,
statement_t *body)
foreach_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_FOREACH, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_FOREACH, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -901,12 +906,12 @@ static statement_t *new_foreach_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *identi
return &stat->stat;
static statement_t *new_if_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *expr, statement_t *if_stat, elseif_decl_t *elseif_decl,
static statement_t *new_if_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, expression_t *expr, statement_t *if_stat, elseif_decl_t *elseif_decl,
statement_t *else_stat)
if_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_IF, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_IF, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -917,11 +922,11 @@ static statement_t *new_if_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *expr, stat
return &stat->stat;
static statement_t *new_select_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *expr, case_clausule_t *case_clausules)
static statement_t *new_select_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, expression_t *expr, case_clausule_t *case_clausules)
select_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_SELECT, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_SELECT, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -930,11 +935,11 @@ static statement_t *new_select_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *expr,
return &stat->stat;
static statement_t *new_with_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *expr, statement_t *body)
static statement_t *new_with_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, expression_t *expr, statement_t *body)
with_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_WITH, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_WITH, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -957,11 +962,11 @@ static case_clausule_t *new_case_clausule(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *expr,
return ret;
static statement_t *new_onerror_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, BOOL resume_next)
static statement_t *new_onerror_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, BOOL resume_next)
onerror_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_ONERROR, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_ONERROR, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -1012,11 +1017,11 @@ static function_decl_t *new_function_decl(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *name,
return decl;
static statement_t *new_function_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, function_decl_t *decl)
static statement_t *new_function_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, function_decl_t *decl)
function_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_FUNC, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_FUNC, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -1099,11 +1104,11 @@ static const_decl_t *new_const_decl(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *name, expres
return decl;
static statement_t *new_const_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const_decl_t *decls)
static statement_t *new_const_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned loc, const_decl_t *decls)
const_statement_t *stat;
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_CONST, sizeof(*stat));
stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_CONST, sizeof(*stat), loc);
return NULL;
@ -1133,8 +1138,6 @@ void *parser_alloc(parser_ctx_t *ctx, size_t size)
HRESULT parse_script(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *code, const WCHAR *delimiter, DWORD flags)
static const WCHAR html_delimiterW[] = {'<','/','s','c','r','i','p','t','>',0};
ctx->code = ctx->ptr = code;
ctx->end = ctx->code + lstrlenW(ctx->code);
@ -1148,7 +1151,7 @@ HRESULT parse_script(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *code, const WCHAR *delimite
ctx->stats = ctx->stats_tail = NULL;
ctx->class_decls = NULL;
ctx->option_explicit = FALSE;
ctx->is_html = delimiter && !wcsicmp(delimiter, html_delimiterW);
ctx->is_html = delimiter && !wcsicmp(delimiter, L"</script>");
ctx->last_token = tEXPRESSION;