Horiz/Vert determination must be dynamic, as the style may not be set

upon creation; improved positioning and scrolling.
This commit is contained in:
Susan Farley 2001-02-23 01:33:01 +00:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 42b2c18279
commit 16ac06ed6e
1 changed files with 73 additions and 84 deletions

View File

@ -25,12 +25,10 @@ typedef struct
HWND hwndChild; /* handle of the contained wnd */
BOOL bNoResize; /* set when created with CCS_NORESIZE */
BOOL bHorizontal;/* orientation of the control */
COLORREF clrBk; /* background color */
INT nBorder; /* border size for the control */
INT nButtonSize;/* size of the pager btns */
INT nPos; /* scroll position */
INT nDelta; /* scroll delta */
INT nWidth; /* from child wnd's response to PGN_CALCSIZE */
INT nHeight; /* from child wnd's response to PGN_CALCSIZE */
BOOL bForward; /* forward WM_MOUSEMOVE msgs to the contained wnd */
@ -40,10 +38,12 @@ typedef struct
#define PAGER_GetInfoPtr(hwnd) ((PAGER_INFO *)GetWindowLongA(hwnd, 0))
#define PAGER_IsHorizontal(hwnd) ((GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & PGS_HORZ))
/* the horizontal arrows are:
* 01234 01234
@ -296,14 +296,21 @@ PAGER_PositionChildWnd(HWND hwnd, PAGER_INFO* infoPtr)
if (infoPtr->hwndChild)
RECT rcClient;
int nPos = infoPtr->nPos;
/* compensate for a grayed btn, which will soon become invisible */
if (infoPtr->TLbtnState == PGF_GRAYED)
nPos += infoPtr->nButtonSize;
if (infoPtr->bHorizontal)
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcClient);
if (PAGER_IsHorizontal(hwnd))
int wndSize = max(0, rcClient.right - rcClient.left);
if (infoPtr->nWidth < wndSize)
infoPtr->nWidth = wndSize;
TRACE("[%04x] SWP %dx%d at (%d,%d)\n", hwnd,
infoPtr->nWidth, infoPtr->nHeight,
-nPos, 0);
@ -314,6 +321,10 @@ PAGER_PositionChildWnd(HWND hwnd, PAGER_INFO* infoPtr)
int wndSize = max(0, rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top);
if (infoPtr->nHeight < wndSize)
infoPtr->nHeight = wndSize;
TRACE("[%04x] SWP %dx%d at (%d,%d)\n", hwnd,
infoPtr->nWidth, infoPtr->nHeight,
0, -nPos);
@ -323,7 +334,7 @@ PAGER_PositionChildWnd(HWND hwnd, PAGER_INFO* infoPtr)
InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hwndChild, NULL, FALSE);
InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hwndChild, NULL, TRUE);
@ -338,7 +349,7 @@ PAGER_GetScrollRange(HWND hwnd, PAGER_INFO* infoPtr)
RECT wndRect;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &wndRect);
if (infoPtr->bHorizontal)
if (PAGER_IsHorizontal(hwnd))
wndSize = wndRect.right - wndRect.left;
PAGER_CalcSize(hwnd, &infoPtr->nWidth, TRUE);
@ -486,7 +497,7 @@ PAGER_HandleWindowPosChanging(HWND hwnd, WINDOWPOS *winpos)
* that was created with CCS_NORESIZE style
* (i.e. height for a horizontal pager, or width for a vertical one) */
if (infoPtr->bHorizontal)
if (PAGER_IsHorizontal(hwnd))
winpos->cy = infoPtr->nHeight;
winpos->cx = infoPtr->nWidth;
@ -503,7 +514,7 @@ PAGER_SetFixedWidth(HWND hwnd, PAGER_INFO* infoPtr)
* size, and experimentation shows that affect is almost right. */
RECT wndRect;
INT delta;
INT delta, h;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &wndRect);
/* see what the app says for btn width */
@ -518,7 +529,12 @@ PAGER_SetFixedWidth(HWND hwnd, PAGER_INFO* infoPtr)
infoPtr->nWidth += infoPtr->nButtonSize / 3;
infoPtr->nDelta = wndRect.bottom - wndRect.top - infoPtr->nButtonSize;
h = wndRect.bottom - wndRect.top;
/* adjust non-scrollable dimension to fit the child */
SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, 0,0, infoPtr->nWidth, h,
TRACE("[%04x] infoPtr->nWidth set to %d\n",
hwnd, infoPtr->nWidth);
@ -532,7 +548,7 @@ PAGER_SetFixedHeight(HWND hwnd, PAGER_INFO* infoPtr)
* size, and experimentation shows that affect is almost right. */
RECT wndRect;
INT delta;
INT delta, w;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &wndRect);
/* see what the app says for btn height */
@ -547,7 +563,11 @@ PAGER_SetFixedHeight(HWND hwnd, PAGER_INFO* infoPtr)
infoPtr->nHeight += infoPtr->nButtonSize / 3;
infoPtr->nDelta = wndRect.right - wndRect.left - infoPtr->nButtonSize;
w = wndRect.right - wndRect.left;
/* adjust non-scrollable dimension to fit the child */
SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, 0,0, w, infoPtr->nHeight,
TRACE("[%04x] infoPtr->nHeight set to %d\n",
hwnd, infoPtr->nHeight);
@ -557,6 +577,7 @@ static LRESULT
PAGER_RecalcSize(HWND hwnd)
PAGER_INFO *infoPtr = PAGER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
TRACE("[%04x]\n", hwnd);
if (infoPtr->hwndChild)
@ -632,16 +653,10 @@ PAGER_SetChild (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
TRACE("[%04x] hwndChild=%04x\n", hwnd, infoPtr->hwndChild);
if (infoPtr->bHorizontal)
if (PAGER_IsHorizontal(hwnd))
PAGER_SetFixedHeight(hwnd, infoPtr);
PAGER_SetFixedWidth(hwnd, infoPtr);
/* adjust non-scrollable dimension to fit the child */
SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, 0,0,
infoPtr->bHorizontal ? infoPtr->nDelta + infoPtr->nButtonSize : infoPtr->nWidth,
infoPtr->bHorizontal ? infoPtr->nHeight : infoPtr->nDelta + infoPtr->nButtonSize,
PAGER_SetFixedWidth(hwnd, infoPtr);
/* position child within the page scroller */
SetWindowPos(infoPtr->hwndChild, HWND_TOP,
@ -662,7 +677,6 @@ PAGER_Scroll(HWND hwnd, INT dir)
if (infoPtr->hwndChild)
ZeroMemory (&nmpgScroll, sizeof (NMPGSCROLL));
nmpgScroll.hdr.hwndFrom = hwnd;
nmpgScroll.hdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_ID);
@ -671,28 +685,32 @@ PAGER_Scroll(HWND hwnd, INT dir)
GetClientRect(hwnd, &nmpgScroll.rcParent);
nmpgScroll.iXpos = nmpgScroll.iYpos = 0;
nmpgScroll.iDir = dir;
nmpgScroll.iScroll = infoPtr->nDelta;
if (infoPtr->bHorizontal)
nmpgScroll.iXpos = infoPtr->nPos;
nmpgScroll.iYpos = infoPtr->nPos;
TRACE("[%04x] sending PGN_SCROLL\n", hwnd);
res = SendMessageA (hwnd, WM_NOTIFY,
(WPARAM)nmpgScroll.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmpgScroll);
if (res && infoPtr->nDelta != nmpgScroll.iScroll)
if (PAGER_IsHorizontal(hwnd))
TRACE("delta changing from %d to %d\n",
infoPtr->nDelta, nmpgScroll.iScroll);
infoPtr->nDelta = nmpgScroll.iScroll;
nmpgScroll.iScroll = nmpgScroll.rcParent.right -
nmpgScroll.iXpos = infoPtr->nPos;
if (dir == PGF_SCROLLLEFT || dir == PGF_SCROLLUP)
PAGER_SetPos(hwnd, infoPtr->nPos - infoPtr->nDelta, TRUE);
PAGER_SetPos(hwnd, infoPtr->nPos + infoPtr->nDelta, TRUE);
nmpgScroll.iScroll = nmpgScroll.rcParent.bottom -
nmpgScroll.iYpos = infoPtr->nPos;
SendMessageA (hwnd, WM_NOTIFY,
(WPARAM)nmpgScroll.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmpgScroll);
TRACE("[%04x] PGN_SCROLL returns iScroll=%d\n", hwnd, nmpgScroll.iScroll);
if (nmpgScroll.iScroll > 0)
if (dir == PGF_SCROLLLEFT || dir == PGF_SCROLLUP)
PAGER_SetPos(hwnd, infoPtr->nPos - nmpgScroll.iScroll, TRUE);
PAGER_SetPos(hwnd, infoPtr->nPos + nmpgScroll.iScroll, TRUE);
@ -701,9 +719,8 @@ PAGER_Create (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
PAGER_INFO *infoPtr;
DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
RECT rect;
SetWindowLongA(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle & WS_CLIPCHILDREN);
/* allocate memory for info structure */
infoPtr = (PAGER_INFO *)COMCTL32_Alloc (sizeof(PAGER_INFO));
@ -726,36 +743,15 @@ PAGER_Create (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
FIXME("[%04x] Autoscroll style is not implemented yet.\n", hwnd);
if (dwStyle & PGS_DRAGNDROP)
FIXME("[%04x] Drag and Drop style is not implemented yet.\n", hwnd);
if ((dwStyle & PGS_HORZ) && (dwStyle & PGS_VERT))
ERR("[%04x] Cannot have both horizontal and vertical styles.\n", hwnd);
ERR("[%04x] Defaulting to vertical.\n", hwnd);
dwStyle &= ~PGS_HORZ;
else if (!(dwStyle & PGS_HORZ) && !(dwStyle & PGS_VERT))
dwStyle |= PGS_VERT; /* the default according to MSDN */
infoPtr->bHorizontal = dwStyle & PGS_HORZ;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);
if (infoPtr->bHorizontal)
infoPtr->nHeight = rect.bottom - rect.top;
infoPtr->nDelta = rect.right - rect.left - infoPtr->nButtonSize;
TRACE("height = %d %s\n", infoPtr->nHeight,
infoPtr->bNoResize ? "CCS_NORESIZE" : "");
infoPtr->nWidth = rect.right - rect.left;
infoPtr->nDelta = rect.bottom - rect.top - infoPtr->nButtonSize;
TRACE("width = %d %s\n", infoPtr->nWidth,
infoPtr->bNoResize ? "CCS_NORESIZE" : "");
TRACE("[%04x] orientation = %s\n", hwnd,
infoPtr->bHorizontal ? "PGS_HORZ" : "PGS_VERT");
* If neither horizontal nor vertical style specified, default to vertical.
* This is probably not necessary, since the style may be set later on as
* the control is initialized, but just in case it isn't, set it here.
if (!(dwStyle & PGS_HORZ) && !(dwStyle & PGS_VERT))
dwStyle |= PGS_VERT;
SetWindowLongA(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);
return 0;
@ -782,7 +778,7 @@ PAGER_NCCalcSize(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
* coordinates of the corresponding window's client area.
if (infoPtr->bHorizontal)
if (PAGER_IsHorizontal(hwnd))
if (infoPtr->TLbtnState) /* != PGF_INVISIBLE */
lpRect->left += infoPtr->nButtonSize;
@ -812,6 +808,7 @@ PAGER_NCPaint (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
RECT rcWindow, rcBottomRight, rcTopLeft;
HDC hdc;
BOOL bHorizontal = PAGER_IsHorizontal(hwnd);
if (dwStyle & WS_MINIMIZE)
return 0;
@ -825,7 +822,7 @@ PAGER_NCPaint (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
OffsetRect (&rcWindow, -rcWindow.left, -rcWindow.top);
rcTopLeft = rcBottomRight = rcWindow;
if (infoPtr->bHorizontal)
if (bHorizontal)
rcTopLeft.right = rcTopLeft.left + infoPtr->nButtonSize;
rcBottomRight.left = rcBottomRight.right - infoPtr->nButtonSize;
@ -837,9 +834,9 @@ PAGER_NCPaint (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
PAGER_DrawButton(hdc, infoPtr->clrBk, rcTopLeft,
infoPtr->bHorizontal, TRUE, infoPtr->TLbtnState);
bHorizontal, TRUE, infoPtr->TLbtnState);
PAGER_DrawButton(hdc, infoPtr->clrBk, rcBottomRight,
infoPtr->bHorizontal, FALSE, infoPtr->BRbtnState);
bHorizontal, FALSE, infoPtr->BRbtnState);
ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );
return 0;
@ -850,6 +847,7 @@ PAGER_HitTest (HWND hwnd, LPPOINT pt)
PAGER_INFO *infoPtr = PAGER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
RECT clientRect;
BOOL bHorizontal = PAGER_IsHorizontal(hwnd);
GetClientRect (hwnd, &clientRect);
@ -861,7 +859,7 @@ PAGER_HitTest (HWND hwnd, LPPOINT pt)
if (infoPtr->TLbtnState && infoPtr->TLbtnState != PGF_GRAYED)
if (infoPtr->bHorizontal)
if (bHorizontal)
if (pt->x < clientRect.left)
@ -881,7 +879,7 @@ PAGER_HitTest (HWND hwnd, LPPOINT pt)
if (infoPtr->BRbtnState && infoPtr->BRbtnState != PGF_GRAYED)
if (infoPtr->bHorizontal)
if (bHorizontal)
if (pt->x > clientRect.right)
@ -999,9 +997,6 @@ PAGER_LButtonDown (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
TRACE("[%04x]\n", hwnd);
if (infoPtr->nDelta <= 0)
return FALSE;
hit = PAGER_HitTest(hwnd, &pt);
/* put btn in DEPRESSED state */
@ -1078,16 +1073,10 @@ PAGER_Size (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
PAGER_INFO *infoPtr = PAGER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
TRACE("[%04x] %dx%d\n", hwnd, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
if (infoPtr->bHorizontal)
if (PAGER_IsHorizontal(hwnd))
infoPtr->nHeight = HIWORD(lParam);
infoPtr->nDelta = LOWORD(lParam) - infoPtr->nButtonSize;
infoPtr->nWidth = LOWORD(lParam);
infoPtr->nDelta = HIWORD(lParam) - infoPtr->nButtonSize;
return PAGER_RecalcSize(hwnd);